A 20-gallon tank gives everyone plenty of room and allows both the beta and the tetras to have their own territories. Neon tetras are considered easy to keep in an aquarium of at least 10 gallons. Is that a disease? 2:54. Also I'm planning on adding a betta to it as well. Favorite Answer. The penguin tetra is a characin fish that hails from the Amazon Basin in Brazil. 20-Gallon Tank. If possible though, go for a 20-gallon tank for good measure. They are happy for past one month. Aqueon Fish Aquarium Starter Kits LED NeoGlow: This 10 gallon tank is ideal for novice hobbyists. Suggestions required to save him. Need some opinions and advice from people who've kept tetras! Neons will have the least impact on your bioload and they need a shoal of 4-6 to thrive. Substrate. 67% Upvoted. report. I am working off the knowledge that a ten gallon aquarium is small. Black Skirt Tetras and Neon Tetras in a 10 Gallon Tank. 2- 2.5 gallon tank. share. Neon tetras are very active and beautiful fish that like to swim around with their buddies in groups of at least 6. 3.) 319 319. I got 6 neon tetras but the tank looks practically empty. :] 2 1. Apr 8, 2019 . I have a 10 gallon tank that is cleaned, correct pH, and has a tropical fish heater along with a thermometer. Sort by. Thoughts? Water Parameters for Betta and Neon Tetras. Neon tetras should be in schools of 4 or 6 at the very least, and each fish requires roughly 1.3 to 1.5 gallons of tank space, you should not be using a 2.5 gallon tank for neon tetras at all. How many tetras fit in a 40-gallon tank? When placing black neon tetras in a 5-gallon tank, make sure they are five or less. Size: The principle that should be adopted when it comes to keeping small fishes like the tetra is the one inch per gallon rule, this means that one inch of the tetra fish is estimated to occupy one gallon in the tank but make sure you only apply this when the fishes are micro in size. Overcrowding would be an issue that would lead to stress and sickness. Shamala says: January 9, 2020 at 12:58 pm. With 4 platies you have pretty much maxed out a 10 gallon tank. If you really want to add a few more fish you should upgrade to a filter for 20+ gallons FIRST and then add 4-6 neon tetras. 2. I will recommed you to go with a 10 gallon tank though! The general concept of aquarium keeping is that the bigger the tank, the better. In the wild they inhabit very soft, acidic waters (pH 4.0 to 4.8) Ideal pH for aquarium is 7.0, but a range of 6.0 to 8.0 is tolerable. Likely dropsy. Hi! Just get more females than males (or all males). If you have any questions about aquarium keeping, don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comment section below. They are very active and are very sensitive to water quality which means the bigger the tank for them the better. Update: actually i now have a 15 gallon. Step 3. In short, if you keep neon tetras and bettas in a tank that’s at least 15 gallons, but preferably 20 gallons in size, then it’s possible. 3. A single neon tetra will require two gallons, but they are schooling fish, and you should keep a small shoal in a minimum of 10 gallons. I also wanted to add a few cherry shrimp. save. Anonymous. Fortunately, many common tetras fit well into this size range. Perfect for Tetras and Angelfish. Which are the best aquarium tanks for Neon Tetra? By HarimG, 9 months ago on Stocking & Compatibility. 100% Upvoted. While small they're actually very active and really do better in a larger tank. hide. Joined Feb 9, 2004 Messages 1,464 Reaction score 0 Location essex uk (nr colchester) Feb 26, 2010 #5 Fish Guy said: Well if you were just going to go with neons I would say 10 would good in that size tank. Rummy nose tetras require more space than an already stocked ten gallon allows. Penguin Tetra. Relevance. This tank already has 4 albino corys in it and has quite a few plants.It's not fully cycled yet, so I won't be adding the tetras for another maybe 2 weeks. Comes with LED lights, powerful filter and crystal clear glass. If neon tetras were pricier and cost $10 each, people would likely be more careful and do research on proper husbandry before taking them home. Step 2. How many Neon Tetras in a: 1. Whether it is a 5-gallon, 10-gallon, 20-gallon tank or even the bigger ones, providing safe and healthy environment is the key to keeping any kind of fishes including tetras. How many can I safely fit in it without pushing the stocking limits to the max. I have not done this, but I'm thinking about it. For a 10 gallon species-only aquarium you could keep 11 Neon Tetra. How many Neon Tetra in a 10 gallon tank? 0 0. Would this be too many fish because I could easily get smaller corys but I do not have as much fun looking at the smaller kinds. This rule works well with peaceful schooling fish like small tetras. Tetras are Shoaling fish and that why you should keep them in a group of atleast 5-6. Another thing to keep in mind is that while tetras can typically thrive in a 10-gallon tank (and a betta can live in one that is just two gallons if he lives alone), the tank must be larger if you are keeping the two species together. 3 guppies is OK, they are not a schooling fish. I have a 15 gallon tank that I would like to have only neon tetra's in. Reply. Roughly what # of tetras would be good for a 10 gallon? So recently I've done a lot of things with fish. Experienced fish keepers with the skill and a clean setup could keep up to 15 Neon Tetra in a species-only 10 gallon. I finally got fish for a tank I set up several months ago, but I under estimated the size. share. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How many Neon Tetras for a 10 gallon? How many would be good for a 10-gallon tank? 1/2 gallon tank. Source(s): [email protected]. I am not a first time tetra owner and my mom has had angelfish before so we are not new at this. 1 gallon tank. Posted by February 6, 2021 Leave a comment on how many neon tetras in a 5 gallon tank February 6, 2021 Leave a comment on how many neon tetras in a 5 gallon tank As long as it isn't too aggressive. It turns out that a 10-gallon tank is more than enough for a Betta fish and 5-6 Neon Tetras or even more of them. I was thinking 6-8, but I'm not sure. The average length of most tetra fishes being about 1 to 1.5 inches, it is not a great idea to keep more than 5. I was wondering how many Neon Tetras could I add to a 20 gallon long community tank. A 20-gallon tank is ideal since it gives them room to swim together. But what about the water parameters? 7 comments. There are many different types of tetras and they vary in size. Neon tetras need at least a 20 gallon tank. This thread is archived . This rule assumes the fish are full-grown and not particularly aggressive. Oftentimes, they don’t spend a lot of time looking up the care requirements and may buy a large bag of them to put in a tiny aquarium with poor water quality and aggressive tank mates. 1.) Penguin Tetra. Aqueon 10 Gal LED Aquarium Kit: This 10-gallon tank is just the thing for a small Neon Tetra community tank. It is commonly traded by aquarium lovers under multiple names like hockey stick tetra, black-line penguin fish, and penguin fish, among others. Hi! Temperament. Hi, I have 15 gallon tank with 10 neon tetra. Will the tetras … A well-planted 20-gallon tank can hold about 48 neon tetras, although you won't want to start a tank with that many tetras in your school. 6 comments . Not just that you will be able to keep much fish in the tank, it will also be a lot easier to maintain the tank as well. Hi, I'm new here. A full school of Neon Tetras (6 fish) requires at least 15-20 Gallons. It is fine to get away with 13 neon tetras, but adding more would not be wise. 8 Beautiful Home Aquariums for Inspiration and Ideas. For example, according to this rule, a 10-gallon tank could hold a 10-fish school of 1-inch neon tetras. Ideally neons should have a 20+ gallon tank. hide. Remember, you can fit 7 Neon Tetras in a 10 gallon tank if they are each 1.5 inches long, but chances are that they will probably be around 1.6 or 1.7 inches long each, so to be safe, we would go with 6 of them per 10 gallons. Black Skirt Tetras and Neon Tetras in a 10 Gallon Tank. You might also like our post on Neon Tetra Disease and Prevention, you can find it here. Being native to the Amazon and its tributaries, these small fish like a slightly darker environment. None, really. Related Article: How Many Neon Tetras in a 10-gallon tank. How Many Guppies Could A 10 Gallon Aquarium Sustain? The recommended tank size for Black Skirt Tetras is a minimum of 15 gallons. I previously had a mix of tetras and a few platy's, danios, and swordtails but I have just transfered them into a 25 gallon. After some thought, I decided that I wanted to add some neon tetra into the tank. How many tetras fit inside a 30-gallon tank? report. Purchase a dark substrate -- aquarium gravel is the most common -- and place a thin layer along the floor of your aquarium. Neon Tetra Fish Tank Requirements. A 5-gallon tank is likely too small for a group of Neons since you would want to keep at least 4-6 of them which could quickly overload a small 5-gallon tank, a 10-gallon tank would be best. I have a filter that is meant for 30 gallons, if that plays a role. Fortunately, these two species are compatible when it comes to tank setup and they are easy to take care of as well. best. Member. They can have a lifespan of as long as ten years, or normally two to three years in aquarium. save. Lindsay86. - Duration: 14:28. Also, keeping the tank heavily planted with mid-height aquarium plants and floating plants you’re going to have a better chance of success. Tropical Aquaria 14,265 views. tank?" I want to get a 30-40 gallon tank. I also want to get pure tetras, a combination of cardinals and neons to create a good display. Tank Size. Sort by. This thread is archived. 10 years ago. Keep reading . Neon Tetras in 10 gal Planted Tank - Duration: 2:54. I have put 8 goldfish in a 30-gallon tank and I've put 4 neon tetras and 2 black skirt tetras in a 10-gallon tank. How Many Neon Tetras Can I Put In A 2.5 gallon Tank? how many guppies and neon tetras can fit in a ten gallon tank?