PEDIATRIC ASTHMA CASE MANAGEMENT & HOME EVALUATION Susan Walsh, MD, FACP; Kwaku Gyekye, MHA; Kimberly Dawson, BA; Kenneth King, BA; Raushanah Ali, LPN; Sharnia Williams, MPA; Candice Pimentel, BS; Ritu Kundu, MPA; Ester Moquete, BS; Wendy Silvestre, BBA; Hagar Moustafa, BS, Dana Buckholz, MS The JCMC Population Health Program is an innovative self-management program … Most common chronic disease of childhood. Mild intermittent. 28 February 2008 CBC WBC 4,400 NEU 50 %, LYM 48 %, AtypL 2% RBC 4,070,000 Hgb 9.2 g/dl , Hct 28.0 % MCV 68.7 fL ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view The annual economic cost of asthma is $19.7 billion . You have reached the download limit for anonymous users. Prepared By: De Castro, Richelle Sandriel C. BSN III-D. You can only download one more template. INTRODUCTION Asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disorder that causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough, especially at night or in the early morning. Share This. Pediatric ABC s Asthma, Bronchiolitis and Croup (and some quickies) David Chaulk Pediatric EM Fellow January, 2004 Case 1 A seven year old boy presents to the ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation … This makes the design very futuristic. The Cost of Asthma . This helps you give your presentation on Asthma in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations. This podcast was written by Colin Siu with the help of Dr. Melissa Chan, a Pediatric Emergency Physician and Clinical Lecturer at the University of Alberta. h�bbd``b`�$g�U ��s,����6���^ǁD�$#�f ������g�� I� By registering on Slidesgo, you will be able to save templates as favorites so you can easily find them later. Asthma Inhalers Generic. 6 year old boy with asthma attack. How to Present a Patient: Series for Medical StudentsTexas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in LubbockAshley, 2 Weeks, Female Cough may be the only symptom of asthma, especially in cases of exercise-induced or nocturnal asthma. MS4 - These chapters contain additional information that should be acquired by fourth year medical students destined for pediatrics residency. CASE STUDY MANAGEMENT OF THE CHILD WITH HEAD INJURY IN THE ED INCORPORATING BETTY NEUMAN SYSTEMS MODEL Christian Micallef Student no. Clinical cases are an important reference in the medical community, since they are a trustworthy source of information for doctors. Public health professionals can use this speaker's kit as they share information with others, for example public health policy makers on the state and local level, school and other public health nurses, and members of asthma coalitions or partnerships. We have added a few pictures of people using inhalers and grotesque sans serif typefaces, which are very visually appealing and perfect of a clinical case! As suggested by international guidelines, the main goals of asthma treatment are symptoms control and lung function preservation, through a stepwise and control-based approach. Two cases of pediatric patients with heart failure are presented. Concordia College. Register on our website and download 10 FREE templates every month or Go Premium and download with no limits! This is the Asthma Speaker's Kit for Health Care Professionals page on the Asthma site. %PDF-1.5 %���� Wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are common when one undergoes this disease. Show me, ¡Slidesgo ya disponible en español! Though their presenting complaints are common, the diagnosis was made based on careful examination and consideration of abnormal findings. Asthma Clinical Case Presentation Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Asthma exacerbation is describing the decreasing changers in PEF or the need to oral corticosteroids. Western medicine attributes asthma to allergies, causing bronchial spasm and inflammation. Ed Visits Among PPT. The case presented here highlights how cough variant asthma can be missed due to its atypical clinical presentation and deceptively normal appearing diagnostic workup.
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