Why does my boyfriends penis smell so bad. He's not on a stink strike or anything, but when I called his mom, she said he's been hoarding some old cheese because he needs something to do now that football season is over for him. My toenail smells like cheese and vomit. Or, it could be much more severe, like an infection of some kind, or even an open wound. I wonder if the same happens to vegans taken they mow the lawn. Despite what the ads may say, it’s normal for your vagina to smell a certain way. all the best take care. Why does my boyfriend smell like cheese? 3 causes of cheese-like vaginal odor This list does not constitute medical advice and may not accurately represent what you have. My boyfriend wants me to give him oral sex, but he has a bad odor down there. My mouth waters when I smell steak on a grill. Not like the penis itself but like behind the foreskin. Connect by text or video with a U.S. board-certified doctor now — wait time is less than 1 minute! You smell like cheese because you just ate it. Like roll him in yogurt, dip him in chocolate, and eat him. Updates: Follow. Testicles will not smell other than sweat smells.However the foul smelling or cheese smelling is due to accumulation of white deposit called smegma on the underneath of foreskin.It can be removed by washing with warm and soap regularly during bath by unrolling the foreskin down.Regards. What should I do? I have noticed that sometimes, even after a quick shower, that my feet have a slight vinegar smell. I love my boyfriend. Yellow dishcharge smells like cheese. Any time we do it doggy he says this and I clean my self very very well and nothing seems to help what is the problem . How did you get their legs apart? Now the question arises if it is safe and sound to consume such ground beef. It still smells like that even after I brush my teeth and use mouthwash. Twitter. Sinus wound smells like cheese. Dog paws smell like Fritos. The vet found nothing amiss "back there" but the smell persists. The only way to get rid of the smell is to figure out the source of the scent. According to her, it's not gross, but it's cute. 0 0. Because cheese is a dairy product and smells like lactic acid, the odor of the dry-aging ground beef becomes notably familiar to cheese. No sex smell should be bad or fishy. Facebook. melly melly has a smelly belly button. mine don't smell like cheese at all, but after working out I tend to smell a hint of popcorn smell coming from my feet lolgchicano16 lol mine smell a hint of blue cheese 12 years ago Have you ever smelled moth balls? Anonymous. (Original post by jammiedodger88) Right, let me tell you something, generally if you don't like the smell of a boy, this essentially means they a similar immune system to you, and therefore, you children have weaker immune systems. Soaping up in the shower should get rid of the funk. All vaginas smell bad at first. Fish and pizza also have this bizarre effect. Hi my mum used to sing a song to me when i was little it went like this. "Smell that leg right there," says the medic. Follow. The strange odor reminds people of mega-strong Parmesan cheese. use lactacyd perineal wash twice a day and keep betadiene vaginal pessary for 6 nights. im weak and my heart has been bothering me.urine smells like cheese and vaginal burning and itch. But, it is like an acquired taste. Is this normal? I think the reason may be that he sweats a lot. Perhaps you have since this is the case with your brother. What should i do about, i don't want to put him down, but every time we go to "do stuff" i practically throw up and he wonders why. How does this happen? I did some research to find out the cause of this odor.Why do feet smell like vinegar sometimes? Your beard smells like cheese because of the odorless fatty acid in your sweat that mixes with bacteria causing a cheesy smell since the bacteria is feeding off of the sweat. Urine smells like parmesan cheese. THIS IS WHY YOUR GROUND BEEF RECIPE SMELLS LIKE CHEESE! Every time my girlfriend and I hang out, she insists that my breath or saliva smells like blue cheese. I have to physically restrain myself from taking a bite out of him. Why does my guy tell me my butt smells like Parmesan cheese? Common belief has it that people from the same family have… Read More »Why Does My Brother Smell Like Cheese? Q: My boyfriend claims he doesn't like fancy cheese because it tastes too strong (even though he loves sharp cheddar, which is a good deal stronger than plenty of other more exotic cheeses). Whatever you eat there are components which are excreted in the sweat and oil your body normally secretes and excretes. I work long days like your boyfriend and sweating was a problem, along with the smell it was just irritating, I looked into the problem on the internet and found this product called Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder and put some on my back, underarms and on the inside of the t-shirt. !Haha.lol. If you don't like the smell, I suggest brushing your teeth nice, gently and firmly. Understand your cheese-like vaginal odor symptoms, including 3 causes and common questions. My sweat acquired an acrid rotting-veggie-like fetid smell - swamp-like, but acidic and sharp. In which case a serious bath is in order, If that doesn't work, a trip to the doctor might be best. This happens to many people, mostly occurring in both males and females. It has some "green" notes as well as metal, freshly cut cabbage, and a hint of sulphur. Belly button. Confession time: Sometimes I want eat my boyfriend. Sweaty men tend to like the smell of cheese, while women sweaty smell like onions and grapefruit. If a penis smells a little like an armpit or a foot at the end of the day, it’s probably not a cause for concern, suggests Dr. Bohl. Feet tend to smell like vinegar due to propionic acid. I've had a lot of medical problems in my time, but currently I'm running on arthritis, gallstones and a cyst on one kidney. If that’s what you’re smelling, reach out to your doctor, because it could be a sign of a bacterial imbalance like bacterial vaginosis, says Dr. Minkin. it smells like dirty old socks and old tuna and rotten Cheddar cheese, i literally mean this! why do my blackheads smell like cheese. sweaty feet?Or is my sniffer broke?When you smell parmesan cheese,what does it smell like to you?Do you like to eat parmesan cheese?My boyfriend says that i smells like toe jam every time we eat spaghetti and my daughter loads it on hers.She laughs and says "Toe jam!"ewww! A broken nose. The discharge looks like cottage cheese. My back smells of cheese. bodysore? Garlic is the most familiar food that effects body odor. Can someone tell me why my vagina smells like parmesan cheese im really worried that there could be something wrong MD hi foul smelling discharge from vagina is due to vaginitis. U guys probably think it smells nasty and it does lol. What to horse hooves smell like? I’m 14 and my penis smell like fish and cheese. When a patient comes to me with a new night sweats, I will begin with a question about the temperature in the bedroom, and the number and type of blankets. My belly buttun in all truth smell like toxic watse with a hint of cheese it,s quite wet in their too like the bottom of a brie container 3 days after opening left in bright sunlight. 0 0. “You are what you eat” is an old saying. No one wants her in their lap or will pick her up because of this sour smell. Sometimes the scent may be unbearable, so it is with your brother; he smells like cheese. Some Swiss researchers have studied, in fact, smell the sweat of men and women. Any ideas where this awful smell is coming from and what's causing it? Assuming you are talking about a female husband, do you mean her entire body smells like cheese? If your dog smells like cheese, it could be as simple as the fact that they got into your Doritos. Have you ever wondered why this happens? A yeasty smell may be caused by — you guessed it — a yeast infection. And this worked wonders, no excessive sweat on no smell. The odor is a by-product of the bacteria. It turns out that when this sulfur compound is mixed with bacteria under the arm, it creates a chemical called thiol—and this chemical is known for smelling like onions. I came to like that scent better than any other scent in the world. I just tell him that i am sick and can't do anything I am sick of making excuses up. It can be so thick that you might notice a thick white coating in and around your vagina," says Dr. Nucatolah says. Fetta Cheese. Help! urine smells like cheese A 27-year-old female asked: ive had two false positives for syphilis. I don't want to tell him and hurt his feelings. Cheese is not the only smell that illuminates the person after it is consumed. Be aware that body odor can be effected by diet. Different individuals have a distinctive smell. But lately he's been smelling like cheese that's been bad for 2 years. If your boyfriend gives it a chance, he will find the same thing. I wash everyday so I don’t know what the problem is. Here in this video i talk about why do my blackheads smell like cheese. All of which combine for a pretty funky living experience, but I am baffled by a recent development; my urine has started to give off a powerful aroma of cheese. "They can not ask for kindness, or for mercy plead. "I want to know if it’s south of cheese." Facebook. Oh, and diverticular disease which according to my urologist, everyone has. Twitter. U won’t really smell it unless u actually touch the penis. Share . None on her feet. Sweat Mixes With Bacteria and Makes Your Beard Smell Foul.
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