Obviously it didn't hit. Later in the year, we will update the Weather Tool in the Mission Editor that will allow finer control of the clouds with a dynamic weather system based on a more advanced meteorological engine. This has been a substantial task to develop and integrate into our codebase, but we are nearing the end of this journey, and expect it to be available in the 3rd quarter of this year. We are shooting for 3rd quarter 2021 release, but latest Q4 2021. Check out their full roadmap below. Here are some of the items that we intend to create or update in 2021: Currently, much of our AI engineering effort is focused on the AI aircraft behaviour, in harmony with the new damage modelling and in line with logical and understandable rules and practices. This is still planned as a free map, and it will later serve as the foundation for our first World War II Pacific Theater map. If A/C pull-up is selected, the pilot is required to execute a pull-up maneuver to satisfy launch requirements CBU-99 and Mk-20 cluster bombs 5. 2020 was a tough year for most and a challenging one for Eagle Dynamics too. Once the Hornet is out of early access, some of the developers will be allocated to the Viper team in order to enhance their capabilities. As the world moves into more apparent uncertainty, we would like to thank you again for staying by our side in 2020 and for helping us to more ‘sunlit uplands’ as Churchill so beautifully said. AGM-88C HARM In addition to the current Self Protect (SP) and Target of Opportunity (TOO) HARM modes, we will be adding the Pre-Briefed (PB) mode later this month. Other tasks for 2021 include plane directors to marshal aircraft to the catapults and off the landing area, the “burble”, deck crew light wands for night operations, unique radio channels for different controllers, and manual LSO control. Unless otherwise noted, all text and graphics created by our members are licensed under the following terms CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE.Included content is not affected and of course retains their own license agreements. AIM-9L/M/X infrared-guided air-to-air missile 11. Track While Scan (TWS) mode SPOT mode AACQ mode Weapons Release of the AGM-62 Walleye Dynamic launch zones for JDAM and JSOW Pre-Briefed (PB) mode for AGM-88 HARM Avionics Correct the ability to pull 30 G While it was planned to release 2.6 in the very beginning of the year, so many additional changes are in the works that we have decided to move directly to 2.7. CATM Sidewinder infrared-guided air-to-air training missile 12. 20mm cannon (A/A & A/G) 10. However, external Beta testing is planned hopefully in Q2/Q3 2021. The contents have not been created for real flying. With the integration of these libraries, DCS will benefit from improved performance throughout, including in virtual reality. This is an ongoing process which we hope to deliver in stages during the latter half of 2021. Thereafter, we will be maintaining and polishing this module on an ongoing basis. In the end of 2020, the new damage model system for our World War II aircraft was released. In January, we will be adding new functions for expendable countermeasures, Electronic Attack (EA), radar jamming effects, SEA and Ground Moving Target (GMT) radar modes, designated target sharing (TXDSG), the FUEL page BIT, BDU-45 and BDU-45B practice bombs. This will be our first multi-engine, multi-crew World War II aircraft for DCS World, and it will mark an important capability for future projects. This video is to introduce the use of the HARM in this mode. The beginning of the year seems to be posing many of the same challenges, but the team is well organised and we believe that we have a solid roadmap for 2021 that will see the addition of new modules and improvements to the core-DCS program. Obviously it didn't hit. DCS: F/A-18C Hornet – AGM-88C HARM SP Mode Introduction Next week we plan to release the AGM-88C HARM with the Self Protect (SP) mode. We hope that 2021 will prove to be a good year, one with many upward trends, not only for DCS but for you, our faithful community and for the world at large. DCSの野心は、ユーザーが初心者パイロットからA-10C WarthogやF/A-18C Hornetの様な最も先進的で複雑な兵器システムのオペレーターとなるための手がかりとなることです。これを超える体験は”本物”しかないでしょう!DCS World 2.5の DCS World Steam Edition - Feel the excitement of flying the Su-25T "Frogfoot" attack jet and the TF-51D "Mustang" in the free-to-play Digital Combat Simulator World!Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World) 2.5 is a free-to-play digital battlefield game and simulation environment.