Loose Bulk Tea - Rooibos, Honeybush and Olive Leaf Tea from South Africa . Honeybush, a cousin of rooibos, is native to the Cape of South Africa. The honeybush tea industry is one of the youngest agricultural industries in South Africa. The use of Honeybush tea was first documented in 1705. Honeybush tea comes from the Cyclopia plant, a shrub that grows only in the coastal and mountainous areas of the Western and Eastern Cape regions of South Africa. Your rating: * 5 4 3 2 1. The most popular species… All 23 known honeybush species belong to the genus Cyclopia. Honeybush Tea is a South African herbal tisane. Fermented Honeybush, Vanilla Turmeric tea for digestion Honeybush, a native herb from South Africa, has a mildly sweet, honey-like flavor and a wide range of health benefits. What is Honeybush Tea? Add freshly boiled water, allow to brew for 3 minutes. Specifically, these indigenous plants are rich in phyto … Rooibos (Organic) A flavorful caffeine free tisane from South … Rooibos is the popular national drink in South Africa and is also known as red tea. Honeybush is similar in flavor to rooibos, although a little sweeter. Honeybush tea is scientifically proven to be anti-mutagenic. This product is not … There are 24 different types of honeybush, but only three … It comes from the plant genus Cyclopia and whilst several species are used to produce this herbal beverage the most commonly harvested one is cyclopia intermedia, also known as mountain tea or bergtee. Honeybush tea has a sweet, floral, and lightly roasted taste, making it similar to honey. Honeybush Tea only grows in the Western Cape of South Africa – nowhere else in the world. Honeybush tea is a South African herbal beverage made with the honeybush leaves. In the famous Garden Route of South Africa lies the Kurland and Kleinberg Tea Estates which has been growing honeybush tea (Cyclopia longifolia) for nearly a decade. The Honeybush plant is easily recognized by its trifoliate leaves, single-flowered inflorescence and sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers. Honeybush (Cyclopia Intermedia) grows only in a small area in the southwestern region of South Africa. Peach Berry Rooibos Light bodied green Rooibos (not oxidized) has a natural subtle sweetness. This plant got the name due to its flowers’ smell of honey. Honeybush tea is rich in antioxidants and makes a wise and healthy addition to your daily diet. 1 talking about this. The bushes grow wild in the Western and Eastern Cape provinces in South Africa. Refreshing and cleansing with hints of honey, reminiscent of light Madagascar pepper. Tel: +27 (0)42 2880512 or +27 (0)42 2880203 Fax:+27 (0)86 6752509 E-Mail:
[email protected]. We are busy transforming this tiny industry into a global leader to benefit for millions with its unique properties. Honeybush is part or South Africa’s unique fynbos biome. Like South Africa's rooibos tea, honeybush is an herb that's also indigenous to the Cedarburg area of the Western Cape, located about 250 km from Cape Town. We source, flavour and package teas according to your needs. Melmont Honeybush Tea CC P O Box 30 Kareedouw 6400 South Africa. Christmas in South African! Industry & Challanges . Established in 2005, The Heights Tea Estate has introduced a comprehensive programme of environmental and conservation practices in an effort to ensure the survival and sustainability of the rarest of South Africa’s herbal teas: Honeybush. This wild honey-scented flowering bush from the Cederberg region of South Africa is caffeine free, high in antioxidants, and has a wonderfully sweet, very slightly astringent flavor with overtones of honey - the overall flavor is very unique and has been compared to hot apricot jam or a dried fruit mix. Research initiated by the South African National Biodiversity Institute and funded by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) saw the first commercial … Phytoestrogen containing extracts of Cyclopia, an indigenous South African fynbos plant used to prepare Honeybush tea may serve as a source of new estrogen analogues. | 8 oz. Years ago, people made “blommetjiestee” (flower tea) from the honeybush, but now I’m harvested before I blossom for the best flavour. LOOSE TEA: Add 1 tablespoon per cup, allow to boil for 3 minutes and serve. Great hot or iced! It is processed on and distributed from the Agulhas Plain, an area acknowledged as a biodiversity hotspot. For the first time in history scientist has managed to clone this rare bushy tree that only grows in a narrow strip of coastal land in the Cape region of South Africa. INGREDIENTS: Honeybush INGREDIENTS FROM: South Africa MANUFACTURE TYPE(S): Traditional process, Rolled and fermented ANTIOXIDANT LEVEL: High CAFFEINE LEVEL: None - Caffeine Free Herb KOSHER: Yes VEGETARIAN: Yes VEGAN: Yes INFUSION: Te Fermented Honeybush, Vanilla Turmeric tea for digestionHoneybush, a native herb from South Africa, has a mildly sweet, honey-like flavor and a wide range of health benefits. South African Honeybush (Loose Leaf) is considered the "sister" to rooibos (red tea), and is similarly high in antioxidants. They are naturally caffeine free! Honeybush or Cyclopia Intermedia grows in the coastal districts of the Western and Eastern Cape in South Africa and has a naturally sweet, almost honey-like taste. Brigitte Preez, who obtained a PhD in Food Sciences at Stellenbosch University (SU) in the Western Cape, is the mastermind behind this grading system. … Unlike Rooibos Tea, however, Honeybush Tea grows only … Ingredients: Or All our loose bulk tea offers the same quality and certifications (organic and fair trade) as our pre-packed teas. In the spring, honeybush has a bright yellow flower and is heavily honey-scented. Write a Review × Add Review. Honeybush Loose Leaf Tea. The current demand is primarily for export. This lesser known tea has, however, plenty to offer. Although it appears that scientific research on this plant began in 1881, it was only in 1992 that the honeybush was first investigated for cultivation. There, in the microclimate of the Fynbos region, a small area of natural shrub land located in a narrow belt, both the rooibos plant (Aspalathus linearus), and the honeybush plant (cyclopia), grow wild. Where two oceans meet, people gather to embrace this unique tea that is free from caffeine, preservatives, sugar or honey – a product kissed by cool sea breezes from the southernmost tip of Africa. Home; MAKE THE DIFFERENCE; OUR TEA SELECTION; DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR; WHERE TO BUY; CONTACT US . This summer fruit blend has green rooibos with peaches, strawberries and citrus resulting in a refreshing nectar-like beverage. South African Honeybush. We are working hard to supply Honeybush to the world with partnerships and leading producers. Calling it tea, however, is a bit misleading, as Rooibos does not contain tea from the tea plant Camilia Sinensis as we know it from black and green tea, but comes from the South African plant Rooibos. In the last decade, a join venture project of scientists from the University of the Free State, the Medical Research Council and the Agricultural Research Council in South Africa finally found what they have been looking for. It is often called a sister tea to Rooibos because it is also naturally caffeine free with a strong sweet taste. Its flowers smell of honey, which gives this plant its name. $3.50/oz. Honeybush Tea; Medicinal Herbs; Rooibos Tea. The Honeybush plant is a shrub of the Fabacea family which only grows in specific places in the fynbos biome of the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. The Rooibos plant has green leaves, but during the fermentation, where only spring water and the strong … The most desirable components for the tea are the leaves and flowers. History of Honeybush. Our Twig range includes exciting new products, such as Natural Honeybush Rooibos with various nature-identical or natural flavours such as Berry, Earl Grey, Honey & Vanilla. ... - honeybush tea supplies, honeybush tea, honeybush teas, honeybush tea online, honeybush tea supplies, honeybush tea supplier, honeybush tea south africa, honeybush … Our Honeybush Tea (Cyclopia intermedia) is treated in much the same way as Rooibos Tea. Named after the scent of my flowers, I’m pure honeybush (cyclopia longifolia) – a fynbos plant and not strictly a tea. Once plucked, I’m gently fermented and processed to retain my … Its flavor is somewhat floral and sweet, with a tinge of honey to it. Honeybush is a very special and healthy herbal tea that grows in South Africa. Du Preez, during her research, sought to answer questions such as - how does one distinguish a high-quality brew of honeybush tea from a … Since the early 1700s, this flavorful, nutrient-rich drink has been consumed in larger amounts than its well-known cousin, but very little is exported. The leaves of this plant smell like honey, which is where this shrub gets its name from. Our Goals & Objectives. Cl. Rooibos and Honeybush: Tea Indigenous to South Africa. The earliest use as a restorative drink dates back to the 1830’s . Honeybush ( Cyclopia spp.) The Honeybush Tea that Agulhas … Honeybush is a sibling of Rooibos, cultivated in South Africa’s Eastern Cape region. The herbal tea market is escalating worldwide and South Africa's indigenous rooibos and honeybush teas are increasingly prized in not only the traditional European market, but also in new markets in the United States, Canada and China. Rooibos and Honeybush are herbal teas from South Africa. This fermented tea is enhanced with aromatic vanilla bean and finished with a touch of earthy turmeric.Sip 1-5 cups on a daily basis to support ov Rooibos and Honeybush: Tea Indigenous to South Africa; 15 Dec 15th Dec 2017. Honeybush, a plant that’s usually found in South Africa, also known as heuningbos in Afrikaans, is a genus of 20 species of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. This tea is milder than black and green tea. The taste also depends on your brewing method and the variety of honeybush tea leaves you’ve … The tea is closely related to that of rooibos tea, which grows in the Western Cape of South Africa. The taste of … The Heiveld Co-operative creates business opportunities for small-scale rooibos farmer s, while the Honeybush farm supports educational projects for children. Its scientific name Cyclopia is derived from the Greek words “cyclos” – a circle and “pous” – a food, which hint at the intrusive base of the calyx. is well adapted to the climate and soil conditions of the Cape mountain ranges and coastal plain where it grows naturally in well drained, sandy to sandy loam soils. It shares many similarities with Rooibos. While both these popular indigenous South African teas have been used by local cultures for centuries, the continual scientific evidence is now … A valuable quality grading system for one of South Africa’s herbal teas – the honeybush tea – was recently developed. Green Rooibos; Flavored Rooibos; Red Rooibos; Rooibos Matcha Powder; Seasonal Tea; Tea Accessories; Tea Sale; Tulsi Tea; Home; All Products; Loose Leaf; Honeybush (Loose Leaf) Honeybush Loose Leaf 3 oz. Every effort has been made, from planting to harvesting, to safeguard the Wild Honeybush in its natural state for future generations to enjoy. LOOSE BULK TEA. Rooibos and Honeybush are the perfect partners for a delicious, health-promoting and thirst quenching beverage! With a percentage of the profits of Mandela Tea going directly to the Mandela Day School Library Project, Cape Tea Co highlights its commitment to linking South African business and … Name: * Email: * Location: * Title: * Review: * Images: Select … This process is normally associated with the early stages of cancer as well as the general ageing process. Taste: Davidson's South African Honeybush (Loose Leaf) is a full-bodied, earthy brew with mild, peppery top notes. Honeybush Tea is an all natural Fynbos herbal product. A most unique aspect to this tea is that our Honeybush is purely wild harvest and, thus, naturally organic. Cederberg & Garden Route, South Africa Infused with kindness I’m sourced directly from two philanthropic tea producers, who give back to their communities. Mutagenesis is the process whereby the genetic material of a cell is damaged. We ship from 20 kg bags up to container loads all over the world and ask you kindly … Honeybush is a close relative to Rooibos and grows in South Africa. SERVING SUGGESTIONS: TEA BAG: Use one tea bag per cup. I grow organically along the Garden Route in areas where I add value to the coastal ecosystem. The leaves of the bush are harvested, bruised, and … Honeybush, also know as heuningbos in Afrikaans, grows on the mountain slopes situated in the south west and south east of South Africa. This fermented tea is enhanced with aromatic vanilla bean and finished with a touch of earthy turmeric. The tea plant has woody stems and is easily recognized by its sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers during flowering period. * The name Honeybush probably owes its name to the yellow, honey-scented flowers that cover the bushes during spring. Honeybush Tea has been officially recognized by the European Union for having “a specific geographical origin and possess(ing) qualities, characteristics or a reputation that are due to that origin”; similar to that of “Champagne” and “Tequila”. Sip 1-5 cups on a daily basis to support overall health. LONG WALK TO FREEDOM FOUNDATION.