For the purposes of sampling, "NRTE comminuted poultry product" is any raw non-breaded, non- battered raw poultry product that has been (1) ground, (2) mechanically separated, or (3) hand- or mechanically-deboned and further chopped, flaked, minced, or otherwise processed to The number of defects in the first and second sample must be totalled. The placing of frozen meat into cooking kettles without prior thawing is permitted only when a representative sample of the entire lot has been thawed and found to be sound and unadulterated. h76Nn7;93|x`qI4$`3s 'N,8]3P`YhpIxr9O*B W N8NF ?yIgZX[B4j{e >`=b/4{[`WOJ:\ [M Oxidative rancidity and other organoleptic quality issues can occur if freezing rates are slow. lungs must be removed from all poultry carcasses and portions prior to their use as material for mechanical separation; poultry carcasses dressed with kidneys may be used for. For example, a post-lethality treatment is considered satisfactory when it achieves at least 3-log reduction in number of L.monocytogenes in ready-to-eat meat products, e.g., High-Pressure Processing (HPP) at 87000psi for 3 minutes. Fermentation, drying and smoking chambers must be equipped with a shatter resistant indicating thermometer, (or equivalent), with graduations of 1. It is most often expressed in quantitative terms, i.e., as the amount of heat energy that must be applied to a specific meat product to achieve a given log10 reduction of a particular microorganism. Example include to debone, comminute, preserve, dehydrate, ferment, render or assemble with an ingredient other than a meat product, but does not include to dress, trim, refrigerate, freeze or defrost. combination of meat and non-meat items other than salad/spread/pate? Edible rendering is the heat treatment of edible animal tissues to extract fats and oils. Fermentation room temperature is a constant 35C. fewer than 665 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is less than 33, fewer than 555 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is between 33 and 37, fewer than 500 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is greater than 37, If the bacteriological evaluation proves that there are fewer than 10. establishments which use beef as an ingredient in a dry or semi-dry fermented meat sausage; establishments which store or handle uncooked beef on site; establishments which obtain raw meat from a supplying establishment which stores or handles uncooked beef on site. Temperature and humidity should be uniform throughout the fermentation room. Whenever combo bins are used for the storage of meat products in freezers or for the shipment of refrigerated or frozen meat products from a registered establishment, the meat products must be protected by adequate lids or covers to prevent contamination. This also includes gases used in modified atmosphere packaging. The limitation of the number of degree-hours depends upon the highest temperature in the fermentation process prior to the time that a pH of 5.3 or less is attained. To achieve this, the percentage of frozen meat used for the minced pork . A standardized meat product is one that has a standard prescribed by regulation. This plan is used when the equipment is first installed, when major components are replaced (e.g. includes a processed egg as defined in the Processed Egg Regulations, or an egg that has been graded Canada A under the Egg Regulations, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. means an edible meat product to which a meat product extender has been added, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. means a process which promotes the growth of lactic acid bacteria in order to acidify the product. 1=LB S0H,J78)iP fAq! The total skin area of all sample units (up to 20) cannot exceed 25cm2 (i.e. (a) has in or on it any poisonous or harmful substance; (c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance; (e) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under unsanitary conditions. Every operator that prepares meat products must prepare them in accordance with the process control requirements specified in the Manual of Procedures, 30.1 (1) The operator of an establishment shall develop, implement and maintain, 57.2 Every operator shall carry out control programs in accordance with the FSEP Manual and the Manual of Procedures to ensure that, 4. If a dehydrated product that is not cooked is sold as shelf-stable (i.e., there is no "keep refrigerated" statement), it has to meet the same applicable controls as shelf-stable fermented meat products (see section 4.16.3). composition, for certain meat and poultry products. the operator must submit to the Inspection In Charge, a written documented protocol for each product, outlining how the product will be identified and segregated into lots, the packaging method, type and temperature of the coolant, the duration of exposure to sub-freezing temperatures and the time period and location for the equilibrium of internal and external product temperatures such that an internal temperature is achieved at or below 4. Stuffing product into casings: Inoculated product should be stuffed into casing as usual to approximate normal production procedures. The operator is required to maintain a listing of all of the packaging material used in the establishment. Room or area temperatures must also ensure control of product temperature during processing activities, such that there is no increase in bacterial growth of the product that would affect the validation of any further lethality step or validation of product shelf life. The examination program must be capable of achieving the following results: Prior to approval by the Inspector in Charge, the effectiveness of the program must be evaluated using lot examination to assure that on-line examination achieves equivalent or better results than lot examination. Upon completion of a successful evaluation, the operator must be provided in writing stating that the CFIA has evaluated the process for its ability to control E.coliO157:H7 and that it does not object to the operator using the process. The operator is required to maintain a listing of all of the packaging material used in the establishment. . Conclusion: Example 1 meets the guideline because its degree-hours are less than the limit. cooking the product so it reaches an internal temperature of 71, an alternative challenge study of a design acceptable to the, storage of bulk restricted curing agents must be in a locked area; and. The programs cover premises; transportation, receiving, storage and shipping; equipment; personnel; sanitation and pest control; health and safety recall procedures, and allergen control. If the lot is rejected: After reconditioning, re-inspect the rejected lot using the next, higher sampling plan and double the frequency of monitoring for the rest of the production shift. Storage conditions must in accordance with. meat products. Start studying processed meats and non-meat ingredients. }@ COMMINUTED MEAT. The level of estimated increase in Clostridium perfringens concentration (log increase) will depend on the quality of data obtained by an evaluator and input into the program. Condition 1 and one of the two options in condition 2 must be met: The internal temperature does not remain between 49C and 4C for more than 20 hours; During cooling, the product's maximum internal temperature must not remain between 54C and 27C for more than two (2) hours nor from 54C to 4C for more than 7 hours. Concerning the acceptability of packaging material to high pressure processing, packaging material companies should send their requests to the CFIA's Food Safety Risk Analysis. Pe`~$/0X.H`87w Pc`T However, they must validate through a microbiological testing program that their process will not result in the presence of E.coliO157:H7 or Salmonella in the finished product. endstream endobj 983 0 obj <. Unlike cooked ready-to-eat meat products, the operator is not required to verify at the time of manufacture that non ready-to-eat products have been subjected to a minimum amount of thermal lethality. The meat industry is typically using a mixture of fresh and frozen meat batters for minced meat production. Temperature in the fermentation, drying and smoking chambers must be uniform and controlled to prevent any fluctuation that could impact on the safety of the final product. The required outcome is to control the growth of microorganisms in the room or area used for the processing, packaging, labelling or handling of meat products. Where the manufacturing process does not correspond to one of the processes set out under options 1, 2 or 4 of this section and has not been assessed in accordance with option 5 of this section, the operator is required to test and hold each production lot pending satisfactory results. Meat emulsions include products like bologna, frankfurters, sausages, liver sausages, and meat loaf. A sweet dish uses the lungs, spleen, large intestine, esophagus, and rice fried (Membar) in oil (Egypt, Syria, and Turkey). For each lot, the operator must take 15 samples of raw batter and submit them for analysis. Mechanically Separated Pork or Poultry Meat will be deemed to contain skin unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise on the product's label. Freezing prevents the growth of, but does not destroy, microorganisms in food products. Computer modeling may be used to evaluate the safety of the product. This process accelerates the cure process and enhances the appearance of the finished product. The sample plan must be representative of the lot. It is recommended that holding freezers be capable of maintaining temperatures of -18C or colder. The instructions for use, maintenance and calibration of measurement devices and instruments must be included in the operator's prerequisite programs and HACCP system. control of egg shells to prevent contamination; egg shells and defective eggs must be handled as inedible product; and. This form of preservation depends on a lowering of the water activity (aw) of the product to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The minimum sampling size and schedule per boning line should be 15kg for each 30minutes of production (random time sampling twice hourly). Every effort must be made to prevent the meat products from coming into contact with the exposed surfaces of any shipping containers during filling. Refrigerated meat products which have been previously heat processed must not be packaged until chilled to 4C unless it can be demonstrated, through a process validation, that packaging does not interfere with the cooling schedule or the product safety. All food additives used in meat product formulations must be listed in the Tables of Division 16 of the Food and Drug Regulations and used according to the provisions in those tables. This option specifically requires a microbiological testing program of raw meat and batter for E.coli0157:H7 and Salmonella as part of the operator's existing HACCP system and a manufacturing process (fermentation and holding, heating and/or drying) which has been scientifically validated as achieving at least 2D reduction of E.coliO157:H7. This standard categorises food according to a system devised in the European Union. The exact source and quantity of ground meat must be indicated in the product formulation on label submittals. Refer to the CFIA website for additional information on allergens. Example: If 2.8% of salt in the formulation and the end product has a moisture level of 72%, the brine concentration is: {(2.8/100) / [(2.8/100) + (72/100)]} X 100 = [0.028 / (0.028 + 0.72)] X 100 = 2.8 / 0.748 = 3.74%. It takes 40 hours for the pH to reach 5.3. In this case, the final product is in a form that is not edible without additional . R % uPm_5 iN+YPR,e lI Other parameters in evaluating the deviation must be taken into account. Assure that all boneless meat produced under the program is capable of passing the lot inspection/examination program previously described using the designated sampling plans and defect criteria. The operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. The aw may be reduced by adding solutes (salt, sugar) or removing moisture. . The samples may be placed in the same container (e.g. Where carcasses are aged in this manner, attention must be paid to temperature and humidity, to avoid the development of mould. means by the Meat Programs Division (MPD), means the Area Executive Director, Operations, as designated by the President of the Agency, means Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, means the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990, means the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures, means registered under the authority of the Meat Inspection Act and Regulations. To improve the appearance of the finished product some tumbler mixers have been modified by adding paddles, blades or spikes in the tumblers so that during the tumbling action, the ground meat and cure is pushed into the solid meat cuts. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and. Refer to Annex P of this chapter for the CFIA procedures to evaluate bulk container freezing processes for meat products. hLj0_o8IJP However, labelling of the product must comply with Section 94(6.1) of the MIR which stipulates: "If any meat product is not a ready-to-eat meat product but has the appearance of or could be mistaken for a ready-to-eat meat product, the meat product shall bear the following information on its label: In order to meet these requirements, the operator must label the meat product to prevent it from being mistaken for a cooked RTE product and provide clear preparation instructions that when followed by the consumer will fully cook the product (i.e. a log book for nitrates/nitrites including quantity on hand, quantity used, date and signature of employee. 6288 0 obj <>stream 1260-1266. Upon arrival of the raw material at the establishment or prior to the processing of the material, the operator must perform a random selection of 20 carcasses or 20 units per combo or a lot of similar size. The potential increase in the concentration of Clostridium perfringens during cooling depends on the concentration of heat resistant spores in the product. Once this has been established, frequent regular checks should be made. The use of an alternative process or new technology must be approved by the CFIA prior to use. provide instructions to achieve a 6.5D or 7.0D reduction in Salmonellaspp.). YES = FULLY COOKED %PDF-1.6 % hb```,@(qPTQL;6T&M#jrv)F=B Sausages and fresh and cooked (Nakanek) or uncooked (smoked or heavily smoked, fermented, and seasoned) salamis and pastrami are common products. The incorporation of ground meat or poultry pieces with intact muscle cuts is accomplished by mixing, tumbling or massaging the ground meat with the larger pieces. Worst case scenarios must be included, specifically, the coldest spot of both the equipment and the product. 1 log10 reduction = a tenfold reduction (1 x 101) = a 1D reduction 2 log10 reduction = a hundredfold reduction (1 x 102) = a 2D reduction 3 log10 reduction = a thousandfold reduction (1 x 103) = a 3D reduction etc. Boneless meat from cattle, calf, sheep, goat, horse or swine carcasses, including boneless cuts and trimmings. The operator must notify the CFIA of each case where degree-hours limits have been exceeded. a shipment or part of a shipment of boneless manufacturing meat derived from a single species going to a single destination; or. Trimmings from Non-Intact : Raw ground, comminuted, or ; Chicken Ground Product : otherwise non-intact chicken . For example, in comminuted meats, the ability of a muscle Packaging materials include cartons, wrapping materials, films, synthetic casings, nettings, trays, pouches, bags and any other material which may come into contact with a meat product. The set of measures applied to protect a cooked meat product against the possible outgrowth of heat shocked Clostridiumspp. 1. Non-comminuted. It the operator's responsibility to ensure that the control program for environmental risk factors for contamination of product are effective and verifiable. The use of a non-inhibitory, food grade, green dye added to the inoculum may aid in determining the uniform distribution of inoculum. Meat products which have been frozen and thawed for sale in a refrigerated state must be labelled in accordance with article B.01.080 of the Food and Drug Regulations as "previously frozen". 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