Everyone thought so. Be The sustenance provided by the goat helped Prim and her family to survive in the poor region of District 12 called the Seam.Other than her animals, Prim also had household chores and helped to take care of patients that people brought to her mother, the local healer. It was a totally political move by Coin: she saw Katniss as competition and wanted to secure her own power. The second wave of bombs then killed Prim and the other medics. The rebels have Snow surrounded in his palace, the war is won. But there's an argument to be made that his answer is more about how he didn't try to stop Coin's plan from happening. Who killed prim? The bombs floated down from a hovercraft, buoyed by tiny parachutes like the ones used to deliver supplies from sponsors to tributes in the Games' arena. To add: MAYBE she was tracking the "Star Team" all the time and sent Prim in on purpose right when Katniss was there, and MAYBE she was even hoping of Katniss dying while trying to reach her. Katniss and a squad of top-tier soldiers had entered the Capitol to film a propaganda segment but found the territory booby-trapped — a move that turns out to have been engineered by the rebels themselves to catalyze the conflict. I mean, I still think snow was being honest, but he does have a point he doesn’t drown a bag of puppies in the lake just to kill time until jeopardy is on. And check out how she describes the move to kill Coin instead of Snow: "The point of my arrow shifts upward" (26.74). When Katniss is in the hospital, Coin pays her a visit and tells her that the bomb that killed her sister Prim was an order from President Snow. There was no need for more troops. That’s the reason when Katniss votes yes for the final Hunger Games with the Capitol children, she says “for Prim”. President Coin also supported the operation, and she turned out to be quite the antihero. Realizing that Coin is no different than Snow was, Katniss agrees to the Hunger Games as long as she gets to execute Snow at the ceremony. The strategy came from multiple conversations with Beetee, who emphasized the importance of thinking like your prey. She can't kill her though, because she's beloved by the rebels, as she is their Mockingjay. Of all the heartbreaking story lines in the Hunger Games trilogy, the most truly wrenching is Katniss's sister Prim's death immediately prior to the fall of the Capitol. What bothers me the most about this scene is that it makes absolutely no logival sense. Although Katniss was unsure if the goat would survive, Prim loved animals and was soon able to heal Lady with her mother's help. But by killing Prim, she will effectively stop Katniss. The body physically transforms. When she finally realized that Coin was responsible for her death … During the public execution Coin makes a … Which is why it's kind of surprising when Katniss up and kills Coin. It allows Katniss to "pick" Peeta over Gale, and leads to Katniss killing Coin without any real character or plot development. Also, Prim was too young to have left district 13. The Capitol didn’t kill Prim, so why would Katniss give that as the reason for wanting to make the Capitol play in the Hunger Games? She sought revenge. We're in the middle of a drought in the district, an She had intended to create the illusion that President Snow's people were bombing the rebels — the hovercrafts bore the Capitol crest — to motivate her own forces against the Capitol, and particularly sway Katniss, who had begun to see through Coin's presidential exterior. 5. (This was a type of bomb that Beetee and Gale had devised back in District 13.) Just imagine the population finding out that Coin dropped bomb on children. But we'd no more blame Beetee for Prim's death than blame Katniss herself. To me: destabilize Katniss who was on the brink of mental collaps during the whole Mockingjay, with the added bonus of making her hate the Capitol even more (which didn't work). She was the one who ordered the bombing on the innocent children, including Prim. 3. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Though it plays out in a distant, post-apocalyptic world that roughly maps onto our own geography, it actually functions as a valuable vehicle to examine tough questions through a proxy: proxy battles, proxy politics, proxy morality. He stopped her from reaching the night lock pill hidden in her sleeve. But Lane. Can we determine him responsible for her death? Coin wants to destroy Katniss mentally, thereby crushing any political aspirations she may have had. She was no longer capable of leading a rebellion, and therefore couldn't rebel against Coin (was Coin's idea at least). The confusion of the end of the war manipulated the Capitol people to think that Snow ordered it. She killed her because Coin killed Prim. Gotta remember that during war time, President Coin was probably not concerned about which doctors they were sending into battle. 'You like it.' Lein said to Prim, who carefully asked why. Was Gale there to drop the bombs or even give out the command? Yup, Coin wanted to break Katniss by killing Prim. Later, after Katniss escaped from the Qu… Why did she kill Prim if that would really enrage Katniss and possibly increase the rivalry between them? I don't know if I'm allowed to link the Youtube video I did on the subject, but if you want to see it please tell me and I'll send it to you! It’s not like disguise self; it’s not an illusion. Katniss kills President Coin instead of President Snow. More like, in their designed trap, he just planned to kill the rescuers (probably Peacekeepers or Capitol medics) who'd come to aid the victims. Even if he didn't directly kill Prim, that's definitely what killed … Also, Coin wouldn’t t really bother to heal some wounded soldiers. Because she wanted Coin to think that Coin's plan--the plan to lead everyone, but especially Katniss, to believe the Capitol had bombed the barricade of children--worked. Peeta is a close second, but still not on the same level as Prim. After Katniss' sister is killed Prim in a bombing raid she learns from the captured President Snow that it was Coin, not him, who ordered the bombs dropped. Gale did not design the trap to kill children. 4. The capitol was completely conquered. The troops were face to face with Snows mansion. It is 100% what StoryDiver Jess said. Coin wanted to break Katniss, remember at this point she wants Katniss dead. She would have the Capitol's residents pledge their children as tributes to a new Hunger Games meant to punish those who had punished the rest of Panem for so long. There might be a greater-good lesson to be derived here, but it's buried under the senseless death of a young woman embroiled in a conflict not of her choosing. In the film Mockingjay - Part 1, Prim mentions to Katniss that Coin lost her husband and daughter during the smallpox epidemic that broke out in the district years earlier. That's why it was so important to show that Coin was as bad as Snow — because the enemy isn't a person, it's a nature. She would have died in District 13 if Gale hadn't risked his life to go back for her when Prim went to get buttercup! I heard the theory that snow was lying to Katniss. According to Prim, why wouldn't President Snow kill Peeta? It is 100% what StoryDiver Jess said. She always protected Prim. Gale devised the double-bombing strategy used against the Capitol, but he didn't plant the devices or give the orders for their detonation. We see that her idea worked up to a point, Katniss was crushed and in a state of intense depression. Lane did not let the imperial painters go even after he was imprisoned. President Coin also supported the operation, and she turned out to be quite the antihero. By Katniss killing Coin, she’s symbolically killing that human condition, perhaps much more so than if she had just killed Snow. With Coin clearly invested in having Katniss on her side, this would have been the motivation to sacrifice Prim, assuming Katniss would be angry at … By Katniss killing Coin instead of shooting Snow, it shows again that Katiniss' enemy isn't with a person, it's with the natural man. That is, he played a role, but it would be unfair to say that Gale killed Prim. Thanks. These things just happen in war, no matter how tragic. The same was true of Prim. I always thought the point was to destroy Katniss mentally, making it so she wouldn’t be able to function in society in case she had any aspirations politically. I love unreliable narrators and I like to think that most first person narrators are that to some extent and I wouldn’t be surprised if Katniss just assumed such considering her mental state. 'I don't think much.' She's killed in an explosion during the final conflict with the Capitol that results in the rebels' victory. Virtually nothing is known about Coin's early life. It's evidence that the Hunger Games series has a far more resounding impact than even its biggest fans might give it credit. Press J to jump to the feed. We didn't hear Katniss think it over at all, or debate what she should do. He may have been responsible in part, but he's part of a network of strategists and soldiers who crafted District 13's offensive against the Capitol. It's only mid-morning, but the summer sun beats down on the dusty pathway that runs through the Merchant Square. By expanding Mockingjay into two films, there's hope that the filmmakers will take the opportunity to delve even further into these difficult ideas. Want more Hunger Games? Gale saved Prim over the course of the three books various times! I wonder if that wouldn’t be leaked after the war. But I can in many ways agree that the story feels weird on that part. She wasn’t counting with snow’s declarations I guess. 10) Peeta and Haymitch helped Katniss create the memory book of all the people that were lost, from the old Victors and people that were killed during the Rebellion. By killing Prim, Coin is taking away everything that Katniss fought so hard to protect, and she is turning her against President Snow even more by framing him for Prim’s murder. Her cold, controlled nature may be due, at least in part, to the loss of her family. If you really think about it katniss' story was a lot like any of the other victors stories I mean it's super sad that prim died :( but that's what happened to all of the victors families.The Capitol killed them,well in this case president coin,but this is just the point of view of one person,and that's what happened to them all. In some ways, I subscribe to the theory that snow killed those kids because why not, and coin, evil or not, took advantage of it and got power. I don't think it was ever her intention to kill Prim. There were a few steps along the way, more than one witness who might have pulled the plug on the strategy before bystanders were harmed. Prim was on the front lines as a nurse — she possessed her mother's knack for healing, unlike Katniss — and was trying to help the wounded when the bomb detonated. During Peeta's recovery in Thirteen, the recovery team decided to ... After Katniss killed President Coin, how did peta save Katniss's life. She must have done that to destroy Katniss in some way. It was Coin's idea to put Prim in enemy territory. But still, coin might’ve kept that classified if snow was being honest. Coin had tried to kill her by sending peeta in when they were "fighting" for the cameras and also because Prim would not have been allowed out to help the kids in the first place because she is only 13- so Coin must have given her permission. Not only was Prim the reason why Katniss volunteered for the Hunger Games but most importantly Prim died due to Gale's war strategy that Coin used to manipulate Katniss. Opinion B- i believe that beetee and gale created the bombs and the plan that eventually killed prim although coin commanded the bombs to be used gale and … Yeah I can see that, the thing is that the war was already won. (Beetee's convoluted plot to take down the Hunger Games arena resulted in their escape at the end of Catching Fire.) Chapter Text. I personaly think Coin did it so Katniss would run to Prim, so that Katniss would die to, and why Coin would want Katniss dead, says the book right at the beginning of part 3. It should go without saying that there are spoilers in this post. She was presumably raised in District 13, eventually rising to become its president. By killing Prim, Coin is taking away everything that Katniss fought so hard to protect, and she is turning her against President Snow even more by … As soon as Prim was killed, any hope for Katniss and Gale was gone. Also because of Coin's idea of … Kristen Actually, it’s pretty clear that Coin was responsible for Prim being killed. The cats were here, her clothing was here, most of her belongings were here — all the ones that mattered, at least. Still worse, it was engineered by Katniss's oldest friend Gale, who had conceived of the bomb plot if he didn't actually plant the bomb himself. The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2Katniss kill Alma Coin and death of President Snow Chances are Coin had no clue that Prim was there in the first place, and if she knew, didn't care at all because Coin always saw the bigger picture. So did Gale kill Prim in Mockingjay ? No sane person would pull such a move at this point. I am almost sure that Coin knew that Prim was there. Coin wants to destroy Katniss mentally, thereby crushing any political aspirations she may have had. If Snow did kill Peeta, he wouldn't have any way to hurt Katniss. Summary: From a tumblr prompt by luckyjak: "Polymorph is a 4th level transmutation spell. Since I was a child, I have been suffering from art, so I will drive them all away. Makes sense. So district twelve killed all those kids to force the capitol’s own forces to surrender right? There must be a second reason. The conversation quickly turned to matters of terrorism, strategy, and the disconnect between the designer and the one who pulls the trigger. As a result, the pair ended up going their separate ways. But we'd no more blame Beetee for Prim's death than blame Katniss herself. It has been a while, but could you send the link to me? Everything about the Hunger games was about Prim. All rights reserved. - Surprised everyone. Coin is the one who sent them intentionally to kill Prim and the other children! Katniss had all but moved in with Peeta and Prim. It was the deciding factor for her to get rid of Coin. The Capitol didn't kill Prim, so why would Katniss give that as the reason for wanting to make the Capitol play in the Hunger Games? 2)She killed Coin I think because she was a threat- like Boggs said. In fact, Prim embodies everything good, innocent, and pure. But the problem is, … What do you think? In 2012, a lively Goodreads thread examined all the possibilities surrounding who to blame for Prim's death. It's even further enmeshed in the lesser-of-two-evils plot that pits President Coin against President Snow; Katniss realizes in the end of Mockingjay that Coin plans to turn the tactics Snow had historically used against the network of districts against the residents of the Capitol itself. Watch Bustle's drunk recap of Mockingjay, Part 1 below: 2021 Bustle Digital Group. She shouldn't have been there.) The killing of prim is typical lazy writing. Because she wanted Coin to think that Coin’s plan–the plan to lead everyone, but especially Katniss, to believe the Capitol had bombed the barricade of children–worked. Yes, everything happens really fast after that move. Prim was a tragic casualty of the tactic, though it ultimately resulted in the rebel victory. This community is devoted to the Hunger Games series, both a young adult fiction book series by Suzanne Collins, and four film adaptations by Color Force and Lionsgate. Why did the Mockingjay kill coin? 2. Yeah, that makes sense. I could see a ruthless person like Coin bombing children if the war were going badly for the rebels. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Hungergames community. President Alma Coin is the one who killed Prim because she made the orders to drop the bombs. A lot of them. If not Gale, then who bears responsibility for Prim's death? As the main strategist for District 13's rebel forces, she also deployed the bombing tactic against her own people. So in a way, Coin did kill Prim. It's like the arrow is making the decision, not Katniss. What was left in her old apartment was mostly Finnick and Annie’s stuff, which she didn’t have the … While coin was power hungry, she didn’t kill those kids, it was just convenient. I am a big fan of unreliable narrators, and considering katniss’s past, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was one, so that’s one of my theories. Coin wanted Katniss to support her. Katniss even says that although President Coin was the one to give the execution order, she wouldn't be able to look at or forgive Gale without being reminded about the part he played in Prim's death. Coin later gathered the remaining survivors of the Games and proposed they hold a symbolic Hunger Games that uses the Capital's children, in a bid to quench the people's desire for revenge. (Worse yet, she was one of the youngest medics sent to the front lines at President Coin's orders.
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