Im figuring he’s just getting older and preferring me over the bottle but now I’m wondering if it’s possibly the older milk and he’s not liking the taste. My bubba is 9 months old and is currently cutting his top middle front teeth. My supply has tanked – a weighted feed showed he only took in 40 g of milk when it should be like 90. These are pretty on point! I somehow missed this when you first posted, but I hope things have gotten better. Pro-Tip: If your baby starts to show a strong preference for nursing and refuses to take a bottle from you, try to have someone else give the bottle. My three month old has started refusing her bottles. We try to make sure our baby has a filling supper with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. If she isn’t acting super hungry and is still having wet and dirty diapers, she should be good to go! Go into a quiet, private location and enjoy one-on-one time together. (Yet note that they can be. 1 article, When your baby won’t take a bottle, it can be a stressful, even scary, thing. . I definitely recommend checking out the bottle refusal guide in this post to see if anything jumps out at you. Unfortunately, the sucking motion can often put extra pressure and pain on your baby’s gum. If you’re concerned about reflux, I highly, highly recommend trying out paced bottle feeding. He bottle feeds during the day, though I also get to breastfeed when he wants to. There are many reasons for healthy, babies to cry and refuse to feed or eat when hungry or eat less than they need for healthy growth, besides acid reflux. <3. Hugs to you! I’m glad things got easier once he started eating solid food!, Toddler Won't Drink Milk - What To Do When They Refuse, 10 Clubhouse Accounts for New Moms and Moms-to-Be to Follow Now, 7 Easy Ways To Stop Bottle Refusal When Your Baby Prefers Breastfeeding, 8 Effective Tips to Stop Overwhelm as a New Mom. Pro-Tip: If your baby starts refusing to drink a bottle, think about what changes could have occurred with your formula brand or frozen breast milk. Related: Use these 7 steps to help your breastfed baby love bottle feeding just as much as the breast. Good luck mama! Try to calm him down and make him feel safe and then gently offer the bottle again. To help him take a bottle from other people, you can try sharing any special routines you do (example: always sit in the rocking chair and hum together) and have her mimic those. We want to cuddle or spend time with loved ones just relaxing together and often don’t eat as much as usual. My son who is 1 year now was born at 28weeks. If the syringe feeding is working and she’s gaining weight well and having enough diapers and it works okay for your daughter, she can certainly keep doing this. However, as your baby gets older, she may become frustrated with the “slow flow” nipples. But milk is necessary need. Her doc thinks it’s reflux and suggested rice cereal in the bottle but I can’t wrap my head around that since she eats fine otherwise, doesn’t arch, isn’t fussy otherwise Thanks! This did not influence her bottle intake before, but last few days it does. We’ve been giving our daughter a bottle since she was a month old. Baby reflux symptoms include: constant or sudden crying when feeding; bringing up milk during or after feeds (regularly) frequent ear infections; lots of hiccups or coughing; refusing, gagging or choking during feeds; poor weight gain; frequent waking at night; Here is a top tip… My baby was exactly the same. Hi, After we stopped using the shield I stopped using a bottle while out. Oh my goodness! Prilosec Liquid 2 mls am. He doesn’t eat much semisolids during daytime too… he is 9.5kgs… born 2.1kgs…. <3, My baby is a boobie monster and REFUSES a bottle. I’d also recommend checking out the bottle refusal guide linked in this posts for a few more tips. 1.2 Symptom #2: Your baby is experiencing some discomfort with infant reflux. I’d flip through it to see if any of those tips help you. Babies go through so many changes in such a fast period of time. Now I have started to feed him with a dropper. I’m so glad you found it helpful! reflux occurs when food backs up (refluxes) from a baby's stomach, causing the baby to spit up. My little boy at 8 months old, has just been in hospital for 10 days receiving medicine everyday. Please tell me its a phase and it will pass , So glad you were able to get some tips here! . I have a feeling he will never go back to the bottle again. If it has a high lipase level, it has more of a soapy taste/smell.) Thanks for all of this great info! The main think to keep an eye out for is wet diapers. Reflux since birth. Around this age, our baby started eating much more solid food and transitioned away from as much milk. We have been bottle feeding along with some breast feeding and the smaller one was taking bottled milk quite well for initial 10 days or so. Thank you so much for your help , i just changed her bottle and she drank the milk but only 4oz she usually drinks 6 she’s been giving me a hard time especially at night around 4 am around her feeding time :/, I hope it’s helpful for you and your little one! When given a bottle, the milk flow is different. He now absolutely refuses the bottle, but has been drinking from a bottle since 6 weeks old. Often, as infant feeding specialists, lactation consultants and other experts in the field of human lactation are asked how to properly bottle-feed a baby. We simply had to figure out a way to distract her to have her accept the milk bottle so she started finally gaining some weight and has stayed at 15% since then…on a side note, she doesn’t eat anymore than she ate at 6 months of age so she still has to drink lots and lots of milk (and no, starving her still does not help). When your baby starts eating more solids, they naturally need less calories from milk. <3 I'd also recommend your baby's father to download the bottle refusal guide and recommend any tips that you think would go over well with her. But at 2 to 3 months that reflex becomes voluntary. She has severe reflux ever since she was born. I just read all the reasons why baby is refusing bottle and it all makes sense but I’m still unsure as to why my baby is refusing it. But you also don’t want to do it too early. But she takes a pacifier so when I bought her the bottle from the same brand she immediately took it. If your baby continues to struggle with bottle feeding, our organization has pediatric rehab therapists who are available to help. It is so stressful when you worry about your baby getting enough to eat. My baby is 11 months now… last time I messaged you, he was 6.5 mnths old… from that time some days he would take milk without causing trouble and some days went by like no means no…. Give your baby your full attention and snuggle, listen to relaxing music, sing lullabies, or talk together. Should I perhaps give it a few days and then try again? Feel free to email and I can help brainstorm more specifics for you and your baby. Our baby got his first tooth right around 4 months and this was the first time we saw this, so maybe your baby is an early teether too! He absolutely hated the medicine and it often would get administered un pleasantly to say the least. My email is [email protected], Hi Because she has been nursing more than normal…but I still don’t know what to do or how to get her to take it. Your baby has a great sense of smell and can smell your milk on you. Yay! Sometimes, there are physical or psychological issues that could cause milk refusal. I was scared of him not taking a bottle and that’s the reason I introduced it to him this early. In the meantime, I’d work with your daughter to become more independent drinking out of a sippy cup or open cup. I’d recommend trying to make bottle time really really special for a while. We haven’t introduced semi solid food to him but he is not interested in that also… he doesn’t want to eat or drink… I’m very much worried, today i cried also. he is crying…. I don’t know what to do now ???? This is very, very common and expected with this transition. I’m a bit confused on what could be happening and what should I do. Im so worried what will i do? She just started refusing to eat with me for the last three days and only takes to my wife’s mom (maternal grandmother) to feed and even then she fights her. He just won’t take it. . Here is a little history she had a hard time breast feeding when she was born so we got her on bottle feeding pretty early on. Good luck to you and your family!! He’s taken bottles before (most recently he downed 5 oz of expressed milk just three days ago), but now he just turns his head away and cries if I (or my husband) try to give him a bottle. It’s clear that he’s feeling uncomfortable and in pain as he waits for those teeth to pop through. I am so sorry you have been dealing with this and so happy that you have a medical team that can help when needed! Best of luck x. She usually enjoyed solids, but also the last few days that is more challenging. feeding the bottle in a more seated position. I am so sorry your family is going through this! She spoils all her clothes etc due to this. Good luck! Thank you so much for being there and helping us all out. Doing so will help them prepare for the bottle feeding attempt calmly. For example: When a baby has reflux, it causes them to feel discomfort or pain when eating. They should be able to do different swallow tests to see if that’s having an impact. Step 1: Bring the nipple (no bottle attached) to the baby's mouth and rub it along the baby’s gums and inner cheeks, allowing the baby to get used to the feeling and texture of the nipple. Suddenly he doesn’t want to take it. If she’s congested, try to keep her head elevated as much as possible and give her a bottle at a more elevated angle (like you do with paced bottle feeding and to avoid acid reflux). This will help them form and strengthen their sucking. Allow your baby to accept the bottle into his mouth rather than poking it in. A common cause to consider is a feeding aversion. As your baby gets older, she will start to drink less milk at night because she will start drinking more milk/eating more food during the day. Im only gone for one feeding. Hopefully she’ll be feeling better soon and drinking well again! You want to avoid doing it too late, for the reasons mentioned above. My son was bottle fed from the beginning and he used to drink his milk, after turning 4months he just refuses his bottle or if he does want to drink he leaves the nipples under his tongue which means all the milk dribbles down and soaks up the muslin and he doesn’t drink!