1:22 And 2532 hath put 5293 5656 all 3956 [things] under 5259 his 846 feet 4228, and 2532 gave 1325 5656 him 846 [to be] the head 2776 over 5228 all 3956 [things] to the church 1577, 1:7 In 1722 whom 3739 we have 2192 5719 redemption 629 through 1223 his 846 blood 129, the forgiveness 859 of sins 3900, according 2596 to the riches 4149 of his 846 grace 5485; 1:19 And 2532 what 5101 [is] the exceeding 5235 5723 greatness 3174 of his 846 power 1411 to 1519 us-ward 2248 who 3588 believe 4100 5723, according to 2596 the working 1753 of his 846 mighty 2479 power 2904,(his mighty power: Gr. 1:20 Which 3739 he wrought 1754 5656 in 1722 Christ 5547, when he raised 1453 5660 him 846 from 1537 the dead 3498, and 2532 set 2523 5656 [him] at 1722 his own 846 right hand 1188 in 1722 the heavenly 2032 [places], the might of his power) /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; Get a Copy of This KJV Bible - https://bit.ly/2ns1jxF; ... 4:31 Let 142 0 all 3956 bitterness 4088, … 1431 /dōreá (a feminine noun) expresses a brand of giving that highlights the beneficent desire of the giver. google_ad_height = 90; 1:7 In 1722 whom 3739 we have 2192 5719 redemption 629 through 1223 his 846 blood 129, the forgiveness 859 of sins 3900, according 2596 to the riches 4149 of his 846 grace 5485; 1:12 That 1519 we 2248 should be 1511 5750 to 1519 the praise 1868 of his 846 glory 1391, who 3588 first trusted 4276 5761 in 1722 Christ 5547. 1:1: Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:: 1:2: Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 19:28 Adj-GMP GRK: ἡ Ἄρτεμις Ἐφεσίων NAS: Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! (trusted: or, hoped) 21  Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 22  And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church. 1:17 That 2443 the God 2316 of our 2257 Lord 2962 Jesus 2424 Christ 5547, the Father 3962 of glory 1391, may give 1325 5632 5630 unto you 5213 the spirit 4151 of wisdom 4678 and 2532 revelation 602 in 1722 the knowledge 1922 of him 846:(in…: or, for the acknowledgement) 1:8 Wherein 3739 he hath abounded 4052 5656 toward 1519 us 2248 in 1722 all 3956 wisdom 4678 and 2532 prudence 5428; GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; 1:15 Wherefore 1223 5124 I also 2504, after I heard 191 5660 of 2596 your 5209 faith 4102 in 1722 the Lord 2962 Jesus 2424, and 2532 love 26 unto 1519 all 3956 the saints 40, 19  And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. BIBLE SEARCH SETTINGS. the heavens) | Tell others about this page. Condensed Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon OR Thayer's Greek Lexicon (Search by Strong's word number [e.g. 1:11 In 1722 whom 3739 also 2532 we have obtained an inheritance 2820 5681, being predestinated 4309 5685 according to 2596 the purpose 4286 of him who worketh 1754 5723 all things 3956 after 2596 the counsel 1012 of his own 846 will 2307: /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ 1:19 And 2532 what 5101 [is] the exceeding 5235 5723 greatness 3174 of his 846 power 1411 to 1519 us-ward 2248 who 3588 believe 4100 5723, according to 2596 the working 1753 of his 846 mighty 2479 power 2904,(his mighty power: Gr. believe strong's concordance. What does the (H8323 ) mean? Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon. google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; KJV: Great [is] Diana of the Ephesians. Pronounce: ho. 1. 1:4 According as 2531 he hath chosen 1586 5668 us 2248 in 1722 him 846 before 4253 the foundation 2602 of the world 2889, that we 2248 should be 1511 5750 holy 40 and 2532 without blame 299 before 2714 him 846 in 1722 love 26: 14  Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. Articles on Ephesians 1. Ephesians 1 NASB 1995 + Strong's. Ἐφέσιον — 1 Occ. 1:23 Which 3748 is 2076 5748 his 846 body 4983, the fulness 4138 of him that filleth 4137 5734 all 3956 in 1722 all 3956. KJV_Strongs 24 G3739 Who G3568 now G5463 rejoice [G5719] G1722 in G3450 my G3804 sufferings G5228 for G5216 you G2532 , and G466 fill up [G5719] G5303 that which is behind G2347 of the afflictions G5547 of Christ G1722 in G3450 my G4561 flesh G5228 for G846 his G4983 body's G5228 sake G3603 , which is [G5748] G1577 the church: , 1:18 The eyes 3788 of your 5216 understanding 1271 being enlightened 5461 5772; that 1519 ye 5209 may know 1492 5760 what 5101 is 2076 5748 the hope 1680 of his 846 calling 2821, and 2532 what 5101 the riches 4149 of the glory 1391 of his 846 inheritance 2817 in 1722 the saints 40, 9 And he; Ephesians 1:11 Or were made heirs 1:18 The eyes 3788 of your 5216 understanding 1271 being enlightened 5461 5772; that 1519 ye 5209 may know 1492 5760 what 5101 is 2076 5748 the hope 1680 of his 846 calling 2821, and 2532 what 5101 the riches 4149 of the glory 1391 of his 846 inheritance 2817 in 1722 the saints 40, GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Tools. 5:1 Be 1096 5737 ye 3402 0 therefore 3767 followers 3402 of God 2316, as 5613 dear 27 children 5043; 5:2 And 2532 walk 4043 5720 in 1722 love 26 , as 2531 Christ 5547 also 2532 hath loved 25 5656 us 2248 , and 2532 hath given 3860 5656 himself 1438 for 5228 us 2257 an offering 4376 and 2532 a sacrifice 2378 to God 2316 for 1519 a sweetsmelling 2175 savour 3744 . 1:22 And 2532 hath put 5293 5656 all 3956 [things] under 5259 his 846 feet 4228, and 2532 gave 1325 5656 him 846 [to be] the head 2776 over 5228 all 3956 [things] to the church 1577, Ephesians 3:9: "to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from" Philippians 1:5: "For your fellowship in the gospel from the first" Philippians 2:1: "if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels" Philippians 3:10: "resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his" • Wikipedia Article on the Epistle to the Ephesians . Also included links to commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, encyclopedia and lexicons. google_ad_width = 728; 1:19 And 2532 what 5101 [is] the exceeding 5235 5723 greatness 3174 of his 846 power 1411 to 1519 us-ward 2248 who 3588 believe 4100 5723, according to 2596 the working 1753 of his 846 mighty 2479 power 2904,(his mighty power: Gr. google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_width = 728; 1:17 That 2443 the God 2316 of our 2257 Lord 2962 Jesus 2424 Christ 5547, the Father 3962 of glory 1391, may give 1325 5632 5630 unto you 5213 the spirit 4151 of wisdom 4678 and 2532 revelation 602 in 1722 the knowledge 1922 of him 846:(in…: or, for the acknowledgement) //-->, 1:14 Which 3739 is 2076 5748 the earnest 728 of our 2257 inheritance 2817 until 1519 the redemption 629 of the purchased possession 4047, unto 1519 the praise 1868 of his 846 glory 1391. google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; 1:21 Far above 5231 all 3956 principality 746, and 2532 power 1849, and 2532 might 1411, and 2532 dominion 2963, and 2532 every 3956 name 3686 that is named 3687 5746, not 3756 only 3440 in 1722 this 5129 world 165, but 235 also 2532 in 1722 that which is to come 3195 5723: 1:11 In 1722 whom 3739 also 2532 we have obtained an inheritance 2820 5681, being predestinated 4309 5685 according to 2596 the purpose 4286 of him who worketh 1754 5723 all things 3956 after 2596 the counsel 1012 of his own 846 will 2307: PRINCIPAL'ITY, noun. 4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but () bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH 1:19 And 2532 what 5101 [is] the exceeding 5235 5723 greatness 3174 of his 846 power 1411 to 1519 us-ward 2248 who 3588 believe 4100 5723, according to 2596 the working 1753 of his 846 mighty 2479 power 2904,(his mighty power: Gr. 1:5 Having predestinated 4309 5660 us 2248 unto 1519 the adoption of children 5206 by 1223 Jesus 2424 Christ 5547 to 1519 himself 846, according 2596 to the good pleasure 2107 of his 846 will 2307, The introduction to the whole epistle, which is much the same as in others (v. 1, v. 2). It shows what people tend to look for the most based on Google searches for each verse. 1:22 And 2532 hath put 5293 5656 all 3956 [things] under 5259 his 846 feet 4228, and 2532 gave 1325 5656 him 846 [to be] the head 2776 over 5228 all 3956 [things] to the church 1577, 1:23 Which 3748 is 2076 5748 his 846 body 4983 , the fulness 4138 of him that filleth 4137 5734 all 3956 in 1722 all 3956 . google_ad_height = 90; 1:21 Far above 5231 all 3956 principality 746, and 2532 power 1849, and 2532 might 1411, and 2532 dominion 2963, and 2532 every 3956 name 3686 that is named 3687 5746, not 3756 only 3440 in 1722 this 5129 world 165, but 235 also 2532 in 1722 that which is to come 3195 5723: 1:1 Paul 3972, an apostle 652 of Jesus 2424 Christ 5547 by 1223 the will 2307 of God 2316, to the saints 40 which are 5607 5752 at 1722 Ephesus 2181, and 2532 to the faithful 4103 in 1722 Christ 5547 Jesus 2424: strongs concordance 19 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba. 23  Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. | Tell others about this page. ἐκ, VI. 1:16 Cease 3973 5731 not 3756 to give thanks 2168 5723 for 5228 you 5216, making 4160 5734 mention 3417 of you 5216 in 1909 my 3450 prayers 4335; GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH Ephesians 1:3 KJV_Strongs (i) 3 G2128 Blessed G2316 be the God G2532 and G3962 Father G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G3588 , who G2127 hath blessed [G5660] G2248 us G1722 with G3956 all G4152 spiritual G2129 blessings G1722 in G2032 heavenly G1722 places in G5547 Christ: