Ben Miller experiments with superfluid helium - Horizon: What is One Degree? (Join me?). All other original content is part of and cannot be copied, sold or redistributed without permission. Website gives you strategies on how to organize this project in your classroom so that each student creates a unique wearable science fashion and tips for holding an "Atomic Attire Fashion Show"! Munchkin is currently working on the periodic table of elements in her Chemistry class, so I thought I would make up some notebooking pages to assist her in the learning process. he can also shape shift into different forms, though unfortunately, he does not have the ability to transform back into a normal … Rubidium is number 37 on the periodic table, the chemical symbol Rb. We then had to make our element into a superhero/super-villain! This is because of its atomic number of 2. I use this with middle school students to teach elements on the periodic table. See more ideas about element project, science chemistry, teaching chemistry. Power: -He can fly just like Helium, but he is faster than Helium since he is lighter. She lingers (forms) naturally in the atmosphere More facts about Neon She is a noble gas (non-metal) Isotopes-Neon-20 Neon-21 Neon-22 Obtained form is liquid air More about Neon She is in family 18 and period 2 She is relatively rare, only Helium is the only element that does not solidify under ordinary pressures and remains a liquid even at absolute zero. Copyright© 2012-2021 It i... Browse over 490 educational resources created by Confessions of a Teaching Junkie in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Helium is fairly rare on Earth. ELEMENT SUPERHERO PROJECT Every element in the periodic table has unique physical and chemical properties. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. On the newer, second site (, Wait, there's even more! Choose an element from the list below and create a superhero profile. He is a pretty small guy, in his family only helium is smaller (so maybe he is a she). Feel free to download, print off in color, and bind the cards together with a metal ring for easy use for you. I recently did a promo video of Jennifer Jochen and Smith Curriculum and Consulting Flippable Template Mega Pack, and Jennifer Smith was so awesome that she let me keep the hard copy and gave me a digital copy. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. okay so for science we had to pick an element. Helium is one of the inert or noble gases. His name was - Sir William Ramsey. Assignment: 1. Welcome to the Periodic Table of Comic Books. Students will pretend that they are one of many important elements found on the periodic table: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, gold, silver, or copper. Your superhero (or villain) will have the appearance, characteristics and powers based on an assigned element in the periodic table. What element did you choose? It was in May 2019 that he was approached, by phone, while on the top deck of the number 2 bus to Brighton, heading for a client meeting. My Elemental Superhero is Rubidium . LANTHAN is a tall, skinny man. The Periodic Table of Superhero Elements. He was immediately fascinated and enthused by what was discussed. These pages contain comic book images and information related to the element Helium. We recommend that you start with oxygen to see some of our best stuff. Sein Elementsymbol ist He. This makes it very unreactive and non-flammable. This is one science lesson you'll want to pay attention to. Neil was a late arrival to the project. Students choose one element to research and turn into a superhero or super-villain! I didn't separate the names based on sex, elementals generally aren't beings with a sex to begin with so it wouldn't make much sense, and most names are pretty much 'unisex' sounding anyway. Element Work: Superhero Due: Friday, September 27. Click on an element to see a list of comic book pages involvingthat element. Eventually, Captain Copper was born and … Helium was frustrated at the fact that she was only second person at every time every area.This is why he is Helium’s nemesis. Sample of an "Atomic Attire" shirt featuring the element Helium. Once projects are completed we create a wall size Periodic Table and use it as a reference. Helium is a non-metal and is located in the first period of the Periodic table. All of the strategies are proven to have had great success. Click on a thumbnail on the list to see a full comic bookpage. The first thing I thought of when I was trying to come up with my superhero/super-villain, was rhyming. ELEMENT SUPERHERO/VILLIAN PROJECT You have been hired by Elements of the Universe, a comic book publisher, to create a new superhero. What are 2 properties of your element color state solid liquid gas flammable or from POLS MISC at Enterprise High, Enterprise High quality Helium gifts and merchandise. It is made to be used as a unit assessment. The creation of a superhero can be a great tool for teaching lessons in morality, charity, and also science. Hauptgruppe, und zählt damit zu den Edelgasen.Es ist ein farbloses, geruchloses, geschmacksneutrales und ungiftiges Gas.. Elements of the project: You will design a superhero and create a tagline that embodies the characteristics of your element, including the atomic number, symbol, and name. Element Project. He is white so he can blend with is surroundings and live in high air areas. No one knows the name of this star, but we do know that it exploded, casting copper and other elements into space. He wanted to kidnap Helia and use her for his scientific experiments. This means that its outside electron shell is filled with electrons. Therefore it does not need to gain, lose or share I'm Katie Lyon, a 5th grade teacher, VP, Director of our 1:1 iPad program, and blogger. Ok, let me say, if you do interactive notebooking, and have not yet heard about this …. You will complete your … Planted so far: 80630 By Justin Davis. Superheroes are the modern equivalent of mythical heroes like Hercules, but heroes aren't just flying and punching. The prompt asks students to think as though they are a chemist who just discovered a new element. The names all relate to their respective element, which aren't limited to just the main four (air, water, fire, earth) in this generator. Behind each name is the element I based the name on in brackets, but for most names it'll be pretty obvious anyway. As a class we were each even an element to research and then make a superhero that had powers based on that element. Link to lesson included. Then he became Helium Man, a person who is made entirely of helium. HOW SHE WAS BORN AND WHERE SHE LINGERS. Check out these great helium facts relating to its discovery, uses and chemical properties. The names all relate to their respective element, which aren't limited to just the main four (air, water, fire, earth) in this generator. Don't like the names? Student Example of Element Origin Story Captain Copper arose from a supergiant star. also known as the element man, metamorpho was once rex mason, a former adventurer turned superhero after exposure to radiation turned him into a shapeshifting mutant. Rubidium is also in the fifth period. Learn about helium balloons, noble gases, the helium atom, the balloon boy hoax, space related helium storage tanks, how helium can change a person’s voice and much more with our range of helium facts and information. You have been hired by Elements of the Universe, a comic book publisher, to create a new superhero whose appearance, characteristics and powers are based on an assigned element in the periodic table.. You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course.All background images part of the generators are part of the public domain and thus free to be used by anybody, with the exception of user submitted backgrounds, images part of existing, copyrighted works, and the pet name generator images. This set includes: generic pages for each of the types of elements where she can fill in the element’s information labeling the atom discussing the element, atom, compound, and molecule a filled-in periodic table a blank periodic table history of the periodic table element information covered on the periodic table…. Where is helium found on Earth? Helium Facts. Sir William Ramsey was curious about Helia ever since he heard of the girl who had came out of the solar eclipse. Element Superhero. Nov 23, 2014 - Explore Miss Sumaya's board "Element Project" on Pinterest. This site is great for Science Education. Choose one element from the periodic table #1-86 (see p.B-27) Design an informative poster to showcase your element! Directions: Students will conduct research to find information regarding their assigned element. The finished product (I have them use Publisher) includes element info, uses, visuals, family group, and much more. Elemental Superhero Project. This must have come across over the phone, as within days, the team met up and started thrashing ideas about. That sounds like a funny project. The power set of a given hero can relate back to science, specifically when it comes to element-based powers. ELEMENT SUPERHERO/VILLIAN PROJECT. Senior Project Math Engineering Contact Me: Elemental Superhero. TEACHER MATERIALS Page 3 SUPERHERO ELEMENT WORKSHEET BIG HISTORY PROJECT / LESSON 3.1 Write your Superhero Element origin story below. Well, Neon is a Noble Gas, so he probably comes from the royal family of some obscure country. This name generator will give you 10 random names for elemental beings, but could be used for pretty much anything related to elementals. So for example my friend got the element Iodine so the superhero name could be "Iodino Man" whats a good superhero/villain name for nickel For this project, we had to pick out an element from the periodic table of elements. The art above was kindly submitted by Camillia T., click to visit her Google-site for more. Periodic Table Element Superhero Project | Creativity, Middle and Poster boards The atomic mass is 85 and is alkali metal. The students use not only their newly acquired knowledge, but also their creativity. Fluorine: text, images, music, video | Glogster EDU - Interactive multimedia posters. Helium (altgriechisch ἥλιος hélios, deutsch ‚Sonne‘) ist ein chemisches Element und hat die Ordnungszahl 2. See the Glog! This is an illustration. Im Periodensystem steht es in der 18. now we are supposed to come up with a superhero or villain for that element. Elements Research Project Researching the Periodic Table! For technical information about an element, follow the link to Mark Winter's WebElements. Posted: 22 Oct 2014 4:19 pm. For my superhero I chose Helium... He/She is lighter than air so he will be able to fly! Hydrogen is the lightest element in the world, while Helium is second. This is a project for high school chemistry students of any level. IUPAC-Gruppe, der früheren VIII. Until one day he got caught inside the lab when the other scientists were doing an experiment with making helium in a new way. Elemental name generator This name generator will give you 10 random names for elemental beings, but could be used for pretty much anything related to elementals. This is due to the unique number of subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons) found in the atoms of each element and how the electrons are arranged in the empty space around the nucleus of those atoms. The world of superheroes … This FREE activity includes ideas and strategies to promote active student engagement for the students in the classroom. I picked Boron. My super hero before he was a super hero was a scientist who worked for a lab who made elements of the periodic table. Its melting point is 39.31 degrease Celsius and its boiling point is 688 degrease Celsius. Directions: Students will conduct research to find information regarding their assigned element. He doesn't bond with anything so definitely the "loner" kind of superhero. That way he could find a way to extract her powers and give them to himself. i picked Nickel. Helium Helium does not generally form ions, ionic, covalent or any compounds because it is already stable. Student's create a one page visual of an assigned element from the Periodic Table. BBC Recommended for you - BBC Two - Duration: 4:13. OUR PROJECT: 6th and 7th grade final draft paper : periodic table project final draft 5th and 8th grade copies of periodic table project: Periodic Table Project (5th grade we edited some of …, Posts about foldable written by Mrs. Barton. Hey, ya’ll! Simply click again to get 10 new random names. (Hydrogen is the lightest element) Write a profile for your element. (, I'm planting trees with my site. I share classroom tips, ideas, & resources for the classroom. _____ STEP ONE: RESEARCH • Find more information about your chosen element through reading books or searching online • Record this information in the graphic organizer provided … in this new form, rex could turn his whole body into any element or combination of elements. Periodic Table Element Superhero Project: This project incorporates research skills, creativity, and a chance for students to express original ideas. The Periodic Table of Books Into Film -- another fun periodic table with books. ^.^