Once your character has reached level 15 and has become fairly aligned on the bright side (75-100) or the dark side (0-25) of the Force (signaled visa scene and its host), speaking before Kraya will open the following dialogue: Kreia:, you are here. You should choose the prestige that correlates best with your first choice so consular=sith lord/jedi master. These feats are always active and grant defense bonuses dependent upon the Jedi or Prestige class level. Star Wars KOTOR 2 Wiki Guide. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Follow 47. Now I'm not entirely sure whether you have to choose a prestige class or not. These feats need to be activated to take effect. 1. 15. A new addition to the game are "prestige classes": these are extensions of the Jedi classes which were introduced in Knights of the Old Republic. It's driving me bonkers. A Sith Lord's command of the dark side is so great that it influences his companions. If the result is greater than the attack roll, the blaster bolt is deflected. The tougher the situation, the more Atton’s survival instinct kicks in. According to the Combat log, the opposed roll is simply the sum of a d20 roll, any Jedi Defense bonus, any bonuses and penalties from feats, Force power and lightsaber forms, the Jedi's base attack bonus and any item bonuses. Top Contributors: IGN-GameGuides, Sabre884, IGN-Cheats + more. Lv.8 - Implant Level 3. Character suffers defense penalty while using these feats and for 3 seconds afterwards (i.e. If they become Jedi, they retain the Unarmed Specialist feats already granted but future feats are granted at Jedi level, not character level. These feats add to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against the character's Force powers. While the Logic Upgrade description is correct about defense bonus increasing every subsequent six levels, each increase occurs one level earlier. Character suffers defense penalty while using this feat and for 3 seconds afterwards (i.e. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide Prestige Classes enable characters to specialize by gaining new Talents and abilities unavailable to other Heroic Classes. 45,078. 80. Stun can also be prevented by Immunity: Stun, Fear, Horror or Force Immunity: Stun, and neutralized by Master Heal. Jedi training affects each Padawan uniquely, allowing them to grow in ability while addressing personal flaws. Endorsements. So what is their purpose or how should they be used. Anyways, in my experience, consular is my least favorite starting class, you don't have enough force powers or force points for it to be effective in the beginning, which is what it is meant for. Alignment has a hidden point value between 0 and 100, representing the extremes of dark side masteryand light side mastery respectively. Games. A Consular gets the same progression as the caster prestige classes, the Exile doesn't start the game with any force powers. For example, at level 6 they both have Unarmed Specialist II and they would be granted Unarmed Specialist III at level 10; however, if they become Jedi at level 6 then they will not be granted it until level 16 (Jedi level 10). Regenerate Vitality Points cannot be selected by Droids, a Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin. When you hit level 15 you can pick a prestige class. Attack and damage bonus is added to every attack in a combat round. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. I'm playing the pc version. These feats train ranged weapon characters to fight effectively in close combat. You will also see that some characters might have some unique feats that they don't have in the actual game. This feat gives the Droid the ability to speak with other droids who don't speak a sentient language. Force Crush is a dark side power only granted to a dark side main character. An increased ability to influence your teammates and their relation to the Force. KOTOR 2 prestige class This topic is locked from further discussion. Safe to use . Cosmicat, I think you misunderstood what I said. 1. Critical hit multiplies bonus damage. These feats are always active. Otherwise, a character cannot equip them. Can't get my Prestige Class in KOTOR 2? KOTOR 2 Influence Guide Warning! Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Summary : This sequel to the blockbuster RPG features an all-new, more perilous storyline, new characters, classes, locations and force powers. He can choose between regeneration, endurance (+4 Constitution), strength (+4 Strength), or agility (+4 Dexterity) implants. These bonuses increase as he approaches 0 vitality. Zitat von Silver250 am 23.02.2005 23:59 Hab das Spiel schon 2 mal durch aber hab nirgendswo ne Möglichkeit gehabt so eine neue Klasse zu erlernen. They allow the player character to practice in lightsaber combat or Force powers, depending on player choice. Still, you didn't mention that Sentinel -> Jedi Master can be a pretty powerful all-around class. This power only works on droids; sentients and beasts are immune. It is an RPG set in the world of Star Wars five years after Knights I. 2. New Prestige classes for high-level play. None of these feats counters the effect of Adhesive Grenades because they aren't actually debilitating. The pros and cons of each class and each prestige class. You and Kreia have a special bond. rendi267. kotor 2 classes. However, as soon as someone else takes over, the entire party will lose this ability and be able to set off mines normally. The lightsaber in KOTOR 2 is the most powerful weapon in the game that being said you'll most likely want to use it for your build. Scramble Droid can actually cause a hostile droid to fight for you. Droids cannot equip melee weapons or lightsabers, while an Expert Droid can only equip blaster pistols. Kotor 2 prestige class Continue Once your character has reached level 15 and has become fairly aligned on the bright side (75-100) or the dark side (0-25) of the Force (signaled visa scene and its host), speaking before Kraya will open the following dialogue: Kreia:, you are here. Force Enlightenment is a light side power only granted to a neutral or light side main character. Any Keen bonus is additive with Sniper Shot bonuses, resulting in the following: If the attack hits, the target is stunned for 6 seconds unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + attacking character's Intelligence modifier. Vitality bonus is retroactive for levels previously gained. This feat can also be selected by a Combat Droid. The character can now run instead of walk in Stealth mode. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords is a role-playing video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by LucasArts.It is the sequel to BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and was released for the Xbox on December 6, 2004, for Microsoft Windows on February 8, 2005, and OS X and Linux on July 21, 2015. Use of a "balanced" weapon in the off hand can further reduce the attack penalty by 2 (main hand) / 0 (off hand), resulting in 0 main hand and -2 off hand penalty when mastered. The target is not stunned until the end of the character's attack round. Contrary to its description, Logic Upgrade: Tactician does not replace Logic Upgrade, nor does it actually grant any Defense bonus. These feats can normally only be granted to, or selected by, particular playable classes. I hate it when games hide mechanics like that. Main player characters begin the game at 50, with dark side actions subtracting from that value and light side actions adding to it. The Jedi knows that if diplomacy fails, combat must be swift and decisive. 1 Answer. A Sith Lord's corruption grows in strength as they grow in power. The only Prestige classes that can select these feats are a Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin. While the description is correct about its defense bonus increasing every subsequent six levels, each increase occurs one level earlier. Lightsaber forms can grant a bonus or inflict a penalty: Blaster Bolt Deflection item bonuses are only granted by lightsaber upgrades: Since two power crystals can be used in each lightsaber, maximum total item bonus is thus +30 when using two lightsabers. If the attack is beaten by 10 or more, the bolt is deflected back at the enemy. By itself, Regenerate Force Points makes Force regeneration 3.5 times higher in combat. Bao-Dur and Handmaiden have Special Training. Finesse: Melee Weapons doesn't affect unarmed combat, but it does affect both melee weapons and lightsabers, so Finesse: Lightsabers can be redundant (do not select it for Kreia, since she already has Finesse: Melee Weapons). If the target fails a Will save, then they will fight your opponents. You are a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars. This page has been accessed 591,014 times. 5 hours ago, Leilukin said: Prestige Padawans does not use the TSLPatcher, and is installed by … A Jedi Master's attunement matures as they learn more about the Force. When using unarmed attacks against any opponent, she deals extra damage and has a chance of knocking down the opponent if they fail a Fortitude save of DC = 15 + Handmaiden’s level. videogame_asset My games. The only power that is an absolute must for your build is Master speed. Jan KotOR: Carth Sohn bekehren; 09. Finally, on a critical hit, the target is knocked back unless they make a Fortitude save at a DC of the attacking character's level + twice the attacking character's Strength modifier. G0-T0 has a personal cloaking shield built into his frame. It's driving me bonkers. Damage inflicted by returned bolts is based on the damage that would have been inflicted on the character, after Damage Immunity, Shields, Ignore Pain or Inner Strength, Toughness and Damage Resistance (Combat Difficulty doesn't affect damage inflicted by bolts returned by you and your party, but it does affect those returned against you and your party: the latter isn't displayed in the Combat log and isn't what's displayed by floating numbers, but it is what's displayed by actual Vitality loss). Whenever Kreia is in the party, she provides a bonus to earned experience points. Although high defense won't affect its offensive use, even with little or no damage reduction it should take far longer to kill enemies with returned bolts than to attack them directly. Bao-Dur can release energy stored in capacitors in his arm during combat, causing extra electricity damage with a chance of causing Slow for 2 rounds if they fail a Fortitude save of DC = 15 + Bao-Dur’s level when using an unarmed attack. These feats are always active, so a level > 11 Jedi Sentinel can only be debilitated by Distracted targets won’t notice the player unless the player gets too close or interacts with them. These feats don't need to be activated to take effect, although other conditions may need to be met before they can do so. Once a Prestige class has been selected, if you don't need to level up then you now gain enough experience to do so: Kreia: It is not some great test you require to be what you strive to be - it is only your decision to find that path that matters.