Students work with strong teachers and grade-level appropriate cases. These mock trials are free for use by teachers in their classrooms and/or with their mock trial teams. Access to and copies of the case may not be provided to any other students or schools. Do you enjoy teaching? 2020-21 NCAJ High School Mock Trial (Online) Competition Rules. If you’re not a member of a co-op or class, go round up some family friends! Challenge them in an appellate case or a have them work together with an ambitious younger student to prepare trial strategy and pertinent questions as a trial team. You can use the situation below or find other sample cases by doing a key-word search such as “ [Name of State] Bar Association Mock Trial Middle School.” Martha raked the leaves in her neighbor’s yard every Sunday during the fall. Who’s Who—or, What Role Will Your Student Assume? No matter what the case summary provided in a particular month, use your creativity to make the most of it. You can also try these lessons with gifted, or just motivated and curious, younger students! We may add new components or remove them without prior notification to our members. Students in grades seven and eight and their teachers are invited to create original mock trial cases. As part of this learning process, students will be directly exposed to the basics of certain substantive areas of law, including constitutional, criminal, and tort law, and rules of evidence. Explain to students that they will now delve further into the mock trial process, requiring them to mine core texts for quotes, facts, insights and perspectives. These mock trials are free for use by teachers in their classrooms and/or with their mock trial teams. Plaintiff’s/Prosecution’s Witnesses—The bailiff swears in each witness. The formal vs. informal format depends on the objectives of the activity, the time available, and the students’ skills and prior experiences. We will explore the court system, the roles of everyone involved in the court, and the trial process itself. Mock Trial Scripts For Middle School Students Free PDF eBook Download: Mock Trial Scripts For Middle School Students Download or Read Online eBook mock trial scripts for middle school students in PDF Format From The Best User Guide. Middle School Mock Trial Program Mock trial is designed to introduce students to our legal system by providing a challenging, academic competition. Mini- Mock Trials are shorter versions of mock trial, taking an average of 2- 3 hours. An Avenue for Middle School Classes to Participate in a Simulated Trial. Don't forget to click Like on Facebook! Mock trial cases (viewable via Acrobat Reader) back through 1995. Voir Dire Simulation from the American Bar Association for middle school through high school. In this educational program, high school students have the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of civil/criminal law and courtroom procedures. This course strengthens comprehension, logic/critical thinking, persuasive argumentation, writing, research, and public speaking skills. Mock Trial Scripts For Middle School Students Free PDF eBook Download: Mock Trial Scripts For Middle School Students Download or Read Online eBook mock trial scripts for middle school students in PDF Format From The Best User Guide. In addition to her love of the law, Marina enjoys international travel to experience different countries and cultures. 3. For Teachers. In your role as prosecutor or defender, you will have the opportunity to prepare your case for trial! Jury Selection. 2 Mock Trial Chris Archer v. New Columbia A college student is charged with manslaughter and criminal hazing after a prospective member of the fraternity falls to her death with a blood alcohol level of .10. Steven has more than 20 years of trial experience in insurance law and civil litigation. Appellee—Closing Statement. Children who lack social skills can improve them by working as a team for a trial— whether lawyer, witness, or represented party, they must all work together toward a common goal. But what about the shy child? Legal concepts are interesting to students! Instead, it could be a very informal acting out of parts, or involve writing an essay taking one side of the case, or having two parties debate the case in class. Using a mock court case, students play the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and court officers while learning the lasting skills of public speaking, teamwork, research, collaboration, civil and criminal legal concepts, and civic engagement. 2020-2021 Mock Trial Case Materials. Restrictions on Current Case Use; Current year cases may be distributed to student participants of one's own school and judges. I will also occasionally provide additional enrichment activities that may increase the total time spent for your student. This Mock Trial curriculum for homeschoolers covers topics such as the Judicial Branch of the Government, the First Amendment, Contracts, Criminal Law, Tax Reform, and more. An additional rubric is now available for classroom use. Thus, I estimate approximately ten hours per month of work, at a minimum, which provides 120 hours per year. Prosecution—government representative who brings the case on behalf of the people represented. Witness—a person who testifies in court under oath. Then, you may want to choose one monthly topic/concept to focus on and do a mock trial at the end of the year or semester (depending on the length of your class). Recently, Byron was elected to the NSDA coaches Hall of Fame, the nation's highest honor of accomplishment for speech and debate coaches. Plaintiff—the person who believes he/she has been wronged and brings the case to court. The fourth week provides the findings if the case is real, or the legal precedents for a mock case, so that the teacher can go over the findings with the student(s) after the mock trial or with regard to the debate/paper. You can add enrichment activities or take your time teaching the concepts. My philosophy is that interested and motivated middle school students are able to learn at an amazingly high level. Find out how you can use your talents and abilities to serve your fellow members of If you would like a copy of any case sent to you electronically, please contact your state Mock Trial coordinator to request the case from SC Bar LRE. 2 Defense Opening Statement. They will then announce their decision and can state the reasoning behind the decision (which is normally be reported in written form). Mock Trial Blog Mock trial info for high school students. Evidence for Trial. She worked as an…, Ancient Citizens in Ancient Civilizations, Free Men and Free Markets: Government and Economics, Globally Connected: High School Social Studies, Seven Principles of Liberty: Government from a Christian Perspective, Stepping through History: Starting with You, Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans, Strengthening Behavioral and Social Skills. Details for a mock trial activity. This class can be taught at a brisk pace, where one legal concept or topic is discovered each month, a related case summary is provided to students in the second week, and a mock trial is held in the fourth week. Essentially, Mock Trial is more or less what it sounds like: High school students act out a civil or criminal trial by arguing for either the prosecution or defense side against another team, which acts as the opposing side. The Clark Mock Trial team is nationally ranked and has regularly advanced to national tournaments and won numerous individual awards under his direction.Steven believes that teaching mock trial curriculum in a camp setting offers an ideal setting and atmosphere for students to learn the valuable skills of advocacy in a fun and safe learning environment. I estimate that each weekly reading and assignment will take about one hour to complete. Todd Martin. This resource page is a collection of student handouts that may be useful when teaching Mock Trial in the classroom. Luckily, no one was injured. The Law Society of Western Australia Interschool Mock Trial Competition is held each year for students enrolled in years 10, 11 and 12 in Western Australia. Often times a mock trial legal advisor is the parent of a student or a local attorney who volunteers in his/her community. Simulations of court proceedings engage students in real-life situations that require higher-order thinking. A student displays her case notes for a mock trial at Oakland Technical High School. Appellant—Opening Statement Guidelines for Conducting a Mock Trial in the Classroom. The course helps students understand the topic and develop their own mock trial, do assignments, take quizzes on the topic. Click on the image above to be taken to our Affiliate Image Gallery, where you can find additional images for this class. Defense Closing Statement, Any jury instructions will be read by the Judge to the Jury. Get Started Today! We offer workshops, summer programs, and consulting services. Defense’s Witnesses—The bailiff swears in each witness. Marina is looking forward to getting to know students on a personal level and working with them individually to find their voice and refine their public speaking skills. Click “Go to Class Lessons” and get started. OCLRE does not require that mock trial teams have a legal advisor, however, most teachers appreciate assistance from volunteer attorneys, who help students understand case law, courtroom procedure and etiquette. If you are not able to round up a group, do not despair. The mock trial lessons in this course target students in the middle school grades as well as high schoolers. • Empire Mock Trial Hosts three high school mock trial programs -- in Atlanta, New York City and San Francisco -- to help students hone their trial skills. Lawyers volunteer to assist students as team advisors, scorekeepers and regional coordinators. Click “View Lesson Plan” as available and organize as desired (on computer desktop or in a printed format). Hope Seeley Attorney Jonathan Weiner November 13, 2020 1The Civics First Case Committee is grateful to the … Thousands of students participate each year. Mock Trial runs throughout the state, in virtually every county. Students learn basic concepts about the American legal system that will be built upon in later lessons in this mock trial curriculum. A CASE OF ARSON AT THE MANSION A Guided Mock Trial Note: All names and details in this mock trial are fictitious and do not refer to any person or action involved in the case, other than the fact that the mansion was heavily damaged by fire. In my years of handling mock trials in this fashion, I have never had to assign a role that was lower than second choice to a student—and the vast majority of times, students have performed their number one pick! One Sunday Martha was sick, so she asked her friend Ted to rake for her. Basic Trial, Jury Selection You can find out more about our affiliate program by clicking here. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Mock Trial so that you can enter your school's high school Mock Trial team with some key knowledge under your belt. But first, in any course, start by familiarizing students with the process, especially the players in a trial courtroom (prosecutor, defending attorney, juror, bailiff, defendant, witness) and the stages of a trial. Some of our recent staff members for this program include: Byron Arthur is a practicing attorney from New Orleans, Louisiana. IN 1995 –96 THE NEW JERSEY STATE BAR FOUNDATION LAUNCHED A UNIQUE, LAW-RELATED EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS—THE LAW ADVENTURE COMPETITION. : CR-17-6008284S Civics First Case Committee Attorney J. Tyler Butts Hon. The Law Society of Western Australia Interschool Mock Trial Competition is held each year for students enrolled in years 10, 11 and 12 in Western Australia. Start with the Day 1 assignment. If you are not going to actually perform a mock trial with the materials, you can still have the students engage in a debate with that topic, or write a persuasive essay. Mock trials are trial court proceedings in which witnesses testify and juries decide the outcome. Mock Trial Meets Social Media LRE is thrilled to announce our new social media presence! We love hearing from our members as to what classes they or their students enjoyed. She also spent two years working as a paralegal for the Department of Justice. The Middle School Mock Trial (MSMT) Program is a hands-on exercise in learning about due process. They will develop an understanding of the trial process, the roles of those in the courtroom and their importance to the administration of justice, and the significance of their constitutional protections. Mock trial cases (viewable via Acrobat Reader) back through 1995. The Supreme Court. Mock trial goes virtual. Middle School Mock Trial Competition The 2014 Mock Trial Criminal Case IN THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS COUNTY OF LYONS STATE OF NEW HARMONY ) State of New Harmony) 2013-GS-46-2695 Prosecution,) 2013-GS-46-2696 v.) ) Charlie Spencer,) Defendant.) An Avenue for Middle School Classes to Participate in a Simulated Trial. We strive to provide industry-leading instruction to all of our students and hold all staff to the highest possible standards. At any time, you may see the need to go back into previous lessons to review particular concepts. 2020-21 Regional Competition Schedule - Feb 5 and Feb 6 2021. to print: timekeeper time cards and bailiff script . ) ) NOTE: All characters, names, events, places, and circumstances in this Mock Trial case are fictitious. In that case, explain the various parts and ask the students to write their top three roles on an index card and give it to you. The Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) Statewide High School Mock Trial Competition will be held virtually, with 233 teams from 199 high schools … This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Visit our Affiliate Image Gallery here. They can be altered, adjusted, or formatted to fit a specific mock trial or your students… This provides a lot of variety and keeps students interested. Early in the unit, Mr. Madom guided students to tab each section of the packet with different colored Post-it notes, creating a framework for them to understand the structure of a case. Education Unlimited believes in small-group, immersive learning with subject matter experts and experienced teachers. Restrictions on Current Case Use; Current year cases may be distributed to student participants of one's own school and judges. They are either civil or criminal. • Empire Mock Trial Hosts three high school mock trial programs -- in Atlanta, New York City and San Francisco -- to help students hone their trial skills. Prior Middle School Mock Trial Cases. Student teams study a hypothetical case, conduct legal research, and receive guidance from volunteer attorneys in courtroom procedures and trial preparation. Appellant—Closing Statement Find out more about our designer in the spotlight. FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS—THE LAW ADVENTURE COMPETITION. The defendant in the case is accused of cutting down his/her neighbor's tree. Prior Middle School Mock Trial Cases. Includes a 1-hour lunch break plus shorter 10-15 min breaks, Breakfast in the dining hall (overnight campers), Lunch in the dining hall (included for all campers), Dinner in the dining hall (included for all campers). ) ) NOTE: All characters, names, events, places, and circumstances in this Mock Trial case are fictitious. Ideally, your child will be part of a group, such as a class or a co-op. He is currently a senior trial attorney for a major national insurance company. The Los Angeles Mock Trial Program is an academic competition in which over 2,500 high school and middle school students compete at the county level. Mock Trial runs throughout the state, in virtually every county. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of Maryland. 4. A list of state coordinators may be found here. OCLRE does not require that mock trial teams have a legal advisor, however, most teachers appreciate assistance from volunteer attorneys, who help students understand case law, courtroom procedure and etiquette. Whether you're just Please share some feedback with us so we can make this the best homeschooling curriculum site ever! The 12 Pick Game - Picking a Jury, Interactive Jury Game. We are constantly working to improve our membership site and make it more valuable to our members. These cases are for educational use only. Sample Discussion Questions. Mock Trials • Middle Schools KB Middle School Mock Trial (Grades 6-8) This role-play mock trial works well with middle school students. The Case of a Stolen Car This mock trial is appropriate for middle and high school students. 2020-CP-16-3505 Prepared by Civics First Case Committee1 Attorney J. Tyler Butts Hon. If you’re an affiliate with, you can earn a commission every month for new members you send. Bailiff—assists the judge in maintaining order in the courtroom and may administer the oath to witnesses. Perhaps answering previously rehearsed questions as a witness would suit him. Mock Trials. As a Colorado native, Hershini enjoys skiing and warming up afterward with vast quantities of chai. Justices discuss and reach a decision—whatever the majority decides. The bailiff or juror roles might be better suited. Monthly mock trial lesson plans alternate between trials and appeals. ii MIDDLE SCHOOL MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION 2016-2017 Dear Educator, Thank you for your interest in the Middle School Mock Trial Competition co-sponsored by the Florida Law Related Education Association, Inc. and the Florida Association for Women Lawyers (FAWL). While a mock trial is included every month, it need not take the form of a full-blown mock trial. Essentially, Mock Trial is more or less what it sounds like: High school students act out a civil or criminal trial by arguing for either the prosecution or defense side against another team, which acts as the opposing side. The Arizona High School Mock Trial program, co-sponsored by the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education and the State Bar of Arizona's Young Lawyers Division, teaches students in grades 9-12 about the law and the legal system by participating in a simulated trial. Mock On: Mock Trial Prep Academy is dedicated to helping high school students improve. Wolf faces mock trial at Killeen ISD middle school By Todd Martin | Special to the Herald. Middle School Mock Trial Competition The 2014 Mock Trial Criminal Case IN THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS COUNTY OF LYONS STATE OF NEW HARMONY ) State of New Harmony) 2013-GS-46-2695 Prosecution,) 2013-GS-46-2696 v.) ) Charlie Spencer,) Defendant.) Or the class can be taught at a slower pace, possibly leaving the mock trial itself until the end of the course (and can be adapted whether the course is a year-long one, semesterlong, or six weeks long—or anywhere in between). Plaintiff Closing Statement What to Do for a Month at Home: Elementary, What to Do for a Month at Home: Middle and High School. If your time is limited, and you would enjoy judging a competition, it's an easy way to give 2-3 hours of your time without further obligations. Many thanks to our lesson designers and the wonderful classes they create for our members. Are you enjoying this course? There are a number of participants in the judicial system and an opportunity for all types of students to participate: Judge/Justice—the person in charge of the courtroom. The older student? *Opening statements should incorporate a brief explanation of the case and what has happened thus far. Feel free to be creative and do what works for your group, family, or co-op! In both high school and college, Marina was the president of her respective debate teams, taking on leadership, teaching, and mentoring roles for younger students. For the past 13 years, Steven has also been an adjunct professor who teaches Trial Advocacy in the political science department of Clark University, where he is also the Director of the Mock Trial Program. Private schools, home school groups and community groups are welcome and encouraged to participate. Middle School Students [EPUB] Mock Trial Scripts For Middle School Students PDF [BOOK] Mock Trial Scripts | Mock Trial Scripts | There are a number of mock trials available for your use during the mock trial program. To the Parent/Teacher: How to Organize Your Class. The course also includes assignments, mock trial design lessons; occasional wrap-up quizzes; high school-intensive feature in select units; parent helps and resources. You can earn a 25% commission on every sale generated through your affiliate link simply by sharing it with your homeschooling friends, family, and church. 2018-2019 Middle School Mock Trial Case* SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF HARTFORD STATE OF CONNECTICUT v. ANDY/ANDI MADISON Case No. A student displays her case notes for a mock trial at Oakland Technical High School. Mock On: Mock Trial Prep Academy is dedicated to helping high school students improve. This course includes thirty units available for use at any time. Share: Grade Level: Middle/High. Length: 70 weeks Joyce Krutick Craig Attorney Jeanine Dumont Attorney Scott Garosshen Hon. In the local mock trial classes I teach, it is not unusual to have even younger students (my classes often start at fourth grade) able to understand and articulate legal concepts, such as liability, negligence, intent, and the elements of specific crimes or legal theories. We will work with you to ensure we find the perfect volunteer opportunity! Mock Trial is a great opportunity for students looking to learn more about the legal system and gain some great debate and public speaking experience. She also enjoys swing dancing, which she teaches in her spare time. However, in this blog post, we will be addressing Mock Trial specifically as a high schoo… The script includes a role for a narrator, who explains the action and provides direction to the other actors. Below are summaries of prior middle school mock trial cases. Hope C. Seeley Attorney Jonathan Weiner October 18, 2018 * This case derives from a case … © 2002 - 2021 Education Unlimited®, Inc., All Rights Reserved. This mock trial course ends with a mock trial allowing students to actively engage with the material. Need help? Each year the Foundation provides themes for cases. Close reading of text: Students had thick packets of material to review and analyze. As an acclaimed debate coach, he brings the perfect pairing of experience to our Mock Trial and American Legal Experience programs: legal knowledge and expertise combined with impeccable public speaking and critical thinking skills, which he has taught at the high school level for close to 20 years. Students in grades seven and eight and their teachers are invited to create original mock trial cases. Fact: On January 7, at 1 p.m., many firecrackers exploded in an empty locker at Jefferson School, causing great damage to the locker and the walls. Free Mock Trials (High School) Mock Trials - Racism, Discrimination, and the Law - Mini Unit If you are facilitating a mock trial, the makeup of your class will determine if your mock trial will be a trial or an appellate case. This mock trial curriculum teaches important information about the judicial branch of our government, as well as honing skills every person needs. Early in the unit, Mr. Madom guided students to tab each section of the packet with different colored Post-it notes, creating a framework for them to understand the structure of a case. 2. The program offers students an opportunity for personal growth and achievement, emphasizing the importance of research, presentation and teamwork. Through mini mock trials, students develop an understanding of the people in the courtroom and their functions, the importance of rules in insuring fairness of the proceeding, and the importance of witnesses and jurors in determining the facts of the case. Latest news. And finally, you may choose to print off the lesson plans to be read by your student, or you may take the material and teach the lesson yourself—either way will work. Judge Corrigan's Mock Arraignment (PDF) The Case of Mary's Missing Lunch (for elementary school students) (PDF) Sample Agendas. He is a member of the Gold Key Society of the Barkley Forum at Emory University, The Blue/Green and Gold Society of the Glenbrooks, and a Two-Diamond Coach of the National Speech and Debate Association. Please click the images below for more information. FLORIDA ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN LAWYERS YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION MIDDLE SCHOOL MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION DIRECTIONS FOR FAWL CHAPTERS 2012-2013 Dear FAWL Chapter, The FAWL Young Lawyers Section is proud to present you with a new program you may choose to participate in this year along with sister chapters around … As this is a new pilot programme, there will be no charge to take part, although students will have to register via their school. After the direct testimony is elicited, the Plaintiff/Prosecution will have the opportunity to cross-examine each witness. This is to be a group of the defendant’s peers, with no preconceived notions about the case, who listen to the evidence and make their decision.
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