The Amish, for example, puts a cat in an empty baby cot. Do you have a superstition or myth about cats and babies/pregnant women to share? According to Rashid Shaz the whole Muslim world is permeated with pre-Islamic superstitions, which he relates to "clinging to false hope" and even shirk. Now I'm not one for superstition but what do u all think? We all live with 3 humans near Nashville, TN in the United States of America. Dad takes almost all our photos and videos and also, is the owner of THE GRAY ART. According to preacher Loff’s interpretation, you can become a victim of intrigues if you had a dream about a pregnant white cat at your place.Someone can draw you into a shady affair under the veil of a harmless action. Your email address will not be published. As pregnancy superstitions go, this is the most common one. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yes, this does include dogs, cats, and humans.Cats that eat raw meat or rodents can be infected. Sure there’s many more… technicalities to getting a woman pregnant, but Cambodian superstition says that stepping over a woman’s legs will definitely increase your chances. 39. What other superstitions about cats have you heard? The moral of these superstitions is that we should all be kind to cats – it may just be your life that you’re holding in your hands! Ukrainians, in turn, started to believe that the arrows of a watch refer to sharp objects, which are also undesirable to give as a present, and it is a sign for quarrels and mutual insults. Breeding Age . In the Middle Ages, most people believed that witches kept black cats as companions and spies. ( Mom mostly stays at home with us but does leave for her own outside adventures often. Author's Note: 10 Pregnancy Superstitions That Are Old Wives' Tales When it comes to old wives' tales, I'm a good sport as long as it's all in good fun. 2. One is cats throughout history have been viewed as associated with evil. Interesting. A quick recap: ⦁ A cat will give a pregnant woman Toxoplasmosis. According to some Sephardic Jews, Lilith was also known as El Broosha, a demon who eats babies and takes a giant, black, polymorphous, cat … The Irish believe that to kill a cat brings seventeen years of bad luck (we think it should be lifetime of bad luck).eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'catingtonpost_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',118,'0','0'])); The Welsh believe that if a woman accidentally steps on a cat’s tail, she will not be married that year. Pregnant women should not allow cats to sleep on their laps, or their babies may be born with cat faces. If infected, the parasite lives in the cat’s feces for about 2 weeks. Expecting mothers are strongly advised to avoid cats at all costs, as it could mean serious bad luck or even harm to their unborn baby. Another suggestion play with a laser with them while you are sitting there so they will associate good things with the baby’s presence. To avoid infection in your cat, do not feed him/her raw meat. Calm down, everybody. They believe that black cats can heal sick children and even guard against evil entering your home. a #baby that is born in the #caul (they are said to have a sixth sense) rubbing money on a baby’s head (or hiding money under their bedding) making a baby sneeze. Also, cats born in May will never catch mice or rats, but will instead bring into the house snakes, worms, and other undesirable reptiles. Superstition: Cats can predict your pregnancy. We’re hoping this one is true. Share Share Tweet Email Comment. ©2020 Kittystead. If a woman was petting a pregnant white cat in her dream, this is considered a signal for action. At the very beginning of your cat’s pregnancy, mating and fertilisation occur, although you will not be able to tell definitively that your cat is pregnant for a couple of weeks. One colorful Japanese cat is luckier than all others, and this cat is called Maneki Neko. There is a small risk of contracting toxoplasmosis from an indoor cat’s feces. For some women they provide reassurance, while other women carry on as normal and these superstitions are more commonly thought about after birth to provide retrospective explanations for any problems that occurred. If a shiver runs down your spine every time a mirror breaks or a black cat crosses your path, you might be surprised to know that many of our commonly held superstitions originate from Scotland. Below we have listed our TOP 6 pregnancy, baby, and cat-related superstitions. If you, while pregnant, have to scoop, gloves are suggested. We do recommend that you have your partner or a friend scoop the litter box while you’re pregnant and make sure it is done at least once daily. If your left palm itches, you will lose money. Albatross are considered to carry the souls of dead sailors and are generally a good sign, unless killed, and monior lizards are believed to be reincarnations of dead humans. This is a very old wives’ tale with lots of variations. If there is a chance that a woman in Costa Rica could become a mom at some point, she will not get a cat until she knows she is done with having kids. Many African-American superstitions originate from a mixture of ancient African religion, Native American traditions, and European folklore. True, your cat will want to snuggle with your baby and in theory, this could lead to the above scenario but this has really never been proven. They are also dependant on whether a person likes cats or not. According to Buddhism, the body of a cat is the temporary resting place of the soul of very spiritual people; Some believe that cats can astral travel at any time. Surprise, surprise: The black cat superstition is related to witches. Palm Itching. And, other Englishmen believe that if you chase a cat, you’ll be cursed with bad luck forever. The thought that black cats are unlucky, or even evil, is perhaps the most well-known and harmful cat superstition. In 16th-century Italy, it was believed that death was imminent if a black cat would lay on someone's sickbed. They are blamed just for being black (no racist joke here). This superstition comes from China, where a gift in the form of a watch was an invitation to a funeral. What about you? So welcome to the world of easy-to-care-for cats. Or feed the dog. By Tina Quintanilla Jun 26, 2020. Female cats need to be fully grown before breeding. Myth 2: You have to get rid of your cat when you get pregnant because of the risk of toxoplasmosis. So, next time you give your cat a bath, be sure to take a look outside and see if it starts raining! Funny for us, we just learned about this superstition/myth a few weeks ago – thus, writing this list became an article. Pregnancy Superstitions That Are Dangerous To Believe. – but, at the same time, cats can bring you fame or fortune or love… Below we have listed our TOP 6 pregnancy, baby, and cat-related superstitions. ). To be on the safe side, it is best to keep your cat out of the nursery during nap time. We hope to set your mind at ease about these false claims that go against our beloved little furbabies. This superstition from Costa Rica finds cats to have a toxic effect on babies. So those are our TOP 6 common myths and superstitions. This post contains affiliate links. When an infant, especially, under a year-old comes into contact with a pregnant woman, he/she will fall ill. 17. Earlier in April, PugetPets debunked some common myths about dogs.In this post, we’ll take a look at some equally common misconceptions about cats. Folklore and superstitions are a way of encouraging the expectant mom to follow through with best practices while pregnant. If you are worried about this, you can place a net over the crib so your cat cannot snuggle in. Superstition #2: Black Cats Are Bad Luck. Any harm the cat does to your baby would be an accident as the cat is not truly jealous of your child and does not wish to actually do harm. Be the first to know about what’s going on with Kittystead. Fleas do lay eggs rapidly but a flea bite will not kill your baby. So, if you feed milk to an older cat, they really can not digest it. Sign up for our newsletter and join our social communities. It was interesting to us to discover as cats age most become lactose intolerant. 18. I prefer big dogs. Praise your furbaby when he/she behaves well with the infant. I think I turned out okay . No Shoes Upturned. However, a Costa Rican superstition takes that to an entirely new level. During the middle ages, it was thought that if you accidentally kick a cat, you’ll get rheumatism. I have collected some of them here in three lists: good luck, bad luck, and other superstitions. Feline Folklore: Why Are Black Cats a Scary Symbol of Halloween? Superstition aside, you should never drop a tortilla. (TV, cartoons & books) The myth/superstition is that the cat is going to attack and try to get to the milk that you are feeding your baby. Moms-to-be should not pet cats or even be around them. Yes, this has worked well for us in the past, believe it or not. But cats themselves are safe to be around. This will assure your cat he/she has nothing to worry about. You get the idea. Just when this dog-eat-dog world has handed you all the poop you can take, it's time to walk the dog. Us, 9 cats and a Corgi make up our kittystead. - American superstition If a cat washes behind its ears, it will rain. Cats have long been associated with bad luck, Halloween, and all things creepy – but do you know where legends and superstitions are born? Cat Myths Debunked. The theory is the cat will thrive and the child will waste away. Entertainment comes bundled in a furry, huggable, self-cleaning cat who won't beg for your food. Kittystead is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Think Black Cats are Bad Luck? (Photo Credit : DavidTB/Shutterstock) The most common superstition involving animals relates to black cats. May cats are unlucky, and will suck the breath of infants. Cats are also associated with various superstitions and superstitions for pregnancy. They believe cats to be evil, at least around pregnant women. Pregnant women should not allow cats to sleep on their laps, or their babies may be born with cat faces. Maternity stays are not what they used to be. You can ease your cat into the new routine before the baby arrives. Cats and children. If they begin cleaning their whiskers, some people in North America think it means a member of the clergy is on the way to visit you! A cat … Or wash the dog. In the Middle Ages, most people believed that witches kept black cats as companions and spies. Black cat superstitions: So I'm pregnant again after missed miscarriage in August and a black cat just sat outside my window while I was getting ready, very friendly mind you. Superstition #2: Black Cats Are Bad Luck. The Amish, for example, puts a cat in an empty baby cot. When feeding your baby, be sure to also give your cat a few treats too. Of course, it is not recommended that cats and babies sleep together due to the reason listed above in number #3. They do not mature like humans so it is like having a toddler for their entire life. Expectant mothers are often fearful of the unknown. England is bad luck to the pregnant woman if she is sleeping on her lap. Cats are considered to be highly toxic to pregnant women, and that includes small and young kittens. Black Cat Crossing Your Path. All Rights Reserved. Similarly, Filipino superstition says that if a pregnant woman hops over her husband, he will take on the discomforts of pregnancy such as morning sickness. The origin of this superstition has come from the Egyptians who believed that black cats were evil creatures and they bring bad luck. Feline Superstitions: Cats Weigh In 1. Cats are also associated with various superstitions and superstitions for pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the single-celled parasite Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). Remember your baby is part of your cat’s life too and if he/she is made to feel part of the baby-raising activities your cat will be more accepting of the noisy intruder. Millions of people have a sculpture of this cat in their homes and businesses. People all over the world have #superstitions surrounding #pregnancy and #birth. In twenty-second dynasty the Egyptian King Osorkon, placed a white cat in magnificent temple and ritually endowed that with supreme power. A black cat is also associated with bad luck, and sadly, death. It is one of the deeply engraved superstitions with Nepalese. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'catingtonpost_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',126,'0','0']));And, if you liked this article… pin it! Just keep a laser pen handy, sit back and wait for the fun to begin! Pregnancy, Baby And Cat Superstitions. Indian beliefs and superstitions are passed down from generation to generation.These faiths have sprung with an objective to protect from evil spirits, but some were based on scientific reasoning. The bite may cause a rash though. That seems fair enough to us. Light-colored cats are thought to bring silver into your home, which is very lucky indeed, and dark-colored cats are thought to bring gold into your home. For sure, no one wants fleas! Cats have forever been associated with superstitions – ever heard that black cats are bad luck? It's good food going to waste. 28. Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality contradicted by natural science: the belief that one event is the cause of another without any physical process linking the two, such as astrology, omens, witchcraft, and apotropaic magic. The acidic stomach means that the baby is growing hair. According to Dr. Raymond Van Lienden, DVM, of The Animal Clinic of Clifton, Va., scents unique to pregnancy, although imperceptible to humans, can be detected by some animals — including cats. May cats are also inclined to be sad and melancholy. In twenty-second dynasty the Egyptian King Osorkon, placed a white cat in magnificent temple and ritually endowed that with supreme power. 13* The old European superstition says that pregnant woman should not look to dead people or go to funerals because her child will be yellow faced. Don’t eat watermelons while pregnant. And I’m so thankful the things you wrote about are myths! One of the most common animals that make people shudder around the world. - American superstition To see a white cat on the road is lucky. Rubbing a cat’s tail on the eyelid will cure a stye. This way, the first person will have all the bad luck and you won't. Your email address will not be published. The Egyptians held cats at a high respect. Or replace the door to the baby’s room with a screen door that allows your kitty to see and smell the baby without feeling completely left out. This could be rooted in the fact that cat feces can be harmful to unborn babies, so maybe some of this superstition is from reality, and just turned into a superstition to stay away from cats while pregnant. This superstition from Costa Rica finds cats to have a toxic effect on babies. Male cats on the other hand yowl when they smell a female cat in heat. He’s thought to bring flailing businesses back to profit and make families successful. Well, that is assuming YOUR CAT wants to be around other humans – some just don’t like us. Looks like the birds and bees talk is much more complicated than we thought. Don’t forget to like and share and sign up for our newsletter for all things Kittystead. Cats in Egypt were associated with the benevolent aspect of Hathor, the Lioness who was said to have nine lives. Russian traditions, superstitions and beliefs include superstitions and customs of Russians.Many of them are now inseparable parts of everyday life, or simply common social etiquette, though they often have their origins in superstition.Awareness of them, and their perceived importance, depends on various factors including region and age. …Think Again. Here are some strange superstitions that have been associated with cats over the years. I can’t imagine living with 9 cats! In India, black colour is generally associated with the Lord Shani. Pregnant women should avoid cat litter boxes. A Japanese myth is when a cat dies it becomes a super spirit. Tell us in a comment below! A cat bitten once by a snake dreads even rope (Arabian). This will teach them that they are a part of this one happy family. His name was Jasper. They also believe that if a cat adopts you, it will stay with you forever, even after death. With a few rules and the proper supervision, your baby and your cat can develop a loving relationship, filling your life with many happy memories. Treat your cats/dogs and your yard to prevent this from escalating to a worse scenario. A pregnant woman has a greater chance of contracting this rare parasitic disease from gardening than scooping cat poop. The re is also a supers tition that states that if a cat is to jump onto the stomach of a pregnant woman then the baby is soon to be either a still born or a miscarriage. It is said that if a black cat crosses your path, then you should let somebody else pass before you do. I’m glad there are cat people! Join our mailing list to receive the latest cat news, recalls, and kitty contests! Surprise, surprise: The black cat superstition is related to witches. Photo courtesy of There’s a Canadian superstition that expectant mothers who want fish will but don’t eat it will end up having a baby with a fish head. 3. I have compiled a list of 20 superstitions … Comment below.A quick recap:⦁ A cat will give a pregnant woman Toxoplasmosis.⦁ Cats love milk and will attack your baby for it.⦁ Cats will suck the air out of your baby’s lungs.⦁ If a cat hears your baby crying, the cat will climb in the crib and hurt your child.⦁ Flea Bites will kill your baby.⦁ Cats do not get along with babies. A cat has nine lives.