Millions of animals are euthanised every year because there are simply not enough willing owners to cater for endless litters of puppies. Loyal Dog Tries To Wake Up Friend After He Was Hit By Car, Increasing Number Of Puppies Being Abandoned In Summer Heat, Bee Stings in Cats and Dogs | How To Treat and Prevent, Charity Reveals Impact Of Heatwave On Homeless Dogs. Guard dogs are trained to be guard dogs. It’s a major decision – we get that – so here’s all you need to know about what you should be considering and what’s best for your Boxer. As long as your pup is at least 4 months old and healthy, any time is a good time to have her spayed. Be wary of being advised to spay or neuter too young, and if you feel that your dog or bitch is not yet sexually mature, consider seeking a second opinion. The following comment in the paper is a clue that it might also have been true for this population: Across all breeds the mean age of last entry in the record for neutered males was 5.5 years (range 3.71–6.54), for neutered females 5.7 years (range 4.21–6.97), for intact males 4.9 (range 4.15–7.11), and intact females 4.7 (range 3.41–6.32). We would always recommend consulting your vet for a personalised opinion. So, if you want to prevent these embarrassments, get your Boxer neutered early on! However, it should not be seen as a cure-all for puppy problems. Spay and neuter cats and dogs at 4-5 months to prevent unwanted litters and shelter overpopulation! By Andrew Spanner BVSc(Hons) MVetStud, a vet in Adelaide, Australia. What Is The Best Age To Neuter Australian Cattle Dogs, Heartworm, Flea and Worm Protection for Dogs, Treating mites, lice, worms and disease in poultry, health problems associated with intact dogs, Had A Bad Vet Experience? The authors also do not mention the well-known increase in lifespan associated with desexing male and female dogs, which tends to counteract most concerns about specific cancers. So you’ve decided to spay or neuter your German Shepherd – but when? is when a female dog’s uterus and ovaries are removed. Dogs recover extremely quickly from a spay surgery, even if she is 7 years old. Here's the newest research and veterinary advice for your Labrador Retriever. Everyone assumes you’ll know which is which but, to be honest, we still get confused which is which, so don’t panic. For female Boxer’s, there is no dead set answer as to when you should have them spayed. Thanks for sharing these findings! Male dogs should be around 23 to 25 inches tall. She started out as a beautiful brindle but when her hair grew back it grew back a boring dark brown colour, snd she had to have 7 tablets every day to stop the hair falling out again. If breeding is not anticipated, it may be appropriate to spay or neuter your dog. You could save the lives of countless Boxer puppies (no, really)! When to neuter a dog & when to spay a dog are important questions. Why Aren’t There Enough Vets In Australia? Neutered dogs have a higher incidence of prostatic cancer than unneutered dogs. The Outbreak Of Ehrlichia In Australian Dogs. Your boxer will be raring to go two days after the surgery, but it is wise to prevent him from being very active for at least 10 days; keep an eye out for redness, swelling and pain. When do you spay or neuter a dog or cat? Neutering your male Boxer will also ensure that he is on his best behaviour at all times. The word spaying means removing female reproductive organs 1. ovaries; 2. oviducts; 3. uterus; 4. uterine horns. It’s hard to know when to spay or neuter – or if you should at all. Having this done will prevent unwanted litters and ultimately save the lives of millions of baby Boxer that would end up in shelters. In females, this means we surgically remove the ovaries and usually the uterus, and in males, it means we surgically remove the testicles. Whilst recommendations vary, vets typically suggest that you should have your Boxer spayed or neutered between the ages of four and nine months. Join the campaign to promote early spay / neuter awareness. Understand Exactly What a Spay or Neuter Entails A spay, known in veterinary parlance as ovariohysterectomy, is the surgical removal of both the ovaries and the uterus in female dogs. Neutering, therefore, is the surgical removal of a male dog’s testes (enough said…). If you go by the old standard for deciding, you might think that you should schedule that appointment when your dog hits the 6-month mark. This is a very long answer to what most people think is a great question that only needs a short answer. Here’s what you need to know: Firstly, you’re going to have a happy and healthy Boxer. So, if you want to prevent these major Boxer killers, neutering and spaying is a sure fire way. The procedure usually involves cutting a small incision in the abdomen. Although there is no 100% definite answer, it is often suggested that you should have your male Boxer neutered after he has reached the age of puberty. A spay surgery prevents female dogs from getting pregnant by removing both the ovaries and the uterus. Subscribe via email here to never miss a story!Have something to add? There are no responsible Boxer breeders who would ever place one of their Boxer puppies in a pet shop for resale. However, a look at the data shows that females do not have an increased risk after desexing, and that males desexed at 6-11 months share the same risk as intact males. It's that time of year when a friend or family member (or you!) If this was a human having this surgery, we … Spay or Neuter One of the best things you can do for your Boxer is to have her spayed (neutered for males). → However, she did suffer a hormone imbalance shortly afterwards that caused all her hair to fall out. Speaking of an 8 month old female Boxer. Animal shelters are full of purebreds as well as mixed breeds, and the health benefits for altered animals are the same for purebreds as for mixed breeds. Spaying is proven to reduce the risk of breast cancer and uterine infections, and neutering similarly prevents testicular cancer. However, a look at the data shows that females do not have an increased risk after desexing, and that males desexed at 6-11 months share the same risk as intact males. The study compared dogs neutered at different ages for their rates of: All of these have been suspected to be linked with the age of neutering. ), the majority of dogs have this minor procedure performed upon them at a young age. As with most medium and large sized breeds, blood will be noticeable. Spay neuter and joint disease are now shown to be related and this surgery has the capability of permanently changing a healthy puppy joint into an unhealthy one. Here’s the basics: Spaying is when a female dog’s uterus and ovaries are removed. I shouldn’t Spay or Neuter a Purebred Unless you plan to become a professional breeder or make your dog a show dog, the fact that it’s a purebred is not a good reason to decide against altering. Afterward, female dogs enjoy many health benefits and won't have to … Remember, your dog can develop health problems if spayed too early. But, there’s a serious side to the first few months of owning a Boxer. Puppies can wear "doggie diapers" to keep things clean. Spaying at the wrong age can have unwanted consequences for the rest of your dog's life. There is most certainly such a thing as spaying your dog at the wrong time—in particular, too early while she’s too young—and it’s something that you should work to …
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