The Question and Answer section for Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return is a great They go back to Marji’s apartment, where they are again kicked out by Doctor Heller, who accuses Marji of ‘secret prostitution’. At this point, Marji is also studying for her last exams of the French Baccalaureate. It finishes so well that they get full grades from the professor. However, her anger incites his anger, and he shouts at her to get out, which she does, running down the stairs in a hurry. Edit. Practice. Similarly, Marji finds herself slightly lost with everything going on around her due to not being able to speak German. Her racism echoes another encounter Marji had experienced in the metro, and unsatisfied is an understatement to describe her attitude towards their relationship. Taji finally admits that she had wanted Marji to be an independent woman who left Iran to become free, instead of marrying so young. She starts dating a guy called Enrique, who had a passion for anarchy. (132) Write about a time when you did something like Marji. Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return Summary, Read the Study Guide for Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return…, Persepolis 1 vs Persepolis 2: Analyzing Satrapi's Visuals, Caught in Two Worlds: Marji’s Social Captivity, View Wikipedia Entries for Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return…. As the number of satellites grow, the regime starts banning satellites for fear of the satellites undermining their indoctrination. However, her intelligence and educated manner makes her easy to bond with, and she even called Marji’s parents to reassure them. SWBAT use reader response criticism to analyze Marji. While her mother disagrees with what she thinks are Ebi’s manipulations, they do agree that Marji has learned the lesson through experience and that it is good that Marji is leaving for France. 2. Edit. Again, it makes her realise the differences between them, and she goes home still uninspired and confused. 9th - 12th grade . She meets her grandmother, and even meets up with her friends, who Marji notes have changed their appearances to fit Western standards. firm, steadfast, fixed, unwavering. p10 . She takes her a job as a waitress, and due to a sexist interaction with a customer, finds herself being defended by the old lady chef. Their work pays off, and the two get in, finding their names in the newspaper annoucnement. As the book ended, she traveled to Europe for schooling, in what she regarded as an escape. When Armelle takes a trip out of town, Julie throws a party. As she loses touch with Enrique, she also delves deeper into the communal life, which brings along with it substance use. However, Ebi promises to talk to her to bring her around, which she does once she arrives. Solo Practice. Afterwards, she is summoned by the Islamic Commission. Flash cards. Her health starts being affected as a consequence, and graduates only barely. will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. English. After ten days, Zozo finally caves in and sends Marji to a boarding school run by nuns. She does her best to enjoy her time left with her family, and they accompany her to the airport on the day of her departure. Upon returning, Marji notices how out-of-depth she is with the topics her clique discuesses, and so she spends their next holiday reading while they went on vacation. PLOT. add to cart. The results of the exam had made Marji and Reza firmer on the idea of their shared future. She vows it to be the first and last time her grandmother yell at her. The suggestions from her family and close relations, which compose of either marriage, study or exercise, sends her into a downward spiral, and she spends days at home doing nothing until her friends invite her to a ski trip to lift her mood. Renting an apartment or a hotel are impossible as they do not have a marriage certificate. Marji soon calls her mother who is in Vancouver to inform her about the divorce. When she arrives, she finds him in bed with another woman, which makes her angry. Marjane, who was still curious about her grandpa, asked grandma questions about her life without him. He tells her that the project is unachievable, as the government does not care. Reza’s ambition to travel together is quickly banished due to the difficulty of obtaining a visa, so the two start studying to take the national exam for the college of art. She reflects upon her mediocrity in Austria, despite the sacrifices her parents had made. $18.22 online. In its depiction of the struggles of growing up--here compounded by Marjane's status as an outsider both abroad and at home--it is raw, honest, and incredibly illuminating. After a brief Iran history lesson (here's how it's summed up: "2500 years of tyranny and submission" (2.7)) we learn that the regime burned down a movie theater with a bunch of people in it. Click or tap on any chapter to read its Summary & Analysis. Marji notes that this is the way the regime controls their freedom of thought, busying their mind with trivial matters such as clothing regulations and their safety that they no longer use the time to question their authority. The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Identity, Culture, and Self-Expression appears in each chapter of Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return. In the voiceover, Marji remarks that this would be the second to last time she would see her grandmother, as she would die in January 4, 1996, ending with the statement that ‘Freedom had a price’. When Doctor Heller accuses her of stealing a brooch, Marji finally breaks and runs out of the house. Castro's right-hand man in the Cuban… Communist leader of Cuba. Marji takes a tour of the city, finding it decorated with pictures of martyrs all around. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi. Hence, when a classmate, Jean-Paul, invites her to grab a drink, she accepts, figuring it to be date. When she comes home from her first day, her grandmother gifts her a cotton head-scarf, signifying her forgiveness. The next day, Marji tries to search for her old tapes to no avail. The trip allows the mother and daughter to bond. In her stark 2003 graphic novel Persepolis, Iranian native Marjane Satrapi described her coming of age in a war-torn country ultimately ruled by religious extremists. Here is the continuation of her fascinating story. Anonymous "Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return Summary". Realising the truth, she apologises the next day, and he does as well, as he hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. It unsettles her enough that she hurries home to her family, which she also finds changed. p10. Delete Quiz. by Marjane Satrapi. by saurabh. Contrary to her parents assumptions, she is going alone, as she and Reza are getting divorced. Practice. Taji remarks upon the difference in freedom in Austria, and informs Marji of the bits and pieces of the going-ons back in Iran. Edit. The reception is less than warm, as her mother thinks that she is still too young. Persepolis Chapter Questions . Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return study guide contains a biography of Marjane Satrapi, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. In Persepolis, heralded by the Los Angeles Times as “one of the freshest and most original memoirs of our day,” Marjane Satrapi dazzled us with her heartrending memoir-in-comic-strips about growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In private, the number of their arguments increase and their relationship quickly deteriorates. Persepolis Chapter 2: The Bicycle. Persepolis - Chapters 2-6 DRAFT. However, Ebi turns the conversation around by informing Marji instead on all the things she had missed, everything Marji had missed while she was abroad. Persepolis - Chapter 2: "The Bicycle" Sam and Adam. Again, Marji realises that they have changed only their appearance, and that they still hold the regime’s views. She tells him that she does not love him anymore, and rejects his proposal to go to France to try better their relationship, stating that there is no hope and that it would be a ‘waste of time’. For her drawing qualification, Marji draws a reproduction of Michelangelo’s ‘La Pieta’ using martyrs. The day comes and Marji goes to pick up her mother at the airport. The security officer checks her luggage and ends with a note for her to fix her veil, reminding her how out of practice she is with wearing it. The awkward start quickly fades into something more comfortable, to the point where Kia tells her a joke about a man coming back from the war, makes them both laugh. In Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, Marjane Satrapi recounts what it was like to grow up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution.The sequel, Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return, focuses on Marjane’s young adulthood. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return by Marjane Satrapi. In response, demonstrations were being held by students, which Marji sometimes joined. Afterwards, Marji meets up with her childhood friend, Farnaz, to whom she opens up about the state of her marriage with Reza. Final reflection on the book. Persepolis Chapters 1-3 DRAFT. He invites Marji to an anarchist party in the forest, which leaves Marji disappointed and also decreases her admiration of Enrique. But her intelligence lends her some leniency, which means she is let off without any punishment. Marji decides she wants to be a prophet because she sees many problems with the world that she thinks she can fix. Once she was alone in her room, however, she cries and insults her in Persian. She finds that one of them, Kia, had been sent to the front and had come back disabled. Happy as Marji is with her first real boyfriend, Markus’ mother is less so. Marji starts to feel differently about their relationship after this. After the initial surprise, however, they start to get along. Persepolis Chapter 2. Wait, what? Not only does it catch readers' attention, it also draws readers into the scene. God visits her in a dream and tells her a question from the exam, which actually comes during the test, resulting to her getting the highest grade in the school. Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return essays are academic essays for citation. The language barrier poses less problem than it would with someone else. Grandma, at first, tried to avoid the question, but she finally gave in. refectory . This makes Marji note the difference between the government representation and how the real people actually were, which led to the people leading double lives behind the regime’s back. They introduce her to drugs, and she starts smoking, though it reminds her of her parents’ discussion of her cousin who had gotten addicted and resembled a vegetable. It’s no surprise that these same people would hold parties that were forbidden by the government. Marji assures her that she knows what she is doing, and they hug. The difference in domestic relationship is noted by Marji, who compares them to her own parents, who she considers more competent. Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis Chapter Summary. Chapter 20. After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. She comes to the conclusion that she must again educate herself to become better. Persepolis - Chapter 2: "The Bicycle" Sam and Adam. The end of their fourth year in university brings a proposal to her and Reza’s for a project to create a theme park from their professor. Her initial plan to stay with Zozo and her family falls through when their family seems to experience one problem after another due to their immigration to Austria. Previous Next . During her stay in Austria, Marji finds that things have changed. They end up dancing, though Marji is uncomfortable. Marji is given books to learn about the history of Iran (invasions and revolutions) and other countries; To enlighten me they bought books. Marji, coming from a conservative culture, is hesitant about sleeping in a bed together, however, her fears were unfounded as they did not do anything. Marji goes through several changes in her life to improve, ending up as an aerobics instructor at one point. The party, which Marji notes is wildly different from an Iranian party, exposes her to more lessons on the subject, and Marji even overheards people having sex. Marji quickly phones him and visits, wheres he finds him in a wheelchair. She brings her mother to her apartment, where Taji learns about her homosexual roommates. When the wheels don't turn, it falls. From sharing cigarettes, to gossipping about Marji’s tenant, Doctor Heller, who looks like a horse. She engages in questionable behaviors Example: Blaming that man for her harassing her, so she would not get in trouble for wearing makeup. An editor In an anatomy class, Marji and her class are told to sketch a model heavily covered in clothing, which makes their job difficult. What is Persepolis (take notes)? 11th grade . But the withdrawal that came after only deepened her slump and she decided to kill herself by slitting her wrist. When Taji finally leaves, the two share a hug in the airport and Marji remarks upon how the trip had given her enough love to strengthen her in the following months. 2. DO NOW PROMPT (NO QUIZ): Handing this in. School starts again soon enough, and Marji finds herself being called into the principal’s office for a talk about cannabis consumption, heavily implying that he knows she is responsible for a major part of it. The author indicates two motives for writing Persepolis: What are they? She tells the story to Reza, who finds it hilarious. Find summaries for every chapter, including a Persepolis Chapter Summary Chart to help you understand the book. Finish Editing . She realises the full consequences of marriage a little too late. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. $21.95 list price. Chapter 2. Julie is sexually open and also has a very different relationship with her mother, Armelle, compared to Marji. Russian revolutionary and Communist theorist who helped Lenin… Unshakable. 19 quotes from Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return (Persepolis, #2): ‘Life is too short to be lived badly.’ PLOT. When the wedding ends, Marji and Reza goes home with the well-wishes of their friends and family, however, she immediately felt regret once they arrive at their apartment, feeling like she had conformed to society’s expectations when she had always wanted to be set apart from them. 3 years ago. She feels distant as a result, and every phone call with her parents made her feel conflicting happiness and also shame. At Zozo’s, she finds out that her family had been worried, her uncle Massoud even coming to Austria to look for her. Though initially going well, an illustrator at another magazine had made a drawing the regime disagreed with and was consequently arrested. She is not expelled, although he points out a flaw in her argument, and they come into the agreement that she will be designing the women’s uniforms to appeal to both the adminstration and the students. Played 907 times. However, she is not invited back, which she figures is due to his wife, who had not taken to her as well as the others had. From this, she vows to actually cahnge, and begins by changing her appearance into one more ‘sophisticated’. Wasn't she staying with Zozo, a friend of her mom's? Marji’s school starts getting more strictly segregated, on the basis of following proper religious conduct. Markus, who was the last person for whom she had an emotional connection to in Austria, was significant and needless, to say, she took the loss heavily. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return Summary. Insignificant. It reminds them of the actual danger of their situation, and results to them going home. Persepolis is an autobiographical series of bande dessinées (French comics) by Marjane Satrapi that depicts her childhood up to her early adult years in Iran and Austria during and after the Islamic Revolution.The title Persepolis is a reference to the ancient capital of the Persian Empire. She meets other members of Lucia’s family, who opposite from Marji’s clique, steers clear of the darker topics of her Iranian citizenship, and Marji finds herself enjoying their companion, even receiving gifts when she left. However, a quick conversation leads her to realise that she cannot really connect with them, and through it, realised that their Western appearance was only a way for them to rebel and put up resistance against the regime. Unshakable. PERSEPOLIS ( chapter 1 to 20 ) PERSEPOLIS (chapter 21 TO 37) Vocabulary 1. A room where meals are served, especially in a college or other institution. Opposite as they were, Marji and Reza found a way to make it work and they get serious enough to start talking about the future. Marji is warmly welcomed by her family, who invites her to come along for Christmas Mass. Behzad is released after a few days, and Marji and Gila, the magazine’s graphic designer, go to visit him.
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