[72] In Colorado and California, black bears were found to visit 48% and 77% of kills, respectively. [99], In the Central and South American cougar range, the ratio of deer in the diet declines. It has five retractable claws on its forepaws (one a dewclaw) and four on its hind paws. Hulk VS Broly is the 139th episode and Season 7 Finale of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring The Hulk from Marvel Comics and Broly from the Dragon Ball series in a battle between rage-filled brawlers. The first confirmed sighting in a century was made on September 20, 2015, in Obion county in the north-western corner of West Tennessee. Born blind, cubs are completely dependent on their mother at first, and begin to be weaned at around three months of age. [18] It stalks through brush and trees, across ledges, or other covered spots, before delivering a powerful leap onto the back of its prey and a suffocating neck bite. [134], As with many predators, a cougar may attack if cornered, if a fleeing human stimulates their instinct to chase, or if a person "plays dead". Only the Florida panther showed variation, often preferring feral hogs and armadillos. Fish and Wildlife Service, Committee on Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, "Texas Mountain Lion Conservation Project", "Cougar Attacks on Humans: A Case Report", 10.1580/1080-6032(2003)14[169:CAOHAC]2.0.CO;2, 10.2193/0091-7648(2005)33[905:PRTCAB]2.0.CO;2, "Cougar attacks on humans in United States and Canada", "Confirmed mountain lion attacks in the United States and Canada 1890 – present", "Victim In Deadly Washington State Cougar Attack Had Boston Ties", Search continues for mountain lion that killed Pinos Altos man, Wounded mountain lion captured, killed near Pinos Altos, Second mountain lion captured near Pinos Altos, "Should You Run or Freeze When You See a Mountain Lion? [23] [164] The campus also has a Nittany Lion Shrine, featuring a large statue of a mountain lion on campus. The Florida panther samples showed a low microsatellite variation, possibly due to inbreeding. With the taxonomic uncertainty about its existence as a subspecies as well as the possibility of eastward migration of cougars from the western range, the subject remains open. [47], The cougar was extirpated across most of its eastern North American range (with a notable exception of Florida) in the two centuries after European colonization, and faced grave threats elsewhere. The animal is believed to have originated from the Black Hills of South Dakota. 2002–2003 Panther Genetfic Restoration Annual Report", "U.S. Declares Eastern Cougar Extinct, With an Asterisk", Northeast Region, U.S. While large, it is not always the apex predator in its range, yielding prey it has killed to jaguars, American black bears, grizzly bears, American alligators (mainly in Florida), and to groups of gray wolves or coyotes. Taxonomic research on felids remains partial, and much of what is known about their evolutionary history is based on mitochondrial DNA analysis. 20% Off select styles. Despite its size, it is not typically classified among the "big cats" because it cannot roar, lacking the specialized larynx and hyoid apparatus of Panthera. [89] The jaguar tends to take the larger prey where ranges overlap, reducing both the cougar's potential size and the likelihood of direct competition between the two cats. Culver et al. [66], A 2012 study using 18 motion-sensitive cameras in Río Los Cipreses National Reserve counted a population of two males and two females (one of them with at least two cubs) in an area of 600 km2 (0.63 cougars per 100 km2). The cheetah lineage is suggested by some studies to have diverged from the Puma lineage in the Americas and migrated back to Asia and Africa,[19][20] while other research suggests the cheetah diverged in the Old World itself. The African lion’s scientific name is Panthera leo melanochaita while the Asiatic lion’s scientific name is Panther leo leo. ", "Observatory: When Mountain Lions Hunt, They Prey on the Weak", "British Columbia cougars found to prey on seals, sea lions", "Jaguar interactions with pumas and prey at the northern edge of jaguars' range", "Tracking Penguins in Patagonia's Monte León National Park", 10.1894/0038-4909(2005)050[0466:SBIP]2.0.CO;2, "A technique for non-invasively detecting stress response in cougars", 10.2193/0091-7648(2004)032[0711:ATFNDS]2.0.CO;2, "Cameras Reveal the Secret Lives of a Mountain Lion Family – Sharon Negri (2013)", "Epidemiology, Genetic Diversity, and Evolution of Endemic Feline Immunodeficiency Virus in a Population of Wild Cougars", "Adaptive social strategies in a solitary carnivore", "Behavior of cougar in Iowa and the Midwest", "Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Individual territory sizes depend on terrain, vegetation, and abundance of prey. The heavily populated state of California saw a dozen attacks 1986 to 2004 (after just three from 1890 to 1985), including three fatalities. The word cougar is borrowed from the Portuguese çuçuarana, via French; it was originally derived from the Tupi language. [159], In North America, mythological descriptions of the cougar have appeared in the stories of the Hocąk language ("Ho-Chunk" or "Winnebago") of Wisconsin and Illinois[160] and the Cheyenne, amongst others. The Chicago Cougars of the World Hockey Association operated from 1972 to 1975, while the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League were called the Cougars from their inaugural season in 1926 until 1930. [112] Estimates of territory sizes for cougars vary greatly. In fact, attacks on humans, although exceedingly rare, have occurred. One study found that grizzlies and American black bears visited 24% of cougar kills in Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, usurping 10% of carcasses. [1], The cougar is listed as least concern on the IUCN Red List since 2008. In Florida, it is threatened by heavy traffic, which causes frequent fatal accidents involving cougars. Coyotes also typically bite the throat but the work of a cougar is generally clean, while bites inflicted by coyotes and dogs leave ragged edges. Attacks are most frequent during late spring and summer, when juvenile cougars leave their mothers and search for new territory. [93][94], In the southern part of South America, the cougar is a top-level predator that has controlled the population of guanaco and other species since prehistoric times. Secretive and largely solitary by nature, the cougar is properly considered both nocturnal … [122][123], This uncertainty has been recognized by Canadian authorities. Remedial hunting enables younger males to enter the former territories of the older animals. [50] The Quebec wildlife services also considers cougars to be present in the province as a threatened species after multiple DNA tests confirmed cougar hair in lynx mating sites. [95] Cougars also prey on bear cubs. [54], On April 14, 2008, police fatally shot a cougar on the north side of Chicago, Illinois. Its range spans from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes in South America and is the most widespread of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere. It has had over 7 inches of rain on it, but it still visible. The first use of puma in English dates to 1777, introduced from Spanish, and prior from the Quechua language in the 16th century, where it means "powerful". "[124][125][126], Regulated cougar hunting is still common in the United States and Canada. It is also listed on CITES Appendix II. [92] Nevertheless, there is a measurable effect on the quality of deer populations by puma predation. On Canada's prairies, Mount Royal University in Calgary and the University of Regina in Saskatchewan use the cougar as their mascot. [154] This effect is attributed to the removal of older pumas that have learned to avoid people and their replacement by younger males that react differently to humans. Research simulations showed that it faces a low extinction risk in areas, which are larger than 2,200 km2 (850 sq mi). [76] Conversely, one-to-one confrontations tend to be dominated by the cat, and there are various documented accounts where wolves have been ambushed and killed,[77][78][79][80] including adult male specimens. For example, while South American jaguars are comparatively large, and may exceed 90 kg (200 lb),[38] those in Mexico's Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve weigh about the same as female cougars (approximately 50 kg (110 lb)). It is capable of leaping from the ground up to 5.5 m high into a tree. By contrast, Wildcat Lager Beer brewed by Labatt, has always shown a picture of a cougar on its label. lion king little mermaid loki maleficent marvel mary poppins mickey mouse minnie mouse moana mulan my neighbor totoro nightmare before christmas outlander overwatch ... Marvel Black Panther Dog Tennis Balls 3 Pack $9.90 $7.92. [12], In the western United States and Canada, it is also called "mountain lion", a name first used in writing in 1858. [31] Males generally weigh 53 to 100 kg (117 to 220 lb), averaging 68 kg (150 lb). [46], The cougar has the largest range of any wild land animal in the Americas. [a] There were no bite marks on the victim, who had been herding goats. The coat is typically tawny like that of the lion (the etymology for the common name "mountain lion"[33]), but it otherwise ranges from silvery-grey or reddish with lighter patches on the underbody, including the jaws, chin, and throat. [51] The only unequivocally known eastern population is the critically endangered Florida panther. [20] Following this research, the authors of Mammal Species of the World recognized the following six subspecies in 2005:[2], In 2006, the Florida panther was still referred to as a distinct subspecies P. c. coryi in research works. [73][74], The gray wolf and the cougar compete more directly for prey, mostly in winter. She said she is scared for her the safety of her children. This finding indicates that the cougar and the parasite existed in South America since at least the Late Pleistocene. [142][143], An early, authenticated, non-fatal case occurred near Lake Viedma, Patagonia in 1877 when a female mauled the Argentine scientist Francisco P. Moreno; Moreno afterwards showed the scars to Theodore Roosevelt. [20] but the relationship is unresolved. [145] Another authenticated case occurred In 1997 in Iguazú National Park, northeast Argentina when the 20-month son of a ranger was killed by a female puma. [35], Investigations at Yellowstone National Park showed that elk, followed by mule deer, were the cougar's primary targets; the prey base is shared with the park's gray wolves, with which the cougar competes for resources. The cougar (Puma concolor) is a large cat of the subfamily Felinae. [88], In the southern portion of its range, the cougar and jaguar share overlapping territory. [98], In Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, scat samples showed raccoons to make up 28% of the cougar's diet, harbor seals and blacktail deer 24% each, North American river otters 10%, California sea lion 7%, and American mink 4%; the remaining 3% were unidentified. In the past, lions and tigers reportedly competed in the wilderness, where their ranges overlapped in Eurasia. The Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League use the name and image of the southeastern United States cougar subspecies, the Florida panther (the state animal), as its mascot. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. A current form in Brazil is suçuarana. [44] A leucistic individual was seen in Serra dos Órgãos National Park in Rio de Janeiro in 2013 when it was recorded by way of a camera trap, indicating that extremely rare, pure white individual cougars do exist in the species. In the latest genomic study of the Felidae, the common ancestor of today's Leopardus, Lynx, Puma, Prionailurus, and Felis lineages migrated across the Bering land bridge into the Americas 8.0 to 8.5 million years ago (Mya). ", "Fractured Genetic Connectivity Threatens a Southern California Puma (Puma concolor) Population", "Assessment and Update Status Report on the Grizzly Bear (, "Nowhere to hide: pumas, black bears, and competition refuges", "In Yellowstone, it's Carnivore Competition", "Mountain lions kill collared wolves in Bitterroot", "This lion doesn't run, instead kills, eats wolf", "Winter Predation and Interactions of Wolves and Cougars on Panther Creek in Central Idaho", "Winter Predation and Interactions of Cougars and Wolves in the Central Idaho Wilderness", "Cougars vs. coyotes photos draw Internet crowd", "Pythons Eating Through Everglades Mammals at "Astonishing" Rate?Pythons Eating Through Everglades Mammals at "Astonishing" Rate? [113] When males encounter each other, they hiss, spit, and may engage in violent conflict if neither backs down. Since then there have been at least eight additional confirmed sightings in the state; all were immediately east of the Tennessee River in Middle Tennessee: initially in Humphreys county and on September 4, 2016, further south in Wayne county. Despite prohibitory signs, coatis are hand-fed by tourists in the park, causing unnatural approximation between cougars and humans. [19] North American felids then invaded South America 2–4 Mya as part of the Great American Interchange, following the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. It contained Toxascaris leonina eggs. Canadian Geographic reports large male territories of 150 to 1000 km2 (58 to 386 sq mi) with female ranges half that size. “Sparkling Water” vs. “Seltzer” vs. “Club Soda”: What’s The Difference? Unlike several subordinate predators from other ecosystems, cougars do not appear to take advantage of spatial or temporal refuges to avoid their competitors. This is the left hind print of a cougar (AKA puma, mountain lion, panther) This cougar track has been rained on several times. [52] In 2009, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources confirmed a cougar sighting in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. All four confirmed cougar kills in Iowa since 2000 involved males. Front paw print of a cougar. The African lion and Asiatic lion are believed to have split apart about 100,000 years ago. She is the lifelong best friend of Simba, prince of the Pride Lands. In this instance, however, Moreno had been wearing a guanaco-hide poncho round his neck and head as protection against the cold;[144] in Patagonia the guanaco is the puma's chief prey animal. [19][20], Following Linnaeus' first scientific description of the cougar, 32 cougar zoological specimens were described and proposed as subspecies until the late 1980s. [67] The Bay Area Puma Project aims to obtain information on cougar populations in the San Francisco Bay area and the animals' interactions with habitat, prey, humans, and residential communities. Like other cats, it is an obligate carnivore, meaning it must feed on meat to survive. [41] Cougars sometimes voice low-pitched hisses, growls, and purrs, as well as chirps and whistles, many of which are comparable to those of domestic cats. [63], South of the Rio Grande, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the cat in every Central and South American country. [53] Typically, extreme-range sightings of cougars involve young males, which can travel great distances to establish ranges away from established males. [48] DNA evidence has suggested its presence in eastern North America,[49] while a consolidated map of cougar sightings shows numerous reports from the mid-western Great Plains through to eastern Canada. [66], Texas is the only U.S. state with a viable cougar population that is not protected. ", 10.2981/0909-6396(2006)12[201:UOOEAF]2.0.CO;2, "Models of regional habitat quality and connectivity for pumas (, "The Late Miocene radiation of modern Felidae: A genetic assessment", 10.2193/0022-541X(2006)70[1:ITUOSI]2.0.CO;2, "A revised taxonomy of the Felidae: The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group", "Wild Cats. Cuguacu ara was then adopted by John Ray in 1693. The effect had a dose-response relationship with very heavy (100% removal of adult puma) remedial hunting leading to a 150% – 340% increase in livestock and human conflicts. International Union for Conservation of Nature, urinate on it as a way of marking territory, Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, List of fatal cougar attacks in North America, "Use of open, edge and forest areas by pumas Puma concolor in winter: are pumas foraging optimally? [163] The University of Pittsburgh campus has about 20 physical representations of panthers or cougars at different locations around the campus, as well as four such statues on the Panther Hollow Bridge over Panther Hollow. Standing still may cause the cougar to consider a person easy prey. [33] Females are in estrus for about 8 days of a 23-day cycle; the gestation period is approximately 91 days. Among college sports teams, Brigham Young University in Utah and Washington State University in the northwestern United States, as well as the University of Houston in Texas use the cougar as their mascot. [101] Birds and small reptiles are sometimes preyed upon in the south, but this is rarely recorded in North America. [84] Another study on winter kills (November–April) in Alberta showed that ungulates accounted for greater than 99% of the cougar diet. The Canadian federal agency called Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada rates its current data as "insufficient" to draw conclusions regarding the eastern cougar's survival and its website says that "despite many sightings in the past two decades from eastern Canada, there are insufficient data to evaluate the taxonomy or assign a status to this cougar." It was placed in the genus Puma by William Jardine in 1834. Until 2011, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recognized both an Eastern cougar (claimed to be a subspecies by some, denied by others)[117][118] and the Florida panther, affording protection under the Endangered Species Act. [96], A successful generalist predator, the cougar will eat any animal it can catch, from insects to large ungulates (over 500 kg (1,100 lb)). Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? [111], Like almost all cats, the cougar is a mostly solitary animal. It currently ranges across most western American states including occasional sightings from Alaska, the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, and the Canadian territory of Yukon. [113] Male ranges may include or overlap with those of females but, at least where studied, not with those of other males, which reduces conflict between cougars. Between one and four new individuals entering a population per decade markedly increases persistence, thus highlighting the importance of habitat corridors. [37], Depending on the locality, cougars can be smaller or bigger than jaguars, but are less muscular and not as powerfully built, so their weight is, on average, less. [40] Compared to "big cats", cougars are often silent, with minimal communication through vocalizations outside of the mother-offspring relationship. [13] Other names include "panther", "painter" and "catamount". In both reports, sheep were the most frequently attacked. Its wide distribution stems from its adaptability to virtually every habitat type; it lives in all forest types, as well as in lowland and mountainous deserts, as well as in open areas with little vegetation. Some instances of surplus killing have resulted in the deaths of 20 sheep in one attack. Scrape marks, urine, and feces are used to mark territory and attract mates. There have been unconfirmed sightings in Elliotsville Plantation, Maine (north of Monson) and as early as 1997 in New Hampshire. There have sometimes been incidents of pet cougars mauling people. [3] In the 17th century, Georg Marcgrave named it cuguacu ara. [35] Its most important prey species are various deer species, particularly in North America; mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, and even bull moose are taken. [146] In 2012 a 23-year-old woman was found dead in a mountainous area in Salta Province in northwest Argentina. This genus is part of the Felinae. Nala is the deuteragonist of Disney's 1994 animated feature film,The Lion King, a supporting character in its sequel and a minor character in its midquel. Attacks on humans are very rare, as cougar prey recognition is a learned behavior and they do not generally recognize humans as prey. Neck, head, and spinal injuries are common and sometimes fatal. The cougar is the second-largest cat in the New World after the jaguar. Six days later, and about 56 km (35 mi) to the southeast, a hair sample was found in Carroll County. "[83], Both species are capable of killing mid-sized predators, such as bobcats, Canada lynx, wolverines and coyotes, and tend to suppress their numbers. The lineages subsequently diverged in that order. Infants are spotted and born with blue eyes and rings on their tails;[33] juveniles are pale and dark spots remain on their flanks. [71], Aside from humans, no species preys upon mature cougars in the wild, although conflicts with other predators or scavengers occur. [26] Kills are generally estimated around one large ungulate every two weeks. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. [121] In March 2011, the USFWS declared the Eastern cougar extinct. Each additional puma on the landscape increased predation and human-puma complaints by 5%, but each additional animal killed on the landscape during the previous year increased complaints by 50%. [119][120] In 2003, the documented count for the Florida sub-population was 87 individuals. [136][137], Research on new wildlife collars may be able to reduce human-animal conflicts by predicting when and where predatory animals hunt. [97] A survey of North America research found 68% of prey items were ungulates, especially deer. [152] A cougar's killing bite is applied to the back of the neck, head, or throat and the cat inflicts puncture marks with its claws usually seen on the sides and underside of the prey, sometimes also shredding the prey as it holds on. It is reclusive and mostly avoids people. [149], During the early years of ranching, cougars were considered on par with wolves in destructiveness. A pumapard is a hybrid animal resulting from a union between a puma and a leopard. North America was then repopulated by South American cougars. [135] Exaggerating the threat to the animal through intense eye contact, loud shouting, and any other action to appear larger and more menacing, may make the animal retreat. Jon Favreau’s The Lion King and animated sequels Toy Story 4 and Frozen 2 will also be shown first on Disney+ (outside of cinema). [66] Washington state was the site of a fatal attack in 2018, its first since 1924. [1] While specific state and provincial statistics are often available in North America, much less is known about the cat in its southern range. [104] Kitten survival rates are just over one per litter. However, there are documented cases of adult American alligators preying on cougars in Florida. [110] Research has shown cougar abundances from 0.5 animals to as many as 7 (in one study in South America) per 100 km2 (39 sq mi). [42], Cougar coloring is plain (hence the Latin concolor in the scientific name), but can vary greatly across individuals, and even siblings. Competition with the larger jaguar in South America has been suggested for the decline in the size of prey items. However, adult specimens of the reptiles are big enough to prey on cougars in return if they have the chance, which occurs only on rare occasions as the cougars tend to avoid bodies of water where crocodilians are present. The University of Vermont also uses the mascot, but uses the term "catamount" instead of cougar, as was traditional in the region where the school is located. [4] In 1774, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon converted cuguacu ara to cuguar, which was later modified to "cougar" in English. In April 1997, an experienced tracker named John McCarter found the mauled carcass of a beaver with scat nearby in the Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts. A North Queensland mother believes one of the fabled black panthers has stalked her and attacked her dog last year. The coat is variously described as sandy, tawny or greyish with brown, chestnut or "faded" rosettes. Feline immunodeficiency virus, an endemic HIV-like virus in cats, is well-adapted to the cougar. [33] Cougars may live as long as 20 years in captivity. Some researchers have argued that the black colour is a sign of natural selection. Males may scrape together a small pile of leaves and grasses and then urinate on it as a way of marking territory. Join our early testers! In particular, the North American cougar is considered to have been mostly extirpated in eastern North America (the population referred to as the eastern cougar) in the beginning of the 20th century, except for the isolated Florida panther subpopulation. [1] US state-level statistics are often more optimistic, suggesting cougar populations have rebounded. [14], The cougar holds the Guinness record for the animal with the greatest number of names, with over 40 in English alone. "[110], Life expectancy in the wild is reported at eight to 13 years, and probably averages eight to 10; a female of at least 18 years was reported killed by hunters on Vancouver Island. [127] The non-profit organization Balanced Ecology Inc. launched the Texas Mountain Lion Conservation Project in 2009. [130] Attacks on people, livestock, and pets may occur when a puma habituates to humans or is in a condition of severe starvation. DNA tests were consistent with cougars from the Black Hills of South Dakota. It prefers habitats with dense underbrush and rocky areas for stalking, but can also live in open areas. The Detroit Cougars were actually related to the Victoria Cougars of the Western Hockey League, which had won the Stanley Cup in 1925, in that when the Victoria Cougars, which had operated as the Aristocrats from 1918 to 1922 and as the Cougars from 1922 to 1926, disbanded in 1926, the owners of the newly formed Detroit club purchased the rights to many of the players of the Victoria club, and retained the Cougar nickname. [1] In the Santa Ana Mountains, it prefers steep canyons, escarpments, rim rocks, and dense brush. Those reported grew to only half the size of the parents. Hulk was voiced by Richard Barcenas and Broly was voiced by Nicholas Andrew Louie. [70], With the increase of human development and infrastructure growth in California, the cougar populations in the state are becoming more isolated from one another. [131] By 2004, the count had climbed to 88 attacks and 20 deaths. [158] The sky and thunder god of the Inca, Viracocha, has been associated with the animal.
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