Palm up = girl. Boy or girl by the foods you crave? Truth – Research proves that craving has nothing to do with the gender of the fetus. On returning home one of my first tasks was to remove all the boys clothes from her bedroom unit, LOL! Myth – If you crave for salty food then its a boy and if you have a craving for sweets then its a girl. : Ok so they say you crave certain foods depending on the babies gender. According to ancient wisdom, acne during pregnancy hints that you’re having a girl. : Has anyone offered their opinions on what you are having based on foods you prefer or crave? Spot that! I'm craving milk like I never have in my life! I dont really like chocolate, but with my first pregnancy I did crave just that...lots a lots of Chocolates to the point of having one big bar a day with a can of coke, anything sweet I wanted and at 13 weeks I got the craving for Jalapenos. Posted 10/4/13. Count the birds. Ive eaten tomato every day since falling pregnant. Apparently she’s stealing your beauty. As well as determining good or bad luck, watching the magpies can be said to hint at a boy or girl. If so what did you end up having? cloiam. ... Buy my friend did with her daughter. A 1999 study published in The Lancet found that most pregnant women who have hyperemesis gravidarum, a much more serious kind of sickness during pregnancy, are carrying baby girls. Lol I've been eating really healthy but LOVE sweet fruit. boy or girl? Posted 10/4/13. Lo and behold, 3 weeks ago to the day our little girl popped out. 26. sad1982. With my daughter I had a general spicy food craving- chips and salsa, hot cheez its, jalape\361os, Mexican food with that super hot green sauce, spicy chinese, etc. #14: Pimples on face during pregnancy – boy or girl? The old nursery rhyme reads if you see 1 there will be sorrow, 2 – joy, 3 – a girl, 4 – a boy. 8) Cravings. Or for those who have had boy and girl whether you noticed a difference in cravings in pregnancy. I had a coke craving with my sonx. I'm team green this pregnancy so if you are also craving milk tell me if you are having a boy or girl! There's really no way of knowing, but it's fun comparing symptoms like cravings to pass the time. l. lida123. Some people have said that sweet is a girl and savoury is a boy. Fact: Food cravings are one of the most mysterious and misunderstood aspects of pregnancy. and I got a beautiful baby girl. Myth: Craving for salty/spicy/sour foods indicate a boy, whereas craving sweets and dairy products indicate a girl. I had all the signs of a boy - all up front bump, savory cravings, all the mad things like how a wedding ring swung when held above the bump, a 'feeling' that it was a boy. This last week I have been craving coke, but it has to be coca cola brand and has to be the original red one! Eating veggies with sweet coconut curry or satay sauce and banana smoothies. Take a look at your wee… glamorous, right? This pregnancy I can't get enough fruit! Have any of you ladies experienced this? Apples, oranges, kiwi fruit anything really. A perfect pimple-free complexion could be a sign that you’re expecting a boy. #15: Urine need of this test. I am just curious, did you have sweet or sour cravings with your bubs, and were they boys or girls? I think its just a pregnancy thing. I've never had this craving with other pregnancies I have two girls and a boy. If you are looking for a fun and easy way to see whether you are having a boy or girl, you can try the ring test.Basically, what you need to do is to tie your wedding ring … Fruit craving Boy or Girl? I am really craving the sweet stuff esp ice cream, we dont know what we … Another ‘handy’ clue – if someone asks for your hand and you give it to them palm down it’s a boy. 27. Pregnancy is a wonderful journey divided into many adventures along the way. coca-cola craving.