The drop may have difficulty merging with the ocean, so to speak. Pisces sign is represents by two fishes swimming in opposite direction. The body may be oversensitive and weaker than assumed. This can sound harsh because, while Saturn rules over limitations and obstacles, it also has its positive influences too.. As Saturn leaves one sign for another, it is also said to leave a gift behind as a reward for all of our efforts. In order to gain a deeper understanding of your own chart you need to consult an astrologer for a reading. Saturn’s Cycle and the relevance of your SATURN RETURN. We experience the first Saturn Return in our late 20’s up until age 30, a time when we move from being young adults into taking our place in the world with larger responsibilities. What is Saturn? If you were born with Saturn in Aries, the issues during your Saturn Return will be about relationships with men, issues of aggression and dependency, competition, physical activity, the balance of power within heterosexual relationships, curbing impetuosity and temper, and the amount of adventure you allow into your life. On the positive side, there could be an ability to bring form and tangibility (Saturn) to the intangible (Pisces). Why? This cycle of the move is called Saturn Returns. Or. With Saturn in Pisces the planet lies in the last of the Water signs and indeed the last of all the signs. Your second Saturn return is like a passage of life. If your natal Saturn is in Pisces you will get a Saturn return somewhere between 2023 and May 2025. Mar 7, 2023 8:34 AM EST Saturn enters Pisces. Therefore, individuals with this combination of Saturn in Pisces are naturally spiritual and have increased potential to become enlightened and attain salvation or heavenly destinations for the soul. The lymphatic system may also cause issues. At 26 they begin to pour themselves into ingesting and disseminating information and honing their unique skills. Saturn returns to the birth sign every 27 to 29 years. Free Online Astrology, Natal Birth Chart Meanings and Interpretations. They are in it for the long haul and can be a sturdy pillar of support to the people they join forces with. Loudly declared, while every declaration like a dagger of loneliness. For example, if your natal Saturn is in Capricorn, then your Saturn return will occur between December 19, 2017 and December 16, 2020. The Third Age. Okay, now let's talk about sacrifice and relationships. The problem comes when the past is the one that dominates the Pisces’s life … Saturn Return In Pisces. Vote. With transit Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn, you experience your Saturn return, when Saturn returns to the exact placement it was at when you were born. Saturn in the 7th House in Taurus – Saturn in the 7th house in Taurus is a placement that can manifest a steady and calm partner. A Saturn return or having it in your natal chart is a time to focus on the part of your job that you are best at Pisces. For a time, it may relinquish its hold on the physical plan… as it ponders whether or not to return. NOTE: This report is based solely on the zodiac sign that Saturn was in at your time of birth. Your first Saturn return, which usually occurs between 28 and 32, is seen as a marker for entering adulthood. Saturn is the teacher and time-keeper in astrology and individuals with Saturn in Pisces will learn many lessons in forgiveness, unconditional love, the dissolution of barriers between others, and self-imposed boundaries. As such, Saturn in Pisces could cause the native to have too *many* boundaries and be unable to dissolve them, which could result in a barrier to merging with the greater whole. It is analogous with how they stand in life or tread the path. Having Saturn in 5th house is a very bad position for love life and in general to be happy and fulfill in life, especially if the planet is afflicted. But there are main themes for the third age of Saturn. May 24, 2025: August 31, 2025: Saturn in Pisces: August 31, 2025: February 13, 2026: Saturn in Aries In its 'Fall'. Saturn in the 8th House in Pisces – Saturn in the 8th house in Pisces is a placement that manifests someone who has an imaginative eye for structure and design elements. Saturn remains in Aquarius until its first ingress into Pisces: March 7, 2023. The planet Saturn shows us where we have work to do in this life and where we have limitations to overcome. Now you are free to do more. Pisces is a gentle companion, an inspirational partner, there for the good and the bad. The phrase “Saturn return” refers to Saturn’s return to its exact placement at the moment of your birth. SATURN RETURN IN ARIES AND THE FIRST HOUSE . The good news about Saturn is that Saturn problems usually get better after your Saturn return. Saturn in Pisces: March 7, 2023: May 24, 2025: Saturn in Aries In its 'Fall'. Astrology Signs - Home The combination between Saturn and Pisces is quite interesting and has a powerful relationship with the human destiny. Saturn takes about 28-29 years to come full circle, and thus spends on average close to 2-1/2 years in a sign. People with Saturn in Pisces tend to be devoted to spirituality. Chiron takes roughly 50-51 years to make its circuit around the Sun, and as such the Chiron Return lies midway between that Uranus opposition and the Second Saturn Return. Saturn in Pisces - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Any insight on what I could expect during my Saturn Return? This effect is strengthened by the 2nd disposition, which signifies general values and wealth. While Saturn in Pisces has about two and a half years until their Saturn returns officially begin, in March 2023, they are in an ongoing process of awakening to their abilities. Each Saturn return might repeat several times due to the Saturn retrograde motion. Saturn in Pisces may say: Life Means Nothing. At this time, whatever karmic lessons we have had to learn since March of 2020 will come to a close. At this time, Saturn is passing through your First House, which rules your mask, your performance, and your image. Saturn will finally leave Aquarius for Pisces on March 7, 2023. Saturn Transits: General . An interest in human psychology or alternative medicine could emerge since ethereal Pisces, and the twelfth house rules the subconscious mind. The good thing about Saturn is that it tends to get better after your Saturn return. The planet is unfavorably placed at its weakest state in the opposite sign of its 'Exaltation'. The natives of Saturn in the eighth house tend to be patient, economical and hard working. It is just about Saturn coming back to the sign in your natal chart. Everyone’s life is different and if you were married or not or have kids or grandchildren the situation will differ from person to person. Cautious with their finances. Last time Saturn was in Aquarius: Feb 16, 1991 – May 21, 1993. June 30, 1993- Jan 28, 1994 . Because Saturn represents time and starting with this symbolism, it leads the person dominated by this planet to an awareness about their past, their present, and finally their future.. Leo rules the 5th house, giving it a dramatic flair. If you are willing to work hard on your issues, the rewards of Saturn will come. It listens deeply to friends. He was a Pisces and I know you can’t really predict death but I had a gut feeling when the Solar Eclipse in Pisces was going to occur in 2016, that would usher him out….and it did. In the 5th house, we have our hobbies, games, creativity, gambling, dating, children, and entertainment. Saturn transits and cycles can be considered cycles of achievement and maturity. Astrologers pay close attention to Saturn when looking at a person’s natal chart. The Saturn Return is a wake-up call, and this is why so many fear it's sobering realities. If you've spent your twenties in a fog, coasting on your youthful charm, it becomes obvious that your foundation is too flimsy for the long haul. Aries and Libra are opposite signs. Because Saturn takes 27-30 years to make full rotation around the sun, a Saturn return happens no more than three time in a person’s life. This event occurs every 27 - 29 years and the first Saturn return is seen as the time of reaching full adulthood. Posted by just now. Physically, Saturn in Pisces may deal with difficulties of the feet. In the birth chart, Saturn shows where you have work to do. I’ve looked up Saturn in the 8th house and ruled by Pisces, but idk how to incorporate/look at aspects and whatnot. With Saturn in Pisces, the planet lies in the last of the Water signs and indeed the last of all the signs. First, a bit about Saturn.. Saturn takes roughly three years to move through a single zodiac sign. Saturn in Aries Comprehensive Analysis Saturn in Aries Issues. The Saturn In Pisces: Significance and Meaning. Pisces is the last of the signs for a reason in that it is potentially the most tolerant and least judgemental of all the signs. Saturn takes around 29.5 years to complete one cycle through all the zodiac sign. They have the mind of an engineer able to envision how things fit together in creative and effective ways. The first Saturn return can come around 27 and 30. The Saturn in Pisces people are very helpful and kind but will keep their emotions a secret. All astrologers are saying natives having Saturn in the 2 nd house face difficulties trying to make a living because they want money too ardently.. So when Saturn changes signs its a BIG deal. With your natal Saturn in eighth house, this is learning to deal with deep emotions. Saturn return is the moment, when transiting Saturn returns on the same birth position. Return from Saturn in Pisces back to Saturn Signs. Sometimes people with Saturn in the third house experience delays and hardships on short trips. Due to the association with 12th house, such natives tend to progress towards spiritual liberation. It can cause strong inhibitions when it comes to expressing feelings or sex, or cause long delays or difficulties when it comes to enjoying life or experiencing pleasures, being in the worst case, practically impossible to do. » August 8, 2019 at 14:48. Saturn in Pisces The Sun is in Pisces, from the final week of February to the third week of March, every year. The planet Saturn shows us where we have work to do in this life and where we have limitations to overcome. We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21st, 2020, at 0° Aquarius.. At 25 they begin to learn what resources they have to offer in the building of a New World. With effort, you can learn to be more self-confident in your dealings with people who live near you and with your local community. You may be drawn to the hidden side of life, such as spirituality or esoteric pursuits. Foot bones may be a source of pain. or someone who seeks a partner who embodies these traits. Includes your personal dates and astrological interpretation written by Tchenka Sunderland, one of Britain's best astrologers. Saturn in Pisces Meaning, Natal Birth Chart, Saturn Astrology Free Interpretations. On my second Saturn Return, it was 1915 and my father was slowly dying and my mom had died the year before. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 It is also associated with water. The effect of Saturn in the 8th house is that it pushes the natives to look at their commitments and responsibilities more realistically. This is not ‘just’ a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction – this is the first conjunction in an Aquarius since the early 15th century and the cherry on top is that it occurs exactly at 0° Aquarius. When you're young, there seems infinite time to decide what you want to be "when you grow up." Close. And when Saturn is placed in Pisces, the native becomes a deep thinker. I’m pretty basic when it comes to astrology, I’m trying to learn tho! They have a knack for repurposing and transforming one contraption into something entirely different. or Saturn in the 12th house You are a born healer, and your compassionate nature will be awakened during your Saturn Return. Element And Quality: Water & Mutable Celebrities With Saturn In Pisces: Jesus Christ, Isaac Newton, Dalai Lama, Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan Positive Keywords for Saturn in Pisces: Spiritual, Imaginative, Controlled, Compassionate, Involved, Creative