Click to read more –> Life of an Omega Male, 6 characteristics traits of an Omega Male. Derek Zoolander) would show you a pretty precise portrayal of a typical omega male. Omega Males generally don't belong to any cliques and have no desire to be the leader or most outstanding of said clique. This guy isn’t chasing success, money, or women! Prompted by the release of the new Ben Stiller movie, Greenberg, Jessica Grose over at has begun pondering the prevalence of omega males in contemporary society. In fact, he is quite the opposite of them. Due to the fact that he is a mysterious lone-wolf, you will often have a hard time realizing who a Sigma male actually is. Because of their place in society, they are subject to sexual violence and discrimination. A confident and capable male that doesn't seek approval or abide by social hierarchy. The two principal Gamma Male traits are 1: Gammas are by and large sexual rejects. An omega male has a laid-back approach towards life. Generally, Ben Stiller's characters (e.g. Omega. Omega males generally have super nerdy habits and tendencies. During this period, an Alpha can bite an Omega's neck to be their mate for life. Traits of a Sigma male. Gamma Male Definition. The omega male is nothing like the alpha and beta males! Differences between all of them: Alpha male VS Beta male: For alpha men, we can say that they are the trendsetters and beta men are the ones who would probably follow it. A Delta male will attract someone with similar characteristics became if they don't, their partner who might be a gamma, alpha or a beta, will find them extremely boring and … The Beta-Male is an unremarkable, mediocre, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. You’re probably thinking, “well, that doesn’t … Both male and female Omegas have a heat period when they can get pregnant. Omega Males can have friends and close acquaintances but prefer to accomplish things on their own without the help of a group. For example, you can be an Omega male but easily transform yourself into a Sigma man—just read these traits and try as hard as possible to adopt them into your own personality. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma, confidence and success associated with winners in life. The polar opposite of the Alpha Male. As opposed to alpha males and beta males, omega males are the lowest of the low on the man food chain; they’re the type of men who shirk responsibility, refuse to grow up and generally avoid participating in the real world. An omega male is an odd man out! They are usually intelligent but unsuccessful with women, and alternate between pedestalising a particular girl and pathological hatred of the entire female sex. He sets his own goals, and defines his own success. His nerdy qualities could cause him to be an enthusiastic collector of … What Is A Gamma Male? He perceives life from a totally different perspective. The omega male is a fun-loving but non-aspirational individual who is reluctant to 'grow up' by embracing classic social imperatives like marriage, family and holding down a regular job.