I also give them carrots and cabbages. . 'Only just begun': Trump thanks Senate Republicans, Biden on Trump acquittal: 'Democracy is fragile', New study reveals the 10 best states for retirement, Natalie Portman opens up about past 'Lolita' character, This LeBron move may be worst flop of NBA season, 'Jeopardy!' Hamsters may develop ill temper, signified by biting, in their later years. Teeth grinding: It is a chattering sound which means that the hamster is irritated and wants to be left alone. Mistake 1: Keeping males and females together… when you don’t want babies! Yawning and stretching: When the hamster yawns and stretches itself, it means that the hamster is feeling happy and comfortable. At the exact moment you notice that your hamster may be stressed, leave their environment and give them an opportunity to calm down. If your hamster eats too much or doesn’t get enough exercise then it will, of course, get fat. Never allow your hamster to run loose around the house. Despite what some pet stores may tell you, you should never use any of the following as bedding in a hamster cage: Read our article on hamster bedding to make sure you choose suitable bedding for your hamster. Hamster biting your hands: Wash your hands after handling any food - the hamster might smell your hands and think that it is food. If you think we’ve missed any important mistakes then please do leave a comment below! Hamster Lifespan: How long do hamsters live? A small wheel forces your hamster to arch its back when it runs, which can be extremely bad for your hamster’s health. If she comes to your voice when called or gets off of its wheel when she hears you, she's a happy critter. How to Make Your Hamster Happy. Clean your hamster cage once per week – leaving just a small amount of the old bedding behind so that your hamster recognises a familiar scent after the cage has been cleaned. But you need to be careful! champion Brayden Smith dies at 24, 5 habits you should avoid first thing in the morning, Dominos, Pizza Hut and Papa John's are in a pizza war, Daytona 500: Chase Elliott is primed to chase history, Australian soft-rock duo wasn't 'cool' enough for MTV, http://www.hamster-club.com/behaviour.asp. There’s lots to learn in order to care for a hamster properly, but reading these 10 common mistakes and our top hamster tips gives you a great chance of being a good hamster owner! Sniffing the things out mean that he's checking out what it is. This may surprise you, but not all hamster cages and wheels are made to be suitable for hamsters! These foods are acidic and this can interfere with your hamsters digestion. How do you think about the answers? Never feed your hamster citrus fruits or pieces of onion. Buy a nice big wheel for your hamster and look to make sure your hamster isn’t arching its back as it runs. Hamsters don't show a wide range of emotions, but if she is eating and drinking well and seems interested in her surroundings, she is probably as happy as a hamster can be. You need to give the hamster time until it will eventually become tamed. Hamsters can crawl through very small gaps, so even in what appears to be a well-sealed room, your hamster could escape and never be seen again! Wild hamsters: Where do hamsters come from? From then, consult your veterinarian in order to rule out any pathologies and to ensure that your hamster is healthy. Be aware of ‘’Wet Tail’’ Wet Tail is a common, but serious health condition that affects hamsters. Well, usually, the hamster will run and jump around with the new stuff. I let them out for walks and play with them,i'm not sure if i'm overfeeding them or anything. The scent glands are used to mark their territory. Whether you're a hamster veteran or just welcome a new furball into your home, these tips will help you keep your hamster healthy and happy!Let your hamster eat well! The two key things to remember when thinking about hamster illness are: In order to stop your hamster from getting ill – and spot any illness at the earliest opportunity – it’s important that you LEARN about the causes and symptoms of common hamster diseases. Still have questions? If it's processed yogurt drops or other sweet stuff - once a month! And, just like it is for humans, being overweight is very bad for a hamster’s health! Where you buy your hamster will depend on your own, One thing hamsters are very good at is escaping! It … Dwarf hamsters may squeak when they play fighting for dominance, or if they are in a real fight. A happy hamster tends to be a quiet hamster, with no changes to their behavior. U nderstanding and responding appropriately to your hamster’s body language will help you be more sensitive to the moods of your pet and will also help you have a more enjoyable friendship with him. However, a wheel that is too small for your hamster could end up doing more harm than good. BeWell / Wellness / Signs Your Hamster Is Sick Healthy hamsters normally eat well, groom themselves, run and play. It’s difficult to know for certain what an animal’s emotion is but behavioural changes could be an indicator. Just like a human home, a hamster home needs to be kept clean in order for the hamster to stay healthy and happy. why does my friend hoard food in house/garage/bedrooms? These types of food can get stuck in your hamster’s cheeks and cause injury and infection. The female one seems happy and energetic everyday.But the male ones are lazy and never play with the toys and wheel i provide them with. Never leave soiled bedding or old food rotting inside a hamster cage. Do not let your hamster run free in your house as they may be list or may bite electrical cords. This mostly happens in a crouched position, mouth wide open, teeth showing, front paws raised and it means that the hamster is very upset and frightened or that the hamster is startled. Recognizing certain signs in body language can also aid in the taming process of your hamster. It means that the hamster is listening to something that captured its attention. This behaviour is very normal and will stop once the hamster becomes tamed. If you’re new to keeping hamsters then we hope you can learn from these mistakes and avoid making similar mistakes yourself. Use a soft, cotton towel to remove it from its cage. If your hamster is sad, it’ll likely be extremely depressed; refusing to leave their little nest area, not eating or drinking, that sort of thing. Hamsters are normally very active, especially during the night. Your hamster wheel keeps your hamster healthy and happy, as it allows them to get much-needed exercise. A wheel is an essential component of any hamster cage. In the wild, hamsters run for many miles every night. If you add a male and a female to a cage then don’t be surprised if you notice signs of pregnancy in the female hamster very soon! Avoid putting your hamster in a place like the kitchen or a family room. Plus, female hamsters have been known to give birth to up to twenty babies (pups) at a time. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Ideally, a new hamster owner should thoroughly research hamster care before buying their pet. Grooming: When a hamster grooms itself, it will start washing its feet, hands and fur. Grooming means that the hamster is feeling secure and happy. Hamsters are often impulse buys – purchased at short notice with little or no planning – or surprise gifts. ; Watching you with its ears erect: A hamster behavior like this means it is just a bit curious about what is going on and in a calm way. Find out more about recommended hamster cages. A hamster lives one human year on average for every 14 days of its life. Unfortunately, some companies manufacture low quality cages and wheels that use a rung and gap structure (like a ladder) rather than a solid surface. So not only could you end up with babies… you could end up with lots of babies! Choose a Healthy Hamster. One thing your hamster is going to enjoy, regardless of which type of cage you choose, is a lot of room to roam around and explore. This usually happens during the first days when the hamster is brought to a new environment. Listening: A hamster will stand tall on its back legs with ears up. To stop the hamster from biting the cage bars, you can get it out in your room to run (always keeping an eye on it so that it does not get hurt) or else give it something to gnaw on. Some people also build their own hamster cages, either out of wire or plastic tubes. Not every hamster in the pet store is in optimal health. Hamsters like to chew, gnaw and gnash. Why are they like this?They are all of the same … To ensure a happy camper: Change water at least twice a day. What mistakes did you make when you got your first hamster? Hamsters often rub their flanks along objects to leave their scent.