As with any plant, it will take some trial and error to get the conditions just right. How to Care for Alocasia Zebrina Watering. Pruning: Remove any yellow leaves or those that create brown or black spots from an Alocasia plant as that might be an indication of a fungal disease. The container must drain well and be a suitable size and weight to support the height and width of the plant, without toppling over. However, this growth happens during the warmer months when the plant is actively growing. Repotting Requirement. Alocasia Zebrina prefers a warm and slightly humid environment. Because of its relatively long stems it can quickly become lopsided. However, if the plant is very root-bound and you have long roots coming out the bottom of the current pot, you can go up by two inches. Because of its water requirements, towing the line between keeping the soil moist and overwatering always needs to be on your mind. This gets rid of fertilizer salt buildup in the soil. And, after a while will experience leaf loss. Other popular Alocasia are Alocasia Cuprea and Alocasia Zebrina. An occasional cutting back of its heart-shaped leaves … Alocasia thrives indoors or outdoors at a range of temperatures, but it’s fussy when it comes to soil, feeding and watering. However, never let the plant dry out. A can’t perennial and evergreen, Alocasia Zebrina does not need to be pruned back in the winter. The easiest ways to increase humidity around the plant are: Other options include misting or buying a humidifier. Ingestion by people and animals will lead to a severe reaction where the tongue, mouth, and face swell and itch. From my personal experience, the answer is yes but these plants require very little pruning. Not only is the sap poisonous when ingested, it also causes skin irritation. This helps to prevent infections and minimize any shock to the plant during pruning. But make sure the soil is not soggy or wet. A. zebrina - A. zebrina is an upright, tender, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial, typically grown as an indoor plan, with cream and dark green, banded stems bearing large, arrow-shaped, dark green leaves. As it does, it will make the air more moist. Alocasia zebrina. The only reason to prune an Alocasia zebrina plant is to remove dead or dying leaves. Because alocasia zebrina experience quite a bit of shock from being repotting, give them some time to recover. Just as importantly, you want to do this in the morning. The alocasia zebrina does best when given bright, indirect light. . Thus, repotting can damage them if not done carefully. This miniature … Similarly, they’re not fans of wind chills and breezes. This means you can tidy the plant up and remove any old or dying leaves but it is not necessary to cut the plant back. You can use shades, curtains or other things to cover part of the sun coming from the window to filter the light. If you have been watering frequently and the soil is damp, allow it to dry out before watering again. The goal is to keep it from the sun’s rays at any time of the day. Move the plant to a lower light position and make sure it has sufficient humidity. So, the your main goal when pruning the alocasia zebrina is to get rid of yellow, discolored or damaged leaves. As such, they need more room to grow vertically than horizontally. But, people call it by several names as well including elephant ears (for the size of its leaves) and giant alocasia. As such, if you plan on using tap water, always allow it to sit in room temperature for at least 12 hours or more. Bacteria and fungi thrive in hot, wet conditions. The other thing you can do by pruning is to limit its size and shape. The newer leaves are much larger now 朗 . Moisture is the root of most problems when it comes to your alocasia zebrina. The plant doesn’t mind being a bit rootbound or staying in a small pot. Alocasias have a natural clumping habit, their leaves regularly die off, and new ones grow in their place. Alocasia can also cause severe skin irritations, so wear gloves when handling the plant. … Toxic if ingested. Like other Alocasias, Alocasia Zebrina does not need too much space for the roots to spread. Place it somewhere it will be admired! Together, these two features make this medium sized houseplant very memorable. Alocasia Zebrina’s beautiful, large leaves and the striking Zebra striped stems are their signature attraction.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardencrafted_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',114,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardencrafted_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',114,'0','1'])); Alocasia Zebrina originates from the Philippines, where it naturally grows as a tropical under-story plant, in warm and humid forests. Pinching back the stem tips to the topmost bud early in the growing season maintains a compact plant. They tend to drop leaves when they’re in the right conditions and as a plant with few leaves, to begin with, this can be quite a challenge. Alocasia Zebrina will show you quite quickly if it is not entirely happy so pay attention and switch things up if it starts to look a little sad. Wiping the leaves down with a damp cloth to remove any dust or grime will also help the plant to make the most of the light available to it. ... Pruning . Avoid overwatering, as it will lead to root rot, where the roots rot and die, often killing the plant too. In the meantime, water them and put both pots under bright, indirect light. When repotting, go up a size smaller than you would for other plants. This means waiting until the top 2 inches of the soil dries. There are no fixed rules and you can mess around until you find a balance that works well for you. Also, be careful about when you feed it. Alocasia x Amazonica, also known as Alocasia ‘Polly,’ features shiny, deep green leaves with angular edges and contrasting white veining. Check your soil, check how often you have been watering and adjust in the opposite direction. Keeping them healthy, clean and correctly watered is usually enough to keep them safe and happy. Use clean, sharp tools when you prune your plant to prevent infections and minimize shock to the plant. To do so, use a combination of peat and perlite. This strategy is completely the opposite of deep watering which is suited to most houseplants. Once you have your location, light, temperature, humidity and potting medium right – the ongoing maintenance begins! since it takes care of its old leaves naturally, you don’t have to worry about it. This lets them breathe as well as helps their leaves dry faster when wet. However, putting some thought and effort into creating the right environment for your plant initially, will save you huge amounts of time and effort in the long run! Do not overcrowd your plants. The following are good practices to keep in mind: However, even the best-kept plants may occasionally suffer from diseases and pests. Pruning Requirement. As mentioned above, the plant is a heavy feeder. Unfortunately, most homes don’t experience this much moisture in the air. This is the reason why you’ll need to feed it more often. Brown or yellow patches on the leaves can indicate too much light, especially direct sun. They do not need to dry out completely... Pruning. Alocasia Frydek only requires pruning to get rid of dead foliage. If you notice that the plant has become waterlogged, allow it to dry out completely or re-pot it and cut away any dead roots before replanting it into a pot (and potting mix) that drains very well. Repotting is something you don’t want to do often with the alocasia zebrina. This means that they might not even go into their dormant stage. Water from the bottom (unless you are doing a foliar feed) and allow it to dry out quite well before you water it again. With pests, you’ll likely see mealybugs the most. Your email address will not be published. This means they do well in brightly lit areas that are somewhat protected from drafts and air conditioners, which can dry out the air and cause too much movement for the plant’s long stems to support. As such, you do not want young children or pets playing near it. So, when the moisture evaporates, it makes the air more humid. All plants need certain, unique, conditions to grow and thrive. What this means is that you don’t want to put it in the path of direct sunlight, which will scorch its leaves. Nursery pot size. Air purifying. But, it is easier said than done because the plant’s root are sensitive and delicate. Contents. Since it is native to Southeast Asia, the alocasia zebrina is used to tropical weather. This means only repot when it is very rootbound. The alocasia macrorrhiza is more popularly known as the Giant Taro. As such it will be one of the larger houseplants you’ll have. More so, it also can’t stand wet feet. The alocasia zebrina is toxic to both humans and pets. And it can grow to as big as 3 feet high and 3 feet wide. To counteract this effect, you’ll want to rotate the plant to even out exposure from all sides. As such, you need to make special arrangements for your plant. The new growth will be beautiful too. On their own, they don’t transpire enough to release enough moisture. . Alocasia Zebrina care can be a tough balance to find. Nickname. Alocasia Zebrina varies in size, depending on age and growing conditions. Make sure the pot drains freely and that no water is left in the tray/cover pot. Thanks to this, you don’t need to prune it as much as some of your other houseplants. Because of its high light requirement, a south facing window is a good spot for it. The light should be bright and plentiful but indirect or filtered by a curtain or blind. Humidity levels of 60% and higher are best but it will be fine around 50% if you can mist the leaves or use a pebble tray to supplement the moisture in the air around the plant. Perennial, indoor. Alocasia Zebrina has a reputation for being a tricky plant to keep happy but it really doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. These slow-growers don’t need regular pruning. Keep as much air circulation as possible to allow oxygen to the plant. How to Care for Begonia Maculata (Polka Dot Plant), How to Care for Philodendron Imperial Green, How to Care for Calathea Ornata (Pinstripe Plant), How to Care for Philodendron Florida Ghost. It’s also just as hungry for sunlight as it is for nutrients. since it takes care of its old leaves naturally, you don’t have to worry about it. The best time to do this is at the beginning of spring when temperatures are rising and the days are getting longer. Other than to remove dead or damaged leaves, the pruning requirements for Alocasia Amazonica are very low. From looking at the root, you should also see a few clumps and offsets. The top of the plant spreads but the stalks grow from the center of the base, which remains small. So, apply liquid fertilizer diluted to 50% strength every two weeks. You also want to remember that the plant goes dormant during thew winter. Being a small plant that grows in the forest and jungles of Southeast Asia, it is used to bright shade provide by larger plants and trees. So, do wear gloves when working on the plant. Because you’ll be feeding it more often than most houseplants, it is likewise key to flush the soil every few months. It also prevents too much of it from accumulating. Once you have a good combination of these and find your balance with Alocasia Zebrina, they will simply thrive! Alocasia Zebrina is a standing plant, with large leaves on tall, spindly stalks. However, they also recover quite quickly and grow fast in the right conditions so don’t be shy to play around and find what works best for you. That said, once you figure out what it likes, you’ll be able to enjoy its eye catching beauty. Like many people, I was seduced by the dark green, glossy leaves with sharply contrasting veins, as … Filter the light using some kind of cover or shade. In conclusion, Alocasia Zebrina is an elegant evergreen plant with large, arrowhead-shaped leaves on long, ‘Zebra striped’ stems. As such, this makes it easier for you. Their large size raltive to the plant allows them to take in a log of sunlight even when under shade or when it is coming from an indirect source. Elephant ear plant . This is because its natural environment provides it with soils that contains lots of humus. Wet roots that sit in wet soil for prolonged periods will develop root rot. That’s because its roots are delicate. Minimal pruning keeps zebrina attractive and helps them grow. Because it is prone to overwatering, you want to use well-draining soil. About Alocasia Zebrina This unique and stunning house plant sees sharp angled heart shaped foliage sit on exotic white and black streaked stems to produce a space filling display that will bring a unique tropical feel to your home. Use a heavier material and keep the size appropriate, rather than using a much larger pot made from a lighter material. Check the root ball first.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'gardencrafted_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',118,'0','0'])); Yellowing leaves indicate too much OR too little water. Alocasia Zebrina is a member of the Araceae family, within the Alocasia genus. But, when you do make sure there is enough bright light. But as a group, they can. Thus, reducing the chances of fungal problems. This often means watering more than once a week. Your email address will not be published. Last but not least, keep in mind that the plant is toxic and can cause irritation to skin. Trim Away Damaged Leaves. It is not drought tolerant. Water trays. Thus, make sure to stop feeding it in the colder months. Similarly, distancing them keeps pests from infesting other plants quickly. It is likewise important to keep it mind that the plant’s stems store a lot of moisture. You’ll know the plants are recovering once they sprout new leaves. While they do flower occasionally, the flowers are inconspicuous. Alocasia Zebrina Transplanting & Repotting, How to Grow & Care for Alocasia Macrorrhiza (Giant Taro), Alocasia Cuprea (Jewel Alocasia) Plant Care Guide, Alocasia Regal Shields (Elephant Ear Plant) Care Guide, Growing Alocasia Lauterbachiana (Purple Sword) Indoors & Outdoors, Philodendron Bipennifolium (Horsehead Philodendron) Plant Care Guide, How to Care For Calathea Ornata (Pinstripe Plant). With an Alocasia Zebrina’s … The main elements to consider are light, humidity, temperature, soil, watering and feeding. The other thing you can do by pruning … This allows you some leeway when watering. In the west, the afternoon sun can be harsh depending on where you live and what time of year it is. This will leave you the smaller, younger leaves. Plant height (including pot) 55-65cm. Alocasia Zebrina needs bright, indirect or filtered light. In addition to stable warm temperature, high humidity is another requirement for optimum growth. At the latest, early afternoon. The Alocasia is a real jungle plant you have to water regularly. A mature plant (around 4 years old) growing outdoors in a suitable climate can reach a height of 3 meters, with a 1-meter spread. Plants transpire like you and I perspire. Just as importantly, when there isn’t enough light, your alocasia zebrina will grow aggressively towards the source. How to Trim Alocasia Look for Signs of Damage. The east and west facing windows will get quite a bit of sun as well. They will go dormant but they will not die back. Read on to learn how to care for Alocasia Zebrina.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gardencrafted_com-box-4','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])); Location, Space, Light, Containers and Potting Mix. Similarly, their good light absorption capabilities allows them to withstand low light conditions. It is a good idea to look at the bottom of the pot too, sometimes the top will be dry but the bottom is still wet. Pruning Alocasia Frydek … If the bottom is wet, hold off a little longer before you water the plant again. During this time you’ll see new leaves grow every two weeks or so. Trimming … However, they places that are dim will cause them to grow fewer leaves and stem (which they are known for). As long as they drain well, pots made from ceramic, terracotta or any other heavy material will work best. Always keep the leaves clean by wiping it with a damp cloth. Does my Alocasia Zebrina care need to include regular pruning? This will depend on the angle at which the sun enters through the window. A can’t perennial and evergreen, Alocasia Zebrina does not need to be pruned … The leaves scorch and lose their green hue, with pale patches that turn yellowish-brown. The Alocasia genus has more than 80 species of foliage plats within it, and each varies widely in shape and size. Do not water it more, just because the leaves are curling! Otherwise, you can easily overfertilize the plant.
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