(I already stole the other lancaster from the gun seller in Rhodes, so I can't go back to get that either.) Litchfield Repeater is a Rifle in Red Dead Redemption 2.. In-Game Description . The Lancaster Repeater is a well-rounded gun that uses a fast lever-action system to load the next cartridge. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Article connexe de Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) Procédure pas à pas de la mission Base de données d'armes et de tenues Liste des armes et statistiques Conseils et … Chicago Limousine Service. You can purchase the Lancaster Repeater from all gunsmiths in RDR2. The two main panther locations in RDR2 are the woods southeast of Braithwaite Manor, and the east side of Lagras lake/swamp, just south of Bluewater Marsh. Wow, the majority rules, here! Obviously, you will be sent away, but you already have the evidence you need. It shall be engraved upon your soul - DivineAssault - NIBELUNG VALESTI ! Its more efficient. Litchfield Repeater Location North of Strawberry. Repeaters just let you feel like a boss lining headshot after headshot without having to reload. Go back to the shopkeeper, and while aiming at him press Up on D-Pad. Humdiblifier 1 year ago #6. Lancaster Repeater Replica / Basé sur RDR2 / Red Dead Redemption 2 Cosplay / Rifle Gun Cowboy / John Martson Costume 131,00 €+ Chargement En stock. This gun has an ammo capacity of fourteen rounds, and can use Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express and Explosive repeater ammo. This is the latest up to date creation from the Litchfield Arms Company. A reliable and popular repeating rifle, the Buck Carbine provides medium damage and a decent firing rate, with quick reload speeds thanks to the tube-loaded magazine in the weapon's stock. Think you get the Lancaster repeater in that one as well. Damage and accuracy may seem like the stats you need from this type of weapon, but that is really the domain of rifles. All this time, I thought the Carbine's stats really beat out the Lancaster, and that the only thing the Lancaster had, was more rounds. Nice. Posted on December 14, 2020 by . This gun can use Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express and Explosive repeater ammo. Featuring LANCASTER REPEATER's minimum and … You can get a free Lancaster Repeater if you go to Rhodes and talk to the boy in the window on the side of the Gunsmith. 2 years ago. For all gun locations, and a full weapons list in RDR2 read on below. The Litchfield is more expensive and looks to have more power. Knock on the door to reveal the side-activity. By SPARTAN22294 Watch. Shoot the boy’s chains to free him and then loot the Lockbox, along with the Weapon Case that has the Lancaster Repeater in it. Lancaster Repeater (PvP) Unowned weapon, these are base statistics without upgrades or special ammo. RDR2 & Red Dead Online Weapons Database & Statistics Unlock Rank 16 It can be used to clear out groups of enemies, or effectively blow up a variety of things including mines, trains and safes. The Repeating Shotgun is a weapon featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. One of the most handy and popularly used weapons in the game, the Lancaster Repeater has a huge 14-round magazine and … Archived. Find out all stats and tips to know for LANCASTER REPEATER in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). 217 Views. The Lancaster is an exceptional repeater and performs its job very well. save. It is obtained during \"The Aftermath of Genesis\" mission, where Arthur goes hunting together with Charles. St5000? dead lancaster leveraction rdr red redemption repeater winchester rdr2 reddeadredemption reddeadredemption2 spartan22294 rdr2screenshot reddeadredemption2screenshot lancasterrepeater reddeadredemptionweapons … NEW "MY RED DEAD ONLINE" Feature! Report Save. Let's talk about Chicago's favorite Limousines. Like with all the other weapon attachments, you can buy the scope from a gunsmith. via IGN. It can be purchased by any gunsmith from Chapter 2 onward after completing the "An American Pastoral Scene" mission. Sign In and Edit Your Profile! Awesome posts!! Forgot which challenge gives you and offhand holster for the first challenge. Check out our ammo guide for info on just what these weapons are capable of firing. You’re supporting a shop close to home with your purchase. Lancaster Repeater is a Rifle is Red Dead Redemption 2. Overall, repeaters have lower damage ratings than standard rifles, such as the Springfield Rifle and the Bolt Action Rifle. About Repeaters in RDR2 Versatile & Fast Firing Lever Action Rifle. Some way, some how, I went to get my lancaster repeater and it disappeared. The Lancaster Repeater is a considerably worse repeater than the Carbine Repeater, being inferior to it in all areas except fire rate. Sort by. It is also provided for the player after the mission "An American Pastoral Scene" in Chapter 2. Now playing: CoD BO4 / Overwatch / RDR2. Lemoyne - Southeast of Braithwaite Manor is a large woodland named Old Harry Fen where you’ll commonly find panthers. It also has customization options, including Stocks, Sights and Wraps. So yeah, you don't really need to bend over backwards for the weapons as they all work pretty okay and you have some selection starting from chapter 2. They also have lower damage power than long-range weapons, such as the Carcano Rifle and the Rolling Block Rifle. User Info: Humdiblifier. Object Lancaster Repeater Object Lever Action Rifle Location ... RDR2 Lancaster Repeater. 0 Comments. The Litchfield Repeater is the most damaging repeater of the game, but also the less accurate. Location: Gunsmith: Lancaster Repeater is a Rifle is Red Dead Redemption 2. General Information . share. rdr2 carbine repeater real life level 2. Which repeater other than the lichfield, do yall prefer? Check the map above to see the locations. Yet another one of the game’s most popular weapons is one that can be reached early on in the game. Learn where to offload your stolen goods or craft talismans with our list of Fence locations in Red Dead Redemption 2. Lancaster Repeater vs Litchfield Repeater. best. Litchfield Repeater. 91% Upvoted . Litchfield Repeater Location North of Strawberry. Showcase your Horses, Weapons, Character, and Calculate Your RDR2 Net Worth Value! Red Dead Redemption 2 Revolver List. Lemoyne - East of Lagras in the wooded wetlands is another place you can … 66. Reliable in Most Combat Ranges This gun can be unlocked relatively early in the game and is cheap at only $84, making it a necessity for any aspiring outlaw.