For best results, keep them within your drone control range - if their target is flying too far away from you, unless you really need your drones on the target, then recall them back to you. They did the least amount of damage compared to all other drones. If you are warping in on a target at your optimal range, and that range is 35 kilometers or more, consider fielding sentry drones on your arrival, if you have enough space in your drone bay. If the owner returns to the same grid (or approaches the out-of-range drones) they can right-click their ship capacitor and select 'Reconnect to Lost Drones' to regain control over them. So, whatever target your drones are attacking, either by your direction or by their own aggressive selection, any FoF missiles will go after the same target. The drone setting is Passive with Focus Fire. At the end of my lecture, we'll open Mumble for any further questions or general discussion. COST - Due to the scarcity of drone blueprints and the fact that drones don't drop from NPC pirates, drones remain the most expensive weapon system even as the cost of missiles soars. EVE Echoes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (Basically, it means that fighters will pursue a designated target until it is destroyed, even if it warps away. Remember that the further you send your drones, the longer they will take to get there. Your ship will jump 100km away, giving you distance, and any target locks will remain intact (if you have your sensor booster activated). They fly into a mission room, deploy drones, target enemies, order drones to engage, and see what happens. You can usually get a clue about whether a battleship is fitted for smartbombing by using the "Look At" option on your target - if you see that it does not have turrets fitted, chances are good that they are going to use smartbombs. I know small drones can hit frigs and dests very efficiently but I don't have experience with medium drones. That’s why we’ve created an Eve Echoes guide, with lots of hard-won knowledge we’ve gained from our time with the game. If their target is too far away they will instead become Idle and start making their way slowly back to you, without using their microwarpdrives. EVE Echoes Best Ships. Minmatar drones have the highest velocities and tracking speeds, but deal the least amount of damage. For this strategy to work, you must have a strong armor or shield tank. This can mean that if the assisted fleet member activates different modules on different ships fairly frequently, the drones will simply spend their time flying between targets uselessly - the assisted fleet member should be aware of this and just target one enemy for the drones to be useful. This will break any target locks on your drones, and you can then relaunch them and re-engage. If they are outside your drone control range when the target is destroyed or warps off, they will just stop in space. EVE Drone Rigs - They improve drone control range, durability, mining yield, repair amount, drone optimal range, drone maximum velocity, drone damage, and stasis drone velocity decrease factor. While this advice is simplistic, it does capture some important information and in many cases is the acceptable advice. You'll see three bars for each drone for shields, armor and structure - when the structure bar turns all red, your drone is destroyed. Home; ... What’s best drone for Vexor? They also have some weakness to thermal damage, so Gallente drones (with their increased damage multipliers) will work well, perhaps even better than Caldari drones. The very first step you have to take in Eve Echoes’ mobile game is choosing the race. You can't use them to repair your own ship. You can only issue engage, mine, guard and assist orders to drones that are within this range, and you can only order them to attack/mine/assist things that are within this range. For the price, and the power it gives you, the Tristan is easily one of the best Eve Echoes drone ships, allowing early game players access to the much-loved mechanical helpers. Skills required: As of the Kronos expansion, sentry drones do need, and obtain bonuses from, the racial Drone Specialization skills, just like light, medium and heavy combat drones). Be prepared to abandon them, however, if you have to warp out - since they are immobile, you have to get within 2500 meters and scoop them into your drone bay. As a general rule for PvE missions, you should use the "passive" and "focus fire" settings, and direct light combat drones to attack elite frigates and cruisers first, being ready to withdraw them back into your drone bay if they begin to take on damage. If your ship has a weird bandwidth, try to maximize the number of drones you can launch. The drones for each of the four major factions in EVE deliver one specific kind of damage: Electromagnetic (EM) dealt by Amarr drones, Thermal dealt by Gallente drones, Kinetic dealt by Caldari drones, and Explosive dealt by Minmatar drones. Multiple nos and neuts are also very useful for taking down your opponent's tank. The next EVE Echoes example Destroyer is the Dragoon Sniper. If for some reason your drones do become further away than your drone control range, they will happily continue doing what they are doing autonomously. The wiki page Using Drones contains a lot of useful information and tips on how to use drones to their maximum potential. They operate at 1km optimals and 4km falloffs. (Instructor should then introduce himself or herself - covering experience level and background.). 2 x Medium Armor Repairer; Medium Afterburner; Drone Damage Amplifier; Rigs Vexor. Many people consider Gallente drones, due to their high DPS, to be the "general purpose" or "default" drone to use. After the Kronos update, all light drones are viable as general purpose light scout drones - Hobgoblins and Hornets for doing the most damage, and Warriors and Acolytes because they can keep up with the fastest of targets. Before the Kronos expansion, Amarr drones had a "bad rep" Because of their lower DPS. However, drones are not very smart, and if left on their own, they can do some very dumb things. Fitting more than one will suffer from stacking penalties, just like other low-slot damage modules. The "Focus Fire" option, when selected, will direct your drones to concentrate all their fire on one target until it is destroyed, or until you direct them to engage a different target, instead of spreading their fire on multiple targets. We'll cover drone control range in a minute. Once your drone(s) are further away than this 250km, you can't even do that - and if their target is destroyed or warps off then they will become abandoned, and you will have to go and get them. See this video for an example. Capacitor Rechargers 1. Very effective in specialised drone ships. EVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based upon hallmark EVE Online design principles. Drones set to aggressive will not automatically engage a target if doing so would cause a limited engagement. To know your ship's bandwidth, right-click on your ship in space, click the "Show Info" option and select the "attributes" tab. Drone Link Augmentor - a high slot module, increases your drone control range by a lot. Amarr (Curator) and Minmatar (Bouncer) sentries operate at moderate range and damage, relatively speaking. See these articles for advice on both: This method is often adopted by players who have progressed onto better ships with more slots at their disposal - in other words, they have an unbreakable tank for the level of missions they are running. This provides the pilot with the option to let his or her drones "do their thing" while concentrating on other tasks. Which Drones Do Damage Echoes. [It does include a couple basic practical exercises - but these are entirely optional, and you don't need to undock if you don't want to do so.]. With intensive drone skill training, and by fitting drone modules and rigs, you could theoretically extend your drone control range to over 150km. Note that drones can not be deployed from the cargo hold, although they can be stored there like any other item. Eve Echoes is a great port of the classic sci-fi MMORPG, Eve Online, but like that game, it can get pretty complicated. While some may excel at thrusting forward and travel at a fast pace, others make up for their slow travel times by having the larger cargo-carrying capacity. To see your drone control window, you must be undocked in a ship that contains drones. If you are not a drone boat pilot, and carry as few as a single drone aboard, you can still use it for advantage in combat. Most people will use Hammerheads in PvP for this reason. If you are waiting for a target to jump into your camp, have your drones deployed, ready to attack. Eve echoes tricks and pros and cons of each race eve eve echoes review and s echoes gg portal eve echoes race overview. If you get overwhelmed in a mission room, recall your drones and warp out. ), (Another note for the teacher: someone will invariably mention the Guardian-Vexor, which is a cruiser that can launch up to 10 drones. It is more of an "average chance of hitting" at… Think of bandwidth as radio strength of your ship dedicated to controlling your drones in space. There is an excellent guide available over at the EVE Wiki if you want more details, but in short there are three factors governing how many drones you can field:. However, they provide a lot of convenience for the casual mission-runner or for cleaning up wrecks after PvP engagements. Attack: This will tell the drone to attack the current selected target until it's destroyed or it warps off. Heavy drones will do very little damage to small fast-moving targets such as frigates. Can bejettisoned Scoop to Cargo: With this command, you will scoop the drone to your cargo hold, if it is within 2,500 meters of your ship. Drone Damage Amplifiers project a multi-node quantum entanglement program onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Drones also don't know whether or not one particular target is the "trigger" for a subsequent wave. Any abandoned drone is free loot to any pilot that cares to collect them. Base salvage success chance for salvage drones is 3%. Their behavior is very interesting to observe. Use this if your drone bay is full or if you want to salvage an abandoned drone. If your ship can carry drones, and you aren't using them effectively, you are deliberately limiting your ship's capabilities. Having drones launched and set to aggressive is very important if you are engaging opponents who have jamming (ECM) capability. There are other types of advanced drones as well, which provide extended electronic warfare and logistics capabilities. To be sure, check to verify NPC targets before you fly a mission. Active module which replenishes capacitor while expanding Cap Boosters. I suppose the rule of thumb for missiles would be Scourge for Guristas and Serpentis, Nova for Angels, Mjolnir for Blood Raiders and Sansha. More drones will almost always be more suitable than fewer drones. Amarr and Caldari drones all have the most total HP. For example, combat drones that destroy a target ship can be set to move autonomously onto a new target. However, they are now very rare, and extremely expensive. Hammerhead I (drones and fighters Combat Drone) Last update: 02/2021. This is especially useful when conducting PvE missions - more on this later. A warp scrambler on your drone boat is a must for small PvP engagements. If your drones are further away than this you cannot order them to engage, mine, assist or guard anything, and if the target is further away than this you cannot order your drones to engage, mine, assist or guard that target.