So, here are all the Life is Strange 2 episode 5 endings and how you get them. The cutscene will end and you will be back with Max, as she makes time stand still. Going along with Rachel will result in Chloe being suspended for a year and Rachel being removed from the play. You'll get the option of knocking or opening the door. The first game ended in two main ways, but there are a whopping seven different Life is Strange 2 … The car is found near the clearing, where there are a few trees and an open grassy area. 0. You can find the hut by the train tracks that run along the back of the junkyard. Look around the dorm, try the numbers on the poster and the note about his father. Read the spoilers for more info. Drew will end up in the hospital. Interact with the garbage to place a piece of food on the bench and lure the squirrel over. Now that you are back at school, there are several people you can talk with. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. As she brings it over for you, Chloe will come into the Diner and sit down. Click here for Season 2 overall consequences. Next Episode 2 Walkthrough Chapter III - Holidays, holidays and... Prev Episode 2 Walkthrough Chapter I - Young Apprentice. You'll see the woman that was with Rachel's father coming out of the RV. That's all the photos for this area, so head back into the diner. Take the battery back to the truck. If you are having trouble spotting the bottles, make sure to just keep an eye out for the white lines that surround interactive objects while walking around. Game Overview: In Life Is Strange Episode 2, Chloe manages to convince Max to play with her power. This guide is about how to find all the graffiti in the game Life Is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World. The following article features the statistics and consequences of choices from Episode 4: Faith. ... LIFE IS STRANGE 2 - Before The Storm Let's Play # 2 - Walkthrough Français SANS COMMENTAIRES. Interact with the cigarettes on the dashboard to start a sequence. First, head right towards the bench and garbage can. Eventually she'll ask you to ask Mr. Amber what he'd like to drink. Regardless of what you do, when you are done in the dorms, exit through the door at the end of the hall. Once you have spoken with these two people, head towards the exit. 4. You can also inspect the white door and she will comment about it missing something. Sign up. Your father (Your sisters will also work). Regardless of what you choose, Rachel will snap and confront her father and he will unveil a secret. The notebook will be on the bed. You're gonna have to find a battery. As Max you must uncover the disturbing truth behind your premonitions and learn that changing the past can sometimes to lead to a devastating future. In the janitor's room, look at the white door inside and you'll get your 17th graffiti. Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 2 Walkthrough Part 3. There are some whiteboards in the hall you can interact with, but it's not mandatory. You can pick up the second photo here. Try to open the hood, then pull the latch inside the truck to open the hood and remove the battery. Once free to walk around, head the old bus. Inspect the computer and look through Frank's search history to unlock an additional dialogue for an upcoming backtalk, Talk to Frank and after judging his name choice for the dog, Chloe will mention the woman coming out of his RV. Your interactions with Nathan will affect some of the dialogue, but I did not find it to be of any consequence. With that done, you can head to your normal photo class. 3 years ago | 16 views. Jukebox goes crazy as a cockroach crawls on it. - Episodes 2 to 5 are available for individual purchase on release. This part of our Life is Strange 2 walkthrough reveals the location of the 6 collectibles in episode 2 Rules. Blood, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs and Alcohol, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, The Best PlayStation Deals for January 2021, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. You can use Backtalk to demand an answer from Frank-. Tell him to add Chlorine, then stick around a few seconds and you can snag optional photo 9! You are welcome to help filling it with information. The things you need to tell her are: After all this is done, Chloe will want to leave the Diner. Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 2 Walkthrough Part 1. With Rachel still in her best mood, Chloe will ask her to stop if she doesn't mean what she's saying. Leave the room and head to the showers, which are down the hall and to the left. Take a photo of it to obtain optional photo 5. Once inside Frank will ask you to bring him his notebook. Once inside a little therapy session will happen. Life Is Strange 2 Episode 3: Wastelands Episode 3 - Wastelands This episode will take you approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete and there are six collectables to pick … Walkthrough Step 1: Play through the game, making any choices you wish. - Episodes 2 to 5 are available for individual purchase on release. When you go talk to him, inspect the laptop to unlock a dialogue. - The following page, Episode 2: Out of Time/Walkthrough, refers to content from Life Is Strange, an episodic game developed by DONTNOD Entertainment, Deck Nine Games and published by Square Enix. Chloe walks into the office where her future at Blackwell will be decided. While in there, Victoria and her friend will come in to harass Kate while you hide. Minimal spoilers! There is graffiti all over, but the important one is the white graffiti on the mirror. In the start of the game, as soon as Sean heads outside the home, you will see a character named Brett interacting with the little brother. The next shot she wants to do a trick shot. Regardless of your responses, you will be presented with a major choice: This spoiler tells you what happens with each decision and contains the answers for backtalking Principal Wells. One of the first bottles is also found near the bus. The fourth bottle is found near the hut, by a campfire. There are a few things you can do here: Right in front of you there's a wet concrete path covered with yellow ribbons. After Max has another episode, she comes to and Chloe is in trouble. If you bought weed from Frank and you comply, they'll find it and Joyce will be disappointed. Rachel and Chloe will go off-script here, it's up to you how you'd like to improvise. The second shot will require her to aim up. NOTE: There's a bonus item 'Singing man bobblehead' inside a shoebox near Chloe's dad's car. Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy Play with a Friend Although Life is Strage 2 is not a multiplayer game you will find that playing with a friend gives you the opportunity to share the experience with someone, allow you to talk over decisions you need to make during the game, and discuss between episodes what could possibly happen next. Mrs. Amber will make some small talk. Log in. Once you are done with him, enter the room and walk directly forward. Once you've drawn the 12th graffiti, you can interact with a few items and decorate the place, i.e hang the tapestry and the dartboard. Listed below are the Story Objectives in Life is Strange 2 for Episodes 1 & 2. You have two choices here: Question Daniel Choosing this option will make Sean question your Daniel to ask what he did. Wake her up and you can walk around her room. Life is Strange: Episode 2 – Out of Time manages to reel back and provide another rather restrained outing after the gripping cliffhanger to the first episode, which works to serve up another beautifully crafted episode. Take them down to the fuse box by the track and use them to move the track the non destructive way. While talking, you will have to make a decision about what she does. You'll get to choose what to talk about with Rachel and whether or not to say everything. If you look left, there is a rusted tire rim. After making poor Skip uncomfortable, he will get a report of an "unknown vehicle in the parking lot" and leave. You could also use the crowbar to enter the building here. Log in. Rachel and Chloe will try to sneak in upstairs, but will bump into Rachel's father. - Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 required to play. Back at the Junkyard once again, Chloe will walk around with a bat until she stumbles upon a rusted truck. Other Life is Strange Guides: Grafitti Guide - Epsode 1: Awake (100% Achievements). Try and open the dorm's door. Regardless of the choice you've made at the end of the previous chapter, the course of the game will be the same. Once Evan's out of the way, you can smash the sprinklers to distract Samuel and grab the keys. There are stage lights on you that you can tag. You are Max, a photography senior who saves her old friend Chloe by discovering she can rewind time. He will call for Rachel's mother. You will see a school bus to your right, go over there and walk past it until you find a white pickup truck. After cleaning it off, you can exit and go back to your room. 37:29. When you get there, you will see Warren. To repair the floorboard, you have three options: a putting green that you can find near some yellow boxes and small cement boxes outside, a welcome mat that is located behind a brown car, or a simple rug that can be found at the base of some brown stairs near a small wheel. Now that we have the picture, lets get the third bottle. Daniel will reluctantly try to reply th… Next Episode 2: Out of Time Walkthrough Chapter 3 Prev Episode 2: Out of Time Walkthrough Chapter 1. After the choice is made, you and Chloe will walk out of the junkyard and lay on the train tracks. Go talk to Mrs. Amber and she'll ask you to help her set up the table. You'll get the chance to distract Victoria, letting you switch the cups or confront her when she comes back. Walk around to her right hand side, and you can take an optional photo! Watch fullscreen. If you don't shoot him, he takes the gun. Once the conversation is over, you'll get the chance to call him out or say nothing. Whoa, spoiler alert! Walk through the crowd and up to the front door of the dorms and the game will prompt you to go to the roof. Dana will call you into her room, so go in there and speak with her, and you will make a decision whether or not to go to a Vortex Club party. As soon as you enter, there's a trunk on the right, next to the bed. Head into the dressing room to continue with the story. Go to Eliot's room (105) interact with all items and when you leave, you'll be able to draw on the whiteboard outside of his room. The are for each individual collectible. If you refuse to empty your pockets, David will accuse you of being guilty and Joyce will be disappointed. When you get close, you can take the fourth optional photo. Once you are done, exit towards the school yard. Once you are ready to leave, grab her shower supplies which sit in her closet to the right of her door. Kate is in a rough spot currently, so while talking, it's in your interest to be nice, and caring so that Kate will feel comforted. All Graffiti Locations Episode #1. Rachel compliments Chloe's performance and it's just in an overall good mood. Your interactions with Nathan will affect some of the dialogue, but I did not find it to be of any consequence. Quick TL;DR sections for those who want a fast run through. The final part of the episode has all the students gathered around the dorms, as Kate Marsh stands on the roof. If you choose a kiss: here's where a lot of your minor and major choices will take place. You can now go inside the dorms. A rather ominous conversation with her father and a spetacular ending scene will take place. Head down the hall when ready and enter the science lab first. There's a big totem in the back, facing that direction, scare the bird a few times until it flies on top of the totem. The positive effect happens if you encourage Samantha to support Nathan. It's Damon, trying to collect the money from Drew. This will trigger a long cutscene that eventually ends with all the students running from class. This article is a stub. Chloe will wake up to her graffiti slightly modified and the whole forest on fire. Talk to Kate, and after that is done, you can walk into one of the showers and use it. You can skip this by just entering the code "1227". You will be stopped by your teacher after he is done talking to Kate. Once you have the keys, try and get inside the dorms. Inspect them and Chloe will say "If only those keys were unsupervised... What's Samuel working on, the sprinklers?" The final bottle is sitting high up in an old boat. There's someone at the door that seems to be looking for Drew. If not, he will get catcalled and run in shame. The next shot is the final one, and you simply need to tell her to shoot the car tire. Whatever you choose to do, Chloe will be upset and walk away. There are several objects you can interact with here, but the one of importance is her plant near the window. Once the challenge is over, you will be tasked with collecting money from Drew North; Frank will consider Chloe's debt paid if she hadn't paid him the previous episode, and will pay her 10% of the money she gets from Drew. Grab the bottle, and when you leave the wire spools will fall, so make sure to quickly rewind and walk pass them. After saving her, head into the showers. You'll quickly realise how big of a douche Nathan's father is. Inside one of the drawers is a pair of pliers. Take a picture of it, as its the third optional photo of the episode. The next bottle is located on the hood of a car. She gets hit by a roll of toilet paper. Life Is Strange 2: Episode 5 – Wolves is an adventure game, released in 2019 by DONTNOD Entertainment. There is a giant spool you can push, by using the crowbar to move the wedges, allowing you to push the spool down the hill, smashing the device and move the tracks. Tell her to shoot it, and the bullet will deflect off it to hit the bottle. Episode 2 begins with Max sleeping. Taking the blame will spare Rachel the punishment, but Chloe will be expelled from Blackwell. Library. There are a few things you two can talk about, but one choice that is important is whether you go on a date with him to the movies. Steph is the closest person to you right now, you can go talk to her. Whatever happens, you will eventually end up outside with Warren, and Episode 2: Out of Time will end. Once inside, don't talk to her yet. With the book in hand, head to Kate's room. For additional help here are videos of good and bad choices walkthrough: We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Other LiS:BtS Guides: Full Walkthrough (Epsode #1). After you take the photo, talk to her and a cutscene will play as Frank shows up. You have two choices now. One path will take you towards a dog, who just barks at you, so go around the other way. However, if you go talk to the teacher, you can ask her what she would do and then relay that info to Warren. While here, you have an opportunity to accuse Nathan, or you can keep your mouth shut about events. If you speak with her, you can learn quite a bit about her personal life. There are several other things in her room you can read which can help shed some more light on her character. After taking the photo, go to the back of the class where your desk is and speak with Nathan and Victoria. You can write a message behind you. You can take a photo of the girl looking out the window, snagging you optional photo 10! The introduction is over, here is the walkthrough for this game, divided into one or more videos taken from YouTube. When you're done helping Mrs. Amber, the dinner scene will begin. Quick TL;DR sections for those who want a fast run through. Skip, the security guard will surprise you while trying to get in. Chapter II - Holidays at Grandma's | Life is Strange 2 Episode 2 Walkthrough Life is Strange 2 Guide and Walkthrough. One of importance is Courtney, the purple hair girl sitting behind a table in the hall. All Graffiti Rachel will leave you her bag which you use to get a change of clothes. cnplay. After filling up the canteens at the start of Life Is Strange 2 episode 2, you’ll start making your way back towards the cabin. Grab the bottle then return to Chloe. Walk over to the stage lights and hit Square to activate Optional Graffiti #1 (Clean Lens) for Episode 2. When you are inside of Sean and Daniel's grandparents house, you will have to eat breakfast to progress the story. Once backstage, you'll see Mr. Keaton and an unsupervised light board. With the picture obtained, there are three people you can talk with. Regardless of what you choose, Mr. Keaton and Juliet will applaud your performance. Jan 24, 2019 LIFE IS STRANGE 2 Episode 2- 'Rules' All Cutscenes (Full Walkthrough) Game Movie - Duration: 2:33:16. You'll get a text from Frank. Water it, because if you do not it will die. Also there are points earlier in the game that can have an effect on this conversation. Regardless of your responses, you will be presented with a major choice: Go Along with Rachel. He'll tell Mikey to grab his stuff. Wake her up and you can walk around her room. In Life is Strange 2, Sean Diaz's objectives are displayed on the upper left-hand side of his inventory page. Episode 2 Principal Wells Office. She decides she wants to fix it. She's clearly talking about good ol' street art. Talk to Samantha after the incident for a minor choice. Instead head to the left side of her room and take a photo of her pet. Minimal spoilers! When ready, give her the book. Chapter 2: Parking Lot. Search. Warren is in here, trying to do a science experiment. It's locked and you have to find a way in. Head past it and look for the large tree in our screenshot. After that conversation, you can speak to a few other people, or simply leave. If you decide to shoot him, the gun won't fire. Go right to the janitor's room (Samuel) all the way to the leftmost side of the building. Luckily for those of you who don't want to memorise all of this, I will have them written down for you in the next box. This is a full guide/walkthrough to Life is Strange - Optional photographs and puzzles included! As you're about to leave the room, Mikey will come inside and ask you what you're doing. If you choose these options, and had done things to help Kate earlier, she will step down and hug you. You need to interact with it first, then rewind time and use the crate that is to the right to reach it. You'll be able to either keep the money or give it to Drew. Finally, to replace the missing light, you have three options: the lightbulb inside the toy robot that you can find near the boat, the lightbulb in the terrarium, and a lightbulb from the Christmas lights. After succeeding, she will ask for yet more proof. As soon as you're able to move, head to your right towards a white truck. Chloe and Rachel are having a walk, still excited after the show. A cutscene will play as you walk through the area, and then ride the bus towards the Diner. This choice affects Nathan's performance in the play. You will now be able to move a pallet left of the boat and climb over it. The next area is a fun old junkyard. The intensity of the kiss will vary (I don't know exactly how). Enter the hut and you can find the bottle inside, along with several other objects you can check out and read. Rachel will wake up Chloe and ask if you'll invite her in. With that in hand, you can make your way around the back of the Diner. The first collectible is a bear pin is a bit tricky. Eventually, they will all leave and you can come out. Although tough to see at first, there is a small path near the boat that leads up and around to the other side of the wood plank. It is sitting up on a red object, that is upon a cabinet. They will talk for a bit until Rachel realises it's time for the show and ask if you can hang out later. Go where Evan is and inspect the sprinklers. Life Is Strange 2 Episode 4: Faith Episode 4 - Faith This episode will take you approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete, there are six collectables to pick up across the ten chapters . LIFE IS STRANGE 2 - Before The Storm Let's Play # 3 - Walkthrough Français SANS COMMENTAIRES. Walk to the yellow x near her and then speak to her. Life is Strange Episode 2 Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary. You'll notice it has a 4 number lock. Talk to Rachel's mother and when she's distracted, look at the newspapers clipping on the fridge, for the last graffiti on episode 2. 0. Life Is Strange Episode 2 – Full Gameplay Walkthrough … Collectables in Life is Strange 2 take the form of souvenirs that you will find throughout the world. If you talk to her about the Vortex Club and the dress code, you can learn some information and then go back in time to bring it up to her. You will get a call from Frank, he sounds agitated and seems like Chloe might be in trouble. She will put you through another test, as you predict the next 30 seconds. Chloe will want you to find 5 bottles, but while doing that we are also going to grab some photos. No matter what you tell him, it won't work. This will also impact the ending, but this is a major spoiler you don't need to know, yet. Eventually she will bring up running away with Chloe and you'll have a minor choice to make about where to go. A little bit further is Samantha, eavesdropping on Nathan and his father. If you choose the tattoo, Chloe will draw a star with her marker on Rachel's wrist and will say that she'll only take it seriously if Rachel gets a real tattoo. Many of your previous choices will have an impact on this scene, read the spoilers if you're curious. I will be adding the rest of the episode 2 parts to the playlist below or you can subscribe to my gaming YouTube channel to watch the uploads right away. Sign up. Mature Content Description. Rachel will ask Chloe what will it take for her to believe her and a major choice will come up. Collectible 1: During the chapter Young Apprentice at the beginning of this episode, examine the metal box in the tree in front of the house ( picture1 ). Life Is Strange 2 Collectibles Guide | Episode 2. Life is Strange 2 Trophy Guide By ... You will earn this trophy after finding all collectibles in episode 2. Life is Strange 2 Episode 3 Walkthrough Info: The award winning Life is Strange series continues with a long-awaited sequel from DONTNOD Entertainment Two brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz, 16 and 9, are forced to run away from home after a tragic incident in Seattle. You'll get the chance to engage in a Backtalk challenge with Victoria to try and convince her to give up the role in the play. While enroute, you will see Alyssa. If you thought something bad would happen from this, you are right. Post Comment. When finally done, you can leave Kate's room and head down the hall. Down the first hall make a left, Drew's dorm is all the way at the end on the left. Attention! Head around to the left of it first and into the washroom. A puppy will come out of it (you may remember this dog from the sequel). Step on the wet concrete and you'll get the option for your next graffiti. Watch fullscreen. Neither of those codes will work and Chloe will text Steph asking for Drew's birthday. Complete Life Is Strange Episode 2 And 3 with the help of this HD video walkthrough and game guide. While sitting there, Chloe will want you to prove you have powers. If you wish to save her, you will have to have done multiple things in the earlier chapters to show you care about her, such as answering the phone in the Diner earlier in this episode, or standing up for her in Episode 1. Mature Content Description. - Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 required to play. This Life is Strange 2 walkthrough will reveal the location of all the collectibles and drawings in the game. If you defended Nathan in Episode 1 and tell Samantha to support him, he will nail all the lines. She'll go in regardless of what you choose to say. Talking to Steph for a minor consequence when she asks about your relationship with Rachel. You can either talk to Kate, which makes Chloe mad, or ignore the phone and leave. This page contains spoilers for Life is Strange 2.Proceed at your own discretion. This is optional photo 6. Once onboard the boat, look to your left and draw on that red hood. Whatever you decide to do, Chloe will be thankful and after a long cutscene will drop you off at school. After talking to them all, head towards the fence in the back behind the Diner. Episode 2 begins with Max sleeping. Draw The Line Start any drawing in Episode 2 67.45% Common: Collectable. The important thing is her mom, and once you hear about it, you can rewind time and bring it up to her to learn even more, and become closer friends with her. Post Comment. You will rush to his aid only to find out that Brett is angry because the little brother of mine, Daniel accidentally spilled fake blood on Brett. First, before you even go inside, make sure to look up above the door to the Diner to see a whale sign. Contains spoilers to the second episode! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. For more info about Nathan's performance, read the spoilers. Chloe will agree to meet him in the Junkyard and will then take a smoke break. Now this is an interesting stage in the game. While you are near this grassy area, look around and you will see a deer. Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 2 Walkthrough Part 1. When you spawn at the lot, immediately go right of the stairs to find a small truck with a package of stage lights stowed at the back. There are a few people you can talk to here, some of which can offer valuable insight to the world, specially the homeless woman. Approach it, and Max will talk about it while the deer hops away. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. When you do, Chloe's mom will come over and talk to you for some time, then offer you breakfast. Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionize story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future. Gamer's Little Playground 26,880 views. As of Episode 2, there are currently 47 total objectives viewable in Sean's inventory. After a bit of back and forth between Chloe and David, you will be prompted with a major choice. You will first watch everything around you happen, then tell it back to her. If you are curious, you can tell her to shoot the gas tank to blow the car up, or even shoot the bumper which will cause the bullet to bounce back and hit Chloe. She will set them up and begin shooting. Grab it and take it to Frank, but before you do... To the right of the kitchen sink, you'll find a grocery list you can draw on. Drew will be mad at Chloe for not doing what he asked. She'll walk towards her dad who's roasting marshmallows. Chloe walks into the office where her future at Blackwell will be decided. They will both congratulate Rachel for her performance on the tempest and ask Chloe to join them for dinner. The list of consoles is continuously updated from PC / PS4 / XBOX ONE, the date on which Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 was released. This one is mandatory since Skip won't let you in otherwise. Staying with Mikey will result in Damon breaking Drew's knees.