Some wild plants are poisonous or can have serious adverse health effects. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. Resour. Arctic willow can be … Individual flowers are about 1 cm across; the calyx is small and 5-toothed; the corolla is composed of 5 white ovate to oblong petals, fused at the base. It is in leaf all year, in flower from April to June. Labrador tea is a slow growing evergreen shrub. Basically, anywhere you can grow rhododendrons, you can grow Labrador tea, although the tea plant is much hardier than a rhodo. It will grow up straight in the southern latitudes of the tundra, but in the colder northern latitudes it will creep over the ground forming a carpet. Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada. Leaf blades are narrowly elliptic to oblong, 2 to 5 cm (1 to 2”) long and 0.5 to 2 cm wide. Labrador tea main properties Just like rhododendrons, bearberry, azaleas, huckleberry and cornflowers, Labrador tea is a plant that belongs to the Ericaceae family. The sterner warnings may stem from the fact that Labrador will poison stock animals if they ingest entire stands of it. It may occur as an understory component in open or closed forest habitats, primarily with black or white spruce. Labrador tea ( Ledum groenlandicum) is a native flowering shrub to much of Canada and the northern United States. It is often associated with black spruce. “Twigs are covered in white to rusty red hairs; older stems are reddish brown and flaky” (Boland, 2011). The leaves and flowering shoots are used to make medicine. It is often associated with black spruce. by J. Trelawny. Flore Laurentienne. In the Yukon it can commonly co-dominate with shrub birch (Betula glandulosa). Ottawa. We are not health professionals, medical doctors, nor are we nutritionists. This species was collected by Aboriginals to brew a vitamin C rich tea. New shoots of the season originate at the base of the flower cluster. The leaves were used medicinally to treat a variety of ailments, including diarrhea, bad breath, pneumonia, eye infections, difficulty urinating, tension and kidney ailments, among more. CAUTION: The tea can cause drowsiness and can act as a strong diuretic, cathartic or cause intestinal disturbances. Identification, health,
Les Presses de l’Université de Montreal. It can also be used to stretch black tea for a more aromatic drink. Labrador tea prefers moist to wet peaty soils, especially in bogs and wet coniferous forests; also in peaty barrens. In northern Canada, note that Northern Labrador tea, Rhododendron tomentosum subsp.subarcticum (formerly Ledum decumbens), can flower 7-10 days later than R. groenlandicum, in areas where both occur in the subarctic (Derek Johnson, pers. Ringius, G.S. comm.). The plant is an indicator of wet, usually very acidic and nutrient poor organic soils and is widespread at low and medium elevations. Some 4 species of genus Ledum exist worldwide, 3 in Canada. Labrador Tea is found in peatlands, tundra and moist coniferous woods and is a frequenter of swamps, muskegs and bogs, though it may be found in drier, rocky places in the mountains. Labrador tea is the younger cousin of Sweetgale and Bearberry. Common Name(s): Rock Willow. ex Steud.). The leaves and the flowers can both be used for tea, either fresh or dried, and the leaves can be picked all year. Labrador Tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum) is a slow growing evergreen shrub from the Ericacaea or Heath family. subarcticum (Northern Labrador tea), Kalmia microphylla (Bog Laurel) or Andromeda polifolia (Bog Rosemary), as all three contain toxic alkaloids known to be poisonous to livestock. It is noted for attracting wildlife. Labrador tea, a wholesome herbal infusion is prepared from the leaves of three species of labrador plant, including the Bog Labrador (Rhododendron groenlandicum), Western Labrador (Rhododendron neoglandulosum), and Northern Labrador (Rhododendron tomentosum).The flavorful tea, with its mild fruity taste is commonly taken for its numerous medicinal properties. For instance, the undersides of the leaves have fine hairs, and when the pores in the leaves open to pull carbon dioxide from the air, the hairs keep the plant from losing water. It often grows in dense colonies. Other uses are associated with the pungent odor: the dried leaves were stored with grain to repel rodents, and extracts of the leaves were used to create an insect repellent. It often grows in dense colonies. Like an animal, like a dog, it keeps its fur, but in the spring the fur is renewed.” The older the plant the better, and Labrador tea … Growing in bogs of the northern hemisphere, this evergreen plant can be found and enjoyed anytime of year 1997. It is essentially a dwarf version of R. groenlandicum. Labrador tea can grow to reach 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide and high, and grows into a bush. Marie-Victorin, F. 1964. Victoria. Genus: Salix. Flowers can also be used to make tea. It grows in peat bogs and other acidic environments around Greenland, Canada, and northern American states. Labrador Tea is found in peatlands, tundra and moist coniferous woods and is a frequenter of swamps, muskegs and bogs, though it may be found in drier, rocky places in the mountains. Marles, Robin J. et al. A field guide to forest insects and diseases of the prairie provinces. Food plants of British Columbia Indians – coastal peoples. Edmonton. Why the name Labrador Tea When photographing caribou in the alphabet hills, my friend mentioned the scent of the labrador tea plant reminded him of his dad. Labrador tea is a slow growing evergreen shrub and new shoots of the season originate at the base of the flower cluster. Ed. Ledum groenlandicum is an evergreen Shrub growing to 1.5 m (5ft) by 1.5 m (5ft). The herbal tea has been a favorite beverage among Athabaskan First Nations, and Inuit people. Labrador tea has been introduced into old country gardens as an ornamental shrub. Other common names Labrador tea .
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