or "It's alright!" "You're so hot" means you are … He means: You've made him breakfast, he fixed your car and his buddies aren't allowed to come on to you. My friend turns off her phone regularly. You’re not that funny. He means: God, I … How do I avoid the person. When you like someone, you usually find whatever they say to be hilarious. That’s why it doesn’t matter what a guy does on a date… The only thing you should be paying attention to is what he does AFTER the date. Fine could mean that you look HOT and sexy or if you are meaning like right before you go out and you ask him how you look and he says fine then that is … A guy will call you when he gets the time or even just when he remembers. A guy says you are cute if you have a stunning smile. then of course it means you look veryyyyy attractive! While it may be true that men need relatively less frequent verbal praise than their female counterparts, this isn’t the kind o… A guy will find you fun to hang around if you’re always happy and interesting. “I’m fine.” This is exactly the same as a woman saying it. Get your answers by asking now. Guys tend to not give a single darn when it comes down to what you’re wearing. ok i was sitting and randomly he was like your fine. What does it mean when a guy says you are fine? Every guy thinks they want the hottest girl in the room only to find she is typically the highest maintenance. Whether or not that is actually the truth is really just beside the point. He really means, "I can actually tolerate being around them." Hoe old were you when you found out Stu and Didi in Rugrats were 33 years old when they had Tommy? 1. Of course, there is the rare circumstance where he really is swamped with work, but he might spend an hour telling us on the phone just how swamped he is so he can connect that way. It's to appease your constant need for validation. A man that is interested will get a little jealous when you talk to, or about, other guys. You’ve seen this. Still have questions? But this guy, he’s laughing at everything you say, he just thinks you’re hilarious. 22. If its like "You're lookin fine" or "you fine AF!" I'd honestly spice it up without the boring and MUNDANE! Putting on a brave face and refusing to off-load problems on to family and friends were the … Answer Save. My feelings toward David Beckham are sort of … Many guys just assume that if a girl has guy friends, that must mean that they all want to hook up with her. If you're meeting a guy's mates, you're definitely being considered as girlfriend material. Great company is better than elegance. or "god DAMN YOU'RE FINE" or "damn babygirl you look fine" or "yatatata!" The odds a guy will love everyone in your inner circle is pretty slim. Compare it to yourself; I'm sure you are not interested in every guy you meet either.When you go out on a limb to care for someone, it's hard to come to terms with ourselves when it goes south. What does it mean when a guy says "we'll see...", How I now view Sabbath after not getting proper rest. If you heard your boyfriend likes your friend would confront him or fight your friend? Just say you’re OK. Tell them something positive. If someone tells you they're fine, chances are they are anything but. I'm fine. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. You’ll never have to sit wondering what he really means again! When someone says you're fine, they mean you're cute, hot, etc. Fine means quit worrying and stressing about how you look - you're fine. He’ll call the next day. When a guy likes you, he will hold your hand palm-to-palm. What does it mean when a guy says you're fine ? It happens to all of us. you say "You're fine!". What does it mean if a guy says "It's fine" ? How is it said to you or another person. What he means: I’m not interested. This says more about him than it does you. We like frequent reassurance about ourselves, our career paths, our efficacy as partners, our sexual prowess, and our attractiveness (among other things). English word meaning 'in good health'. It's a compliment. I have countless male clients telling me every month that their partners rarely let them know what they like about them. When a man wants something serious with you, you’ll know it. If you ask him how you look and he just says "you look fine" means you just look okay. Quickly set up your next date. I was talking to this guy and he asked how am I and I said in fine he replied "yes you are fine ahaha jokes" I know it's a compliment but what does it me an. Do you still talk to your high school friends? Relevance. What does it mean when a guy says "Its fine"? your facial look is not too beautiful. Your question is too subjective to be answered on this page. Speaking as a person with a lot of guy friends and experience with the male gender, here's what guys really mean when they say things. There’s a person at work who is friendly to me but doesn’t want to be my friend. Cute women are sweet-natured and … "You're fine, nothing won't happen to you" "Thaaaaaaat's fine". But I'd personally wouldn't say "your fine" except if it's a friendzone relationship. There is nothing fun or exciting about a girl who is high maintenance. Simply put, I can’t muster more than just “I’m fine.” Sometimes I wish people knew what I mean when I say I’m fine… 5 years ago. What men mean: “I’m bored and you’re still in my phone book.” -Jake, 27, South Carolina “Guys get distracted, whether it be work, hanging out with friends, or spotting something shiny on a walk in the park. I'd honestly spice it up without the boring and MUNDANE! He says: Nothing's wrong. When a guy says “You have a great personality, but …” What he means: I’m not interested or attracted to you. Being cute also means you’re really comfortable to be around – you’re good fun and you’re okay being silly. When a guy says he’s fine, most of the time he is fine. Fine. Something you say when a really hot guy or girl apologizes for an inconvenience and instead of saying " It's okay !" Also may be followed with a reassuring "Absolutely fine! Not everyone is supposed to be interested in you. When I say David Beckham is the sexiest man to walk the planet, I mean I like how he looks physically, but I also love that he’s a family man. What does it mean when a guy says you look "Fine"? Damn, just noticed these answers are out of date. It depends on the guy telling you and how he says it. Means you look sexy and delicious like a cake. It just means he thinks your hot. Aight, I'm back! But, it differs from one guy to another. Favourite answer. What he says: I’ve been busy. This guy was talking about me and was like "Ooh she is fine as f*ck" what does that mean? Do you agree that dating apps are for desperate people? Am I wrong for being happy that a classmate who bullied me in high school, passed away at the age of 21? If a guy says this, he might actually mean it… as in it’s not you, it’s him because he’s a huge douche who’s too chicken to actually tell you what he’s feeling. I mean, even Eddie Murphy had jokes that flopped, so let’s get real. When a guy says “I think you’re really nice, but…” What he means: I’m not interested in anything right now. You are attractive because you know how to have a good time and others enjoy being around you. Believed to originate from the French 'fin' which besides meaning finished also means complete or whole. What it could mean is that he is actually actively dating, just not dating you. Men have infamously tender egos. If you ask him how you look and he just says "you look fine" means you just look okay. 21. depends on the context. It's a compliment. If a guy calls you cute, it tends to be because you’re really easy to be around and hang out with. You know this. 2. Jack. What she means: I don't want you to be able to contact me, but you're giving me bad vibes that make me feel I can't say that directly. 24. He thinks you’re great company. "Your fine" I mainly say that to a woman that I'm attracted to, unless it's someone I don't considered sexy and when they ask me how they look, I'll go for the "you look fine". Confessions of a Ladies Man: Stop Saying "I Love You". "I think you'd get on with my mum" = "You're basically my dream woman" In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate. Why you should not give up. Keep his weekends open for you, etc. But for men, “later” just means any time after now. Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. When he says, "Your friends are so great." This usually translates to, “I don’t have time for you,” or “I’m not interested in you enough to make time for you.”. And yes, these trip up … I still think this means, ‘hey, what are you doing?’” -Sean, 26, Florida Don’t ruin her day with your troubles. If your friend is not liked by someone, should you like that same someone as a friend or be loyal to your friend they do t like? I'm give you a genuine answer when I see one that fits the criteria, I'll be back soon. If a guy says you are cute, he means you know how just to roll with it, … When a guy says he’ll call you later, don’t expect to get a call within twenty-four hours, or even in the next few days. I comment that a lot of people look fine in the sense that they are ok and there is nothing to worry about. Will I ever get my friend to like me romantically ? Men Don't Always Love To Show Vulnerability, So If You're Wondering If A Guy Likes You, Check Out This List Of 11 Things Guys Say Or Text To A Girl That Are Major Signs He's Into You. You're fine. This is not an issue with you, but an issue with him. 4 Answers. Don’t ask me why, maybe it’s … Why do people always insult each other on completely innocent questions on yahoo answers ? Or shoes or whatever the clothing item may be that you’re asking for his opinion on. 23. It means he is a disrespectful immature hormone bag and he is looking at you trying to decide which hole he wants to stick it in first. However, if you are seeing through the eyes of a girlfriend (or/AKA intimate partner), it isn’t difficult to tell. It is from whole that we get the word 'hale' meaning healthy. Guy code says that no guy can "just be friends" with a girl. Everything in my racing mind tells me to smile and give them good news. How'd the guy say it to you? If your his friend he's either interested in you or just being a guy. When a guy says “You look beautiful” What he means: I really like you, you have my attention. A man that likes you will laugh a lot when he’s with you … even if you’re not that funny! Despite the attempts of speakers on motivational courses to suggest that it is an acronym standing for 'Fucked-up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional' it is a valid word, with a considerable … , no i was sitting down random guy who was talking to his friend on the phone was like your fine, There you go, he thinks your sexy. ? "You're so fine" means you have sex appeal and you're attractive. ". My Christian viewpoint. How do I deal with people who think they're better? When a man likes a woman he will match her pace when walking. It could go two ways. He may mean you are fine character wise or. This is one of those times men mean 100% what they say! But I'd personally wouldn't say "your fine" except if it's a friendzone relationship. There you go, he thinks your sexy. “You look fine.” A simple, yet very quick response that is used to get you to stop asking how you look in that dress. 25. 1. When someone says you're fine, they mean you're cute, hot, etc.