Education is very important as a world that keep on revolving, it has then become a necessity, even for individuals, education makes you see clearly in making judgements, it also makes one enlightened and civilized so therefore as a leader, education becomes Paramount for ruling but sadly of the 54 nations in Africa, … This list may surprise you. Nicknamed the “Tanzanian bulldozer”, Dr. John Magufuli became the president of Tanzania in 2015. Below are some of the most famous South African tribes. The continent has seen a long list of educated African presidents at various times. Top 10 Counties With The Highest Literacy Levels In Kenya. If there’s one thing this the situation about African leadership has thought us, is that education credentials alone do not make a good leader. 10. There are over 100 Kikuyu professors and more than 5, 000 Kikuyu with PhDs. The inexact number of representatives working in the public government is around 72,923. SEE ALSO: San Bushmen People, The World Most Ancient Race People In Africa . WhatsApp. Pinterest. Look at our list of the most educated tribes. Here are the top 10 most educated African presidents. Of all these, the Kikuyu people group has figured out how to get the lion portion of the whole number of laborers in the common help at somewhat more than 18,600. Below is a table showing the top 10 countries in Africa with the most educated … Today, we shall enlighten you about the least educated tribes in Kenya from 2020 to 2021. Meet the most educated woman in Africa… and she’s only 23! by Brent Lindeque @BrentLindeque Aug 12, 2016 6,327 0 A 23 years old North-West University student, Musawenkosi Donia Saurombe, is set to break academic records on graduating in October by becoming one of the youngest holders of a PhD degree in Africa. This tribe is popular for knowing where money is, and this is why they have positioned themselves in all the competitive courses. Mijikenda Re: Yorubas Are The Most Industrious,Richest & Educated Tribe in Nigeria & Africa by Nobody: 10:05pm On Jul 14, 2017 Ose dudu, alabukun, jedi jedi, agbo, anthony joshua , nails factory, etc. Top 10 most educated tribes in Nigeria. Home / top 10 most educated countries in africa 2020. top 10 most educated countries in africa 2020. These are just 10 tribes that have higher educated people in Nigeria, this is just our ideas and we hope that our readers can offer their own views regarding the top 10 most educated tribes in Nigeria and the most popular tribes in Nigeria. The Zulu of South Africa believe that they are descendants of a chief from the Congo region. The Literacy index in Kenya as of March 2017 stands at of 66.5% while the numeracy rate stands at 68.5%. Here are the top ten most educated African Presidents according to AnswersAfrica’s report: In the 10th place comes the Namibian President, Hage Geingob. The African Exponent Weekly Every week, get a digest of Top African News and Articles from The African Exponent. Top 10 Most Educated Tribes In Nigeria 9. This means that the other tribes have to fight for the remaining 20% of the available positions. He was a former school teacher; he has a Ph.D. in Chemistry. Here are the top ten most educated African countries by literacy rate. Therefore, these numbers brought about the need to list the top 10 Most educated tribes in Kenya. This tribe is also one of the biggest in the country. We have lots of educated Hausas in this country Nigeria. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is the President of Somalia. Zulu. Top 10 Most Educated Tribes In Nigeria We have created a list of Top 10 Most Educated Tribes In Nigeria that doesn’t have a specific order. Most Handsome Tribes in Kenya 2021 Top Ten LIST In this article, we shall cover or list the top ten most handsome tribes in Kenya from the year 2020 to 2021. If they are one of the most populated tribes in Africa and if they are not on the list of the top educated tribes in Nigeria, then they are not doing well. They speak the isiZulu language and are found mostly in South Africa with a large population of the tribe in countries Zambia, Zimbabwe and other African countries. Kikuyu are majority in business, law, as well as communication and journalism professions. President Hage Geingob of … GHStudents. I would say that there is no “educated tribe”. Yes the Hausa’s made it to the top 3 list. These are the results of Awo's free education. Zhou Baokuan Over 35 years of study, Zhou Baokuan has earned nine degrees in total. Below are the top 10 most educated presidents in Africa; 1. With over 300 communities in the country, choosing the top 10 most educated tribes is not a very simple task? South Africa is the mother of various Bantu speaking groups that have worked collectively into making their country what it is today. The Zulu tribe is one of the most prominent and richest tribe in Africa and widely known around the globe. ), Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.). They represent more than 90% of the country’s population and occupy most positions in government leadership. 1. Currently, the Kikuyu tribe tops the list; they are the most educated tribe in Kenya with over 130 professors and 5600 Ph.D. holders. Zulu is unequivocally the most popular tribe in Africa… News ★ Do you know the MOST EDUCATED TRIBE IN NIGERIA ? Education is very important as the world keeps evolving. President John Pombe Magufuli, TANZANIA . Hage Geingob is the president of Namibia. As rigid as Mugabe is, he has flare for education which according to an authoritative ranking sees Zimbabwe as the most educated country in Africa. Twitter. Africa’s rich culture and diversity have made it one of the unique continents of our world. January 23, 2020 Last updated Jan 23, 2020 at 9:18PM by John Nyabuto. First, it’s good to note that the majority of the poorest tribe or societies in Kenya are also the least educated. President John Pombe Magufuli, TANZANIA. This is a partial list of the world's indigenous / aboriginal / native people.Indigenous people are "those ethnic groups that were indigenous to a territory prior to being incorporated into a national state, and who are politically and culturally separate from the majority ethnic identity of the state that they are a part of". They are arguably the most hardworking people in the country; they have exploited every opportunity that has come on their way. Top 10 Most Educated African Presidents 2021. And even though the split-up between tribes has lessened over the years, tribal affiliations still stand as a prevailing source of pride among the natives. These tribes are made up of different cultures and people who contribute to its rich diversity and beauty. We look at the 13 most educated African presidents: 13) Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (Somalia) Education: Master’s degree in Technical Education (M.S. John Pombe Magufuli – … President Magufuli is a seasoned educationist and Chemist. These people are far from the smartest people on the planet ( after all who spends their entire life studying.) Africa has the most educated leaders in the world. Facebook. Ijaw tribe are rank up on 9th most Educated tribe in Nigeria, and also one of the most popular language speaking in Nigeria South region. Zulu. Africa is home to the most poorly developed countries in the world, something often attributed to poor leadership and rampant corruption. Zulu Tribe. Most top sites see Mugabe as the only African President with the highest educational qualification. Ijaw Tribe. but they do hold more degrees than a thermometer. These are just 10 tribes that come from all over Nigeria. Their main source of wealth is through business. Igbo By. Africa has the most educated leaders in the world, ... Below are the top 10 most educated presidents in Africa 2020: 1. See the top 10 most educated tribes in Nigeria. Here are the top 10 richest tribes in Kenya: 1.Kikuyu. Among these tribes, about 10 tribes stand out for their unique men, women, traditions, food and much more. Educated tribes in Nigeria We have created a list that doesn’t have a specific order. And as one of the fastest-growing economies in this continent, Nigeria epitomizes all that is inherently African. When you say “Educated”, are you referring to formal education? In this article, you will get to know the top ten presidents in Africa that are the most educated. However, their educational qualification does not manifest in their performance. Top 10 Most Educated Presidents in Africa, 2019. Kikuyu tops the list of the most educated tribes in Kenya. Although many African countries are still rated underdeveloped, It might interest you to know that the countries in this list are by far the best in Africa. Some critics also claimed that the presence of countries like Libya (4th) and Zimbabwe (8th) in the top 10 list says a lot about Muammar Gaddafi and Robert Mugabe – who were somewhat controversial figures in the continent. Yoruba people often become top … We gave it a try. The Edo Tribe are one of the top 10 most Educated tribes in Nigeria. Top 10 most educated tribes in Nigeria Yoruba. With a growing population, Nigeria boasts of 3 of the top ten richest tribes in Africa. The 10 Most educated people on the planet. Once again, this is just our ideas and we hope that our readers can offer their own views regarding the most educated state in Nigeria and the most educated people. 10. According to reliable reports by the public service, about 80% of the public positions in Kenya are held only by 6 tribes. Top 10 most educated presidents in Africa and their qualifications. This has made it very hard for other tribes to excel in such areas. Similarly, we also answered ‘which is the most richest tribe in Kenya’. The way to opening this riddle is by knowing the best ten most instructed clans in Kenya. Below are the top 10 most educated presidents in Africa 2020: 1. Recently, Kenya held a statistical census exercise that enumerated its population at about 48 million citizens. The Most Educated African Presidents in 2021Hey guys, welcome to my channel The Ultimate Survivor Africa. However, Africa still has the most educated leaders in the world and the continent continues to experience plodding progress. Today, we will be looking at the top 10 most educated presidents in Africa. Some of these 42 tribes perform economically better than their counterparts. Many of its representatives get high job positions, become professors, and reach other educational heights. With that in mind, let’s briefly look at the 10 most popular tribes in Africa: 1.
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