The resignation follows on the heels of reporting by Politico, which uncovered conflicts of interest including a personal financial stake in companies such as Merck and Bayer. In 2015, K. M. Gopakumar from Third World Network (TWN) investigated financial contributions by pharmaceutical companies to the WHO and found some to be in conflict with WHO’s guidelines for ethical promotion of medicines. With this, Ergos has closed its Series A funding round at Rs 81 crore, said multiple media reports citing the startup's co-founder and CEO Kishor Jha. Pharmaceutical industry influence makes itself felt not just domestically but also globally, and this has led to a corresponding amping-up of rhetoric against “anti-vaxxers” around the world. WHO: Do financial contributions from ‘pharma’ violate WHO Guidelines? In fiscal year 2014, the CDC Foundation raised $52 million, $12 million of that from Big Pharma. Congress authorized the CDC to accept “external gifts” from industry and private parties in 1983, and in 1992 passed legislation for the creation of a nonprofit foundation to encourage relationships between industry and the agency. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually.” The CDC itself in fiscal year 2014 received $16m in conditional funding from sources such as corporations, individuals, and philanthropy, including the CDC Foundation. The large number of patents held by the CDC deserves an in-depth review to determine exactly what current financial relationships with vaccine makers now exist and what…current impact those revenue streams are likely having on vaccine safety positions. We are completely confident that the vaccine facts and the science are on our side. In countries where the vaccine has "NOT" been approved by the relevant regulatory authority, it is , (quote from Pfizer) "AN INVESTIGATIONAL DRUG" , and its safety and efficacy "HAVE NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED" Once Burned, Twice Shy—Why “Anti-Vaxxers” Are Really “Ex-Vaxxers” I can’t believe my eyes. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime.” – Potter Stewart, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” – George Washington. Longstanding conflicts of interest that hold ACIP members captive to pharmaceutical industry interests are well known and well documented. The CDC Is Being Influenced by Corporate and Political Interests Visualizations, graphs, and data in one easy-to-use website. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. As the 2013 IOM Report concluded in their Summary, (bottom of page 5), that the entire Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Childhood Vaccine Schedule has never been studied for safety, we believe that, rather than trying to censor Children’s Health Defense viewership, we suggest WHO and CDC spend their money and time on real science and vaccine safety. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was created, quite literally, to drain the swamp. A letter sent by more than a dozen senior CDC scientists charging the agency with nursing an atmosphere of pervasive research fraud. As a result of the Gates Foundation’s “tremendous agenda-setting power,” the global health community designated 2010–2020 as the Decade of Vaccines; developed a Global Vaccine Action Plan; and created the public-private Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI Alliance), which receives almost one-fourth of its funding from the Gates Foundation. 2. Examining RFK Jr.’s Claim That the CDC “Owns Over 20 Vaccine Patents” Keep up the good work Mr. Kennedy. Him over the Gates-Sorros cabal any day, because unlike them, he is anti-eugenics and all the nasty that goes with them. Abbott Laboratories. Assistance … VAERS data is unverified. In early 2019, the WHO hyperbolically declared “reluctance or refusal to vaccinate” to be one of ten major “global health threats.” What the WHO failed to mention is the preponderant role of commercial interests, especially those of drug companies, in shaping its goals and strategies. The average age of those who died was 77, the youngest was 23. He cites reputable professionals and studies that are also being suppressed. Caught on Camera: W.H.O Scientists Question Safety Of Vaccines UPI Investigates: The vaccine conflict Monday, November 18, 2019. In its latest budget proposal, the Trump administration sought to cut CDC funding by 16% — even as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar seeks emergency spending from lawmakers to … 3M Pharmaceuticals. Conflicts of interest and pandemic flu This is absolute bullshit. Agri-tech startup Ergos Business Solutions Pvt. Medical CrossFit Settles Lawsuit With HHS After Agency Releases Emails Showing Continued Efforts to Conceal Donations And that's just the ones reflected in VAERS. According to the petition, 7 the CDC accepted $79.6 million from drug companies and commercial manufacturers between 2014 and 2018 alone. This site provides information about financial assistance resources at CDC. In a situation that parallels the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) close relationships with vaccine manufacturers while continuing to promote vaccines as “safe and effective”, CrossFit, Inc. has uncovered documentation confirming large contributions from Coca-Cola and Pepsi to the CDC Foundation that the agency has deliberately kept from the public. S everal advocacy groups petitioned the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to stop … You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. Big pharma and big tech taking over governments, health care, research, and media. Conditional donations are earmarked for specific projects. (The Center Square) – The Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) is asking for an additional $1 million to stimulate the state's hard-hit tourism industry. Of the 653 reported deaths, 602 were from the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recently lost hundreds of millions of dollars in funding cuts, including a $750 million cut in December. We invite any and all to peruse our website and share any articles with friends that you think will help them make decisions. One involves the CDC's recommendation that everyone born between 1945 and 1965 be screened for the hepatitis C virus. For more information, please visit CDC’s Grants Coronavirus (COVID-19) page. Not wearing a mask spreads this virus, not wearing a mask is making people sick, and not wearing a mask is killing people. AB Biodisk. if it worked, they would be the first ones to brag about getting the shot. Wearing a mask helps prevent the spread of the virus. And CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which is over 40% of its total budget. The approval status of the Pfizer‑BioNTech COVID‑19 Vaccine varies worldwide. LATEST CDC NUMBERS: These reflect the latest data available as of Feb. 4 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website. why are the politicians not getting vaccinated? Not wearing a mask is like knowing your house is about to be robbed and leaving the doors unlocked. The Normalization of Corruption—Big Pharma Takes “Tobacco Tactics” to a New Level To learn more, please review our FY 2019 Assistance Snapshotpdf icon. With industry and CDC funding in hand, front groups such as Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) and Every Child by Two (ECBT) guarantee vaccine makers’ ability “to influence policy without having to stand on the front lines.”. The pharmaceutical industry enforces policy discipline through agency budgets. The Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) uses grants and cooperative agreements to fund research and non-research public health programs that advance the agency’s public health mission domestically and abroad to keep Americans safe and healthy where they work, live and play. The CDC awarded the AIHA $500,000 in funding for this venture. Tyranny wants to enslave us, they are not altruistic, they don't care about health or the planet. Some prominent vaccine advocacy organizations are pushing for greater compulsion. Yet government officials – with, The government has quietly admitted culpability by paying out over, Big Pharma is exerting influence over WHO, FDA and CDC to, State initiatives mandating vaccines regardless of. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. The association will create training videos and books for the audience of small business owners, first … Contact “Compensation program” in black and white. The Unofficial Vaccine Educators: Are CDC Funded Non-Profits Sufficiently Independent? Territories Total Obligations: $111,133,177 Is NBC about to get deleted off Facebook? Whereas the FDA was publicly funded prior to 1992, by fiscal year 2017, three-fourths (75%) of the FDA’s annual budget increase came from user fees, with the pharmaceutical industry in essence paying FDA regulators’ salaries. Every Child By Two (“ECBT”) puts on a front to the world that they are an independent, compassionate organization of parents dedicated to the important work of getting every child vaccinated. Big Pharma has methodically choreographed a stealthy take-over of our most fundamental democratic institutions necessary to maintain industry in check: the regulatory institutions, the legislatures, politicians, free press/media, academia and objective science. They silence the truth and magnify the lies! OGS also published 108 new Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs). reports: Mr. Kennedy told EcoWatch, “The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. “The first thing that we are doing is reducing the distribution of misinformation about vaccinations and the second thing that we are doing is increasing exposure to credible, authoritative content on vaccinations.” But, is it Facebook’s role to decide what information people get to read regarding vaccine safety? The CDC Foundation raised $52m in fiscal year 2014, of which $12m was from corporations. 360 thinc, ltd. 3M. According to a 2015 report in Fortune magazine, pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to pay “big bucks” to speed up the approval process, and in the process, they gain extraordinary leverage over regulatory decision-making. Dozens of media outlets reported the censorship, saying the account was removed over “vaccine misinformation,” a characterization Kennedy unequivocally rejected. During this yearly observance, many organizations will place special emphasis on mental health and suicide prevention – including those in the construction industry where suicide rates of workers are alarmingly high. If you're being censored it means you're above your target and the censors are running scared of the truth coming out. That means for all the ones the shrug off and don't attribute to the V, they aren't connected in the database. Abbott Laboratories. The article revealed that some of the experts advising WHO had declarable financial ties with drug companies that were producing antivirals and influenza vaccines. We all need to do our part to try to protect our neighbors by wearing a mask. Policy • I have so much respect for this man and their team. This is the second blog in the series “COVID-19 Surveillance among Workers: What we know and what are we doing to learn more”. The average age of those who died was 77, the youngest was 23. ❤️ thank you CHD for all you do. The Hill newspaper covers the concerns of more than a dozen CDC informants about the inner workings of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that have been mounting in recent months amid disclosures of cozy corporate alliances. The CDC is quasi-government under the Department of Health and Human Services which strangely has sources of funding that are predicated on the fact that it also has a private 501 (c) (3) public charity, like the … In addition to the CDC’s ownership of dozens of vaccine-related patents, the agency’s involvement with vaccine manufacturers also extends to licensing agreements and collaboration on projects to develop new vaccines. Sign and share!!!, READ + SHARE: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's Instagram account was deplatformed Wednesday. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. Flexibilities are available to applicants and recipients of federal financial assistance affected by COVID-19. Yet there will be no halt to this operation, like the 1976 swine-flu vaccine after only 25 deaths. However, the crème de la crème of the vaccine establishment attendees admitted that vaccines can be fatal, the design of safety studies makes it difficult to spot problems, safety monitoring is inadequate, and vaccine adjuvants increase risk. Big Pharma today not only influences legislation for drugs, but the vaccine producers are also guaranteed a self-serving, automatically-captured consumer market in the form of 74 million children to whom the government mandates their limited-liability vaccine products in unprecedented numbers. How can the WHO Secretariat be expected to scrutinise the conduct of the pharmaceutical companies concerned while accepting financial resources from them?”. According to RFK Jr., the CDC is not an independent government agency but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma. Earlier this month, Lenzer wrote again for the BMJ on CDC's industry funding. A 2009 report by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Health and Human Services determined that CDC displayed a systemic lack of [ethics] oversight. Drug Companies Are Paying Huge Sums to Fast-Track FDA Approval Image from CPWR. The cabal is scared because you are correct. ‘Every Child By Two’ Bites the Hand That Feeds Them There is still time. As Gopakumar questions in closing, “These financial contributions thus raise doubts about the implementation of the Guidelines by the Secretariat. ...and I wonder how many injuries and deaths are not being reported. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Fiscal Year 2019 Grant Funding Profiles Totals U.S. Of the 653 reported deaths, 602 were from the U.S. “Vaccine misinformation” is the new “conspiracy theory”. In fiscal year 2019, the Office of Grants Services (OGS) supported 5,010 grant awards to 1,289 … In fiscal year 2019, the Office of Grants Services (OGS) supported 5,010 grant awards to 1,289 recipients. -------------- THIS ALL SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ------------ So sorry they silenced him, so I am directly following his site to remain apprised of honesty ! - In Denmark we have just have had an article about how there is 300-400 dayli reports of injuries from the vaccine.. according to this article we have about 7000 reports from al the other medicines combined.. If the allegations of industry funding and influence are true, we will have to look very carefully at recommendations we are following now and those made in the future by the CDC…. In 2010, the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism published findings of their investigation into the financial ties between drug companies and the WHO in the context of the 2009 influenza “pandemic”. For this reason, some items on this page will be unavailable. It is regrettable that instead of seriously addressing the issue and substantively addressing parents’ legitimate concerns, WHO and the CDC with the assistance of Facebook have chosen instead to try to silence critical and dissident voices rather than facilitating the exchange of ideas that is so necessary for humanity to progress. Not wearing a mask is putting immune compromised individuals at greater risks. CrossFit notes that these companies have contributed to Type 2 diabetes, liver disease, opioid addiction, and other illnesses and that conflicts of interest such as this are “endemic” within both the CDC and its parent agency, the Department of Health and Human Services. The following includes a list of CDC Foundation corporate donors and partners over time: Abbott Ireland. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a statementthat they had worked with Facebook to curb vaccine “misinformation.” Therefore, it appears that an international organization is working with a social media company to usurp free speech and accountable democracy in America. Days after CPS and teachers reached a deal to bring students back to classrooms, the feds urged a return to in-person learning as soon as possible—and laid out what it will take. September is Suicide Prevention Month. Because the manufacturers were actually liable back then...but not now. Collected from many sources, this page lists the conflicts of interest and financial entanglements of the WHO and the CDC that should be considered when determining the validity of statements made by either organization. If you’re being censored, it’s a badge of honor. This is fucking Crazy.. That means that in a little over 3 weeks, we have more injuries REPORTED for these two new untestet jabs, than for all the rest.. #notjustanumber, © 2016-2021 Children's Health Defense® • All rights Verily announced late last week that it just completed a fresh investment round and has raised nearly $700 million in funding from prominent investors. Reserved • When you hear the terms misinformation, debunked, false claims, believe the science from the media and their taking heads you can rest assured they are trying to silence the truth. Privacy New Delhi: Agritech startup Ergos has received Rs 22.5 crore from United Kingdom’s CDC Group to close its Rs 81-crore Series A funding round. Crazy times... Now his work is more important than ever! These renegade modern-day, too-big-to-fail outlaws have mastered and expanded the industry corruption playbook to levels that make the tobacco industry seem relatively tame and honest in comparison. This compilation doesn’t even include the twenty seven years of pharmaceutical industry criminal and civil penalties from 1991 through 2017 reported in a Public Citizen expose. This only illustrates, in microcosm, the CDC’s longstanding willingness to cozy up to Big Pharma and Big Health Care in defiance of ethics rules. Essentially the burning of books... always proceeds tyranny, If you are being censored, is because you are telling the truth. For more information, read The Facts About FDA’s Questionable Practices. These awards generated 12,418 actions that placed more than $5.9 billion into public health programs and research around the world.