However, such lack of interpretability and human actionability in the models’ decision processes make it difficult to trust these models in critical applications that affect the lives of people. Take an adapted version of this course as part of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Professional Program. Winter 2018: Head Teaching Assistant, Deep Learning (CS230) Stanford University Spring 2018: Course Assistant, Deep Learning (CS230) Stanford University Fall 2017: Course Assistant, Machine Learning (CS229) Stanford University Winter 2014 - Spring 2017 CS229. Stanford's legendary CS229 course from 2008 just put all of their 2018 lecture videos on YouTube. However, in order to have a feasible strategy to act on, we only use times-tamps that are five minutes apart. CS229 Machine Learning Lecture Notes 1. Take an adapted version of this course as part of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Professional Program. … Final Projects, Autumn 2016 Navigation. CS229 Fall 2012 2 To establish notation for future use, we’ll use x(i) to denote the “input ” variables (living area in this example), also called input features,andy(i) to denote the “output” or target variable that we are trying to predict (price). CS229–MachineLearning Super VIP Cheatsheet: Machine Learning Afshine Amidiand Shervine Amidi September 15, 2018 GitHub is where people build software. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Athletics & Sensing Devices; Audio & Music; Computer Vision; Finance & Commerce; General Machine Learning; Life Sciences; Natural Language; Physical Sciences; Theory & Reinforcement; All Projects Athletics & Sensing Devices Beating Daily Fantasy Football Matthew Fox Beating the Bookies: Predicting the Outcome of Soccer Games Steffen Smolka Beating … Take an adapted version of this course as part of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Professional Program. Happy learning! For group-specific questions regarding projects, please create a private post on Piazza. S&P 500 between 9/11/2017 and 2/16/2018. More than 56 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 100 million projects. 56 comments. :star:Github Ranking:star: Github stars and forks ranking list. Since 2005, the distinctive dialect they speak is officially recognized as the regional language. One of CS229's main goals is to prepare you to apply machine learning algorithms to real-world tasks, or to leave you well-qualified to start machine learning or AI research. For instance, this repo has all the problem sets for the autumn 2018 session. Each timestamp reports close price, high price, low price, open price and volume for 502 stocks. Looking at solutions from previous years' homeworks - either official or written up by another student. Also check out the corresponding course website with problem sets, syllabus, slides and class notes. cs229 stanford 2018, Recent Posts. Diagnostics | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018) Lecture 20 - RL Debugging and Diagnostics | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018) by stanfordonline 9 months ago Page 5/11. Course Description You will learn to implement and apply machine learning algorithms.This course emphasizes practical skills, and focuses on giving you skills to make these algorithms work. The final project is intended to start you in these directions. CS229. Event Date Description Materials and Assignments ; Lecture 1: 9/24 : Introduction and Basic Concepts … Combiningtheresultsfrom1a(sum),1c(scalarproduct),1e(powers),and1f(constantterm),anypolynomialofakernelK1 willalso beakernel. Time and Location: Monday, Wednesday 4:30-5:50pm, Bishop Auditorium Class Videos: Current quarter's class videos are available here for SCPD students and here for non-SCPD students. Edit: The problem sets seemed to be locked, but they are easily findable via GitHub. CS229 project, Autumn 2019 Deep-learning models can be difficult to understand and control intuitively due to the black-box nature of these models. A caveat about the dataset is that any stock that entered or exited the index in this time frame is omitted from the data set. Announcements; Syllabus; Course Info; Logistics; Piazza; Syllabus and Course Schedule [Previous offerings: Autumn 2018, Spring 2019] * Below is a collection of topics, of which we plan to cover a large subset this quarter. CS229 Final Project Information. as such, they can't just Time/location: Lectures: Mon/Wed 1:30-2:50pm in ... 2018 exam 2017 exam 2016 exam ... Uploading your writeup or code to a public repository (e.g. Announcements; Syllabus; Course Info; Logistics; Projects; Piazza; Syllabus and Course Schedule. Take an adapted version of this course as part of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Professional Program. David S. Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 / CSCI-GA 2567 April 17, 2018 4/40 BasicNeuralNetwork(MultilayerPerceptron) github, bitbucket, pastebin) so that it can be accessed by other students. Lecture 10 – Decision Trees and Ensemble Methods | Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018) DesignTalk Ep. The specific topics and the order is subject to change. From Percy Liang’s "Lecture 3" slides from Stanford’s CS221, Autumn 2014. 49: Creating design-driven data visualization with Hayley Hughes of IBM Stanford / Autumn 2019-2020 Logistics. Github仓库排名,每日自动更新 Automatically update daily.