Oh shat. Rule #4: Do Not Talk About Cheating, Hacks, Or Exploits [–]GetEatenByAMouse Year 6 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (2 children). Rendered by PID 5511 on r2-app-04d6f7bcbd1822534 at 2021-02-14 13:10:22.940021+00:00 running 6289523 country code: NL. Looks like Merula tried to transfigure the puffskein with her hair, that's the mishap. ...And I even have theory why they are gryffindor specifically: there were a lot of complaints that we don't have a gryffindor friend that is a girl and this way there will be one for at least some of the players, Oh, I don't think it will be revealed in Y6. ...Though that still doesn't mean that they wont also be a Rowan replacement during quests. New R member? XD I'm not really into Christmas themed stuffs, but I'd try to get the panels since it'd fit perfectly in the dorm :) I am reminded of the fact here that Rakepick can cast a Patronus, so she definitely thinks that her cause is right and just, and that could be the case for R as a whole. What if Gringotts had more curse-breakers involved with R. Given what they do, it'd make sense if Rakepick isn't the only one. But in the end I still prefer his redemption arc over an arc where he would simply have been a villain, mainly because I find him a more complex and interesting character like that, and perhaps also a little because readers sometimes simply want evil or seemingly evil characters to be redeemed. Info is just based on the models used. Not complaining about the gnome tappie (although his face is quite serious) but how are we going to put it in our dorm?We are running out of space for tappies. [–]FreeCut0 Year 6 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child). On the one hand, he teaches MC legilimency and even actively encourages them to open hidden doors or however he phrased it, but then in other moments he warns MC to leave the vaults to the teachers, who seem to do almost nothing about them. Have you read that interview with the person who designed Rakepick's character model? Though on the other hand, when I think about Snape, I wonder how many readers he resonated with before the big reveal about his love for Lily. Unfortunately not. So this way despite her obvious suspiciousness and the fact that she clearly hid things can be interpreted as while she clearly has secrets from us, she has our interests in mind at the same time. But personally I'd rather if we were finally done with her (but then again I never found her to be a good antagonist). !#HogwartsMystery The Father Christmasy outfit is the CUTEST thing that's been in this game in forever. Is it cool if I cast a charm? So if her character didn't resonate with the audience, wouldn't really surprise me if that got changed. [–]SeaEscapologist Year 6 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago* (8 children). Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Though I obviously can only speak for certain for myself and for me she never did work and I don't see any possible direction where she suddenly becomes a more engaging character , too much of HM's writing flaws (in my opinion) are directly tied to how she was handled in the story from pretty much from her first appearance. magizoology guide dark forest. Verucca character, is she referred to as 'dark witch Verucca' in the game files or just as 'Verucca'? So I wonder if maybe they'll make it so that her quill is actually is kind of a trophy she got after we deal with R. Or something like that. if so that would be really cute, [–]taltos19 Datamine Seer[S] 3 points4 points5 points 2 months ago (0 children). Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. It felt like "I should have seen this coming", the betrayal from a suspicious character is not surprising, after all. Just because we may think R is evil due to their actions, doesn’t mean they think themselves evil. [–]dalekofchaos Year 7 3 points4 points5 points 2 months ago (0 children), God, that Christmas outfit looks so good, but knowing my luck it's probably a fucking Full Marks reward, [–]Lavishknowledge Year 5 9 points10 points11 points 2 months ago* (4 children), [–]ImMaxa89 Year 6 12 points13 points14 points 2 months ago (3 children). [–]Okshalinivlcan 3 points4 points5 points 2 months ago (0 children). You're worried about that? Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and … I have a feeling that Rowan's role might just boil down to something similar to what we had in Teacher Appreciation TLSQ, where it was a single clickable line, assigned to the replacement NPC for people in Y6. Is the transfiguration mishap that Merula turned herself into a puffskein? So, she possibly flees. Is that a pre recognition version of Verucca? But then again she does seem higher-ranked than for example the white-robed wizard and that dark witch we met in Nocturn Alley, judging by the way they reacted to MC talking to them while MC was impersonating her, so I guess it's not completely out of the question. 163 votes, 67 comments. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I still find Snape and Rakepick very similar in this regard. I've always found it strange why a supposedly dark witch like Rakepick would wear a pin that wards off evil and it is one of the reasons, among many others, why I'm inclined to believe they are setting her up for a Snape-like arc. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Datamine News! XD, [–]TidersP Year 5 9 points10 points11 points 2 months ago (0 children). This is a community by fans, for fans, and we have no affiliation with any of these companies. Maybe. Just happened to me again, I took screenshots, but I don't know how to post them Pre-refresh no symbols and no blackout, post-refresh, blackout as seen above ;) Gives me a heart attack half the time! Kappa is the animal spirit of Ismelda, change my mind. Does anyone have an idea what year the valentine’s tlsq will be available? As most of you are well aware of, the energy is one of the key features of the game and it is important to know the best way to spend it and optimize its usage. HOGWARTS MYSTERY WALKTHROUGH. Yes! It'd actually make sense if the story from the start tried to frame her as our Snape, and I very much think that it did from her first appearance, hence constant comparisons with him and focus on their conflict in y4-5. The way I understood him, she's his favourite both because she's an entirely new DADA professor that they had the opportunity to make up and also because she has a "very interesting story". The Christmas dorm set is beautiful as well. ), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the HPHogwartsMystery community. Or maybe Talbott. I think the consensus on Discord was it would be FM, but that’s just speculation. She's always been presented as someone who is not afraid of anything, and I also don't see her as someone who would go along with R's plans just because she's afraid. Too bad it is another SQ which means everyone will have sudden amnesia when it comes to the main story line. [–]chatlous Year 4 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child). Father christmasy outfit is pretty cute, if not very useable outside of a Christmas season. [–]taltos19 Datamine Seer[S] 16 points17 points18 points 2 months ago (1 child). Datamine info. I think the eye of horus means she is probably a member of the cabal, probably it's a symbol of R? They don’t necessarily release in the order they are added to the game file. [–]_uuuuuuu_ Year 5 6 points7 points8 points 2 months ago (1 child), Yes its becoming a crowded zoo (not complaining though), [–]moonlight_134 Year 5 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), [–]doghaircut Year 6 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children). It really gave me Snape-vibes. I love all the Christmas/Winter outfits datamined I hope they aren’t for FM. Something interesting? The Grasslands will be the first zone you encounter within the Magical Creatures Reserve. Rule #10: Be Aware of MC Monday & Fantastic Beasts Wednesday Either way it seems other R members are starting to be revealed. Wth? With Verucca if she is with R (since it's still possible that instead she just works with Gringotts and that might mean she is an ally against Rakepick instead? She seems to be a central character of the game, and if they have always planned for her to betray MC and kill Rowan, then I don't think it was that important whether she would resonate with players/ whether players liked her, since you're not really supposed to like the antagonist, or the character that they want you to perceive as an antagonist, anyway? Nothing more I could ask for really. !<, [–]magikarpcatcher 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (0 children). There is new Datamine Stuff again! I could see what you said being the case. Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for the Crushed Side Quest for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. We can’t tell yet, because they haven’t added in the final time/energy requirements. Alll datamine work comes from Reddit's Hogwarts Mystery Discord Group. About Verucca, just asked Taltos how she is referred to in the files, and it's both "dark witch Verucca" and just "Verucca", so I guess it points to her being a villain/ R member rather than just a Gringotts Curse-Breaker, or perhaps she's actually both? This time with new SQs, a new TLSQ and a new event. I'm torn between Barnaby and Talbot. Is it only me or the model seems a little short? Though that is of course my subjective opinion and other readers might view him completely differently. So the only truly satisfying outcome (for me) that I see is where she plans to betray R, but not because she is our-Snape, it's for her own goals, so she is an antagonist herself. There are three versions for the energy requirements; Year 5, Year 6 and Year 7. R step-in and deal with her, showing themselves as a proper threat. [–]NightOwl7070 Year 7 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (1 child). [–]GloryWinger Year 2 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children). Do you mean the opposite-sex Head Boy/Girl along with MC? Her resonating with people is important so that actually would want her to be revealed as a secret good guy. Wth? If they do this, they could actually replace Rowan with Corey and rerelease the "adjusted" quests. 23 comments. I don't think it'll be a good idea to defeat her in Y6. The story will unfold along with the game, so while I'm playing, I'll surely upload more chapters. , On my broom, I just can't wait, to pick you up on our very first date. But if that turns out to really be the case, I'd find it incredibly cruel personally. If it is accurate, this would mark the first time a dating side quest did not add or remove anyone from the previous one. I was really surprised when I read in the datamine that MC will have another one of those. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ...Though that still doesn't mean that they wont, If it is accurate, this would mark the first time a dating side quest did, Frost Salamander in the upper Rock Mountains. So them trying to kill him, Rakepick saving him and being shown as someone afraid of them all could've been an act in order to make him trust Rakepick, to frame it as if her and R are different sides here (especially if she was the one that lied to him that they can accept more than one new member). Hopefully this'll just be an introduction. Him killing Dumbledore still felt shocking in the moment it happened, but in the end I didn't find it surprising since Harry and a lot of other characters had always been suspicious of him. If she was planned to be our Snape, then on the one hand I can totally see what you mean with her having to resonate with players, and she certainly resonated with me. Jae is more popular than Andre, at least among people in this subreddit. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. I think that it would be awkward if he replaces Rowan at everything... like the beaxbaton TLSQ ? There are a lot of interesting possibilites, especially with Tulip's parents. I wanted to punch her in the face for taking the car part in the Weasley Xmas quest, [–]cupola1 Year 7 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (0 children). And since they were specifically said to be more dangerous than Rakepick, it'd make sense if they'll up the the threat (though not sure they'd reveal the leader(s) just yet). #hphm #hp #hogwarts mystery #hphm datamine #hphm datamine spoilers #hphm y6 #duncan ashe #hphm duncan #hphm jacob #hphm y6 spoilers #shitpost #txt #duncan ashe was datamined to reappear in chapter 26 #and i am very excited to see that #MC’s got prank arc trauma You need them to touch the text ( >!text...) to have it blacked out , [–]bunnydelalune Year 2 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), Ps. [–]Elina_Baker Year 5 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [–]Otter-poppin 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (2 children). [–]SeaEscapologist Year 6 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago* (0 children), While unrealistic, so was meeting some of our friends for the first time in Y5. Seja membro do canal por R$2,99/mês e ganhe benefícios:https://www.youtube.com/findseloy/joinAjude na divulgação, compartilhem! The white-robed wizard doesn't wear one, neither did the dark witch in Nocturn Alley who is in contact with the mole. Several possibilities for this lady! Is it only me or the model seems a little short? Yeah, and it's perfectly valid. That they'll be a Head Girl/Head Boy, hence why they can be either a boy or a girl (whatever MC isn't) and why them having a flexible House isn't really necessary. Of course, even if that were the case, their idea of ‘better’ may not be everyone’s. Rule #2: Stay On Topic Who has time for dating when there are so many dragon breeds to study? My MC in my headcanon is endgame with that lovely stoner boi with puppy eyes :3 I feel you, sis ♥️, [–]bunnydelalune Year 2 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (2 children), I'm so sorry, it seems not to work :/ I'm going to delete the comment because I don't want to spoil anything to anyone, [–]theeternalvillain Year 5 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child). Assuming that their identity won't be revealed in Y6. (SOUND WARNING)Credits to Jaz #7666 on Discord for the datamine!I’M SO EXCITED!! [–]AngelWithAWormstache Year 5 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (1 child), They always do this. I'm intrigued by that Verucca character and by the fact that she wears the same Eye of Horus pin as Rakepick. [–]AngelWithAWormstache Year 5 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (3 children), Damn I like Father Christmas one...hope it’s not fm, [–]taltos19 Datamine Seer[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (2 children). [–]SeaEscapologist Year 6 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (14 children). [–]taltos19 Datamine Seer[S] 9 points10 points11 points 2 months ago (0 children). Did we forget causing havoc by sending books flying that killed me inside, I am really-really glad that Talbott is one of the options! I guess the aspect that I saw about it was that if you're evil, you don't need to wear a symbol that wards off evil, because you're in league with it. Dating Looking forward to what is going to happen. Could that be because of the upcoming quest? Though part of me hopes that they are secretly them, even if their house is fixed and other students would obviously noticed if someone new suddenly appear in Y7. I love the Christmas furniture and the Father Christmasy outfit! As part of the Portkey Games label, this upcoming mobile game from Jam City will transport you to the very halls of Hogwarts. It'd actually make sense if the story from the start tried to frame her as our Snape, and I very much think that it did from her first appearance, hence constant comparisons with him and focus on their conflict in y4-5. But if it's story... probably she knows something about the R members, or she confiscated something important, like another of Rakepick's nakelace, or something related to cursed vault? But since it was part of her machinations, Rowan wasn't actually killed. That happened in both The All-Wizard Tournament & the recent Teacher Appreciation one. So it's about time we started dealing with bigger fish. A Harry Potter mobile RPG game developed by Jam City and published under Portkey Games. I can see how Rakepick being framed as our Snape just to fool us would work, and yeah, in that way the portrait vault reveal would be surprising. But if it's story... probably she knows something about the R members, or she confiscated something important, like another of Rakepick's nakelace, or something related to cursed vault? And soon after when it's revealed. Snape also has never been a character that I particularly liked before he killed Dumbledore, so I also can't say that I wanted the 'good old' Snape of the first few books back at that point, since he never seemed to be a particularly nice character in the first place. [–]taltos19 Datamine Seer[S] 3 points4 points5 points 2 months ago (2 children). Rule #3: Don't Cause Trouble / Be Respectful to Everyone (I do hope that not all the options are added just yet though, so that people who prefer other characters don't feel left out.). Yeah, you could be right about the notebook; her being afraid could have been an act to make Jacob trust her. I don't think we will be. This TLSQ triggers only if you're past Year 5 Chapter 9. Maybe we are finally meeting the owner of the white owl. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Liked him since the Animagus quest. Finally! Looking forward to what is going to happen. This quest becomes available during Year Five of your Hogwarts Studies. it could be a explanation for having both models, but weird they made it someone we didn’t got to meet yet, [–]VoidTorcher 9 points10 points11 points 2 months ago (1 child). He said she's his favourite character and that he wanted to get her exactly right because she has a "very interesting story", according to him. I'd simply prefer if they instead treated those quests as flashbacks, though of course even this outcome is preferable over certain quests being completely gone after a certain point (and for some currently removed quests gryffindor character simply won't be able to take Rowan's place). 6 hours ago. It's debatable how well that worked, personally back at the end I was surprised, With the notebook, who knows. I can't see the pin as a general symbol for R members. phoebexrogers - Reddit. I've always found it strange why a supposedly dark witch like Rakepick would wear a pin that wards off evil and it is one of the reasons, among many others, why I'm inclined to believe they are setting her up for a Snape-like arc. I would like to finish my duels before the dark lord rises. FYI, if you put spaces between ">!" It was Rakepick who sent them to the Hog's Head, and it seems unlikely that it is a coincidence since Rakepick knew MC needed to be trained in legilimency to open the vault, and why would Aberforth send MC to Dumbledore in that moment? I could see what you said being the case. I hope so, but.. I hope it’s not only open to those in year 6... [–]taltos19 Datamine Seer[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (1 child). The player creates a character and follows the story of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and throughout the game will have to make certain choices which determine the path their character will be placed on, including the kind of relationships they build with other characters. Do you have any idea when(if) the Y1 Christmas TLSQ will trigger? Harry Potter Mysteries of Hogwarts App for iOS and Android Your Hogwarts letter is finally on its way. Stop reading at the Christmasy Bowtruckle to avoid Year 6/7 spoilers. Is both male and female. Rule #1: No NSFW Merula and Penny aren’t in it, or if they are, definitely aren’t at the center of the story. [–]Elina_Baker Year 5 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (2 children). Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Rule #6: Please Search Before Posting Here are some cards (that aren't of Orion) to send to someone special. Maybe they'll appear in the following up to the "Head Boys and Girls" side quest. HOGWARTS MYSTERY WALKTHROUGH. I and My team work hard to datamine upcoming content … Now this new Verucca character also wears that pin. A Harry Potter mobile RPG game developed by Jam City and published under Portkey Games. Developer Jam City has introduced Year 4 Chapters 15 and 16, for … Rule #3: Don't Cause Trouble / Be Respectful to Everyone, Rule #4: Do Not Talk About Cheating, Hacks, Or Exploits, Rule #5: Do Not Advertise Other Subreddits Or Similar Sites, Rule #7: Don't Post Any Account Info (Game ID Codes, etc), Rule #9: Titles Must be Descriptive & Appropriate, Rule #10: Be Aware of MC Monday & Fantastic Beasts Wednesday, Rule #11: General Questions & Comments About Current Events Belong In Their Respective Megathreads, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6Z-VVmTsQ553EP-sy640PMWzrJjQfeDIFUHjkfDQ5F4oTjw/viewanalytics. Still sad that I couldn't finish the celestial ball because, life. 30 votes, 16 comments. I don't think that mole will be revealed so easily, we would probably know about the mole in Y7. Yeah, I think some involvement from the Ministry is likely to happen in the near future and I do think it makes a lot of sense and I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if she is comnected with R, since Pettegrew was too. Not to say I think it's impossible that she gets away, I do think it's a likely scenario. Since I personally always thought it's rather strange that they decided to make villain's thing black quills, when it's already was Umbridge's shtick (they of course function differently, but still they look the same). © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. And in that case her purpose is mostly served and there is no reason to prolong her role in the story, all that's left is to resolve her impact on Merula and Rowan's death on MC. You can adopt a Niffler, Porlock, Knarl, and Abraxan here. Nice! But, again, I understand that not everyone necessary hopes for something like that. Though I am inclined to believe she really is afraid of them, and in that case I think there must be a really good and quite possibly a very personal reason for it, not just because R is a dangerous organisation in general. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! Moody told MC that Rakepick is only a minor player of R, which would contradict the symbol being just for upper members. Me too. Or it being an act on her part against R and that she pretends to be afraid, while actually secretly conspiring to betray them when working with them is no longer useful/she is close enough to the final vault. She is now the main antagonist. [–]Ladyehonna Year 3 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), [–]TreeBeeTurkey014 Year 5 8 points9 points10 points 2 months ago (1 child).
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