Bevin recently spoke at a Koch donor retreat, and the Koch-backed American for Prosperity praised his new Tucker Carlson delivers a monologue on how the Koch Brothers have an immigration agenda and want the Republican party to be soft on crime. So you can see how this is useful to each other over time. Arizona Rank-And-File Teachers Plan Day Of Action In ‘Ground Zero’ For Koch Brothers’ Agenda Michael Arria 2018-03-19 The average income for … Now a group called UnKoch My Campus is challenging those deals, and co-founder and campaigns director, Samantha Parsons, recently spoke with Facing South about its work. ANY INSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATION WITH CFK’S HIGHER ED STRATEGY DAMAGES THE INTEGRITY AND SULLIES THE ACADEMIC REPUTATION OF THE UNIVERSITY, REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY PROTECTIONS MAY HAVE BEEN PUT IN PLACE OR HOW INTERDISCIPLINARY THE INSTITUTE’S STATED MISSION MAY BE. Wake County School Board member Karen Simon faced Deborah Pickett, supported by AFP funds, who spoke about “forced busing.” School Board member Rita Rakestraw faced Chris Malone, supported by AFP funds, who talked about the need for “neighborhood schools.” When AFP candidates won in Wake County, local news reported “in one election they now have the majority they need to change the way students are assigned to schools.” (see “Kochs’ Efforts to Re-Segregate Public Schools [2014 edition]“). Americans for Prosperity meanwhile, is preparing to mobilize for the fall election. Richard Fink, a close advisor to Charles Koch, outlined key strategies and objectives in a paper entitled “The Structure of Social Change.” And journalist Jane Mayer provides an in-depth analysis of Koch efforts in the political and academic spheres in her New Yorker articles and 2016 book Dark Money. “The Koch brothers and DeVos are trying to do everything they can to divert money that should go to the public-school system, where 90%-plus of … See, e.g., local school board election in Wake County, NC, where outsize donations supported candidates in favor of “neighborhood schools” in place of desegregated facilities. Resisting the Koch Brothers’ Higher Education Agenda. The St. Regis Monarch Bay Resort, rented by the Koch brothers for $870,000 for their secret billionaire confab Subscribe to The Nation Subscribe now for as little as $2 a month! For the purposes of this presentation, here are the key aims of CKF efforts in higher education as outlined by Stowers. all in service of a hard-right anti-government agenda. Methods of Operation and Messaging . In 2012, the Kochs sued Cato after some of its libertarian positions supporting same-sex marriage and drug decriminalization angered conservatives. A new chapter was just announced in South Dakota, where Sen. Tim Johnson’s retirement opens election prospects. The Dallas “Defending the American Dream Summit” is described by organizers as “the Best Kept Secret of Pro-Liberty Conferences.” (Do NOT CONFUSE “Defending the Dream” with Dream Defenders.) ... aiming to address poverty and education. It promises cutting-edge activist training and networking, warning: All around us a battle of ideas rages, and the very fabric of American prosperity is under attack. Now more than ever, we must be alert, involved, and engaged in the fight for freedom and liberty. And then also, they become the major staffing for the state chapters on the grassroots innovation around the country. ), AFP supports candidates for office who support school choice, often in forms that actively promote re-segregation and privatization. Article from Wake Forest University. “The Koch brothers are spending millions every month to buy themselves a U.S. Senate that is beholden to their agenda and hurts the middle class. Koch brothers finance colleges and universities with the objective of playing a role in ensuring that the content disseminated to students reflects their agenda hence interfering with education. Paul Weyrich, who unabashedly yearned for a parliamentarian democracy with a shadow cabinet, founded both the Heritage Foundation and ALEC in 1973. Nonetheless, the Koch brothers’ agenda has taken priority in the Trump White House as the president’s populist immigration plan — which includes reducing legal immigration levels and building a border wall — has taken a back seat. So what are the specific aims and objectives of this Koch-lead network of funding in higher education? So the network is fully integrated. (To follow live, 8/29-30), view stream and #Dream14. Richard Fink, head of Koch Company’s Public Sector and the longtime mastermind of the Koch brothers’ political empire, confessed to The Wichita Eagle in 1994 that Koch … But, recall, the Koch brothers have an agenda beyond funding education. The Koch network says it wants to remake public education. But the institutes they are creating to foster eudaimonia are pushing the same old extreme libertarian line because that, of course, is the only path that will assure that human beings will flourish. ( Log Out / The Koch Brothers' Agenda and the Real War at Home 07/24/2014 06:50 pm ET Updated Sep 23, 2014 Two of the richest men in the entire world are plotting to dominate our elections this fall, from congressional races to school board seats. The two brothers have vast resources to invest in politics, commanding over $50bn each from their ownership of Koch Industries. The way in which this agenda benefits the private interests of the donors as much or more as the public weal is deeply disturbing. For example, the Koch brothers are attacking social security. RETURN, Dream Defenders (NOT Defending the Dream) Betsy DeVos Uses Our Taxes for Koch Brothers’ Agenda Education Secretary Betsy DeVos talks with Bill Cordes of the Department of Education's Budget Service before testifying in front of a Senate subcommittee on the department's budget request for fiscal year 2019, on June 5, 2018. Recognizing that the education of children is a parental responsibility, we would restore authority to parents to determine the education of their children, without interference from government. The Koch Brothers Were Major Supporters Of Walker’s 2010 Campaign. To promote their anti-regulatory agenda, the billionaire brothers behind the Koch Industries oil and chemical conglomerate have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into schools nationwide. But perhaps the most cogent and condensed presentation of Koch aims in higher education comes from two CKF vice presidents who led a panel, recorded and transcribed, entitled “Leverage Science and the Universities” at the June, 2014 Koch Summit. We’re trying to launch a new institution focusing on experimentation with well-being (inaudible) population. Yes, many philanthropists as well as groups like the Center for Engaged Scholarship use resources to encourage certain types of scholarly work. Koch has a huge endowment, and if this works out, they are likely to provide more support in the future” (Benson Memo, 2007). Even before their huge investments in supporting conservative candidates and “grassroots” Tea Party activists, Charles and David Koch were spending millions on college and university campuses to create academic centers that would advance their extreme libertarian, free market ideology. The Libertarian Party focuses on free market and parental authority in its education policy: Education is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability and efficiency with more diversity of choice. When Fink outlined the Koch brothers’ strategy in the piece “The Structure of Social Change,” they sought to create support for their particular libertarian, anti-regulation ideology by grooming the next generation’s lawyers, policy-makers, economists, and lobbyists. That means destroying it, says the author of a new book on the billionaire brothers. The Koch brothers and the coal industry. CONSTRICT THE ELECTORATE. This website or its third-party tools process personal data (e.g. Charles Koch, chief executive of Koch … Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The most notable difference: While some of Soros’ higher education grants go to programs aligning with his domestic policy priorities, the majority were focused overseas, tax records show. Check back for details on “the next phase of school choice,” as it emerges from this summit. Update 9/3/14: Debate on educationally-sensitive North Carolina Senate race airs 9/3/14 on UNC TV and Radio, also available via C-Span. The Education Town Hall airs 2nd and 4th Thursdays on We Act Radio, broadcasting from Historic Anacostia in the nation’s capital, at 11:00 a.m. Eastern on We Act Radio, Our Position on Diversity in Public Education in Wake County, “How are corporations undermining K-12 public education through these ALEC bills?” (PDF), Kochs’ Efforts to Re-Segregate Public Schools [2014 edition]. The Koch Brothers have been involved in financing political campaigns, and this makes the political class indebted to them by advocating for policies that reflect their views. They may even believe in their own diseased minds that their agenda will somehow lead to the realization of Ayn Rand’s libertarian paradise, where every person is completely free, unrestrained by pesky laws or regulations, to do as they like and take what they wish. Almost all of the higher education programs the Koch foundations fund cleave to the brothers’ philosophy of promoting free markets and laissez-faire capitalism in the United States. For legislative agenda, which has been pursued in states all around the union (as well as in DC), see also: “How are corporations undermining K-12 public education through these ALEC bills?” (PDF). It is no wonder why the Koch brothers always hold their political retreats with their fellow billionaires and multimillionaires in highly secretive sessions, the things they say and the agenda they lay out, while "inspiring" to Mitch McConnell, is repulsive to most Americans.They believe the minimum wage leads to Nazi-ism, Stalinism, Maoism, and suicide bombers. It isn’t often that the Koch brothers’ political advocacy group gets involved in a local school board race. BACK. See also Koch Industries’ response, which answers none of the issues Robert Greenwald raises in this short film. Americans for Prosperity, the most prominent arm of the Koch brothers' organization, put Republican lawmakers on notice Thursday, setting out a conservative agenda for Congress. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. ALEC’s agenda, led by the Koch Brother have had power and influence behind the scenes, which shape polices on climate change, “Stand Your Ground” laws, and “Citizens United” should be enough to give any of us pause and take their ability to influence public thinking on education … The Koch donor network, among the most powerful force in conservative circles, also plans to tackle poverty, addiction and education in the coming two-year election cycle, according to the message. The agenda of the Koch brothers is to repeal every major piece of legislation that has been signed into law over the past 80 years that has protected the middle class, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the most vulnerable in this country. Those of you who are also excited in terms of investing in these new experiments in well-being, I hope you invest there.”. The Koch brothers espouse the Agenda 21 belief that you do not control your wealth, land, food, water and air, the state does on behalf of the corporations that they serve. Now a group called UnKoch My Campus is challenging those deals, and co-founder and campaigns director, Samantha Parsons, recently spoke with Facing South about its work. This is not accidental since Koch Industries is heavily invested in fossil fuels.Lately, the Koch Brothers have tried to disguise their political agenda by invoking “Eudaimonia”—a Greek word that can be translated as well-being or human flourishing. Heritage was also heavily funded by pro … archived BUS programs. Close behind is Johnson, whose political committees have taken in $55,000 from Koch PAC, over $30,000 from Koch family members, and $36,500 from the PAC of Aegis Strategic, a Koch-backed political consulting firm created in 2013 to “help electable advocates of the freedom and opportunity agenda who will be forceful at both the policy and political levels.” According to Mother Jones, “Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker, whose bill to kill collective bargaining rights for public-sector unions has caused an uproar among state employees, might not be where he is today without the Koch brothers. Opposition to the government spending any money on climate change is among this network's activities. No one else, and no one else has this infrastructure. But ALEC also operates like an arm of the Koch agenda, circulating bills that make their vision of the world concrete. Those of you who are excited about universities, invest there. So you can see [that] higher education is not just limited to impact on higher education. And they in turn work with the (inaudible) sector that even talks to the media that talks to (inaudible). To create a “talent pipeline” for future scholars, think tanks, and grass root political efforts. (For our criticisms of these ideas, click here.). Representatives at Koch-funded centers, institutes, and think tanks may be invited to these summits to meet donors and make a pitch for their cause.The panel in question (“Leverage Science and the Universities”) is an ongoing seminar that presumably explores different ways to “leverage” donor investments in science or higher education for various shared goals of the coalition. It is no wonder why the Koch brothers always hold their political retreats with their fellow billionaires and multimillionaires in highly secretive sessions, the things they say and the agenda they lay out, while "inspiring" to Mitch McConnell, is repulsive to most Americans.They believe the minimum wage leads to Nazi-ism, Stalinism, Maoism, and suicide bombers. The Koch brothers founded Americans for Prosperity and have contributed more than $5 …
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