It’s a pity too, for the original Bradford or Saunders, or Boston Roundheads as Bowen got them in 1930 were the greatest fowl for crossing inot a line that I have ever know. THE FOWL: While the Marsh’s are known primarily for originating the Speeder and Butcher fowl, they have used other fowl, namely Boston Roundheads, Bergh Blue Muffs, Eagleheads, Smokeballs, Black Devils, Sid Taylor, and Brown-Reds Muffs. Very few cockers know how good a cocker was Al Ashton?few can say they ever beat him. Fifteen cocks fell in and each side had won seven battles and ready to decide the biggest and hardest fought main ever known till that day. The Whitehackles were a medium weight fowl, the breast black streaked more or less with dark ginger the outer hackle a light red shading to light golden on the shoulders, the back a dark crimson, the wing long, wide, and hanging low, the tail wide and carried up, the shanks short and yellow, (never white) the body noticeably wide and short, neck medium length and the head short and broad with red eyes, and a thin single comb and white under feather. A good number of this family was used in Florida tournaments after the Walton-Wortham forces joined together after the World War II. In Britain, there are three well known strains of English Greys. Johnson & Frank Holcomb. Noone knows the proportion of this blood Mr. Taylor put into his chickens, but with them hw suceeded in winning the respect of Tom O’Neal, the great Dom breeder and cocker of Louisville, Ky. Tom O’Neal was associated with Waddle, who controlled most of the gambling houses in Louisville at the time. I had seen similar indication of very deep gameness in the half Lacy-half Albany-Claret stags that I’d raised the year before at Auburn. He was a large, straight comb, broad backed, dark red, with green legs. I shipped Dr. Dandy and cocking history was made. In a very old book that I once read concerning early American history of game fowl, there were references to Irish Pyles. It was also said when fowl was shipped to him from anywhere he removed the shipping labels so no one would know where they came from. The cocking world will be shocked and saddened by the sudden death of J.D. He told me the $1,000 hen was in Kansas, and he talked to the man that ran the pit at Beloit, where Dave Ward, a noted cocker in Kansas fought fowl from this Chocolate or $1,000 hen, and Mr. Ward said the Chocolate name given the hen was account, as stated, her feathering. He was a small cock weighing about 4.14 was red-eyed, pea-combed, had yellow legs & almost white ear lobes, was light red in color and medium stationed. Monroe, of Woodville, Mississippi. ANOTHER FAMILY OF LEMONS This rooster was bred on the daughters of the first mating of the Shelton hen and Dominican stag. As the above indicates, in breeding, they would be ¾ Kelso-¼ yellow legged Hatch. Speeders: The Speeders were originated by Phil Marsh in 1890 and received the name “Speeder” on Decoration Day in 1900 at a main vs. Jim McHugo when McHugo remarked “ain’t they speedy little devils.” A sailor got two pair of fowl in the Dominican Republic and while returning to New York aboard ship one of the roosters was knocked overboard and lost while being sparred. Don and Wanda own several families of fowl but they also own a famimly of Blues that they bred up themselves. His original stock came from John Stone, of Massachusetts. And behold! That was my first time to see Mr. Shelton. Through this association I became familiar with the history and breeding of the Allen Roundheads and secured my first of these from Mr. Shelton, personally, when at their best, and of his best. Brown, William Morgan, Michael Kearney and Anthony Greene. When the fatal moment arrived and the referee called “Pit your cocks,” the Dom as he made a lunge toward the center was caught in a viritable wind storm. No pure Witch Doctors exist to my knowledge and certainly not in the United States for I never sold a pair in the USA. That shipment, like the previous ones, contained some Lawman Muffs as well as Whitehackles. And so, after a half century of trying I have come up with just about what I have been lookng for. Perry Grays, as I do not have this information, and I doubt if Clay knew. The Gliders, Dunbar sent over to Tom Wilson at Beach Island to breed. O`Conor, who contended Herman Duryea with whom Kearney was for years associated in cocking was the greatest gamefowl breeder of all times. I bought this cock for $25.00, the only time I have ever purchased a cock. Morgan finally took a fifteen-sixteenth Morgan and a sixteenth {ginger] newbold hen from stone and bred her on his own yard. He is now quite old but still breeds game fowl and follows hounds. I fight my blues pure in high or medium high point, 2 1/8 to 2 1/4 inch gaffs and have been winning a solid majority with them for over 25 years fighting into tough competition. This Mimms cock was the Daddy of the Witch Doctors. This covers the crosses I have made, in a lifetime. His requests are noted in hope that the general public abides by them.). I’m not writing a story about what someone else told me. Well to face the facts, here is the same blood that I’m sitting on that Dennis beat the big boys with so I was smart enough to ask the genetic experts how to breed them. The Toolpusher Blues were the result of Mr. Manziel crossing Wilkens Typewriters with C.C. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! In build they were very similar to the Redhorse. Many raised them especially for this purpose. Johnson & Frank Holcomb. Their temperament is nasty. Back years ago or more, Mr. hatch of Long Island, N.Y., fought a main in Eastern New York. Gus Frithiof, Sr. In 1912, a writer stated in Grit & Steel that the Gulls did not contain a drop of Whitehackle blood. we have bred them together always. Price was interested in all kinds of sporting events and he backed Shy’s cocks heavily. As I understood it, Perry, a Mr. Daniels, and a Dr. Schumun had a small chicken plant outside of Muskogee, and they did some fighting but not too much. However, it should be noted that this first cross (1/2 Quill – 1/2 Redhorse) was not, repeat, NOT very good. But let `s go back to the beginning, and please remember much of what I write is hear say. Law, one of the best Another Texas cocker who went to Copper State last season, saw one of my Black Hennies win his tenth fight in one short pitting. These were the fowl Bowen was selling everywhere during the 40’s. This was the Broke wing cock that was mated back to three Murphy cross hens (probably from the Left-Out yards). Manifestly the reference is to the Whitehackles of North Briton and the Stone Irish or Warhorses of Ireland. In the early thirties, Mr. E.S. Pipes stated that the offsprings from this mating were also marked “out and out”, like thier mothers. They were oriental cross of some sort, according to Kearney they were very strong fowl good cutters and fighters but no bitter {game} enough to suit Kearney `s. However as Duryea liked then, they bread some and used them along with their Whitehackles and some crosses of the two. When he died, a Claret cock bred to the same hens and other Clarets down to Mr. X’s “Caseys” of today were what he had. E. R. Carpenter said: “In 1870 Mahoney crossed a cock from Baird (Medcliff claimed Baird brought these over from England in 1862) over Irish Derby hens (McCarthy had brought this blood from Ireland in the fifties). I have seen others white in both hens and cocks whose only variation in color was a few pencil stripes of red, black or yellow in hackles. WHAT I AM HOLDING IS PURE ALBANY AND SWEATER OF LARRY ROMERO. he considered his affairs his own business and saw no reason to discuss them with any others, particularly acquaintances. At least one experimental cross was tried each year and many produced superior battle cocks, but as soon as one quit, all chickens containing that blood, came under the axe. We took the above mentioned strain, purchased from Robert Logan, of Mississippi, we then took an Asil hen from Vasco Sibert, of Florida, and bred her under a Chocolate cock (from Logan), called “Number 18”, alwats carrying the same punch – right-out and left-out, and still do until this day. Allen made his first Roundheads from Grist-Gradys fowl by breeding to the Oriental side around 1900. When I first met Don he let me have a Blue cock and this cock turned out to be everything a game cock should be. DISTINCTION OF THE LEMON 84 The bad-tailed cock which I had in mind to send you is now being bred on the hens which I had in mind to send you. Thank you pops for the W.T. I will be writing about my family’s involvement with gamefowl for over 100 years, so I am sure I am leaving out a lot,but I have relied on memories from my father and grandfather as well as old magazines and personal notes from my ancestors. Only a small amount of the Gull blood was in Pierce’s fowl, nevertheless, it was sufficient and strong enough to produce many throwbacks, like or very near like the old Mahoney Gull cock, and these throwbacks are the fowl Pierce call his “Cottontails” because the stags are black-reds in color, usually having red eyes and green or bluish colored legs and show a large tuft of soft, fluffy white feathers at the base of their tail, while the pullets and hens are sort of dark black-reds usually showing brown or what Dudley called robin breasts. In fact they were so close feathered that they were heavier than they appeared to the eye. Another version of the a Murphy fowl is this; a horse men visited Murphy onetime and went to a main he was fighting. 1907. “They are all the same blood.” As a result of this lack of selectivity and by indiscriminate inbreeding, by about 1939 or after six or seven generations, the fowl started coming smaller, more nervous and fragile, fought themselves out quickly and no longer had the body strength to match the dynamic spirit (They got broken legs, wings, and all that sort of thing.). It is considered probable that the cocks as cut out for battle bore such a resemblance to the gulls flying up the Genessee river toward Rochester, N.Y., from Lake Ontario that the appropriateness of the name became apparent and stuck from then on. The history tells us that the Albany fighting cocks have a great percentage of Stanford Hatch and Hardy Majoveni blood, this offspring is known as Old Albany, this family spread itself in the United States pretty quickly and each breeder developed their very own family, that’s why there’s a great variety of Albany’s that go from the colored with white feathers, round head and yellow legs, to the brownish red and sorrels from which come off the famous Albany that brought mister Ray Hoskins. There are other possibilities that are probably not generally known about the Starnes Shufflers – One is that the late “Sweater” McGinnis obtained fowl from A.W. One of his little Blue cocks will always stand out in my mind. There has always been two strains of this breed, namely, Barclay and Brown. To find what Mahoney’s Gulls were (or are) all we have to do is read what the different men who worked with horses or fought cocks along with Mahoney had to say about them. After they went home they still sent for cocks. I was not around ninety years ago when he was born, but I am beginning to feel I was. The following year the same black hens were mated back to the spangle stag. Some were black red, some brown red and some light red, the light reds having a shorter head than the black reds and color eyes and bill as mentions above. at the best online prices at eBay! He took part in small money mains and local tournaments. The rooster was a dark brown-red with a dark face, eyes and legs. Bill Marsh (1894-1977) – Son of Phil I, fed and conditioned his first main alone at 13 years of age. These being the qualities I wished to add to the already great fighting qualities of the Allen Roundheads, I decided to make an infusion of this blood. The list of the stains of fowl that contain at least some of the blood of his breeding would take more room than allowed in this one posting. Carl and I later became very close friends and I held him in the same esteem and affection that my uncle did. Piper { Fulldrop }. Thye proved to be a real combination fighting cocks, efficient at any stage of battle, which their record shows. They were and still are a good fighting bird and are used a lot in English pits. That was my introduction to slasher fighting and that was several years before shipping slasher cocks became a big business here in the U.S. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. He was willing to pay an additional $300 rental and I agreed. The light side were very light lemon hackled birds with yellow legs and a pea comb. So, the readers can take their choice as to have the T.W.Murphy fowl were bred and where they came from. The wins convinced Paul to purchase the rest of Jack Walton’s fowl. Chappell the founder of the strain in S. C. He took some of the fowl to Murphies place and a great many of the a more breed, raised and fought by and for Murphy. His Supt. He looked the cocks over, examined them, and said they were as fine a lot of cocks as I have ever seen, but they are looking too beefy and I think that you will lose the main, which they did. Grit and Steel: As I have been called on several times to write the history of my Chappell Doms, I will endeavor to tell you all I know about them. Like his father he was an avid bird, coon, and fox hunter as well as an avid carp fisherman. That were according to O`Conor obtained by Duryea from a steamship agent in or near Boston and maintained in their purity by Duryea strictly by inbreeding for 30 years or more. My fowl are strictly American, no importations. Uncle Ernest died unexpectedly of a heart attack in November 1942, while visiting a yard of his chickens with his close friend and cocking partner, Manley Daniel. On more than one occasion, my father told me stories of a Doc Hatch cock owned by Donnie Roberts that one year molted and developed a few white specks in his breast. The only family of Roundheads I ever knew to possess this characteristic. Hatch and Mr. E.T. I am not really sure of that, but neither is anyone else. That Col. Barclay produced one great family or strain of fighting cocks, and that Chas. So, I wrote and asked Mr. Shepler if he would sell me a cock. At the time he decided to sell all the Walton fowl. the other side of the gordons is col. Alferd Aldrichs Mugwumps. 6 Brazilian Oriental Hatching Eggs. And not long after that Sweater was inducted into the service. The neighbors told Al what had happened. Their beaks were short and heavy, reminding one of a cardinal’s or joree’s. What is worth mentioning here is, that Boy claims he only used 9 cocks the entire affair to accumulate the said total score of the combine. Kelso asked for and received this cock. Description: Blue, pea comb, yellow legs. Col. Butler was a t the home in Marion frequently and often drove up to Donoho to see the crops, the colts, the cows and the chickens. Perry lived on the place and was in complete charge of everything; the breeding, rearing, feeding, selection, etc. Description: Blue shades; dark and red eyes, dark and yellow legs, st. and pea comb. It was in the very early 30s that Heinie Mathesius went with him. One strain, which he called “Gilders” or “Claibornes”, came a bright red color with black or mottled breasts, orange hackle, yellow beak and moccasin legs. Later Mr. Wooten told me that this man’s name was Teacher and he was the originator of the Blue Darters. One portion of them showing bright red plumage, black or mottled breast, orange hackle, yellow beak and moccasin legs stripped on the outside with flesh colored red. About the year 1890 I crossed into my strain a B.B. I still have some of the 4 Webber Gray blood, and the gray cock that appeared in Grit & Steel some time back, the one that moulted out white is a pure 4 Webber Gray, and he is still on my brood yard, and is out of the old original 4 Webber fowl from Clay. Being a game family will do no harm to another game family, but the cold blood will utterly destroy them. They hackled the color of pot black, had blakc eyes somewhat larger than the old-time Hopkinson Warhorse. Each year’s breeding showed an improvement over the preceding one, and kept this up until they again were back to the Roundhead type, showing all the old time fighting qualities of the Allen Roundheads, yet this was backed by strength and endurance, making them more efficient cocks at any stage of battle. Of course he did he added the blood of an English hen he brought over a mahogany colored hen with hazel eyes and dark lead colored legs. As a wedding present she bought me a trio of Bill Shaffer Mugs from William McCullough of Kinnington, PA. Son de Black Water Farms. By: Walter Hall, James River Farm. He and his college classmates, Mr. Herman Duryea, then of Red Bank, N.J., and Mr. Raymond Belomnt, of New York, during their college days had become interested in cocking at Frank Coolidge’s place at Watertown, near Boston. I never told him any different or who I was.