She told me she was datig someone (and that she didnt even know how it happened). Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on March 02, 2018: What kind of pictures? Girls are not as direct as guys and these seem like hot buzz words to throw to see if you react. She said I love it. And a few days later I texted her again asking if she she could fish next weekend and she said she thinks she can and said the first girl I asked was free to. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on May 20, 2017: I think she's interested. One was of her beautiful self from the neck up, the second was her from the neck down and she was in really nice clothes and the other was her with a friend and she drew all over her friends face. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on October 28, 2019: This may just be the way she communicates with messages -- she takes her time and likely is doing several things at once. Plz bro tell me more things to know that my besty love me or not. Are you trying to upgrade your interactions from social media to real life hanging out? You can sign in to vote the answer. Break your long Shogun Sequences into bite-sized chunks. she said she can come see me in the weekend. You should ask her husband what he thinks of her doing that. The past few days, she's been staying up really late talking to me, texting me from 11am all the way until 4am (omly a few hours where she didn't text, but she'd initiate the next time she was ready) the next morning a few times. Is this abuse or am I overreacting? She sends me like 60-70 messages a day. One of my friends that are girls snitched on me and told her so now she is very suspicious. If you have been friends that long it might be difficult to get past that. Tell her that you are interested, but not going to force it on her. I don't know she is with someone or not, and I have never met her. She uses lots of emojis and rarely gives you one-word answers to your texts. A girl can't be polite? She'll give you advice. That's ridiculous, or what about compliments or sorries? Me and my husband told our daughter that she needs to get out and we don't want her anymore. I could do all or most of these actions with just a friend to be honest. Same goes for texting you about anything positive or cute. Being a good friend is extremely important in life. If a woman is being vulnerable with you, and is truly honest, that shouldn't be taken for granted. She told me to tell my dad "Please let (my name) come to my B-Day party. Now she started ignoring my message and comments because she saw my photo with another girl. The girl I like, I asked her if she wanted to hang out more and she repied “I mean it what ever happens happens”. I don't know if she is into me or is just trying to be friendly for next year, or if she just wanted someone to talk to while waiting for her flight. But basically, we started texting again. If she sends you a nice text after you have had a breakup with someone else, consider this a sign of careful interest. 3 … This may be for fun, but the longer it continues, the more likely she is crushing on you. If she sends you song lyrics, come on, seriously...she likes you. I think shes single and shes also my friend. Lachlan Richardson on September 06, 2019: There’s this girl that I’ve been talking to on Snapchat. Below you'll find plenty more ways and lots of details. Then we texted random gifs to each other. If she doesn't text you the day of her birthday or a few days after, you screwed up. Girls are more likely to use smileys and exclamation marks than boys. Is she single or seeing someone else? 4. Is she into me or not we've hung out and everything am I in the friend zone? How often does she text you? champion Brayden Smith dies at 24, Amid outcry, former Iowa coach lasts only 1 day in NFL, Truck driver miraculously survives 70-foot plunge, Natalie Portman opens up about past 'Lolita' character, This LeBron move may be worst flop of NBA season. Be accepting with the progress you receive on this. If you get pictures of certain specific body parts, something more scandalous, especially without her face visible, that probably means you are a booty call. Be cautious of drunk texts. Get her candy, chocolate, jewelry. We text a lot and sometimes she texts GIPHYs or stickers on Instagram. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on July 15, 2017: Late night calls from 9pm to 2am or late night calls from 1am to 2am? I doubt she even intends to leave him so you're a toy to her, If she's like that with him..she will be like that with you. Once you understand how she's trying to communicate with you over text, it will be a lot easier to tell if she's interested. But if a woman brings up sexual topics to a man… that’s a chat sign a girl likes you. Also she never sends me pictures randomly except once when she was crying about something. She always teases me about a bunch of things and we always laugh it off. I have continued texting her however and she still texts me basically all day every day and she will still text me late at night.Thoughts? Then school came in, I learned she was in my homeroom, but so was her boyfriend... She didn't have any of my other classes with me either so it was pretty much just homeroom or 9th period. So I apologized rather dramatically (nothing fake), and told her that I would stay away from her for a while, because it became a little awkward. (she is so indecisive, its unbelievable) i said no problem, just text me a bit before the singing and ican go to someplace quiet and can then video call her. Sounds like it's a good connection. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on November 16, 2017: Sounds flirtatious. We usually text for 5 plus hours and she responds in a flash. It’s the kind of care for your emotions, feelings and love. However over the past week she seemed to initiate a lot of the conversations and sometimes messages me telling me to have a great day. In two words: She’s trouble. She wants to send a positive message. This was last week and now I'm really confused, I also feel like she has been avoiding me at college as when she enters a study zone she normally sits with me and a few of our other friends. If she mentions something that could be an activity, she's trying to gauge if you would like to do that activity with her. From this point I will quote the exact texts that we sent (for context), Her: Because I'm curious I think you have been a topic of thought for me and so I wondered if you had done the same, Me: Well yes I cant deny that you have been "on my mind" so to speak, Her: Hahah good this sounds like we like each other how awkwardly appropriate on Valentine's Day. When I was going, she left the party and waited with me while my uber picked me up. She had posted her approx. So naturally we start seeing her more as she wants to get to know us for next year. She never used to initiate conversation that much and I seemed to be doing all the work. The last one (and also the worst) she tried to pair me with a girl she didn't know in a bar. means she wants to go bowling with you. So there is this girl that I like and idk if she likes me back. She becomes more and more frank with me. If she is asking for directions or something basic, she is probably only asking for directions. If you find any married woman doing these around you, check out for other signs as well. Girls want to create connection. Oh, definitely write her notes by hand. Pictures of herself, nothing revealing but she appears on the pictures smiling. You're one of the few people she thinks will be handy in a situation that takes problem-solving, whether killing a spider, finding her keys, or comforting her when she is sad. Why I would text for example about a serious topic just with the person I like? Thank you for the feedback! In person, let this individual know your desire to respect your spouse, even with text messages. 0 0 *^JNL^* Lv 4. Me and my crush do streaks and she's sent a pic of her in a tight shirt and a mirror selfie of her showing off her ass, often sending pics of her and not a black screen, once a couple of months ago she sent me a meme "maybe if i get feelings for corona it'll go away", when I talk to her sometimes she uses a few emojis including. Slowly increase the texting. To be honest I was kinda rude on the phone, and she played very deffensive (she defended herself telling me we hanged out on my birthday, 5 months ago) and that I was overreacting because she cancels to everyone all the time. ;). If she sends me photos of her and her pets, could that mean she likes me? I told her that she always comes up with excuses, because she hangs out with all her friends. Also, how can I tell if she likes me as a friend or more, if she calls me a friend but uses some of the cute signs, and I’m not a guy? Last week she sent me a picture out of the blue of a building in which I used to work, telling me she was nearby one week before and making a joke about it. Tessica Brown's hair mishap went viral. that's not a great response. He likes to randomly send pics of his face and its really cute. She's a cheater and should be avoided because if she leaves her husband for you she will obviously leave you for someone else. Anytime I catch her, she says sorry … She'd tell me things that she's never told anyone, and things she's went through in the past, and always comes to me if she's feeling sad or angry about someone. I said Uw. He shares his personal life with me and comfort me during my hard times. She may truly be busy and frequently. Unless she dishes that out to everyone, those words are gutsy. If she sends you a text with the worst grammar you have ever seen, bad spelling, no real thought: either she doesn't care or is drunk. So there's this girl I like. If a woman is being vulnerable with you, and is truly honest, that shouldn't be taken for granted. She will have an assortment of nicknames for you. Keep the conversation going. I didn't replied and the next day she sent me more pictures of the place and one of her. One of my friends asked her out and she said no she likes someone else. If it keeps being consistent for a long period of time, there is likely some amount of interest. 10 Answers. I have been talking ti this girl for a month and she has never told me she liked me and she said if she likes someone she would tell them but she does some of those things up there, but she don't text me back really fast but he told me she would rather speak in person than text, we go to the same school but I am a sophomore and she's a freshman so I don't know if she likes me or not. You might notice her staring at you lovingly during meetings when you’re giving a presentation, when you’re just seated at your desk or when you’re walking out of the office. When i got back from the club we started texting a little about the night, and we ended up talking from 3am to 6:30am when her flight was. But recently she takes long to answer me like an hour each text and then respond very poorly? There are lots of fun, little texts that you may not even think about, but that also give subtle hints that this girl likes you and wants you to like her. Do I have any chances left with her? I thought her thumb must of slipped or something but she's done it MULTIPLE times. You guys need to communicate with each other and not get this third person involved so much. #4 She texts you frequent updates. Questions such as asking you to do a favor for her, asking to borrow a book, or asking you to escort her through an unpleasant situation are all good signs. It sounds like she has a thing for you, but may also be playing head games with you. Seriously, once I texted a guy about puppies that I saw from my car. If she texts you on and off throughout an entire day, that is indicative...on both your parts. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on September 16, 2017: Emojis are positive interactions. The messages are really just about how are days are going and when … Do not share pictures of her with your friends ever. We dont have the same classes but I see her in the hallways. If she nicely complain when you dont reply or she texts you more. I tried counting how many times in a day we talk but my finger got tired of scrolling so much.. We have a lot of inside jokes and joke about the stupidest stuff... Im always on her "11:11" snapchat story thing, and we share and listen to each other's songs and we send new moves to each other and ask for each other's opinions.. but I can't help but feel.. even though she said she "kinda likes me" that she could maybe mean more than that.. Maybe I'm just so far in the friend zone my head started thinking this way.. Now I'm really awkward around girls so I weakly replied "you know the thing we spoke about by text the other night?". She writes on topics from interior design, relationships, ghosts, to anything creative. Guys sometimes talk about the girls they like to the girl they really like; girls don't really do that. If she posts pictures on her Instagram, count the amount that are related to you. Here are some signs relating to not what she texts you, but when and how often. Doing so is a very important thing because, in the end, she will get drawn to you. Before, she used to talk about other guys and stuff, (also, she knows how I feel about her and I would like to date her) but then they'd go and break her heart or hurt her, and she'd come back to me to talk to about it. Don't make it much more complicated than that. If my crush uses bad grammar on purpose to be funny and she does it with everyone, what does that mean? Watch your own patience. If she texts you back when it's unnecessary, she wants to keep the conversation alive. She's also still talking to me after turning me down a few weeks ago. We have so many tools in this day and age that it's easier to find someone than ever. If she sends you a lot of pictures that are just random: she likes you and wants to share little moments with you. If a girl is texting you during tough times or about serious things in her life, and especially if she's allowing herself to be emotionally vulnerable with you, that's a huge deal because it means she trusts and respects you. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on April 03, 2017: I think if she is talking to you a lot, even if not initiating, you are probably in good shape. Don't push so much pressure on a relationship, or her, or yourself. Another thing to watch out for is which way her feet are pointing. How to tell nicely you have the determination but a overwhelming life . Friendships are not easy to come by these days. If you're a guy, it can be tough to figure out what a girl really means. I’ve know her for about 6 years and at this point we’ve been having a full blown affair for over a year now. Sorry if this is long and confusing but I'm at my wits end as I feel like not only have I lost any chance with her I'm also loosing her as a friend! ). Some women are not as overt as others, she may rely more on her sense of humor and the amount of texts she sends. She wasn't angry at this, rather consoling me that I shouldn't apologize and not feel bad, and told me that it's OK, and relax. I like this one girl and she responds usually instant or with a small break. I say, don't put stock into this person. We text through out the day but a lot. If she writes to you talking about her day, she likes the attention you give her and she wants to open up to you. The more you talk, hang out, the more she will open up. Seriously you don't want a problem that serious to arouse. Two days after that she texted me to ask me about my sports team. The girl I wrote you about invited me to her birthday party. late night calls until 2am. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. And i told her I was looking back through our messages and there were a few times when i din't listento here i just was ranting about some other crap. Before we get into the details, here are the top ten ways you can know if a girl likes you through text. situation like this has happened before, but there's too many of them to type without getting carpal tunnel syndrome, so this story will have to suffice. If you over-text a woman, she may begin to think of you in a negative light (e.g. I told my wife this and she does not believe that her husband knows about it and is ok with it. I met a married woman in a company. (Or he’s just looking for a round of bedroom gymnastics.) It's either, she has shaky thumbs or she's doing something a rather (FYI: she knows I like her), and I REALLLLY need some help with understanding what's going on.
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