I'm going to discuss five of the most basic ones here: 1) Don't tell them they are wrong about something, 2) Don't argue with them, 3) Don't ask if they remember something, 4) Don't remind them that their spouse, parent or other loved one is dead, and 5) Don't bring up topics that may upset them. After all, you are never going to last as a couple unless you can be complete weirdos together. 5) You just started seeing someone and want to focus on that. If any of this information was of value to you in her mind, she would have told you upfront. 1. WhatsApp. When you ask, deeply listen. Ask why she took a year off to backpack through Europe. Why do you smell? Any questions that come after should be a natural follow up to their response. 3. Answer: Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje in Macedonia, Ottoman Empire. 1. The first misconception is that the women know they're not fat or ugly, and that they're fishing for compliments or playing some kind of power game. However, there are some questions that you should never ask, primarily because it will make other people upset, uncomfortable, or … They can open a Pandora’s Box and be a gateway to some more interesting topics. Have an arsenal of tricky and baffling questions! Illegal interview questions, while not illegal in the strictest sense of the word, have so much potential to make your company liable in a discrimination lawsuit, that they might as well be illegal. Use them to get a conversation going or as a fun way to pass the time with friends or loved ones. 4. Recently there was a great little post about 5 questions husbands should ask their wives. Learn how to get started. “People define success differently. For those moments when you want to get closer through conversation, we’ve gathered a list of 60 illuminating questions to ask a partner in order to get to know them a little better. Checking up on her – to see if everything is okay – is fine, but demanding information and being possessive is … The article suggests 5 things that you should never ask a woman. Why are you hungry? Not because you hope to get the right answer (which doesn’t exist), but because it shows you if the girl you are with is willing to think about topics that go … 7. Of course I starting thinking about what kind of questions we wives should ask our husbands, but more than that, I immediately thought of questions we should not ask them. 3. Ugh. Congratulations! Each question has some commentary that might help with the questions but feel free to ignore the commentary if you want. I’m going to do one better, and give you not only questions to NOT ask but them specific explanation behind why you shouldn’t ask them. Mrs Kelly goes to church every Sunday. Trick questions put your thinking skills to the test—and we have 125 of the most confusing, tricky and hard questions with answers! Here are five questions a wife should never, in my opinion anyway, ask her husband. In fact, the U.S. 4. Tom’s away at the moment. Ask the Microsoft Community. It’s quite interesting to ask a girl this question. First one cost me two seconds to count it out. The right question: "How much does feeling fat or ugly bother this woman?" The exam was extremely difficult. 8. We're here to help! And just to satisfy my curiosity, I … Ask for the underlined words! So without further ado, here are our best list of unique questions to ask a woman to get to know here better. "Beyond that, it's quite possible that a person hasn't met their soulmate yet, and that's why they're not in a relationship. Sure, you didn’t make any promises here, but it’s polite to tell them what’s going on. There’s also many more excellent questions to ask a girl without commentary below the first set. 8 important questions to ask references. Why don't you laugh? 5 Questions to Ask a Pregnant Woman – Instead of the Gender Question.