Some pregnant women loves walking about while some sit at home due to laziness. Pregnancy can make you feel ugly and unattractive. There is no typical response or ‘right’ reaction to a pregnancy loss or death of a newborn. When I feel really bad about myself, I try to be the perfect girlfriend, so he can't see my insecurities. The pregnancy hormones surging through your body can have a profound impact on your emotions, triggering your feelings of panic. Ah well.. we'll have our old bodies back in no time and can wear whatever we want! I wish we didn't have to deal with all these crazy hormones while pregnant. Subconsciously, however, you may project that self-doubt onto your husband and flip the perception into finding him to be unattractive. It’s normal that all of these things may come to a head throughout your pregnancy. One of those things is make-up. Point will pass. I couldn't ask for a better person to go through this with! I am in the same boat. I think you just need to find out what makes you feel "pretty" and do it every day. It keeps you from harping on your own securities, which is relieving and, let’s face it, relief isn’t something we get to experience much of while pregnant. It can affect you both physically and mentally. I've put on quite a bit of weight since my pregnancy (40 pounds to be exact). Feeling unattractive and insecure during pregnancy ‹ 1; 2; Reply. I feel like I had lots of maternity clothing but suddenly none of it fit anymore. Share Your Updates With Family And Friends Every Week. Despite pregnant women feeling bloated and unattractive, their husbands see them as even prettier than before. Hi I am nearly 20 weeks pregnant now and starting to feel uncomfortable and bigger than I have ever been. 5 tips on how to be an emotionally supportive spouse. However, many consider pregnancy sex to be an unsafe and foreign concept. He made me feel tons better. I have noticed my husband has started looking at 'videos' on the internet after finding them by mistake. it sounds silly, but that's how I feel sometimes. My post was simply to ask other mamas out there if they're experiencing insecurity during their pregnancies as I have been. Wives may feel unattractive because of all these symptoms, and even the husband may feel awkward. my husband was that way too. Does anyone else feel the same way? I don't have much to wear right now either. On a good note, it's almost over for the both of us! The only difference is that you may just find yourselves having to sneak sexy time in between baby naps and sleep regressions. I think a twin pregnancy magnifies these feelings, because we just get bigger than a normal pregnancy. We were suppose to go to his parents today for his dad's bday but I woke up really sick this morning and didnt even have the energy to get ready to do. I feel so much better once I've put my make up on. Also, if your husband is not meeting your expectations in support and sensitivity, it could be a reason of strife between the two of you, leading to arguments. I'm rhesus negative too. I hope you feel better soon. They also affect your feelings for yourself. It's like you just wrote down the exact same way I feel! I loved being pregnant but I always felt so hurt by him during that time. It definitely isn't fun to feel this way, and it's all hormonal so there isn't much we can really do about it. During pregnancy, a woman’s sex drive can either rev up (lucky you) or shift into neutral — or do both within the same week. Reading about pregnancy and listening to your friends' pregnancy stories are fine — but don't delve into all the scary things that might (but probably won't) happen during your pregnancy. I'm pregnant with my third child and when I started to feel insecure there were certain things that made me feel "pretty". • Remember that the length of pregnancy … So, allow yourself to cry at the drop of a hat, and swing from happy-soon-to-be mom to angry-all-the-time monster here and there. Iccck. Connect with 1000s of pregnant moms & parents in your area! It keeps you from harping on your own securities, which is relieving and, let’s face it, relief isn’t something we get to … Ick. I am 26 and i didnt make it past week 30.....i would have given anything to get to 37 weeks like u. I had the same fears you did, and I was pretty religious about using cocoa butter and bio oil. The weight gain doesnt help at all either. Husband isn't helping much. 5. Like I don't make comments about other girls being prettier than me, or anything weird like that (but I think it! Roxann. My S/O is the best!'s Feature Editor is a dedicated Mom of 3, pregnancy geek, giver of hugs and a great listener. Home / Community / Pregnancy Issues / Feeling unattractive and insecure during pregnancy. If physical changes leave your partner feeling out of control, Fleming suggests reminding her that she won’t always be pregnant. However, when I put on my make-up and look in the mirror, I would just think well, that's better, and then I would feel better. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2 kids; 3 angel babies; That one city, IN, United States, 1 child; Scottsbluff, Nebraska, 3 kids; USA, 2 kids; Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You might not enjoy your new voluptuous figure. If you’re struggling with your pregnancy symptoms and just not feeling it, it can be a bit of a surprise, especially if you had a high sex drive before pregnancy. • Feel the freedom to grieve in your own way. You will be fine :), WOW! Some of the links on Pregged lead to sites we are affiliated with, such as Amazon, and we may earn revenue from them. Projection. Your self-confidence may take a hit or two. That, my friends, is because pregnancy is a totally abnormal situation compared to the rest of our lives. It doesn't make sense to spend any money on clothes right now either since I only have 3 more weeks to go. Feeling unattractive can happen for a variety of reasons. I’m sooo glad you want to know about how you can emotionally support your wife or partner emotionally during her (and your ;-)) pregnancy. I'm sitting here with my puffy, swollen pale makeupless face and my either frizzy or greasy hair, with some frumpy outfit. I know it's the pregnancy feelings that have made me more bothered than I'd usually be. “Have her mentally roll the camera forward to when your child is older and she is once again feeling comfortable in her body,” she suggests. My husband is so handsome and I'm sitting here with my puffy, swollen pale makeupless face and my either frizzy or greasy hair, with some frumpy outfit. Totally your hormones, honey. I didn't find her attractive any more. I know I won't feel all depressed and insecure after the baby is born because I felt so much better after my son was born (or rather a few months after he was born). She needs to feel more loved, secure and beautiful than ever, and it's … I feel like everything he says makes me cry even if its nothing. And maybe it’s just my whacked-out hormones, but this post—13 Things All Men Should Know About Pregnant … I hate feeling this way and I feel bad because my husband has been so busy lately and I'm just stressing him out by acting down all the time. Feeling unattractive, awkward, and even ugly is something that plagues most pregnant women at some point. And don’t try to adapt your feelings to the expectations of others. I had odeama on my hands and feet...i was like a baby elephant. If you want someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message. I ended up with no stretch marks. Ahhh.. I have totally been there, and you're right. You may feel that getting your partner pregnant is the ultimate ego-boost, which in turn gives your sex drive a lift. You may feel your self-esteem has taken a knock recently - and with it, your sense of how desirable you are as a person. ( If that makes sense). You’re already pregnant, there’s no need for that messy business right now. Oh yes, I totally agree. That's usually the best aproach. Read more: How to Tone Up During Pregnancy. I am in no way complaining that i'm pregnant. Women may want to give a heads up to their husbands about what may happen to them during the course of pregnancy. My husband is the same way. ). Georgie weighed 13st and was a size 14 pre-pregnancy, but - despite the NHS saying the average woman gains between 1.5-2 stone during their gestation period - she … Blame him for everything? At one moment you may feel incredibly connected to your partner and in another moment, you may get the feeling that your husband might be distant during pregnancy and emotional.