Here are five strategies for staying above reproach. I am a nurse's aid at a state psychiatric hospital and have recently been falsely accused of patient abuse. It was obvious mom was happy and well cared for. Gather relevant evidence to support your case. Since the only facts of theRead More One case that went before the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal recently saw a nurse accused of serious professional misconduct, an allegation which could potentially lead to a claim. I was working with this girl, I asked her for her help at 1:30pm and at around 3:00 she started crying and reported me to our director of nursing. If you've been falsely accused of child abuse allegations by a spouse, family member, or mandated reporter, you likely have many questions. If the victim is with a suspected abuser, the exam should take place without that person in the room. If a nurse suspects abuse or neglect, they should first report it to a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. Falsely accused of abuse. It may be the ugliest battle of your life, but overcoming and disproving false allegations of child abuse is without a doubt worth the effort. Even when completely false, accusations of inappropriate conduct can ruin a physician’s career. Allegedly I hit the patient twice in the face and kicked him in the groin. Posted May 2, 2012. I was accused of elder abuse. Show More. Show Less. It was a busy night and I did not chart this conversation. Penalties for false claims. Get Professional Help With Your Child Abuse Case. Your innocence does not protect you. Nurses Nursing. Comply with the investigation and be as cooperative as possible. In these states, the person making the false report can face jail time ranging from 90 days to five years, or face fines ranging from $500 to $5,000. This may include statements by family members, co-workers, friends, or neighbors—anyone who can vouch that you are a loving parent and would never harm your children. Being falsely accused of neglect/abuse. Submitted: 10 years ago. Students CNA/MA. Don't give up. Such accusations can be brought by the alleged victim, or by another person on the alleged victim's behalf. The social worker was wonderful. Category: Legal. The recent arrest of a prominent emergency physician after accusations of inappropriate behaviors while treating patients in an emergency department have left many of us confused and on edge. If You've Been Falsely Accused of Child Abuse . When it happens. Posted Aug 15, 2005. elthia. I work in a nursing home and was falsely accused of abuse. A false allegation of child sexual abuse is an accusation against an individual claiming they committed child sexual abuse when no abuse has been committed by the accused. When innocent people are confronted with untrue, absurd allegations of child abuse, they frequently assume that this is a simple misunderstanding and that it will be cleared up quickly. Many states and the U.S. Virgin Islands impose penalties against any person who intentionally files a report on elder abuse or other crimes that the person knows is false. Do I need an attorney to go with me to the hearing and how do I go about finding one if I do need one. ... so I offered to have another nurse, the nursing supervisor or the resident on call to explain it to him , and he refused, he said he would speak to his attending in the morning. While she was meeting with my mom, I sat in the kitchen and wrote down all contacts of people who were involved in mom's care, along with neighbors, relatives, etc. Notifying a supervisor may also be required, depending on the workplace. Nurses are often falsely accused of misconduct or wrongdoing by patients, families of patients, employers and rivals. If you are falsely accused: How to avoid the most painful mistakes. I have sent my papers back to fight the judgement. For example, despite the excellent work that many within the industry do every day, nursing negligence is a common issue. APS came out and investigated and the case was closed. Most states do have adequate procedural safeguards in place that, if used by the nurse, will help to ensure the correct outcome of the matter. Please help. I was working for our local nursing home.