A digital health care environment offers rapid transfer of communication between key players, positively influencing the quality and speed of care professionals can provide. Identify a moral /ethical dilemma in healthcare informatics. It is sometimes said that health care ethics as a profession is in an early stage of its maturation process. Teens spend a large part of their day online engaging in behaviors that have implications for their health and well-being. Today’s medical field includes frequently updated technical processes and the storage and transfer of copious amounts of information. Socrates stated, “if virtue is knowledge, then it can be taught” (McGonigle & Mastrain, 2012). According to an article researching the use of social media by Michigan State University, a Michigan State professor found that students who were actively engaging with classmates and the instructor on Twitter were “more interested in the course material and ultimately receiving higher grades.” An English teacher discovered that students who use Twitter for academic reasons “gain the ability to write succintly, stay up to date on current research, and also benefit from connecting with academic experts directly” (http://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/2012/10/29/study-twitter-improves-student-learning-in-college-classrooms). Nursing informatics is a major component of modern healthcare. Thus, both nursing and non-nursing organizations use the fundamental ethical principles to foster the management of IT and communication. Ethical Issues in Healthcare: Definition and Examples Every day healthcare patients, their families, and professionals face ethical issues. Many healthcare workplaces today have strict rules about the information that a co-worker is not allowed to access. Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of an ethical Decision-making framework, such as the use of smartphones to interact with patients as well as to monitor and assess patient health. I think that many schools are now finding that the use of social media in classrooms is becoming a great way to get students more involved in the learning process. All in all, I think that organizations just need to be more cognizant of what their co-workers are doing, and supplying their co-workers with the proper education regarding the use of healthcare informatics technology. HIP’s also have a duty to ensure that there are “appropriate protocols and mechanisms in place to monitor the storage, accessing, use, manipulation or communication of electronic records, or of the date contained in them” (http://www.imia-medinfo.org/new2/pubdocs/Ethics_Eng.pdf). Change ), http://www.imia-medinfo.org/new2/pubdocs/Ethics_Eng.pdf. Turn the robber in to the authorities; right is right. … According to the IMIA Code of Ethics, organizations can potentially be liable if they do not adhere to this code of ethiccs. Identify a moral /ethical dilemma in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of an ethical decision-making framework, such as the use of smartphones (so pick a different example) to interact with patients as well as to monitor and assess patient health. recca30 Say nothing … It is essential for health care professionals, and especially those aspiring to be in healthcare management to understand not only health care regulation and compliance, but medical ethics as well. This preview shows page 2 - 3 out of 3 pages. 20 No. This is a serious issue, and one that I see happening at my workplace frequently. Here are just six of the major ethical issues facing the healthcare industry in 2020. 08/02/2009 05:12 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Good health is the will of God for each and every one of his children. Dr. Slosar is director, ethics, Ascension Health, St. Louis. It may seem like everyone is moving their data to the “cloud” these days, including … Co-workers need to understand the magnitude of this and either lock their computer if they have to step away or log out completely, because you can always get distracted with something else and forget that you are still logged into that computer. Health informatics and social media is such a sensitive topic today that some schools are even telling students that they are not allowed to engage in social media and that it will be a violation of school’s policy if they are found to do so. The ethical dilemma is whether virtue is something that can be taught or whether it is something within our human nature that cannot be changed and an individual is pre-disposed to it. “Sometimes families request that patients not be told about their medical condition or diagnosis,” Altman added. healthcare informatics regarding the stakes and risks linked to information usage and ensure the enforcement of latest legal regulations and deontology codes. On the contrary, decision-making about moral issues in healthcare demands that nurses exercise rational control over emotions. Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of an ethical decision-making framework, such as the use of smartphones to interact with patients as well as to monitor and assess patient health. patient refused to have his information sent. A moral dilemma is a conflict in which a person must choose between two or more actions, all of which they have the ability to do. The ethical issue that I have chosen to blog about is the use of another person’s log-on to view healthcare information or access the internet in the workplace. If organizations do not uphold this privacy, serious consequences could occur, and they could easily find their organization being sued for the careless nature in which it is protecting its patients from such an event. ... 25+ Moral Dilemma Examples, Questions, and Scenarios. Deliberating such complex practical and moral issues is a constant challenge in healthcare administration, and medical professionals can benefit greatly from training in ethical issues and public policy. Three Moral Issues of Health Care. While I can understand that students are representing a school’s image, I don’t agree with policy’s being in place to discourage students from using social media. The IMIA Code of Ethics states that “HIP’s, or health informatics professionals, have a duty to ensure the that appropriate measures are in place that may reasonably be expected to safeguard the security, integrity, material quality, usability, and accessibility of electronic records” (http://www.imia-medinfo.org/new2/pubdocs/Ethics_Eng.pdf). By David G. Curry, RN-C, MSN. Co-workers need to receive ethical training regarding the misuse of this technology and what disciplinary actions will be taken against them if they are found to be misuing this technology. Cbehling_HIPAA vs HITECH Table_102117.docx, NUR 305 - Discussion 3-1- Patient Safety & Quality.docx, Module 3 Written Assignment - HIPPA vs. HITECH.edited.docx, LGoreDeBruyne_WK2_Personal Health Information Breaches_011117.pptx, American National University • NURSING NURSING RE, Southern New Hampshire University • NUR 305, Group5_Personalhealthinformationbreaches_011418.pptx, KNorthrup_MThomas_MMcClenthan_SMandell_Group_Project_Week_2_04112019_version_2.pptx, Copyright © 2021. There are moral reasons for each choice. Ethics is a component of the education of health care managers and supervisors. Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of an ethical Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of an ethical Decision-making framework, such as the use of smartphones to interact with patients as well as to monitor and assess patient health. I feel that there should be strict guidelines about social media usage and that each college or university should have a social media policy in place for students to read and adhere to. Ethics and bioethics are briefly defined, and the evolution of ethical approaches Read More. The patient informed the Social Worker that he would not, The transition of care record was abstracted and the question, was raised, because “everyone “has their records sent, should we send the transition record to the next, Ethical Dilemma: Breach of patient information if transmitted vs. patient may attend the program and. They also do not take account of the importance of the emotional element of human experience. “The nurse must consider the patient's right to know. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This is through upholding the healthcare standards. Holding the promise of beneficence, these technologies are purported to increase access, improve quality, and decrease the costs of care. 1 If this is true, it can also be said that organizational ethics in health care is just now beginning to emerge from its earliest stage of development. Whether it is a situation where a co-worker asks another co-worker if they can use their log-in or whether someone has forgotten to log out and the next person decides to use their log-in instead of logging them out, both can have serious consequences for individuals involved. The stress felt by Nancy in the presented ED case scenario is an example of this type of moral distress. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Other than that I feel it is the organization’s responsibility to monitor security and it is each individual’s responsibility to understand the consequences of their actions. No matter which choice you make, someone will suffer or something bad will happen. (2016) described the moral distress of ED nurses who are unable to meet their role obligations to provide safe and effective patient care in such environments. these moral issues or ethical dilemmas will become increasingly complex. Shift to the Cloud. ( Log Out /  Course Hero, Inc. In some ways I can agree with this principle and feel that if we teach individuals the morale behavior that we expect from them and clearly explain the consequences of what will happen if they act immorally, then some people will identify the seriousness of the consequences and not continue to act in an immorale manner. Socrates stated, “if virtue is knowledge, then it can be taught” (McGonigle & Mastrain, 2012). ... Ghosting in the context of interviewing for a job can create an ethical dilemma. The flow of the medical organization is dependent upon knowledgeable and quick-thinking administrators to handle the storage and transfer of sensitive medical records, remain current on newly … Uncategorized ( Log Out /  This chapter highlights some familiar ethical concepts to consider on the chal-lenging journey into the increasingly complex future of healthcare informatics. However, society has proved over and over again that even though morale actions can be taught and expected of people, that human nature can beat out virtuous character and that people will do what is necessary for their own personal benefit if given the opportunity. An article in the Journal of Advanced Nursing surveyed nurses on the ethical issues they face in their daily work. In this particular case, the. I feel that social media usage does engage students more in the academic process, so I feel that banning students from using social media, whether academically or privately, is not something that I would encourage academic institutions to do. There is always a possibility that someone will sit down at your computer and it only takes a few seconds for an illegal activity to occur. When principles conflict it is not always easy to decide which should dominate. Does the benefit obtain outweigh the risk of potential harm? as to monitor and assess patient health. ( Log Out /  So even if someone else used your log-in, there may be no way of proving that and you will be the one that is disciplined. 2Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be, 19 out of 19 people found this document helpful, 2.Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of, an ethical decision-making framework, such as the use of smartphones to interact with patients as. By The Editors. ( Log Out /  shift in paradigm and every expert who addresses this reminds health care professionals of the need to go with the flow of rapid change or be left behind ... ethical decision making frameworks will remain constant but the context for examine these moral issues or ethical dilemmas will become increasing complex ... Bio Informatics. health care institutions as well as insurance companies and governmental agencies, etc. They should know the consequences of misuing social media and the affect that it has on the institution when it is done. Moral Dilemmas in Healthcare Professionals in healthcare are members of a broader team of health professionals. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. “A virtue is any characteristic or disposition desired in others by oneself” (McGonigle & Mastrain, 2012). In most circumstances, if an individual accesses information that they have been told is prohibited, they can be fired from the workplace without any questions asked. Healthcare informatics is a design of communication, information, and documentation in an electronic health record (EHR). Healthcare professionals should want to provide the best care they can for their patients — which involves care driven by a solid moral compass. Wolf et al. We expect them to display virtuous actions by not asking to use our login to perform immoral actions and when they see we accidently forgot to logout of our computer that they in turn log us out instead of using our login without our permission.   Terms. Respondents cited the following as their most frequently experienced dilemmas: Protecting patients' rights (64%) Autonomy and informed consent to treatment (61%) Advanced care planning (41%) thinkstockphotos.com. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Robbin' Hood. To relate this principle to my ethical issue, one could say that we desire our coworkers to have virtuous actions. : Inform the next care provider that the transition record cannot be sent because the, The record is not transmitted and the provider ask the patient to sign a, Core measure fails and the patient decides not to attend the program, No harm except the failure of the core measure and the care provider can assess the. Ethical Considerations of Nursing Informatics: 10.4018/978-1-60960-034-1.ch010: Frontiers of information use and management in nursing to support clinical practice and research are being pushed further than ever before. Ethical Issues in Health Information Management. Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of an ethical. It is not always clear how to judge which consequences are best. The virtue ethics approach deals with the character of those individuals that are making choices. the next care provider will not have his report. Leave a comment. Use one MSN essential. 2.Identify moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that would best be approached with the use of an ethical decision-making framework, such as the use of smartphones to interact with patients as well as to … Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The ethical dilemma is whether virtue is something that can be taught or whether it is something within our human nature that cannot be changed and an individual is pre-disposed to it. Examples of ethical dilemmas in nursing. Are associated Yes, the patients’ rights were not violated, vs. the next care provider does not receive pertinent information related to the care of the patient, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Kim Amer, PhD, RN. Some examples of ethical issues in healthcare include balancing quality of care and efficiency, addressing end-of-life issues and allocating limited medications and organ donors. http://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/2012/10/29/study-twitter-improves-student-learning-in-college-classrooms. (2012). At the same time, proper knowledge of ethics in healthcare informatics should help professionals translate … BY: JOHN PAUL SLOSAR, PhD. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Recent advances in the technologies of health informatics present these leaders with new ethical challenges. In my role of abstracting the psychiatric core measures, one question looks to see that upon discharge, the patients transition of care record is transmitted to the next care provider. 2. well as to monitor and assess patient health. Another example of an ethical dilemma is telling the truth to a patient vs. being deceptive, Altman said. Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. This clearly focuses the attention on the nurse as moral agent and in particular their character. In an RN to BSN program, nurses gain extensive knowledge about the ethical concerns and financial savings associated with this new way of documenting and transmitting confidential patient data. One of the areas where AI in health care has shown the most … The reason for constructing a code of ethics for HIPs instead of merely adopting one of the codes that have been promulgated by the various general associations of informatics A theorectical approach to healthcare ethics that I think embodies the ethical issue that I am presenting is the virtue ethics approach. Most moral dilemmas in medicine are analysed using the four principles with some consideration of consequentialism but these frameworks have limitations. Deep Learning to Diagnose Diseases. Co-workers need to take extra precautions to ensure that they logout when they step away from a computer, even if it is just for a moment. Citation: Amer, K., (May 8, 2015) "Informatics: Ethical Use of Genomic Information and Electronic Medical Records" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. Death, disease, and pain did not exist in the Garden, and Revelation tells of a "new heaven and new earth," where once again they will not exist. Moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol20No02InfoCol01 Information systems can transform healthcare. Although these are just a few examples, ethical issues in healthcare are common.   Privacy Moral Dilemma Examples. So if someone uses your log-in to access information that is strictly prohibited, this could have serious consequences for the co-worker whose log-in was used without their knowledge. McGonigle, D. & Mastrain, K.G. Each professional has different responsibilities of ensuring delivery of the best services to their clients. Informatics bases its functionality on the fundamental moral principles that focus on the aspects of autonomy, beneficence, equality and justice, non-malfeasance, impossibility, and integrity. To me, this is stating that health informatics professionals are responsible to the organizations in which they work for or collaborate with, to give them the resources necessary to ensure that they can fully operate and work within the electronic health system, and that they have security measures in place to protect patients from unauthorized persons accessing their HIPPA-related information. Thus at this point, when nearly a quarter of the world is in the hospitals, it is essential to know the ethical issues in healthcare.