Add green plant liquid fertilizer every 8 to 15 days during the growing phase. You can also exchange perlite for coarse sand. Required fields are marked *. Simply lift the plant from the pot, knock down any soil to reveal the roots and clean them down of any dead material. Featuring showy leaves deeply variegated in their center with cream or yellow, dumb cane is a plant that’s easy to grow in your home. Problems with dieffenbachia plant can be easily overcome in most situations. But you could try putting a plastic bag over the cutting to help give it enough humidity (just never allow the bag to touch the leaves). You can move your dieffenbachia outdoors during the summer, and they will flourish. Regular but moderate watering is called for. Dieffenbachia is the scientific name for the plant, and Dumb Cane is the common name. If you find bugs on your dieffenbachia, then start treating the plant right away using organic pest control methods. Dumb cane are perfect low light houseplants because they actually don’t like it when they get too much light, especially direct sunlight. If you are able to provide bright, indirect light, you will see your Dieffenbachia ’s mottling and vibrant markings proliferate. Beautiful large dieffenbachia floor plants. They will adapt to growing in a low light area, but they won’t grow as vigorously. Yes, but it’s not very common for a dumb cane houseplant to bloom indoors. For rooting dumb cane plant cuttings in water, you’re going to need slightly bigger cuttings, around 4 to 6 inches long. I’ve also heard of people successfully rooting dieffenbachia in water, though I’ve never tried it myself. I live and garden in Minneapolis, MN (zone 4b). I’m not an overwaterer. In terms of requirements, it is one of the easiest plants to grow. Then it’s probably time for a bigger pot. Your email address will not be published. Since they are very common indoor plants, you should be able to find dieffenbachia plants for sale at your local garden center any time of the year. The stem will grow new leaves right below the cut. In the Self Watering Container, the top layer of soil will eventually become extremely dry and hard, and may even pull away from the edges of the pot. I like to grow a variety of them, but I especially appreciate the ones that are simple to maintain. And be sure to use a fast draining soilless mix for rooting cuttings, rather than regular potting soil. It also helps to rotate the plant once and a while so it doesn’t reach toward the window (like this neglected one that was growing in my dark kitchen…oops!). They won’t tolerate the cold at all though, so be sure to move them back inside before the temperature gets below 60F. Also, check to make sure it’s not completely pot-bound. Read the section above titled “Dieffenbachia Pruning Tips” to learn more about that. Let’s know more about How to care for dieffenbachia in this article. Yes, they love being outside during the summer. They need the perfect growing conditions in order to flower, and it can be difficult to get it just right in the average home. My favorite product to use is organic neem oil. If left unpruned, the plant will resemble a palm tree. If you’re tired of watching your houseplant suffer to stay alive through the long, dark winter months, then my Winter Houseplant Care eBook is for you! So, once the soil no longer feels damp, then it’s time to water. 60% soil mixed in with 20% compost and 20% perlite or pumice or coarse sand. See to the “Troubleshooting Common Dieffenbachia Problems” section above for more details. Yes! Well, there’s a reason for that funny name! My green thumb comes from my parents, and I've been gardening most of my life. Watering. Though dumb cane flowers are pretty (and fun to see! You may opt for adding fresh soil into the gaps between the soil and planter, so as to give the plant a nutrient boost. ), they’re small and insignificant, so it’s not a huge asset to the plant. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you want to learn how to root a dieffenbachia plant, see the details in the section called “Dieffenbachia Propagation Methods”. Place the stems into a vase of fresh room-temperature water. However, these plants are likely to suffer from the same pest problems as most houseplants do, including aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Dumb Cane Care & Growing Guide 1. The good news is that, no matter which type you have, dieffenbachia care is the same for all! The first method is through stem cuttings that you subsequently root in soil. My stems are thin and growing like an ivy. So, if you really want to see if you can get your dumb cane to bloom, then be sure to feed it. These plants prefer to be placed in soil that is moist but not soggy or overwatered. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you can’t give them enough natural light, you could always add a grow light. You can also prune brown leaf tips and edges as necessary, following the natural shape of the leaf. Like I said, it can be grown outdoors in your shade garden, but must be protected from cold there too. I mentioned in this article that some dumb canes have lower light requirements, but there may also be differences in temperature tolerability, so make sure to check growing conditions applicable for each of the varieties you choose. Remove any excess water from the saucer and repeat the watering procedure only if the top of the soil is dried out. Repotting a Dumb Cane. How often should I water my dieffenbachia plant? Learn all about how to get rid of houseplant bugs naturally here. Its leaves are deep green with lime green variegation. Make sure to water your plant after pruning and keep away any discarded leaves from pets and kids. If it’s really dry, try watering it a bit more often. And now that you know how to take care of dieffenbachia, you’ll be able to grow these gorgeous houseplants for years to come! Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) leaves most commonly turn yellow due to overwatering, but other causes include lighting problems, temperature extremes, low humidity, pests or nutrient deficiency. However, some varieties are extremely sensitive, and an inexperienced gardener may inadvertently shorten the plant’s lifespan. The broad and large leaves, with intricate patterns, are showy and give a tropical feel to the place where you plant it. Dumb canes like to be pot-bound, so don’t repot it unless it’s necessary. In fact, repotting a plant just for the sake of aesthetics, or simply because you feel it should be part of your regular dieffenbachia care routine are the wrong reasons. Good luck! The name Dumb Cane refers to the toxicity of its sap -- if ingested, it will burn your mouth, numb your throat, and possibly paralyze the vocal cords, not a dumb houseplant! But, like any houseplant, a dumb cane will definitely benefit from a being fed. Dieffenbachia Care Instructions – Also known as Dumb Cane Plant. See the “Dieffenbachia Watering Instructions” section above for details about watering dumb canes. Though they originate from the tropics, they make excellent houseplants because they can easily adapt to growing indoors. Therefore, you may need to make a tough decision if you already have a dumb cane plant in your home and you want to get a pet. The most common causes of dumb cane drooping are over or under watering, exposure to hot or cold drafty air, houseplant bugs, or transplant shock. Keep the soil mix moist and check that water drains properly. That’s why they’re grown more for the beautiful foliage than for the flowers. Water the dumb cane plant well and allow the top 2-3 inches of soil to dry out before watering yet again. Make sure not to damage the root system of either plant when dividing. In order to bloom, dieffenbachia houseplants need a lot of bright, indirect light. You don’t need to worry about repotting your dumb cane very often, they really don’t need to be repotted until they become pot-bound. This is not a cause for concern, but simply because the plant is drinking directly from its roots in the water reservoir. Curling leaves on Dumb Cane Plants can have several different causes. Yes, the dieffenbachia plant is poisonous. I just assumed he wasn’t quite a desert lover. Watering: For the best results, keep the dumb cane plant's top inch of soil moist at all times. Mainly improper watering (either over OR under watering), over fertilizing, or a bug infestation. Simply cut them back all the way down to the main stem. Refer to the troubleshooting list above to help you figure it out. Do not keep it in either the shade or in direct sunlight. Am I right?! This is a large dumb cane variety that can grow to 2-5 feet tall and 3-5 feet wide. I personally completely soak my plant and leave it to dry out completely before waterings before repeating the process all over again. Dumb cane plants also really like humidity, but they will adapt to growing without it. Dieffenbachia care may seem a bit overwhelming at first. I’ve created this website to help beginners care for their plants. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. One good indication that it’s time for repotting your dumb cane is if there are roots coming out of the bottom holes. Only go up one or two sizes in pots, or the plant may have a difficult time becoming established in the new pot. In the winter, make sure to cut back on watering. Good luck! So if you choose to grow this plant, then be sure to keep it out of reach of children and pets. Its variegated leaves are bright green with yellow. Rooting in Water. Plant your dumb cane in standard houseplant potting mix. Dumb Cane Dieffenbachia houseplant care also includes providing the plant with the appropriate soil. If the infestation is serious and insecticide will help solve the issue, otherwise washing the leaves with a little soapy water can also fix the issues of pests. Dumb Cane is toxicto humans and pets, as it contains oxalic acid and calium oxalate crystals that can cause burning and swelling of the lips, tongue and throat and it can cause nause, vomiting and diarrhea. The high calcium oxalate content can cause irritation, swallowing issues, and even suffocation in more extreme cases. Also, if there are more roots than soil in the container, or you find that you have to water it constantly to keep it from drooping. Dumb cane plants are elegant, but they come with a warning — they’re poisonous, so make sure to take all necessary precautions to keep this plant away from children and pets. And then after doing some room rearranging, I moved him much further away from the window and I was shocked at my dumb cane’s response. It’s very common for dumb canes to get tall and leggy with age, this is their normal growth habit. When dieffenbachias grow thin and leggy like you describe, that means they aren’t getting enough light. And because some dumb cane cultivars better thrive in low filtered light, do check your cultivar’s light requirements. If you don’t have a bright room to grow your dumb cane, then you could add a small grow light to help keep the plant from growing too leggy. One of the most common mistakes made with a Dieffenbachia plant is that people tend to overwater. Place the cuttings in a jar with water and replace the water every other day or so. I recommend this recipe if you don’t want to buy ready-made dumb cane potting soil and you want to create your own potting mix: 1 part perlite, 1 part all-purpose soil, 1 part peat or humus. Brown or yellow leaves can be removed from the plant at any time, as can dead or faded flower. In indoor cultivation, however, the plant rarely gets this large. Dieffenbachia compacta. Rather than watering your plant on a set schedule, you should always check the soil to figure out when it needs water. If the leaves are starting to droop, act a bit quicker next time! They can be small table plants or 5ft-6ft. Why are the leaves on my dieffenbachia turning yellow? Remove any excess water from the saucer and repeat the watering procedure only if the top of the soil is dried out. Other organic fertilizers that I like using are this houseplant fertilizer or a general purpose plant food. In about 4-8 weeks, stem cuttings will root. The most common problem with growing dumbcane dieffenbachia is too much moisture. As many houseplants, the dumb cane plant can be prone to pests and other diseases, but nothing that can’t be prevented with a good watering regimen and attention to signs of diseases and pests. If you would like to order a self-watering pot, check out our range of Lechuza pots here. Then keep the water fresh as you wait for the roots to grow. Any general purpose potting soil will work just fine. Hi our big old Dieffenbachia two of its largest legs froze where do we cut at to take them off? Of course always adjust according to the season and to the needs of your own Dumb Cane, for example expect in very warm months to water more often and in Winter less regularly. The dieffenbachia, or dumbcane, is a vigorously growing, tropical evergreen plant that is often found in the indoor environment. Be advised, however, that the plant’s sap is toxic, so wear a pair of gloves and a long-sleeve shirt to avoid any skin irritations upon contact with the sap. This will give the leaves a more rubbery texture which will better survive the handling process. We recommend giving your Dumb Cane plant a shower and replacing the soil immediately. Pick a slightly larger pot to replant, but don’t over-pot. Variegated dieffenbachia are even more stunning, and some have bright green or almost white leaves with dark edges. It’s common for dumb cane to grow tall and leggy over time. All content found on this website is copyrighted materials and any form of reproduction is strictly prohibited. To avoid the plant’s one side growing towards the light, you should rotate it periodically so that each side of the plant gets light. Here’s a great list of some of the most common dumb cane varieties. Overwatering is a common problem with many houseplants and the dieffenbachia houseplant is no exception. But don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it in no time! Overwatering and improper light conditions may be two of the biggest points of challenge when caring for this plant, so make sure to understand the needs of your dumb cane variety. Is that ok for a dormant so called plant? Always, always use a container with holes in the bottom for drainage. Instead, follow these detailed tips for how to care for a dieffenbachia plant…, Two different types of dumb cane houseplants. Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) Care Guide Watering your Dieffenbachia. Pruning is an important part of dieffenbachia care, it helps keep the plant tidy, grow bushier, and look healthier. Dumb Cane Plant. However, if several leaves are yellowing at the same time, or they aren’t the bottom leaves, then something may be wrong. L'été, l'arrosage du gazon et du jardin peut augmenter la consommation d'eau de plus de 50 %. Use a pair of sterilized knives or scissors and cut stems at a 45-degree angle. Never use chemical pesticides on indoor plant bugs because they can build up a resistance to chemicals, making problem even worse. A soapy water spray is also very good for controlling most types of bugs. If you struggle with knowing when to water your plants, then I recommend getting a soil moisture gauge. It can get a few hours of the morning sun, but by noon, it should be under a shelter or inside your home if it receives too much light, the leaves will begin to curl and scorch. The flowers ... As for watering, we recommend to water your dumb cane thoroughly and allow the soil to thoroughly “approach dryness” between waterings. If your dumb cane has grown tall and leggy, you can top the plant, or cut it back anywhere on the stem. Check it every few weeks by sticking your finger about 1″ into the soil. See more ideas about indoor plants, house plants indoor, dumb cane plant. In this section, I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions I get about proper dieffenbachia care. Otherwise, check out my list of pet friendly houseplants instead. Required fields are marked *. May 6, 2019 - Explore Hilda Charles's board "Dumb Cane Plant" on Pinterest. Once new roots are formed, you can cut off the top plant just below the roots and transplant it. Dumb canes need less water in winter, and plants in lower-light conditions may also need less water overall. Personally, I’ve had the best success using my propagation box for rooting dumb cane cuttings. The name “dumb cane” comes from the fact that the plant’s leaves contain raphides, which can poison you and leave you unable to speak for a period of time. The Dieffenbachia seguine, commonly known as dumb cane plant or simply dieffenbachia, is an extremely attractive, easy-to-grow houseplant. Make sure that you avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight, particularly in the spring and summer when the new leaves the plant produces can get scorched by the sun. Annual repotting is beneficial to dumb canes, but the plant will usually show symptoms it needs repotting such as crowded roots or roots poking out on the surface, falling leaves, etc. If very little soil is left, or the roots are circling around the bottom of the container, then it’s time to repot it. Mine are always tall and straggly. New leaves will grow from the stump. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees through links to Even though dieffenbachia care isn’t difficult, it’s definitely important to know the growing requirements in order to keep it alive and thriving. If your dieffenbachia stems froze, but the tops are still healthy, then you can take cuttings right above the damaged area and try rooting them. But don’t prune them during the winter, wait until early spring, otherwise it can trigger weak new growth. See to the “Troubleshooting Common Dieffenbachia Problems” section above for more details. Yes, the ASPCA website warns that dumb canes are toxic to cats, dogs and humans. They could even be grown in your shade garden if you live in a warm climate. Before watering your dumb cane, make sure the top inch of soil is dried out. Low light is no concern, however. Pruning out new top growth like this will encourage your plant to grow bushier, and stay more compact. Dumb canes can live for many years, and some varieties can grow to be several feet tall, creating a very large floor plants. The many varieties of dumb cane (Dieffenbachia) with their large -- often variegated -- leaves make attractive, hardy houseplants. So, if you have pets or small children around, then it’s best to treat dumb cane as you would any of your other poisonous houseplants, and keep it out of reach. I also recommend waiting until early spring to repot it, but only if it really needs it. Please note: this product does not include a pot. Another popular variegated dumb cane, this variety grows upright and reaches around 4 feet and leaves grow to 1-2 feet wide. Over-feeding with synthetic fertilizers is a very common problem with dieffenbachia plants, and can lead to brown leaf edges and tips, among other issues. Horticultural oil works great too. It produces large, thick leaves that are often variegated with stripes or spots. Ensure moisture and warmth and expect the plant to root in 2-4 weeks. To find out which conditions are optimal for these plants, read the plant care guide I put together below that also covers the propagation and a short introduction to some of the dumb cane plant varieties. Just like any other living plant, dumb canes do require some care in order to grow their best. Diseases that can affect the plant include stem and root rot, leaf spot disease, erwinia blight, petiole rot, etc. You’ll definitely want to dust the cut end with rooting hormone before attempting to root it. Popularly known as dumb cane, dieffenbachia is a no-fuss plant. Watering dieffenbachia. It’s a perennial plant and most cultivars have white speckles on the leaves, though not all cultivars have this feature. Common dieffenbachia plant types or names you may come across are seguine, compacta, maculata, golden sunset, camilla (aka camille), amoena plant. I like using compost fertilizer, which you can get in liquid form or buy compost tea bags and brew your own. Dumb Cane Soil Requirements. If you want to try rooting your cuttings this way, make sure the stem is several inches long. Place the cutting horizontally on soil and bury half of it. Rooting dieffenbachia cuttings can be a bit tricky. Feeding the plant every two weeks with a high-quality liquid fertilizer to encourage healthy growth. The dumb cane got the name because there is a chemical in the sap that can cause temporary loss of speech if any part of the plant is chewed or eaten. Direct sun will cause their leaves to fade or burn. It’s no mystery why dumb cane plants are one of the most common houseplants you see for sale at garden centers and big box stores. I use a mixture of 1 tsp mild liquid soap per 1 liter of water. If these plants are not neglected and their growing conditions are optimal, they can live for many years. Allowing the top 1” to 2” (2.5 – 5 cm) of soil to dry prevents overwatering the plant. Dumb cane thrives in well-drained soil. Dumb Cane Plant Watering Guide. There are many types of dumb canes, and variegation of leaves and plant size depends on the cultivar you’re growing. I love being surrounded by plants all year round, and that’s one reason why I have a large collection of houseplants. Watering makes the leaves stiffen. Plus, you can take the cutting and root it to make a new plant! If it no longer feels damp, then it’s time to water. You can’t just stick it in a dark corner, pour a glass of water in the pot once and a while, maybe toss in some fertilizer if you think of it, and then expect it to stay healthy for long. The key is to keep the soil moist but never soggy, and give the cutting lots of humidity. Make sure you don’t overwater them, treat any pests and diseases without delay, and keep the plant out of direct sunlight and protect it from the cold — including cold drafts — to maximize its chances for a long lifespan. In the summer, lawn and garden watering can increase the demand for water by more than 50%. It’s normal for the bottom leaves to turn yellow, and eventually die and drop off. Share your dieffenbachia care tips in the comments section below. Just be sure to keep them out of the window so they don’t accidentally get too much sun. They like a really good watering then to be left alone to dry out for a bit. In the winter you can forego feeding the plant, stick to fertilizing it only during the growing seasons. If that’s not the problem, then check the soil moisture level. The list under “Troubleshooting Common Dieffenbachia Problems” will give you more ideas and details about fixing common dieffenbachia plant care problems. The third and last dumb cane propagation method is waiting for the plant to create sucklers that you can separate when repotting the mother plant and place them in their own container. This was my sisters that passed, plant the plant is at lest 25 yrs old. It’s not necessary to prune a dumb cane plant, but you may if you want to keep its shape under control or you want it at a certain size. Keep these plants away from windowsills and make sure they get filtered light either through a curtain or a window shade. Before moving the plant, allow the soil to dry out. Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia) care is easy when you know exactly what to do. My brand new book Vertical Vegetables is now available for purchase!! Some dieffenbachia varieties have dark green leaves, many with white spotting. You can even keep the top and root the stem to grow yourself a new plant (learn how to propagate dieffenbachia in the section below). Keep in mind that caring for dumb cane and the exact watering schedule will vary based on the season and the plant’s location in the home. WHERE TO WATER . In terms of water, your dumb cane’s soil should remain relatively moist but not soggy. To water your dieffenbachia, give it a good soaking until the water starts to run out of the drainage holes. If there are several stems growing in the pot, you can separate them to grow new plants. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for after reading through the post and these FAQs, then ask your question in the comments below, and I’ll answer it as soon as I can. Just put it in a spray bottle and mist the leaves of the plant – they will love the added humidity too! Check the plant’s soil regularly and water when the top inch of soil has dried. This comprehensive guide will show you exactly how to grow dieffenbachia. For example, if you’re growing dieffenbachia in a 4″ pot, then choose a 6″ pot. And never repot a sick or ailing plant to try to save it. Dieffenbachia ‘Camille’ (Camilla) has near-white leaves with dark green edges. its winter now, I thought that they go dormant indoors, but it looks like I have to repot to a larger container. Light Requirement. Then allow the excess to drain from the pot before putting it back on the plant tray. Plant it in fertile, well-drained potting soil with a high peat content. The 9th Day of "365 Days of Plants" features Dieffenbachia oerstedii also commonly known as Dumb Cane, which has gotten its common name from its toxic nature. Dumb cane houseplants aren’t super fussy about the type of soil they’re grown in. Before watering your dumb cane, make sure the top inch of soil is dried out. The dieffenbachia needs bright indirect light, whether it is indoors or outdoors. Watering. Just make sure you check the soil before watering by sticking your finger about an inch into the dirt. Learn how to repot houseplants here. Watering Dieffenbachia indoors is somewhat of an art form. And that became evident pretty quickly when the dumb cane’s leaves began to wilt a bit. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Possibly the most popular cultivar thanks to its adaptability to lower light conditions, the Camille has beautifully variegated leaves that create a contrast between the dark green edges of the leaves and the silvery white middle. Its leaves are abundantly variegated with cream and silver on a silvery green base. The dumb cane plant does flower and has no real smell or fragrance. Some varieties like the ‘Camille’ can do well even in low light conditions. Dumb cane plants enjoy warm temperatures in the range of 60 F-80 F. The plant should not be exposed to temperatures below 60 F, nor to cold drafts as leaves may fall off as a result, and the plant will have a palm-like appearance. However, they will not tolerate direct sunlight. Yes, and you should make it part of your normal dieffenbachia care routine. What am I doing wrong? You can also subscribe without commenting. In lower light rooms or during wintertime the plant will need noticeably less water than when it’s full summer and extremely bright. Drench the soil in water only if there’s a draining hole at the bottom of its pot. What’s With The Weird Dieffenbachia Common Name? Move it to a spot where it gets bright, indirect sunlight, or add a grow light. Identifying the problem is easy if you take a few minutes to look at the growing conditions your plant is in. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This is one houseplant which probably wont mind a routine watering regime. There are around 100 dumb cane cultivars and 30 dumb cane species. Dumb cane is a sturdy plant that resists most pests and diseases. You too should take heed of this advice and wear protective clothing when handling the plant. (or should I say “either”?) Plant the dumbcane in a well-draining soil and water lightly, keeping the soil consistently moist, but not soggy. Both! Proper watering is a crucial part of dieffenbachia care, and consistent overwatering will definitely kill your plant. I had my Dumb Cane right beside a bright window and he was happy. Dieffenbachia is a rather east plant to grow indoors, but the best results require the right lighting, fairly high humidity, and the right watering schedule.