Read more on how to get your hamster used to be petted (and why not all hamsters like it). Since that’s where they spend the majority of their time, it’s vital to your hamster’s happiness to give them the best possible home. 1 / 172. Popsicle sticks. So, if you want them to be around and happy for as long as possible, you need to keep them healthy! Your cage should be a minimum of 2 square feet. 11 Inexpensive Hamster Toys That Your Hammy Will Love, 5 Types of Hamster Cages Every Pet Owner Needs To Know, What’s the right size for a hamster’s cage, How to Feed Hamsters: A Guide for Beginners, The Complete Guide to Hamster Wheels and Spinners. It can also help them feel cleaner as it removes excess oil from their skin which in turn leaves them feeling clean! As many species of hamsters come from desert climates, they may not drink much. If you have a new pet hamster, they may simply need time to get used to you. Use a special brush for hamsters or an old toothbrush to keep their coat shiny. How to Make Your Hamster a Cozy, Stimulating Home. This could be an old towel, part of an old t-shirt or something similar. Never leave your hamster unattended with a new hamster. Be prepared to clean it up. Affection. The Syrian hamster is the most popular pet hamster. Consider constructing a two story hamster house out of tissue boxes. You need to leave plenty of room for a hamster wheel, other toys, and more. Check out this little guy getting snuggled: The next few tips revolve around your hamster’s cage. ), How Much Does a Hamster Cost? Provide chew toys. Read more: How to Give My Hamster a Sand Bath. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. To make your hamster happy, start by making sure that all its basic needs are taken care of, such as a big, clean cage and plenty of fresh food and water. (An Owner’s Checklist), How to Set up a Hamster Cage [10 Must-Have Items]. If you want your hamster to get the most out of their tunnels, be sure to check out our guide on tunnels. Hamsters love taking sand baths, so the act itself will make them happier. It is possible that your hamster is suffering. As there are different varieties of hamsters, you will want to make sure your hamster does not have a wheel that is too large or too small. How to tell if your hamster is happy . For most hamsters, though, curiosity and natural instincts will suffice, and within a couple of weeks, it will have discovered this new form of exercise on its own. For advice from our Veterinary reviewer on how to set up a hamster play date, read on! but they run up and great me like play with me and dont even try to escape . References. Read more: How to Train Your Hamster to Use the Litter Box. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. I might share it with my human to give her some tips, she just got me so I’m gonna give her some pointers Last and certainly not least, the best way you can make your hamster happy is to learn everything you can about hamsters. Training your hamster to use the litter box is a bonus tip for this post. Keep in mind older hamsters are prone to cancer, and dwarf hamsters are prone to diabetes. If you want to keep your hamster happy, give it around 1 tablespoon of pellets or nut mix once a day. Hamsters are fantastic additions to any household, but they do take patience, care and understanding on your part to make them feel safe. Another point to make about the above example is that the cage looks big for that one dwarf hamster. Like all members of the rodent family, hamsters have teeth that grow continuously throughout their lives. Even if you've had her for a while, she might just be reacting to the sudden movement when you walk into the room. Hammocks are another way you can enrich your hamster’s environment to make them happier. However, since hamsters are sensitive to noises, drafts, and temperature fluctuations, you want to take some time to think about where you put your hamster cage. That's the same with my hamster Delilah. Provide your little friend with opportunities to explore new areas by changing the tube system around. How can I tell if my hamster likes me? This is particularly true of Syrian hamsters. It’s also important to trim your hamster’s nails. Last Updated: April 30, 2020 The "best" really depends on what your hamster needs and likes. Wood. Keep reading to find out 25 ways to keep hamsters happy! By using our site, you agree to our. For that reason, you always want to make sure anything your hamster comes into contact with is safe for them! While not all hamsters will take to a hammock, those that do will be happier! Cages with plastic crawling tubes will also be enjoyed, although they are admittedly harder to keep clean. These are great for your hamster to crawl through or for them to chew. Once you discover where your hamster likes to sleep, you can go ahead and pile it up especially deep for them in that area. Many owners feel that when you create a more natural environment for your hamster, they are both healthier and happier. haha, believe me, I know what you mean! Signs of a sad, bored or upset hamster. Grieving Your Loss Acknowledge your grief for the loss of your hamster. For example, a pregnant hamster should be fed food high in protein, while a hamster prone to diarrhea should be fed dry food. If it does end up nipping you, remember their body language so you can spot it before getting bitten in the future. To make your new hamster trust you, put it in a warm, quiet room and let it spend a few days getting used to its new environment. If there are days you are unable to handle your hamster, recruit a friend or family member to fill in for you. Hi guys! Clean it and service it. So, if you truly want to keep your hamster happy, you’ll recreate that as best you can. Teeth that are too long can stop them from eating and kill them. Read more: Where Should I Put My Hamster’s Cage? Since hamsters have sensitive noses, make sure you clean it regularly rather than waiting until you smell it. Try to provide your hamster with more toys. Empty toilet paper rolls. We’ve mentioned it several times already but it’s worth repeating. This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Maybe your hamster would prefer to get his exercise in a hamster ball instead of a wheel. Use a soft, cotton towel to remove it from its cage. thx! It lets you know exactly what hamsters need and gives you a food recipe along with recommendations for adding fresh foods to their diet. Source(s): hamster happy: Hamsters like to pick out the tasty fattening food first out of the dish. Handling your hamster often does not have to be a strenuous activity. If all they’re doing is … Fortunately, there are many ways to make your hamster happy, and most of them are incredibly easy! My childhood hamster, Hamlet, seemed pretty depressed. Do not handle your hamster in a place where you might drop him or her. I was a previous hamster owner with two winter white dwarf hamsters. I’m thinking about getting a hamster, which would be easier to take care of or which will live longer? Installing a high-quality water bottle is the best way you can ensure your hamster will stay hydrated but their bedding will remain dry.