If this is indeed the case, its likely some type of AV block, but this can clearly be seen in any EKG. The doctors never really wanted to focus on that part, even though that seems serious to me. I already scheduled a doctor's visit. Heart palpitations are not uncommon and they are most often harmless. To ditto a lot of the comments already here: stress, messed up sleep patterns, and caffeine. Heart palpitations can certainly be associated with shortness of breath, that is, the two symptoms together without a serious condition being present. Not medical advice, I just wouldn't mess around with your heart if you get lightheaded after these bouts. *Echochardiogram after my very first ER visit with a panic attack 7yrs ago. I get them under stress, with caffiene, and when I sit with bad posture for long periods of time (upsets my stomach and causes me to panic). :). 1 EKG 6 years ago IS NOT SUFFICIENT. Have you cut back your caffeine/sugar to see if you're sensitive to those? i would say go have them checked out, just for peace of mind. Heart palps when I take allergy meds. I was having weird palpitations for a couple months a while back. This sense of abonormal rhythm sometimes can be felt in the neck too. I'll get light headed and kind of sluggish. I will be doing anything and all of a sudden my heart rate jumps through the roof. They may feel like your heart is racing, thumping or skipping beats. Why did it all start? It can even be that your levels are in the low range of normal but still cause you to have these symptoms. I also had an ultrasound of my heart afterward. It is hard for me to stop drinking delicious Mtn Dew and coffee, but I guess it would be for the best if I did stop. My doc told me sudden releases of adrenalin, or what he called "hormone farts", can cause this. Most of the time we barely even notice our heart is pumping, although sometimes it can give us a reminder when we exercise or experience something frightening. Instinctively, I jump up and begin to walk around with my hands on my head, in response to the "Fight or Flight" nerve response. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I have had several EKGs, actually one about every 6 months if not sooner. I have had palpitations for as long as I can remember. Your health is nothing to mess with. It is amazing though how panic attacks can simply be from an electrolyte problem. Seriously, why would you ask the internet for cardiology advice? You just got to calm yourself down by telling yourself "it's no big deal. i would have them really bad if i was having a panic attack, or if i was doing nothing. All have come back normal. People in Scotland can get help to stop smoking by calling Quit Your Way Scotland free on 0800 84 84 84 (7 days, 8.00am to 10.00pm) or visiting our smoking section Drinking large amounts of caffeine If this is the cause of your palpitations, it's sensible to try reducing your intake of caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, cola or energy drinks. It's the "I assure you..." thing. Parents are divorced, Lightning hit my house and started a fire - but no abuse or any kind of thing like that (well, I was a red haired geek, so kids were mean, but nothing that a good deal of the population doesn't deal with). I asked about anxiety/panic attacks/agoraphobia not too long ago. On most occasions, I get a "sinking" feeling for a moment, followed by an accelerated heart rate, only for a moment. Worth seeing a doc as it can put you at risk for many other problems from the clots that can develop. Heart palpitations can be a symptom of anxiety and not a major cause for concern — providing the person is aware of the trigger, and the palpitations stop when the anxiety subsides. You should call your doctor if your heart palpitations last longer than a few seconds at a time or occur frequently. I still can't get over my heart palpitations, though. Palpitations of the heart. Here's my record: *26yo M, non-smoker, don't drink, no illicit drugs, but obese (BMI=28, I think), *1 holter monitor for 24 hours (normal, about 2 months ago). Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology: "The acute effects of daily nicotine intake on heart rate--A toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic modeling study." They are usually associated with an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia). I was FUCKING PANICKING. I can be sitting in a desk and all of a sudden its like im running a marathon. Nicotine is another culprit. Palpitations are a sensation or awareness of your heart beating. They call it "excitability". Generally, when heart palpitations suddenly emerge the symptoms will fade away as nerves calm down.