Finally, the morning I started labour, just b4 the contractions, I had a very strange feeling, but I dont know how ti describe it, sorry!! Naocorn Due August 17; 2 kids; Tennessee 5461 posts . via Bigstock 4. Favourite answer . Feeling strange before labour From the first contraction to the final push, this is the place to chat about all aspects of labour and birth. My labor came on rather suddenly for both, and it wasn’t before then that I felt anything other than the normal uncomfortableness of being 9 months pregnant. While they’re not reliable signs and they do vary between women (McCormick, 2003), here’s what you might notice: A "show" can signal the start of labour. The internet is full of crap-shoot ideas that will get your hopes up for weeks possibly! how did you feel before labour started? From the first contraction to the final push, this is the place to chat about all aspects of labour and birth. After all, it’s called labor for a reason. This sticky, jelly-like pink mucus is called a show. Made last minute appts to get my toenails painted, waxing done etc. Just wondering if you had any weird feeling or feeling of being off what did it seem like to you? Hope this question makes sense. But as for the labor procedure, diarrhea can happen any time before labor. If you've got questions about sweeps , or aren't sure if what you're experiencing is early labour , post here. The low position of the baby's head puts even more pressure on the urinary bladder, so many women approaching labor might feel a frequent need to urinate. I was overdue and thought every ache and … In most cases, loose stool and stomach pain are completely normal before labor. Weird feeling before labor? Anonymous. Hiya ladies, Just wondering if anyone has been really emotional before going into labour??? and then 2 days before I cancelled everything I had on as I just didn't 'feel' like going anywhere, even to visit my Mum ten miles down the road! As labor begins, your cervix softens, shortens and thins (effacement). That’s just an expected yet unfortunate part of the ending of a pregnancy. If it’s bright red or the discharge starts to look heavy, head to hospital. Don’t read too much into any of it. =\ they said I'll probably have her soon, since I was making progress daily. Your Vagina is Puffy. 3. You may see a bloody discharge very early—as soon as you first start feeling contractions—or it can occur right before labor starts. You may get backache or a heavy, aching feeling. I've never felt different before labor started besides the diff bodily changes, but is that what they mean when they say they felt weird? I can't really explain how I feel but its making me feel weird. Answer Save. Before labor, the lower part of your uterus called the cervix is typically 3.5 cm to 4 cm long. Late pregnancy is uncomfortable in itself, but when you feel yourself being unusually restless, your legs won’t stop moving, and you just can’t find a comfortable position – this is a good sign labour isn’t far away! Seeing it means that the cervix is beginning to soften and possibly open up a little bit. "Speak to a midwife just to make sure you’re not bleeding," says Philippa. They occur as your uterine muscles prepare for delivery. After a bloody show, labor can start within the next 24 hours, or it may start a few days later. The day b4 i lost the mucus plug, and was just feeling weird, and I was getting annoyed at every little thing. Braxton Hicks contractions, or false labor pains, can start weeks or months before actual labor. Good morning ladies, I'm new to this group and like what you've all been posting about so far and some of the responses crack me up :) (in a good way :) Anywho, I'm pregnant with my second child and have been feeling off the last two days. Only 8 to 10 percent of women will experience ruptured membranes before labor actually begins. Feeling irritable is a common indication that your baby is on his way. 1 decade ago. First-time mothers usually felt this occurring two to four weeks before delivery. How did you feel before labour started?? However, in a few cases you should call your obstetrician. 13 Answers. Relevance. "As hormones rise in preparation for labour, women might experience an emotional response which can manifest in tears, anger or simply feeling down," noted Liz. Last night I just could not stop crying, it all started because my sister phoned me (she is 22 weeks pregnant and worries loads bless her) every little problem she phones me or comes round and being 39 weeks pregnant myself I am finding this alot to deal with on top of having a 2 year old to look after. Effacement is often expressed in percentages. I know this is going to sound weird, but I get a funny feeling in my sinuses when my period is about to start. Lots of nausea and lightheadedness along with a super sore back. It takes a lot of energy and perseverance! I'm 4cm dilated (as of the day before yesterday), effaced, been having steady contractions for a few days. As the baby drops, breathing can become easier since there is less pressure on the diaphragm from underneath. Contact your doctor if you notice a gush or even a trickle with any of the other signs. Original poster's comments (3) 0. comment. but it was like I realized something was going on. But most likely, you’re baby will turn, and it’s most often the first sign of your nearing labor & delivery. My appetite was up and down that week as well. You are either over the whole pregnant-thing, or you are just so excited and anxious that you are looking for clues. Either way, it is definitely a sign that labor is near. Backache often comes on in labour. The moodiness before labor is similar to how you feel during PMS. Some researchers say that it’s the body’s way of fueling up for the long road ahead. Swollen lips – Some women report that their lips felt and looked swollen days before labor actually started. You might feel uncomfortable, but irregular, not very painful contractions or nothing at all. It could be feelings of joy and happiness, or you might get snippy and yell at loved ones for no reason. I suddenly felt the need to get everything done even though I was only 37 weeks. Anybody else experience this before labor began? It can happen hours before labor or even a few weeks or days before labor. When you start experiencing Nausea before labor, you need not panic. But I'm curious how anyone felt like days or weeks before going into labor or even how they felt the day of..thanks! I'm crabby and tired and just generally out of it. That started a day or two before I went into labor. It wasn't how I thought it would be. I have had no other signs. If you feel like you’re suddenly on an emotional roller coaster, you might be able to go into labor. This is because changes are taking place in your body as it prepares for birth. A mucus plug covers your cervix in pregnancy and this may come loose up to a few days before labour starts. The trut You need to come to terms with it and take some measures to minimize how bad you feel. Passage of the mucus plug is a known sign that labor is near. or just wham and its happening out of the blue. With both of my kids, I actually didn’t feel any different at all! “The ‘show’, or operculum, is a mucous plug that is held in place by the cervix to protect the baby from infection,” says Liz. Hi i'm 31 weeks today and been feeling weird lately like my pelvic has been getting sore my stomach muslces feels like they r tightening up and squeezing up...uncomfortable! It will not be very long before the ship sails, and you have the chance to meet your baby face to face. Many women (myself included) just couldn’t rest the night before labour – right when you need that rest – no fair!!! If you've got questions about sweeps , or aren't sure if what you're experiencing is early labour , post here. I felt like I had the worst case of PMS about a week before I went into labor. Signs of early labor- been feeling weird. In many cases, women never experience diarrhea. m. mrsosier. (Yay for prodromal labor) I thought my doc would stop my impending labor, but instead they sent me home to labor. Some women experience a big appetite days or hours before labor. During pregnancy, there's a plug of mucus in your cervix. At about 10 pm the night before I went into labour I felt like I had some slight period cramps, nothing very painful or anything, but slightly cramps and I had diarrhea before bed. Before labour starts, you might see a blob of mucus in your pants or when you go to the loo. Also, I was incredibly bitchy. I went out shopping all day before my son was born… And I worked the day my daughter was born. I am 39 weeks, 4 days pregnant and just this afternoon I've started to feel weird. Posted 11/5/09. A brown, pink or red-tinged stringy or jelly-like discharge, it can come out either in one lump or more gradually over a few days. Feb 1st '13. Mothers who have children before will only get to experience when labor begins. Kind of like a zombie. You will just be needed to hang in there as it signals the impending labor. This sign is called “lightening,” and happens at the third semester of your pregnancy. looking back and if you remember, what kind of feelings did you experience just before going into labour - by feelings i mean physiological, pains. If you are noticing an increase in vaginal discharge, spotting or menstrual-like cramping, or if you feel abnormal heaviness or pressure in your lower abdomen near your pelvis, you may be going into labor, even if you are not yet du… I just started feeling "off" tonight. What this means for how you’ll be feeling: More pinching and pressure on your bladder. However, you’re not going to be kicked directly in the bladder anymore, which can be … Golder. I did the whole manic cleaning and tidying thing a week before I went into labour. full of energy or totally wiped, im sooo shattered im thinking theres no way ill be going into labour feeling this wiped (bearing in mind ive done nout all day bar have a bath and sit on the sofa) If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you. This mucus comes away just before labour starts, or when in early labour, and it may pass out of your vagina. needing the toilet etc. For up to a week before labour starts, you might notice that you’re feeling a bit different. discomfort. The mucus plug passes . If your abdomen is tender and very painful, you may have a sudden onset of preeclampsia, a condition that is deadly for both mothers and babies. The color may range from pink, to brown, to red. So you want to know when your baby will be joining you earthside. This is to say, that diarrhea is a common sign in early pregnancy. It looks a bit like an uncooked egg white. How does early labour start?
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