UK based invertebrate Breeders and suppliers. Giant Devil's Flower mantis (Idolomantis diabolica) from 26.00. Quick View. Make sure to come in and check out what we are all about. Interesting Regal Characteristics: Uses webbing as a dragline to catch itself in case of an unsuccessful attack.Have a nearly 360° field of view. Have you ever thought about keeping a Jumping Spider as an office companion or photographic subject? Jumping spiders Mantis Zoo Gear Ootheca Supplies and feeders Quick View. The Spider … a tall terrarium for arboreal spiders/tarantulas, praying mantis and other such £35.00 Plastic new sweet jars 4.5ltr with screw top coloured lid.. note you can select a lid colour if you order sweet jar in the cages heading of non livestock section Hyllus giganteus and diardi. Jumping Spiders, Praying Mantis and more Invertebrates for sale in the UK and Europe. We sell a wild range of Spiders internationally. The Spider Shop > Tarantulas; Sub Adults & Adults Larger Tarantulas ideal for pets and breeding. Spiderlings A massive selection of spiderlings for rearing. Jumping spider for sale ARTIFICIAL JUMPING SPIDER SELLER - ROY HUDD - UK PYE - ADVANCE PROMO - 1967.: 1.99 £ | Toyvian Prank Spider Box Wooden Tricky Scare Can be tamed and taught to jump from one hand to another. Ghost Mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa) from 20.00. They are the largest of the species and easy to keep. Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) L2-L4. 4. North2South Inverts. You will receive one full grown Female Regal Jumping Spider plus a complete mini-forest habitat and a small container of feeder flies. Quick View. I have for sale some Male giganteus Jumping Spiders. They need humidity above 70% and temps in the high twenty's to low thirties. We have customers from US, UK, Canada, Europe, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine and many other countries. This advert is located in and around Bridgnorth, Shropshire. 31.00. I keep mine in bioactive setups as it is easier to control the humidity they require. £20 Each For Sale Hyllus giganteus sub/Adult Jumping Spider. They are relatively large (1.5-2cm), inquisitive and will happily interact with people. Don't hesitate to ask for advice … They are available as Adult or Subadult and can be bought in pairs or individually. They are fearless hunters and will take down prey much bigger than themselves. sold out. We have Spider Condos, Spider Food, and Spider … underground reptiles supplies some of the best inverts for sale in the world!we have one of the greatest selections you will find including spiders, tarantulas, moon … Salticus Scenicus (Zebra Jumping Spider) The Zebra Jumping Spider, quite self-explanatory how it got its nickname from based on the zebra-like stripes all over its thorax and abdomen.They can be found all across Britain, Europe and north America. This species of Jumping spiders have urbanized themselves and can be also found in human settlements or indoors at times. Quick View. Breeding Group & Mature Males Selected pairs ready to breed and Mature Males. Phidippus regius - The Regal jumping spider is one of the best starter spiders for new owners. I have two species of rare and not often available Jumping Spider. Juveniles A good choice for first time and novice keepers. Animals for Sale Northampton Reptile Centre Weedon Road, Northampton NN5 5DA Northampton Reptile and Fish Centre Bell Plantation, Towcester NN12 6GX Animal Pages Bearded Dragons Chameleons Geckos Snakes Spiders Tortoises Turtles & Terrapins Amphibians sold out.
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