Name Authority; Cordia obliqua: Willdenow: Gerascanthus dichotomus (G. Forster) Borhidi: Lithocardium dichotomum (G. Forster) Kuntze: Varronia sinensis: Loureiro Effective. TEHRAN: Sepistan. Leaves are alternate, ovate to oblong-ovate or elliptic … Tree to 5 (- 10) m tall. … Calyx 6mm long, ribbed, lobes 5, dentate ,not recurved, corolla 8mm aross, lobes 5, recurved. Leaves are simple, entire and slightly toothed, elliptical-lanceshaped to broad ovate with a round and heart-shaped base. … Ovoid, cream coloured, mucilaginous, supported by accrescent calyx. Cordia dichotoma Forst; Cordia oblique Wild; Cordia myxa Roxb. with common Indian names and english names URDU NAME: Lasora; REGIONAL NAME: Bengali: Bahubara, Bohari, Buhal, Chhotobohnari; Persian: Sapistan, Suspistan; Hindi: Bhairala, Bhokar, Chhotalasora, Gondi, Lasora; Pashto: Lasora; Sanskrit: Bahuvara, hlesh-Malaka, Selu; Sindhi: Giduri, Lesuri; Arabic: Dabak, Dabk; Punjabi: Laswara This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total. SYNONYM(S) : ... SANSKRIT : बहुवार ... Kichavirigi, Mahidal, Motabhokhar, Nekkera, Semri, Shelu (most or all of these names are from India). Colic. Media in category "Cordia dichotoma" The following 49 files are in this category, out of 49 total. Index of herbs by name in Hindi; Index of herbs by name in Kannada; ... Cordia dichotoma - Uddalaka; Cordia myxa; Cordia rothii; Cordia wallichii; Coriandrum sativum - Dhanyaka; Corm; Corydalis govaniana; Corylus … Acid Reflux. A CONCISE REVIEW ON CORDIA DICHOTOMA FORST Nazim Hussain1*, Bibhuti Bushan Kakoti2, Mithun Rudrapal3, ... Cordia oblique Wild, Cordia myxa Roxb etc and Common name are Bhokar, Shleshmantaka etc. Digestive Di... Dry Skin. The bark paste was used for treatment on spider bites and eruptive boils. Ascaris. The other name of lasuda is Gum Berry. Inflorescence terminal, cymose-paniculate, 3.5 – 13 cm long, 3 – 10 cm broad, the branches glabrous or with a few, widely-scattered, short hairs. Shop Tamilcube Shop Tamil Books Tamil assessment books. This can be 1 to 3 cm in length. SYNONYM(S) : Cordia buchii Urb., Varronia salvifolia (Juss. You can get all necessary information about Medicinal Plants including its Botanical names, morphology, classification , therapeutic uses, Names in different languages, synonyms, habitat , Chemical present in Medicinal plants , Systemic action in … C. myxa) ... commonly known as: bird lime tree, clammy cherry, fragrant manjack, Indian cherry, Sebesten plum • Assamese: ... भोकर bhokar, गोंदणी gondani, गोंधण gondhan • Sanskrit: बहुक bahuka, बहुवारः bahuvaraha, उद्दलक uddalaka • Tamil: நறுவல்லி naru-valli, விரிசு viricu • Telugu ... Common names: Sebeston plum, Large … It had been cultivated on high levels in ancient India. Eczema. Variable in size and shape, Axillary or terminal in corymbose panicles. There are over 3000 medicinal plants in India. This list represents a 1000-odd plants which have been classified as traded medicinal plants according to the ENVIS database.Some of the names have been verified against the Encyclopedia of Life database. ex Poir.) syn: Cordia obliqua Willd. sanskrit name bahuvara, selu,from where can i get the bark of this … It … Nyctaginaceae: Four O’clock Flower: ... Cordia Dichotoma: Indian cherry, Clammy cherry: Snigdhajira- Snigdhabija, Shigdhajiraka, Sat Isobgol: Plantago Psyllium , … Cordia dichotoma Forst. It is also known by various other names; for example Bird Lime Tree (common name), Sebesten Plum, Indian cherry (English), Lasora, Lasura (Hindi) and Slesmatakah (Sanskrit) It is taken as food. The fruits are very sticky and mucilaginous and are edible. This page was last edited on 18 April 2020, at 14:51. Challe Hannu (Kannada: ಚಳ್ಳೆ ಹಣ್ಣು) Boraginaceae (forget-me-not family) » Cordia dichotoma. Plant Description: Cordia dichotoma is a moderate-sized, deciduous, tree, 40 or 50 feet high, and usually, with a crooked trunk. We have found some discrepancies between some names we've tried to verify before and the actual … Cordia dichotoma Cordia obli ue Cordia vestita Dalbergia lanceolaria Delonix regia s cordifolia Dios Diospyros peregrine (Diospyros emb teris Dios os tomentosa Diosregeasia velutina Emblica officinalis (Phyllanthus emblica .na suberosa .na varie ata a indica Eucalyptus tereticornis Ficus bengalensis Ficus omerata Ficus almata Ficus reli -osa Uddalaka, Cordia dichotoma Uddalaka is a moderate sized decidious tree with big oval leaves and rooping branches. You can Help creating new pages. Cordia Dichotoma (lasoda Seed) Rs 200 / Kilogram Get Latest Price. Names of Chinese and Indian herbs in Tamil, Hindi, Chinese and English with scientific botanical names. Names in different languages: Hindi name- Lasoda, Dela, Tenti, Gunda English name- Sebesten, Glue berry, Pink pearl tree, Bird Lime tree, Fragrant manjack, snotty gobbles, glue berry, anonang, pink pearl, bird lime tree, Indian cherry Arabic name- Dilk Bengali name- Bahanari Punjabi name- Lasuda Gujarathi name- Vadagunda Marathi name- Bhonkar, Bhokar Nepalese name- Lasura Telugu name- Nakkera Tamil name- Vidi Na… Asthma. … Debility. Cordia dichotoma commonly known as Clammy cherry is a species of flowering tree in the borage family, Boraginaceae. Note: This is a project under development. ABSTRACT: Cordia dichotoma L. family Boraginaceae is a medium sized tree, is taken as food. The immature fruits are pickled and are also used as vegetable. I. List of all medicinal plants in India. It has slender, glabrous twigs, and pubescent buds. ex Poir. … THAI: Phak mong, Man muu, Man dong, Phakmong. Its common name is nut grass. ; C. latifolia Roxb. List of Names of Indian and Chinese herbs and plants in Tamil, Hindi, Chinese and English. We present to you 960 Traded Indian Medicinal Plants species.Here you can type botanical name and get vernacular names and trade name correlation. Do you know this herb by any other name ? The fruits are very sticky and mucilaginous and are edible. Antinutritional factors are—phytic acid 355, phytate phosphorus 100 and oxalic acid 250 mg/100 g. Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics. Cordia sebestena L. SYNONYM(S) : Cordia speciosa Salisb. Cordia species have been used in medicinal remedies for centuries. Subcategories. The scientific name of Clammy cherry: Cordia dichotoma Family: Boraginaceae Name of in different languages: English: Sebesten plum, Indian cherry, Fragrant manjack Sanskrit: Bahuvarah, Shleshmataka Hindi: लसोड़ा Lasora Tamil: naruvili, citam Malayalam: നറുവരി – Naruvari, Cheruviri Useful plant parts: Root, Stem Plant description: Clammy cherry is a sub-Himalayan … Note: We are presently using the common name or the Sanskrit name for the title as convention. Fruit drupaceous, yellow to orange. Nirmali Seed (Strychnos Potatorum) ... * Sanskrit Name : Kataka * Hindi Name : Nirmali, Neimal * Family : Loganiaceae * Propagation : Through seed as well as vegetative means. Diarrhea. Barkof the tree is grey or brown rough, with shallow longitudinal wrinkles, and furrows, and about half inch thick. Yes, I am interested! It is also known by various other names; for example Bird Lime Tree (common name), Sebesten Plum, Indian cherry (English), Lasora, Lasura (Hindi) and Slesmatakah (Sanskrit) It is taken as food. TAMIL: Vidi, Naruvili, Kalvirusu. We are exporters of Cordia dichotoma (lasoda seeds) Germination quality. KOR-dee-uh-- named for Valerius Cordus, 16th century German botanist. Feng Zheng Zi. The various extracts and fractions of Cordia dichotoma were screened for their free radical scavenging properties using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical and comparing it with butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) as standard antioxidant. PUNJABI: Lasuda. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. The immature fruits are pickled and are also used as vegetable 4. PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Cordia. Vendor Information. Ao men zhi wu zhi (2006.12) (19722179316).jpg 1,399 × 2,866; 832 KB Mustaka is present in Indian culture since ancient times. Chinese Name . The fruits contain Ca 55, P 275, Zn 2, Fe 6, Mn 2, Cr 0.2 and Cu 1.6 mg/100 g (Chromium is of therapeutic value in diabetes). Scientific name: Cordia dichotoma: Previous name used in the website: Synonyms: Family name: BORAGINACEAE: English name: Indian Cherry: Local name: Lolu (ලෝලු) ** Tamil name: Sanskrit name: Shleshmataka, Shelu, Bahuvara, Bahuvaraka, Bhuta-vrukshaka, Uddalaka Shita, Picchila: Conservation status: Least concerned (NCS 2012) Description: Tree to 5 (- 10) m tall. ... and the provincial tree is the fragrant manjack (Cordia dichotoma). View Complete Details. Burns. The stem bark is … A list of 1000 Indian medicinal plants using in Ayurveda. List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used,, Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Wounds, Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Diarrhea, Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Burning sensation, Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Indigestion, Index of Plants which can be propagated by Seeds, Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of Tropical area, Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 License, Leaves simple, entire and slightly dentate, elliptical-lanceolate to broad ovate with a round and cordate base. ( Search by botanical names ) (Based on latest study: Demand and Supply of Medicinal Plants in Trade) HOME >> Botanical Namewise Search. Cordia dichotoma Boraginaceae Forster f. LOCAL NAMES Bengali (buhal,bahubara); English (sebesten,clammy cherry,Indian ... Nepali (kalo bohori,bohori); Sanskrit (bahuvarka); Tamil (vidi,naruvili,kalvirusu); Thai (mandong,manma,phakmong) BOTANIC DESCRIPTION Cordia dichotoma is a small to moderate-sized deciduous tree with a short bole and spreading crown. SANSKRIT NameS of MEDICINAL plants starting with – S: MEDICINALplant names in Sanskrit-Scientific-English : SANSKRIT NAMES: SCIENTIFIC NAMES : ENGLISH NAMES: Sadapaha- Somalata: Mirabilis Jalapa Linn. Cordia dichotoma G. Forst. SANSKRIT: Bahuvarka. Uddalaka is a moderate sized decidious tree with big oval leaves and rooping branches. LIST OF MEDICINAL PLANTS (HERBS) - MALAYALAM NAME, SANSKIRT NAME, BOTANICAL NAME , A compilation work on Ayurvedic Indian Medicinal Plants. ; C. myxa auct. Hindi Name . Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0, Shleshmataka, Shelu, Bahuvara, Bahuvaraka, Bhuta-vrukshaka, Uddalaka Shita, Picchila. Classification Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta ... Sanskrit: Bahuvarka, shleshmatak, shelu DISTRIBUTION Cordia dichotoma is a tree of tropical and subtropical regions. The stem … According to the book, “Indian Herbal Remedies,” the man regarded as the father of surgery in India, Sushutra, prescribed Cordia fruits as a coolant and astringent, to be used for biliousness, cough and internal haemorrhage. The name Ayutthaya derives from the Sanskrit word Ayodhy ... named it as Ayodhya after one of the holiest Hindu cities of India of the same name. Search Tuition Tamil tuition Tamil E-Learning. Lasora, Lisodaa, Gondi, Na... ruvili and Sabestan Plum are few common names of Cordia dichotoma or Cordia myxa, a tree found throughout India. [1]. Leaves persistent, alternate or rarely subopposite, borne on short spurs; leaf blade elliptic to widely elliptic or occasionally ovate or obovate, (2.5 -) 5 – 10 (- 12) X (1.8 -) 2.5 – 6 (- 8) cm, apex obtuse to acute, rarely approaching rounded, occasionally abruptly acuminate, base obtuse to rounded or less commonly acute, the margin entire or occasionally undulate to crenate near the apex, the upper surface essentially glabrous but with numerous, small, few-celled custoliths. Indian Cherry Cures . Chikkachalle, Lasora. (non L.); C. indica Lam. It is also known with the name of Cyperus rotundus which is its scientific name. Common name: Indian cherry, Clammy cherry, ... Botanical name: Cordia dichotoma Family: ... Synonyms: Cordia indica, Cordia ixiocarpa, Cordia domestica. Cordia salviifolia Juss. The bark is available in the form of pieces, 5 to 10 cm long, and 6 to 12 m… Cordia Obliqua, Cordia Dichotoma, Cordia Myxa. ... Scientific name: Cordia dichotoma Sanskrit: Bahuvaraka, Bhukampadaruka, Bhukarbudara, Bhuselu, Bhutadruma, Kshudrashleshmataka, … commonly known as: bird lime tree, clammy cherry, fragrant manjack, Indian cherry, Sebesten plum • Assamese: goborsuta • Bengali: bahubara • … Wounds, Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Burning sensation, Indigestion Indian cherry is a small to medium-size deciduous tree with a short crooked trunk, short bole and spreading crown. ... Cardia Latifolia Roxb. Borhidi FRENCH : Bois d'Inde, Sébestier à feuilles de sauge. Weight: 100 g: Reviews There are no reviews yet. Tags: lasoda,, lasoode,, lasuda,, lasude,, lasudhe,, lasure, Ready to ship in 1-2 business days Additional information. ... Cordia dichotoma were screened for their … Lasuda/Lasoda (Cordia dichotoma) – 100gm. Names Tamil Baby Names Sanskrit Baby Names Telugu Baby Names Muslim Baby Names. Mustaka has very huge network of underground slender, creeping and scaly rhizomes which has a bulbous base, arise from a single tuber. Cordia dichotoma (syn. Early history of Ayutthaya is historically connected to this Khmer settlement. The articles on this wiki are just being initiated and broadly incomplete. The immature fruits are pickled and are also used as vegetable 4. Keywords: Cordia dichotoma forst, Antioxidant activity, Taxifolin, DPPH, seeds extracts. The seed viability is very … 100 Ayurvedic Herbs Made Easy Part I - Ebook (Pdf) - Easy Ayurveda dy-KAW-toh-muh-- meaning, divided or forked in pairs. The tubers are of blackish brown colour. Branchlets are glabrous, and the young shoots are silvery grey. VIETNAMESE: L[as] b[aj]c, l[as] tr [aws]ng, ti[ee]n d[aaf]u th[oos]ng. Botany Anonang is a tree growing to a height of 5 to 10 meters, deciduous and smooth or nearly so. The various parts of tree are used both internally and externally for medicinal purpose since time immemorial. Click Here.
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