On August 24, El Salvador reopened its economy. At a time when many Latin American leaders are pariahs, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele is a puzzle. El Salvador Supreme Court orders state of emergency suspended President Bukele sparked controversy over the weekend after extending coronavirus measures without approval by congress. El Salvador's government cut deals with leaders of the MS-13 gang in an attempt to reduce killings and other violence, according to a news report, in a … As Bukele challenges the key tenets of the Peace Accords, though, the stakes for the country’s nascent postwar democracy have never been higher. El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele has vehemently denied swapping favors with gangs, but a slew of government officials and a person working directly with the government say there is an informal pact between parts of the government and the gangs. He was elected President in 2004. El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele puts on a protective mask at a promotion ceremony from policemen to corporals in San Salvador, El Salvador September 30, 2020. Le président du Salvador est élu au scrutin uninominal majoritaire à deux tours pour un mandat de cinq ans non renouvelable de manière consécutive. 18 May 2020 With the win, he ushered out the two parties that dominated politics for a quarter century. He was elected to serve a 5-year term that ends in 2009. El Salvador prison crackdown: Activists criticise president. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) — One day after El Salvador’s main opposition parties indicated their willingness to start a process that could oust President Nayib Bukele two weeks before national elections, they quickly reversed course and said they are not really considering invoking the constitutional provision. The president of El Salvador (Spanish: Presidente de El Salvador), officially known as the president of the Republic of El Salvador (Spanish: Presidente de la República de El Salvador), is the head of state and head of government of El Salvador.He is also, by Constitutional Law, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of El Salvador.The office was created in the Constitution of 1841. El Salvador’s social movements and dissidents face the formidable task of cultivating a mass opposition to the president’s agenda where little exists. He claims that his draconian lockdown is the only way to protect Salvadoreans from the pandemic. In-person classes for schools and universities remain suspended indefinitely. The stories chronicle how the gangs have used their stranglehold on the center to expand their power in El Salvador. Meet Nayib Bukele, the 37-year-old president of El Salvador. In El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, the capital city's former mayor, easily won the presidency on Sunday. The architect of El Salvador’s measures is Nayib Bukele, the country’s 38-year-old president. Antonio Saca, Former President of El Salvador. El Salvador has confirmed cases of COVID-19 within its borders. Si aucun candidat ne l'emporte au premier tour, un second est organisé le mois suivant entre les deux candidats arrivés en tête. At the age of 37, he became the 46th president of El Salvador; also, he is the youngest person ever elected as president of this country. Because of the upcoming 2020 elections, the politics in El Salvador might seem in a crisis; nevertheless, it is just a normal cycle in Politics in El Salvador. Antonio Saca, Former President of El Salvador. Opposition lawmakers in El Salvador on Tuesday proposed starting a process that could lead to the removal of President Nayib Bukele from office just two weeks before his party is widely expected to win a majority in legislative elections. On Tuesday, Opposition parties in El Salvador indicated their plan to begin a process that could oust President Nayib Bukele 2 weeks before elections, the Associated Press reports. This part covers the ways in which then-mayor and now-President Nayib Bukele pacted with street gangs, which have helped advance his political career. Lawmakers in El Salvador have accused President Nayib Bukele of staging an "attempted coup" after he entered the legislative assembly accompanied by armed police and soldiers on Sunday. On June 1, El Salvador’s politics entered a new era when Nayib Bukele was sworn in as president. FILE - In this Feb. 9, 2020 file photo, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, accompanied by members of the armed forces, speaks to supporters outside Congress in San Salvador, El Salvador.