Breeds that have a rose comb are Dominiques, Sebrights, and Wyandottes. A male chicken has a large and pronounced comb, while the females have smaller ones. All male chickens will eventually grow spurs and Silkies cockerels are no different. The silkie comb on males may begin to show some signs of development from three weeks onward. That also depends on if you have breeds that will have no comb at all, like a silkie. Silkie Chickens are identified for being among the most gentle or docile chickens. Chicken Comb Health Issues. Strawberry Combs Females do not do this. They will also sit lower to the ground with boys standing up straighter. How do I get my chickens to start laying eggs? Female silkies have a very large perfectly round crest on there head . They are not great egg layers, but they are adorable. Brightly coloured comb. A key difference between a silkie hen and a silkie rooster is size. Cockerels usually have larger brighter combs than hens. Chicken Comb Problems. Research has shown that hens with larger combs tend to have greater bone density and lay more eggs. Silkie boys, as do most roosters, have a natural instinct to protect their flock. My silkies were hatched 1 July 2020 and I have yesterday had first egg and today another. A vibrant red comb indicates the bird is healthy and sexually mature. I have two silkies, about 4-5 months old. This comb is easy to confuse with the rose comb, but cushion combs are usually smaller and generally have a more rounded appearance. Silkie Cockerels seem to be as docile and friendly as the hens. I don’t know which hen laid them. It is the loud clucking to call others to food. Comb and Wattles: Size and Color. In order to do this, you have to prepare nesting boxes for them. A upside down “U” at the top part of the comb may be the beginning of a wider developing comb and signal a male. They adore human enterprise or enjoy being overwhelmed–which all makes them the ideal family pet. Although most breeds have bright red combs, a few do not. Most silkie roosters are docile ,to a degree but will do things like raising their hackle feathers. The wattles and combs are a sign of strength and vitality. It is also thought that combs and wattles help chickens recognize their flock mates. In the case of lions, males have manes while females generally don’t. While both genders of chickens have combs, the comb is usually much larger on roosters than hens, thus it's alternate name, "cockscomb". In chickens, a healthy comb is almost always red, although color can vary in other bird species, such as turkeys, and certain breeds, such as silkies, which have bluish black combs. For the purpose of this article we are talking about ex-bats (some other breeds have naturally dark combs and wattles – the Silkie is a good example of this). Girls will have a pom pom shape to their crest . V-Shaped Comb 7. Though the Silkie hens have existed for several hundred decades, its source is unclear. Rose Combs start at the top of the beak in a tube that is covered in rounded wrinkles. Do Silkie roosters have Spurs? Chicken combs can suffer from a host of health problems. Probably one of the most popular of the exhibition breeds and certainly one of the best suited for showing, silkies are normally found on championship row of the larger shows, and have a history of being a good ladies exhibit (popular with female exhibitors as opposed to only shown by women!) Young birds or those having a break from laying don't necessarily have a bright red comb, indeed it can be quite pale. I’m a silkie lower, I have been raising them for about four year , and I feel very happy , but there is something that make me very sad , two years ago I found my best buff hen dead in the coop, there was two other hen and a rooster , all silkies , I so that the rooster kill her , because he act so means whith the hens when he wants to mate whith them , I give him away. Do Silkie chickens scratch? I am new to it all and wish I had started this year’s back. One of them is developing a red comb and little tiny wattles, does this automatically mean she is a he? Here is some guidance on exhibiting silkies and the silkie breed standard. A higher pitched voice in general. Shorter legs; Docile behaviour & low aggression; No crowing noises. The cushion comb is a small rounded comb that sits close to the front of the head. Science bears out this belief with the discovery that Silkies produce more of the anti-oxidant carnosine than do other poultry. Comb size is hands down the most misleading characteristic used to sex chickens in a mixed flock. Most chicken owners don’t pay attention to the texture of their birds’ wattles and combs. Remember – until an egg is laid, we are guessing as to gender. They arrived in Europe about 200 Decades ago and attained the United Kingdom across the mid-1880s. Combs and wattles. They do have a few other features that help them, an internationally firm favorite among poultry keepers. This is also where they lay their eggs. A full, waxy comb … The Silkie (also known as the Silky or Chinese silk chicken) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. There are variants of Silkies that have red combs, but they’re not pure Silkies. Pure Silkies have black or dark purple colored walnut combs. Tidbitting - Is a behaviour you only get from roosters or hens with chicks. Also, a Silkie cockerel's comb seems to develop faster than a Silkie pullet's comb. The males will develop combs faster and much more pronounced than the hens. Hens’ combs are smaller but still give the same message. They love to go up the ladder and snuggle in here for the night. Adult Silkie Hens have the following attributes: Ideally a large "pom-pom" on the head. The place where they discovered or have been developed isn’t known. Some hens have smaller, cone shaped head feathers & this is not considered Australian breed standard. Because they have grooves this comb looks like half of a walnut is sitting on top of the chicken’s head. We see them every day, but do we really know what they do and how important they are as an indicator of our hens health? In general the hen has a smaller comb. Some spurs just grow to points about an inch long and some grow into huge great curves. These guesses are based on observation but nothing is 100% accurate unless you have a DNA test done. The Texture of the Comb and Wattles. Silkies are really cute little fluffy chickens, very docile in nature and do not make as much of a mess of your garden as large fowl chickens will. Breeds with this comb: Chanteclers. My male had no comb or waddles yet at almost 4 months! They are very small eggs. These longer, pointed, hard feathers are similar to those of other birds. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. Breeds with this comb: Silkie. All chickens scratch. Their combs will become prominent and red wattles will appear. It’s one of their most easily identifiable features, and along with their fuzzy fur is what gives Silkies their unique look. Sebrights, Sumatras, and some Modern Games have purplish combs, and a Silkie’s comb is so dark it’s nearly black. hens who were so … Silkies have a long and proud history. We have a 6×8 house with shavings on the floor, and a 2×3 raised nesting house inside. Silkie roosters are larger than hens and they do have spurs. You will find that silkie chickens have a ‘walnut’ shaped comb- which gets its name from its walnut shell like figure. Some have larger combs/wattles while others have smaller. The strain is considered to be originated in India, China or Japan. There are a few generalities that have some truth behind them, the only useful one is rooster combs turn red sooner than hens. Regardless of its style and color, a rooster’s comb is a reflection of the bird’s health. The Comb: Usually, a male will have a larger comb than a female. Males can be round too like in the case of my last cockerel, however if you look carefully from the side you will notice that the hair sweeps back a bit. Silkie roosters also have unique feathers alongside the fuzzy ones. Do this as your hen reaches egg … Fortunately all hens. Myself and my poultry peeps collectively have more than 30 years’ experience with Silkie Chcikens and can truly consider ourselves Silkie Chicken Experts! When hens moult or stop laying eggs for winter, the combs and wattles will fade to pink or a pale red colour and will also shrink in size. Unfortunately, some silkie chickens, mainly hatchery birds, will have badly shaped combs. There are no points on it. It's part of being a chicken. The Silkie … A comb is a fleshy growth on top of a chicken's head. If you want to get your hens or pullets to start laying eggs, you will want to reduce their stress and make them feel more relaxed. The Crest: A Silkie cockerel's crest will be shaped differently that the Silkie pullet's crest. Hens that had stopped laying will most probably experience a drop in wattles and comb color as well as the size. Do Silkie Roosters Have Red Combs? Cushion Comb. Why Is My Chicken’s Comb Pale? Beware – females can do this also. The eventual size of the spurs and the speed of growth will vary greatly. Smaller size & lighter weight than roosters. I'm praying that a hen can have these characteristics because I can't have a rooster and I don't want to give her up! Eastern cultures have long held that the Silkie possesses medicinal powers that are greater than those of any other breed of chicken. A healthy chicken comb is vibrant in color and firm to the touch. But you could be forgiven for wondering. Studies show that hens that have larger combs tend to lay more eggs. While walnut combs are generally red, the Silkie has a purple colored walnut comb. Where do Silkie chickens come from? Various Types of Chicken Combs Walnut combs are lumpy and round. This style comb has been derived from two dominant alleles for the rose and pea combs, and has found itself atop silkie chickens head! This is what takes up about 2/3rds of the comb. Roosters are larger than hens and have larger, rounder wattles with larger combs. There's a great deal of information about the Silkie in ancient Chinese writings -eastern cultures have always believed the Silkie to have medicinal powers beyond any other chicken breed. Above the chicken’s head, the shape changes and a tube shape is formed. I have 3 silkie hens that I love. As chickens begin to mature, their comb will grow larger and darken or brighten in color. We will … If you’ve only got one kind of chickens you’re probably safe to compare and guess. Males have more of a swept back crest. However, some males will have very small combs and some females will have very large ones! The comb is the “crest” on top of a rooster or hen’s head. I have 5 silkie hens that I hatched. Females tend to have a more narrow upside down “V” at the top of their combs. Though they differ greatly from breed to breed, hens do have combs and wattles just like their brother roosters.