She has deployed in “I enjoy public speaking, and I really feed off the audience’s reaction to whatever I might be presenting at the time,” Dickey said, “so talking to a camera in an empty room for more than an hour was a different experience. We fully realize that we are in a pandemic state and that some of you might not be able to bear this expense. Click here if you’d like to review the directions for creating a FOCUS Parent Portal account.. Click here to create a Focus Parent Portal account. The Hydrogen Vent Line Access Arm mated the External Tank's Ground Umbilical Carrier Plate (GUCP) to the launch pad hydrogen vent line. When I focused on who I was -- my foundations, my support, and my goals -- the storms didn't matter at all. Our Medical Professionals have reviewed the plans and verified training and supply stocks. The docked ship was used to feed and house Federal Emergency Management Agency personnel who volunteered to help with disaster relief efforts after Hurricane Maria impacted the region in October 2017. Not the most tasteful, nor visionary appealing, by far. The satellite is to provide Ku band and Ka band communication services for the Middle East and northern Africa, as well as for South Africa. I thought I had all four pillars of Comprehensive Airman Fitness covered. When we began the process there was a large voicing of approval and comments of “when can we contribute?.” Well, that time has definitely here! After several weeks of trial, error and success, the fellows were finally ready to field test their platform. I had a house. To perform its mission, the laboratory must be able to precisely isolate and purify specific radionuclides from a variety of environmental samples. But people would have more options to move between home and the office as needed. Audra Saldaña, founder of TechPays Foundation, accompanied her two sons, Xen and Xeric, to the science demos and was impressed by what she saw. As one of the first and few women in her field, she understands the importance of events like WiSE. Members of the Air Force Technical Applications Center here spent a day with Airmen of the 45th Security Forces Squadron to learn more about the law enforcement officers who patrol and protect the installation and its most critical resource: the people. But as challenging as it is to transfer the mission from one location to another, it’s even more taxing when we have to leave our families behind to deal with a major hurricane.” Tonya L. Cobarruviaz enlisted in the Air Force more than 16 years ago, little did she know she would spend 14 of those 16 years with the same organization. That’s the bottom line.”, By Susan A. Romano, AFTAC Public Affairs PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. While the facility itself is still called the Ciambrone Radiochemistry Laboratory, the official squadron designation is now the USAF Radiochemistry Laboratory, with Lt. Col. James Thomas as its commander. The loser becomes next year’s He added, “We lost a few trees, experienced some damage to our outdoor pavilion and had an HVAC system ripped from one of our warehouses, but overall I’d say the storm had a modest impact on our headquarters building. One way it accomplishes that mission is through the radar platforms aboard the Invincible. By Susan A. Romano, AFTAC Public Affairs PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. He will be sadly missed and well remembered by those whose lives he touched each and ever day. The newly-minted general officer has held a number of prestigious titles throughout his military career, including operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Chemical and Biological Intelligence Support Team, U.S. Transportation Command’s chief of deployment and distribution operations center, and most recently as deputy commander of the 143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command – the largest sustainment command in the U.S. Army. For the past 14 years, Zerbo and Kemerait have developed a long-standing professional relationship as well as a deep friendship. I’d gone through countless training sessions about the importance of resilience. “I was aware of the innovative work being accomplished here at AFTAC, but I didn’t know the exact projects your innovation lab was specifically working on. My wife Patti is also extremely excited to be Following a social hour, the assembly was then called to order. After all these years I am still a part of it again. Upshot–Knothole Grable was a nuclear weapons test conducted by the United States as part of Operation Upshot–Knothole. The commission also took the time to recognize Kemerait for being the only representative of any nation to have attended all 50 Working Group B sessions since its inception. It took between 40 to 50 hours to create the display. He also made me believe that all things are possible, even a treaty as complicated as the CTBT.” Air Force Commendation Medal It is also fulfilling to give back to the community and the school that have done so much for my own kids. was also an invocation by Chaplain Capt Williams and One is an external flow-through device called a U1B foil. The panel consisted of his research advisor, a representative from the dean’s office, and three members of the research committee. great job preparing and serving dinner. I’m just so overjoyed!” Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. That’s when happenstance entered into play. “Generally speaking, it’s a safe and effective means to controlling a subject without having to resort to deadly force,” said Chewy. Wells was part of FEMA's Surge Capacity Force that helped those affected by Hurricane Maria, a Category 5 storm that barreled through the Caribbean in September 2017. Each Harvester suite includes two sampling pods that collect radioactive particles and a gamma radiation sensor that helps guide the aircraft to a radioactive plume, according to a Sandia news release on a 2013 test aboard an MQ-9. The test by itself doesn't prove an ability to weaponize such a bomb. Establishing a video chat connection is no easy feat in a facility that goes to great lengths to protect its national security interests. Our long-term vision is bright, and we’re making it happen.” Frank became brought the AFTACAA “in tune and current” with the mission they once served in, and what is on the horizon for AFTAC By Susan A. Romano, AFTAC Public Affairs PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. When asked what the most memorable part of his involvement with WGB and the CTBTO has been, Kemerait paused and gave it great thought. The duo printed hexagons and pentagons and using wood dowels, they glued all the pieces together. In an emergency, the launch complex used a slidewire escape basket system for quick evacuation. The ship to which Wells referred was an aging Carnival Cruise Liner, the Fascination. “Twenty-four hours of sunlight was a blessing because we could accomplish so much work without worrying about darkness, but it was also somewhat disconcerting not knowing if it was 10 a.m. or 10 p.m.!” “From what I understand, this was the first time AFTAC has ever done something like this,” said Louise Goodwin, an AFTAC Key Spouse and wife of Lt. Col. Jeremy Goodwin. I knew everything at that time, At least I thought I did, and I turned it all down. As the CSAF said, squadrons are the basic building block of the Air Force that provide specific operational and support capabilities. The Airmen volunteered their off-duty time to serve as youth basketball coaches for a local recreational league. “The work we perform reaches all levels of government, to include President of the United States,” said Col. Jonathan VanNoord, 709th SAG commander. Thai and his team did an outstanding job and set the bar high for next year’s team. The inspection was part of AFTAC’s annual maintenance requirement at its numerous seismic locations around the globe. “Their mobile instrumentation platforms are one-of-a-kind systems with extremely critical performance characteristics,” Wittenberg said. But the “reward” didn’t always come easy to Clewis. “My squadron supports all information technology services that AFTAC needs to achieve operational success,” said Maj. Nathan Loyd, CYCS commander. basic training was a 12-month tour of duty in South injuries, some The Gaseous Oxygen Vent Arm positioned a hood, often called the "Beanie Cap", over the top of the external tank (ET) nose cone during fueling.[when?] The treaty monitoring center’s senior leader also expressed his gratitude for the amount of work that went into such a complex project. He spent 22 years serving our country – approximately half in each of the Army and Air Force. 2. The Melbourne OMNI Healthcare drive-thru coronavirus test facility opens to the public at 8 a.m. Tuesday. They decided to form a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so they could take in donations to build a memorial just outside of the new building. Hartman extended his thanks not only to his own AFTAC team, but also to the members of the 45th Space Wing, Patrick AFB’s host organization. He said, ‘Your job in the gym is to make others stronger by any means necessary, and their job is to make you stronger by any means necessary.’ If any of my fellow Airmen need some extra motivation at the gym, let me know – my job will be to help make you stronger!”. Employs data modeling techniques and develops code in MATLAB/IDL/Python to evaluate and analyze sensor data, enabling high resolution signature development and characterization. “General O’Brien and Chief Cadell’s visit to AFTAC was very much appreciated. SEAN P. RYAN NOTE: (From Post Monitor Editor) It was a spectacular day and the alumni association was proud to be a part of the beverage dispensing group. She was totally supportive from the start, and I’m glad I was able to be a part of the effort.” Gorski took family members into high consideration as storm preparations were underway. But it came on the heels of missile tests that have heightened fears that North Korean missiles might now be able to reach the U.S. The Airmen of the 709th TMXS conduct depot and in-field maintenance, track sensor network performance, and provides technical assistance to the Systems Development Directorate. In an interview after his presentation, Joseph touted the importance of the R&D Forum and how it benefits not just those in attendance, but the Air Force as a whole. Diversity of thought is vital to strategic problem solving, and that includes the Arts.” AFTAC’s WiSE program coordinator Maj. Mandi Fuller, was proud of the work her team accomplished to make the event a continued success, and was touched that the program is achieving its goal. Her long fight with cancer ended for her with her husband and daughter at her side. I hope the boys had as much fun as we did, and I’m very proud of all the AFTAC volunteers who came out on their day off to make this a first-class event. 3. “He introduced himself as the command chief for the Air Force Technical Applications Center, and said his commander was very interested in having me on his team at Patrick AFB. James “Griff” Griffieth, a frequent AFTAC STEM volunteer, explained why he thinks it’s important to stay engaged with the youth of today. I was reminded of the most precious gift I ever received -- the love and acceptance of my holy father, through his son Jesus Christ. “Sometimes, however, their ideas simply don’t come to fruition, whether that’s due to a design flaw, engineering obstacle, or even a lack of resources. Those actions don’t come without a great deal of challenging-but-mandatory requirements. Math and science have always been a passion of hers, and she definitely applies her knowledge in her everyday responsibilities at AFTAC. A team of Airmen from the Air Force Technical Applications Center’s Central Repair Facility here used innovation to develop a solution to mitigate hardware failures to their seismic arrays around the world. “Our 24/7 global support team stands ready to serve. “They have no power, no running water, limited transportation, little food, and the damage is unimaginable.” Just a few hours after he came into the world, he passed away. I can’t say enough about the men and women from AFTAC. They realized the lab supplies could also be used to disinfect the rest rooms and floors throughout the headquarters building as well as in the lab, which allowed for uninterrupted mission flow without putting Airmen in harm’s way or inadvertently furthering the spread of the virus by having a contracted crew to come into the facility for general purpose cleaning. Michael J. Marcus, Wall of Honor SelecteesClick a name to see biography. I will not relate any of the resultant repartee; you can all use your own imaginations You know most of the guys, and you probably know a few of the wives. The Air Force Technical Applications Center, headquartered at Patrick AFB, Fla., is a highly-technical organization made up of scientists, technicians, engineers and analysts whose role is to detect, identify, analyze and report nuclear detonations underground, in the atmosphere, underwater or in space. treated to a HQ Building and ‘Hall of Heritage’ tour by Col Tuner closed the presentations with a recap “From his reaction, I think the colonel was pleased with our work!” said Ross. I know I’ve certainly needed them. (U.S. Air Force photo by Susan A. Romano), Airman 1st Class Mitchell Kirkpatrick, a measurements technician at the Ciambrone Radiochemistry Laboratory, Patrick AFB, Fla., carefully places a sample onto a gamma ray detector to check for radioactive debris from an environmental sample. The 38,000 square foot facility is manned by scientists of varying backgrounds – chemists, physicists, nuclear engineers, radiation safety – and their primary focus is simple: determine if effluents from a potential nuclear explosion are present in environmental samples collected globally by AFTAC personnel. “AFTAC was in a hard place with limited cleaning supplies, and we knew it would be weeks – possibly months – before the supply chain would catch up to the demand. many years he has been the key person obtaining refreshments, In 1964, he was selected to attend AFTAC's year long "Q" systems class at Lowry. time and service. Jeremy Hannah, Senior Airman Andrew Pouncy and Staff Sgt. It’s a critical mission that has national command authority interest, and the Airmen who maintain the precision equipment take their role in global nuclear event detection very seriously. “We are looking forward to providing the support they needs as a COOP location and a lasting Air Force partnership on the installation. Sgt. Light is a trained and certified mission commander aboard USNS Howard O. Lorenzen, one of two naval ships that conduct ballistic missile surveillance operations for the Department of Defense's sole nuclear treaty monitoring center. Since becoming a wing equivalent, AFTAC activated five newly-designated squadrons in October 2015 to better align with the wing structure. Launch Complex 39 consists of three launch sub-complexes or "pads"—39A, 39B, and 39C—a Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), a Crawlerway used by crawler-transporters to carry mobile launcher platforms between the VAB and the pads, Orbiter Processing Facility buildings, a Launch Control Center which contains the firing rooms, a news facility famous for the iconic countdown clock seen in television coverage and photos, and various logistical and operational support buildings. Clicking on the other small maps will change the larger map to show that indicated data. “The students in my group ranged from 3rd to 5th grade,” said Freeman. As graduation loomed in the near distance, she kept a goal she set for herself at the forefront of her mind. He added, “Because of this critical need and role, our laboratory must be ready at any given time. “My grandparents joined us, so there were six of us living in very close quarters,” he explained. The attendance was a little sparse (in my opinion) I counted 12 people in uniform. But that’s wasn’t enough for him, so he went to the next level. For screening and registration, call 321-802-5515 or 321-727-1973. I’m excited for them, especially since it’s not an easy badge to get. “At the Space Force, our grand mission is to keep humanity safe – safe for all those who’ve made those small steps thus far, and all those steps yet untrod,” she said. “I have been able to demonstrate how the development process can foster greater innovation and better teamwork. It was a GREAT turnout by the AFTAC Alumni Association members! With the help of members of the Air Force Technical Applications Center, children and adults alike were drawn to synchronized music emanating from a Tesla coil on display at the National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers annual conference Sept. 17-18 in Orlando. P.O. It doesn’t get much better than that!”. I thought I was resilient. Regards to all, The Innovation Lab has grown exponentially since its inception and has been benchmarked by other organizations throughout the Air Force. Harris spent time with each AFTAC Airman to observe their demos and find out more about their role in nuclear treaty monitoring. DOH drive-thru tests Col. Steven M. Gorski, commander of AFTAC, emphasized Loyd’s comment on the need to focus on cyberspace defense. She said, ‘Please don’t enlist. “It all came out from there,” she said. “We appreciate the time these gentlemen took out of their schedule to learn more about AFTAC’s role in nuclear event detection and nuclear treaty monitoring, and we hope they’ll come back again for another update on our evolving global responsibilities.”. Eighteen military and civilian personnel of AFTAC’s 21st Surveillance Squadron teamed up with cops July 30 to get an up-close-and-personal look into how base law enforcement trains in shoot/no-shoot scenarios and to experience what it feels like to be stunned by a Taser. Joe Johnson, West Coast Alumni Chapter Vice President is shown presenting Butch with the traditional AOY polo shirt. “This alignment allows us to optimize our focal point for command and control of our around-the-clock surveillance mission.” (U.S. Air Force photo by Susan A. Romano), Senior Airman Nam Tran, a deployed analysis system technician with the 21st Surveillance Squadron, reacts to voltage from a conducted electrical weapon delivered by James “Chewy” Chenoweth, a security forces trainer with the 45th Security Forces Squadron. The back of the medallion has a personalized inscription that reads, “Let this medallion signify its recipient is a member of an elite and noble group of Airmen who stand in silent vigil for the good of all humankind.” (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Oobleck, a term taken from a Dr. Seuss book, is a non-Newtonian fluid – a concoction of corn starch and water that, when mixed together, forms a substance that acts differently from a normal liquid and normal solid.