Cut your kohlrabi into slices or cubes to eat. Give the seeds 1-inch space in-between. You can have a continuous crop if you plant your kohlrabi every two to three weeks. Symptoms include black rot girdling on the stem, and the seedlings may remain upright but the stem will appear constricted or twisted, which is why damping-off also is known as wirestem. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep and transplant in garden 6 to 8 inches apart. Kohlrabi seed propagation starts with fertile soil. Once seedlings are about 4 inches tall, thin the plants, and transplant 5 inches apart and 1 foot apart in rows. A very attractive purple heritage variety, fast growing and well suited to early and late plantings due to its cold hardiness. Kohlrabi is a nutritious vegetable to add to the garden. Superschmelz is the only giant variety we’ve tested that grows uniformly large and remains very sweet and tender to the biggest sizes. Depending upon the variety, kohlrabi will be ready to harvest 40-60 days from planting. Damping-off will kill seedlings after they germinate. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Start seeds indoors in early April, or four to six weeks before transplanting. In the spring, transplant kohlrabi seedlings outdoors around one to two weeks before your last frost date. Push the kohlrabi seed 1/2 inch into the potting soil and keep it moist with regular watering. These patches are located on the leaves. When starting kohlrabi from seeds, plant the seeds about ¼ inch deep in rows that are 2 feet apart. THe insects are gray-green and will be visible on the leaves. Also, when growing kohlrabi, keep the soil well-watered or you’ll end up with tough and woody stemmed plants. Once the seedlings sprout and are a few inches tall, thin the seedlings 4 inches apart. The tender young leaves of the plants can be used much like spinach or mustard greens. Our kohlrabi seeds grow easily above ground in spring and fall gardens. Transplant in garden 6 to 8… Learn how to get started growing Kohlrabi, an underrated member of the cabbage family. Step by step instructions to grow a healthy Kohlrabi. Alternaria leaf spot will cause small spots on the leaves that are darker and will later turn brown or gray. Make sure the potting soil gets sufficient sunlight and water and the seeds will germinate after 3 … Lesions may appear round or angular. Sow seeds, 1cm (½in) deep in rows 30cm (12in) apart from late February (under cloches or fleece) to early March, continuing until mid-August in warmer areas. With a flavor like a sweeter, milder cross between a turnip and cabbage, this cool weather veggie is easy to grow. When growing vegetables, it is always exciting to care for the plant throughout its growing phase and then harvest it for delicious recipes later on, but one thing to watch out for is pests and diseases. First we need to learn how to sow kohlrabi seeds: Kohlrabi is a super easy seed to grow. They will overwinter in crop debris. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep. Watch this video clip with Monty Don on how to grow kohlrabi from seed, for a tasty autumn harvest – with expert help from BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. Advertisement. All images and content are copyrighted 2021 © by Urban Farmer LLC. Reply or Post a new comment. You can find both purple and white kohlrabi seeds at Urban Farmer. Find high yield kohlrabi seeds and other quality vegetable seeds in stock at Burpee seeds. To prevent this, remove crop debris and practice good crop rotation. Black rot will cause seedlings to develop yellow or brown leaves that wilt and collapse. Learning Download: Common pests and diseases: Kohlrabi. Some gardeners begin kohlrabi indoors to get an early start. Here’s how to do it: Sow the seed in the soil about 1/2 inch deep. Space plants 9-12 inches apart. There is no need to use a heating mat as you might for other seeds. How to plant Kohlrabi Seeds. Kohlrabi is a brassica, in the cabbage family. Cabbage loopers will cause extensive damage in the leaves. Most of the brassica family are easy to grow and don’t mind being sown straight into cold ground, in seed trays or even in a large pot. Sow seeds in rows one-inch apart. Read on to find out how to plant kohlrabi seeds. If planting kohlrabi as a fall crop, direct sow seeds around 90 days before the first frost date. Be careful when you water the potting soil so that you don’t displace the seeds. It grows fast and consistently and is ready to harvest after 8-12 weeks. Kohlrabi prefers soil within the 5.5 to 6.8 range. All Rights Reserved. You also can amend the soil with composted manure upon planting. Saved seeds are generally viable for up to 4 years. Press the seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep into the soil with 1-inch spacing. The bulb, which is the stem, should sit just above the soil as it grows. Do not pick the vegetable in warm weather, as the root becomes woody. A gray growth will appear on the bottom of the leaves. Sow kohlrabi seed in the garden 3 to 4 weeks before the last average frost date in spring. Spring planting time. Cabbage aphids can stunt plant growth and even cause death. For best growth, water 1 inch per week and keep the area weeded. THe beet armyworm will cause leaves to appear skeletonized due to heavy feeding. It is a terrific source of potassium and vitamin C, containing 140% of the RDA for vitamin C. It is also low in calories with one cup of diced kohlrabi weighing in at only 4 calories, a great reason for propagating kohlrabi seeds! The fruit which kohlrabi is cultivated for, is four to five inch long seed pods, which are filled with tiny seeds. Clubroot will cause plants to be slow growing or stunted, and the leaves will turn yellow and wilt during the day. Harvesting Kohlrabi Plants: How And When To Pick Kohlrabi, How To Grow Kohlrabi - Growing Kohlrabi In Your Garden, Planting Mustard Seeds: How To Grow Mustard Seed Plants, What Is A Tuscan Sun Rose – Tips On Tuscan Sun Rose Bush Care, How To Press Roses Flat - Preserving Pressed Roses, Rose Garden Plants – Alexandre Girault Climbing Rose Care, Perfumed Garden Design: How To Grow A Perfumed Garden, Wax Dipped Roses: Tips On Preserving Rose Flowers With Wax, Southern Magnolia Facts – Tips On Planting A Southern Magnolia Tree, Fire Ant Control In Gardens: Tips For Controlling Fire Ants Safely, Why There's No Beautiful Rose Garden In My Yard, Growing Zone Woes - The Challenges Of Eastern Pacific Northwest Gardening. Direct-sow your seeds 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost in your growing zone; about ¼ inch deep, and 10 seeds per foot. Indoor starting. Reply or Post a new comment. Cut the kohlrabi bulb in half and remove the tough core. Make sure to place the seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep into the soil and about 2 to 5 inches apart (5-13 cm.) It produces juicy 8 … When starting kohlrabi from seeds, plant the seeds about ¼ inch deep in rows that are 2 feet apart. Try both green and purple varieties, they're beautiful. Kohlrabi takes 55 days to mature. It is a member of the cabbage family and is one of the hardiest vegetables as it tolerates colder weather better than other garden crops. In The Victory Garden Cookbook, author Marian Morash recommends that a clump of seeds be spaced about 4 inches apart, then thinned to just one plant at each 4 … These aphids only feed on cruciferous plants but can survive on related weeds. A very attractive purple heritage variety, fast growing and well suited to early and late plantings due to its cold hardiness. Kohlrabi growing guide for all gardeners. Plant kohlrabi seeds directly in the garden after the last hard freeze in spring, or plant in fall with enough time to harvest before the first hard freeze. To start seeds indoors, start seeds 6 to 8 weeks before planting. Just make sure that it is good enough to produce a healthy piece of Kohlrabi at the end. Sow. For a fall crop, start seedlings indoors 6-8 weeks before the last average frost. Spacing Requirements: Sow kohlrabi seeds ¼ inch deep. This step is a ton easier than a lot of other steps. Once seedlings appear, thin them to 6 inches apart. Kohlrabi leaves are also edible. Propagation. 70 days. When to harvest kohlrabi is when the first stem is 1 … This crop provides nutrients like Vitamin C and fiber when eaten. When to Harvest Kohlrabi. If planting kohlrabi as a fall crop, direct sow seeds around 90 days before the first frost date. Growing kohlrabi in pots in easy if you take few things mentioned below into consideration. Make sure to place the seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep into the soil about 2 to 5 inches apart if planting seeds directly outside. Most varieties take about 8 weeks from sowing to harvesting, so be certain that hot temps won’t arrive before it’s time to pick. Seedlings will emerge within 4-7 days and should be thinned to 4-6 inches apart in the row. Thin the seedlings to 4 … It handles winter weather well and can be harvested until April from a mid-summer planting. To prevent this, plant pathogen-free seeds and apply fungicides when necessary. 28 Dec 17, Uta (New Zealand - temperate climate) . Keeps the rows 18 inches apart from each other; Gently press down the soil until firm; Water generously; Here are the guidelines for a fall crop; Directly seed the kohlrabi seeds one-fourth to one-half inch deep. Any good quality kohlrabi seeds will do for planting. Work in a general purpose fertilizer to promote quick growth. Varieties of kohlrabi are split into two main categories based on the color of the stems and the skin of the fruit. Work plenty of compost and manure into your garden. Sow a little and often, say every three weeks, for a constant supply. It grows fast and consistently and is ready to harvest after 8-12 weeks. Cut into cubes … Kohlrabi can fall victim to several different pests and diseases, many of which are similar to the problems affecting greens. It favors cool temperatures. Sign up for special offers, how-to guides, and seasonal information! 02 Dec 17, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate) Try Egmonts Seed company on line . Sow the seeds ½ inch deep and 1 inch apart, or the best that you can do. Step 3) To direct sow outdoors, sow seeds about 1 inch apart and ¼ inch deep. Transplant your seedlings when they are about 4 inches tall. It actually … You can start your seedlings indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost as well. Although sometimes considered a root vegetable, kohlrabi is actually the swollen stem of the plant. The seeds will germinate in about 10 days and be ready for planting outside in four weeks from the date the seeds were sown. Hence, just get kohlrabi seeds from a seed company for your first kohlrabi growing project and you are good to go. Mix ¼-½ cup complete organic fertilizer into the soil under each plant. Kohlrabi does best in full sun in soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. It is most prevalent in warm, wet conditions. Plant 1/4 inch deep about 10 seeds for foot. Harvest young for the uniquely sweet, water chestnut flavor. Some of the common diseases affecting kohlrabi include Alternaria leaf spot, black rot, damping-off, clubroot, downy mildew and more. Downy mildew will cause irregular yellow patches which turn brown. Kohlrabi is a moderate to heavy feeder that does best in humus-rich soil amended with composted manure. A few of the common pests affecting kohlrabi include the beet armyworm, the cabbage aphid, the cabbage looper and more. Kohlrabi is superb raw or steamed. Also, when growing kohlrabi, keep the soil well watered or you’ll end up with tough,woody stemmed plants. Side dress kohlrabi with aged compost at midseason. Kohlrabi seed propagation starts with fertile soil. Seeds can be sown outside just after the last frost, or inside several weeks before the last frost and then transplanted outside. Different plants are susceptible to different types of pests and diseases, and it is important to make yourself aware so you can keep a watchful eye and also take any preventative methods to keep your plants safe throughout their lifespan. The lesions may then form rings and become brittle and crack. Thin to 5 inches apart in rows of 1 foot apart. Cut into slices to eat raw or add to a salad. The leaves and stalk of the plant are also edible, and are often used as a garnish, or plate decoration. Sign up for our newsletter. Grow Kohlrabi in loose, average soil. Kohlrabi Seeds. If the infestation isn’t bad, prune out the affected leaves. To avoid this disease from occurring, plant certified seeds and apply lime to the soil. Because it is a cool season vegetable, kohlrabi seed starting should take place in early spring or in early fall. You can transplant the thinned seedlings to another part of your garden. Transplant the thinned out seedling in the garden. The biggest difference is whether or not you pick a green or purple variety. The best ways to prevent this from happening is by planting pathogen-free seeds, practice crop rotation and apply the correct fungicides to control the Alternaria leaf spot when it occurs. Thin plants to 6 … Protect the plants with floating row covers and prevent disease by using a four-year crop rotation. Directly seed the kohlrabi seeds one-fourth to one-half inch deep. Kohlrabi is a member of the Brassica family that is grown for its edible white, green or purple “bulbs” which are actually part of the enlarged stem. Its large root system lets it grow well where water is limited. Once the seeds germinate, thin out the seedlings, leaving only one healthy plant per pot. Handpick the larvae off the plants or apply Bacillus thuringiensis to kill the younger larvae. They don't need to be potted up or fed, they will grown fine in the modules until planting out. Browse a large assortment of kohlrabi seeds at Burpee. Other giant kohlrabi types tested by Territorial over the years have proven to be woody and throw a high percentage of off-types. ... Get the Cooks Professional Espresso Maker for just £39.99. Kohlrabi is a cool-weather crop. After the seedlings grow, thin the successful ones so they are 5 to 8 inches apart. Azur Star is certainly our shining star for early and late season crops. Now that you got your kohlrabi seeds, it is time to go into the actual seedling process. It doesn’t need any heat or special treatment. In the spring, transplant kohlrabi seedlings outdoors around 1-2 … where to get seeds for growing kohlrabi pl . However, if the infestation is heavy, spray the sturdier plants with a strong jet of water to knock the aphids off the leaves. Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep in double rows set 1.5 feet apart. Upon planting, work in a general-purpose fertilizer to quicken growth. Seedlings will emerge within 4-7 days and should be thinned to 4-6 inches apart in the row. Although sometimes considered a root vegetable, kohlrabi is actually the swollen stem of the plant. Caring for Kohlrabi Plant: Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Boil them or use them in salads. This disease is most likely to become a problem during cool, wet periods. Learn how to sow the seed and raise the crop, as he explains how to eat this unusual vegetable. Step 2) To start Kohlrabi seeds indoors, start seeds 6 to 8 weeks before planting. Starting seeds indoors. Seeds also can be started indoors four to six weeks prior to moving the plant outside. Once the plant is established, fertilize every three to four weeks with a general-purpose fertilizer. if planting seeds directly outside. Kohlrabi seeds will germinate in temperatures as low as 40°F / 4.5°C. Burpee Kohlrabi seeds can be started indoors or in a cold frame or plastic tunnel. Select a variety of kohlrabi. How to Grow Kohlrabi Plants: Select a location with full sun. The “bulb” is at its peak when it has grown to 2-3 inches across; larger kohlrabi tends to be woody and tough. Create a firm seed bed in any reasonably light, fertile, free draining soil. Sow the seeds, half inches deep, directly in the pot. The caterpillars are green and have white lines on each side of their body. Sowing, watering, location, fertilizing and harvest. Wait to begin starting kohlrabi from seeds until soil temperatures are at least 45 degrees F. (7 C.), although seeds will generally germinate if the soil temperatures are as low as 40 degrees F. (4 C.). Wherever you’d like it to grow. [1] X Research source Increasingly popular, kohlrabi is also available in different varieties, all easy to grow, with slight variations in look and time to maturity. As it is a member of the cabbage family, kohlrabi can be a victim to cabbage moths and other pests. The disease is more likely to occur when the environment is cool and wet. Kohlrabi is ready to harvest when its bulb is 1 to 3 inches in diameter, or about the size of a tennis ball. Starting kohlrabi from seeds is a simple process. Allow Plants to Reseed Themselves. Sow three seeds every four inches Kohlrabi can be sown outdoors as soon as soil can be worked. When Superschmeltz kohlrabi seeds are spaced 60cm (2') apart it can weigh up to 4.5kg (10lb)! Kohlrabi is crisp, sweet and delicious when eaten raw. Also known as German turnip, kohlrabi has a texture and taste similar to broccoli stems and can be eaten raw or cooked. How to grow kohlrabi seeds from sowing to harvest. Now as you are aware of all the factors you have to consider then the only one thing left. Use organic methods to control this insect such as Bacillus thuringiensis. For row planting, space the rows 12 inches apart. To control this disease, practice good sanitation, plant disease-free seed and rotate crops. For a fall crop, plan your harvest for a week or two after the first fall frost. Delikatess Blue is certainly our shining star for early and late season crops. Cool room temperatures between 60°F and 70°F and bright overhead light will result in the best growth of the plants.