The only real difference to cleaning pontoon seats is that there are often more, and they might be styled differently. Routine Cleaning. Removing mold and mildew from boat seats might sound like a disgusting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Other standards address color stability, resisting mold and mildew growth, cracking temperature and abrasion resistance. The longer they are exposed to the sun, the greater the risk of damage occurring. Any suggestions for how to keep mold off of Bennington seats? Don’t Create Additional Work For Yourself. I use the 3M 303 protectant but this apparently doesn't prevent mold growth. Here are a few: Wipe down your seats after use. How to Prevent Mold from Forming on Boat Seats. And always keep your seats clean, never use any vinyl cleaner which harms seats. Fortunately, I’ve been able to catch the mildew before it became black stains/spots so I dont gphav efirst hand experience in removing it. Aside from using vinyl protectant, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent the need to clean up mold and mildew on your boat seats. When cleaning “fold-up” pontoon seats, you will want to make sure that you get the sides and even underneath. Always Keep the boat seat dry. our seats and carpet in 0ur Sun-tracker Pontoon boat are impossible to keep mildew from forming. We have recently experienced a new type of mold for us. The sun will slowly cook the seats until they fade and crack, at which point you’ll be forced to reupholster or replace them. I keep the boat covered plus it is parked under a canopy to keep the rain off. or are having the same trouble we've tried even leaving outside with no cover and it still shows up? Because a wet seat with warm moisture cause pinking on seats. Is there any product you can apply to prevent mold growth? The following is a letter we received about how one customer learned how to clean mold off of boat seats. Never coverup boat when its seats and cushions are wet. Since pontoon seats are likely made from the same marine-vinyl material, you would use the same methods. Armed with the right know-how and the right products, there’s no reason you can’t make quick work of the problem. I have a pontoon boat with lots of vinyl seats. Mold and mildew form from moisture, so wipe down those seats after you've had a day on the water! I have also created a comprehensive guide for selecting the best mildew remover for boat seats to help you keep your boat in tip-top shape. Keep your boat seats covered when they aren’t being used. We are a big believer in "Star Brite", but even this product will not remove the purple mold. Keep reading to check out a few of our top tips for cleaning and maintaining vinyl boat seats on your pontoon boat. Keep ‘Em Covered. We live in Mobile, Alabama where there is lots of hot weather and it is very humid. Marine-grade pontoon seat vinyl must have UV and weather resistance ratings of over 1500 hours, especially with discount pontoon seats. ours is a 2004-2006, 22 foot.Does anyone have something else we can try? My seats are three shades of brown/taupe and itdoesnt discolor them—-may want to try whatever you decide to,ise on the inside edge of a seat where its blue to make sure it doesnt affect the color. One of the best ways to prevent mold and mildew from appearing on your vinyl seats is to keep up with a regular boat maintenance schedule. we think its the quality of the product that sun-tracker used. Our vinyl seats has a "purple" mold starting to grow and spread. “I have to tell you a story about my boat and Mold Off ® … Back in April I had some stump grinding done in my yard and one stump was right next to my 2006 Godfrey pontoon boat. With that said, I have created a list and compiled some of the best cleaners for removing mold from boat seats.